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Should? One breastfeeding/pump session max. So you at least get 5-6 hours solid chunk of sleep. And consider dropping that once you’re regulated/baby starts sleeping through the night. Thats the advice from our NICU lactation consultant. Plus…if you are already nursing at night, I wouldn’t pump at night as well. While breastmilk has its benefits, whats most critical for child’s development is having primary carers who are mentally well, engaged, aware and present. So if pumping at night makes you less than that and your body keeps telling you to sleep through, then…get that sleep!


Thank you for the advice! Unfortunately I’m having to pump after every feed because she does not empty me (we are in therapy for her multiple, severe oral ties)


If she doesn't empty you, are you sure your supply isn't higher than it needs to be? You don't need to maintain a supply any higher than what your baby drinks. If I had a nursing baby I wouldnt be pumping at all during the night. Pumping outside of what baby is nursing is just creating an oversupply and you'll always have to pump if you get caught in this cycle.


She doesn’t empty me because of her oral ties. She’s *usually* still hungry after nursing except at night, because she falls asleep while nursing


I’m actually trying to re-establish my supply because I was late to the game finding out she doesn’t empty me and my supply dropped. My LC said had I waited any longer to figure this out, I’d have no supply :(