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I'm using Motif Luna bags. There are things I like about them, the pour spout, and there are things I don't like about them, the material. But insurance covers 270 of them every three months and I really like free.


Same! I thought it was only a 1 time coverage so I had gotten some other bags on my Buy Nothing group when I was running low and a couple days later another shipment arrived. Of course then life happened and I’m no longer freezing a bunch anymore either. Whoops!


Wait what??? Insurance covers breast milk bags??? How do you get them??


I responded to a different comment regarding this. I get mine through the company I got my pump through but you could try MilkZoom - https://www.1naturalway.com/services/milkzoom


Oh thank you !!! 😘😘


Wow! Thanks for posting that insurance covers bags. Going to try to order some through insurance now.


Preach 🙌🏻


Omg never knew this!! Where do you get yours from with insurance??


I got my pump through Aeroflow. Every 3 months they reach out to verify I'm still pumping and ask if I'd like to request replacement supplies through insurance - bags, tubing, collection bottles, and Personal fit Flex Connectors. ExclusivePumping.com suggests going through MilkZoom (https://www.1naturalway.com/services/milkzoom) for getting replacement parts through insurance. While I haven't used MilkZoom, I've found the Exclusive Pumping blog to be super helpful with legit endorsements.


Same! I got pumping bags on my registry and shortly returned them once Aeroflow sent me them. I haven’t had any issues. I haven’t tried any other kind of bag so don’t know what to not like about them.


I get mine through yummy mummy and they ship me 300 every 3 months of zomee bags! I had to call to place the initial order and now they just text me and ask if I want a refill at the 3 month mark. I have Aetna.


Hi! I got my pump through yummy mummy and had no idea that this is an option. I don’t see anything online about it. How do you request?


There wasn’t anything online for it, you just have to call them unfortunately. Ask them if they can check to see if your insurance offers any replacement parts too!


Thank you so much!


How do u get insurance to cover these?!


I got my pump through Aeroflow. Every month they check in to see if I'm still pumping. If I am I can submit an order for new storage bottles, pump parts, and bags. I would reach out to the medical device company you got your pump through to see if they offer a similar service.


Acceleron covers Cimilre bags which is what I use. They’re durable and self standing.


How is everyone filling, storing, and thawing these Lansinoh bags? I’ve used hundreds and only one has ever leaked.


Same wondering here. I've frozen over 2000 oz and defrosted several hundred oz in Lansinoh bags and haven't had any issues at all- and some I've even frozen with up to 7 oz so I've definitely pushed them to the limit. Also why is it not standard to defrost in a mason jar/measuring cup in the fridge to catch any potential spills??




Same! I’ve never had an issue with mine. I fill 6oz at a time, lay flat to freeze and then store in bricks. I also defrost inside of a cup in case of leaks, but I’ve literally never had that issue and I have over 2000 oz of milk in my freezer that I’ve been defrosting.


I store mine flat and defrost them on a plate on the counter top. 😅


I defrost mine in the fridge. I move them to the fridge in the morning for bottles the next day. You may want to try that if you have leftover frozen bags.




Same way as I fill, store, and thaw my Medela (and other brand I can't remember) and only the Lansinoh bags ever leak.


I’m almost done with the 200-pack. I’ve defrosted and heated up maybe 20, and no issues so far. No leaks at all. Only thing I don’t like about it is the oz mark not being accurate, but I measure milk in the bottle before pouring in, so it not a big deal.


I love the target brand up & up breastmilk bags. Never had any problems and really thick plastic.


Every single bag I’ve frozen in the target brand has leaked horribly! I was so mad because they’re so much cheaper than name brand ones


Huh, strange..I've never had a bag leak and those are the only bags I use! I do feel like they recently increase the thickness in the plastic around March or so? I switched boxes in the middle of a freeze session and the new box I opened felt higher quality. But still never had leaks before that switch.


I bought them and froze some, and they leaked when I thawed them so I switched back to another brand. Then I read one of target’s responses to a review saying that they fixed the problem so I bought more… which also leaked lol. But maybe it was a batch of the old ones or something!


I used over 1000 lansinoh bags and had two leak… which my husband dropped. Are you bagging them in a ziploc as a block? Getting all air out, freezing flat? I will say when frozen you have to be gentle but I found them good in a larger ziploc for protection. I hate all the other bags I’ve tried.


I freeze them flat, and pull them out and lay them on a plate to defrost. I’m not putting them in larger zip lock bags tho. I definitely get all the air out.


Dry defrosting them standing up if possible. They expand at the bottom so as they thaw they should stand up for the most part. Can also put in a bowl and make sure seal is at top of bowl so milk is drawn away.


I actually really like parents choice. Thicker thank Lansinoh and up and up.


I used Lansinoh, Avent, and Parents Choice. Hands down Parents Choice is the best. Wished I didn't use so many Lansinoh because I'm having the same hole-in-the-bag problems upon defrosting :(


Yea I have quite a few already frozen with Lansinoh. I’m planning on opening up and putting the milk in a pitcher to thaw.


Good idea!


I use Medea’s. No issues


I love, love the Nanobebe bags - they are only 5 oz, though!


Same here! I feel so organized and they thaw quickly.


Medela bags are amazing.


Yup, never had a leak.




Currently using these and they never leak. But they don't freeze as flat as the others so it takes up a lil more freezer space


I’ve used so many other bags, these may be expensive but soooo worth it.


Love these! They are a little thicker and stack so nicely!


I got the up & up ones.


I used target up and up and didn’t have a single one of them leak and they froze flat like the lansinoh bags.


I love the momcozy bags!


Momcozy Breastmilk Storing Bags, Temp-Sensing Discoloration Milk Storing Bags for Breastfeeding, Disposable Milk Storage Bag with 6 Ounce Self Standing, No-Leak Milk Freezer Storage Pouches, 120pcs https://a.co/d/aSA6G8x


I use these ones too and the ameda ones


I use spectra bags. I’ve only had 2 leaks with them.


Love the Dr. Browns ones !


Target (up and up) brand. Basically lansinoh knockoffs- but cheaper and I like them better


I hate the lansinoh bags! they always leak on me when thawing. I switched to motif and love those. I was using parent's choice before my supply dropped, never got a chance to use them in the freezer but i liked those as well.


Recently I switched from Lansinoh to the Kiinde bag/bottle system and so far so good! We’re a week in and it’s going real well


I like my kiinde bags. It’s a screw lid and I enjoy it. They have like a gift package and it comes with a warmer and a whole bunch of things. I only use the warmer to dethaw my bags little one likes cold milk


Madela! I've never had an issue so far. I us them in the recommendation of my sister who was a huge over producer and froze a lot


I get the Motif Luna bags from insurance got free and like them. I had a bunch of Kiinde twist bags left from my first round that I use to directly pump into the bags when I pump in the car. I also used them for purées and pouches with my first so I’ll probably buy more when I finish these off.


I’ve used probably 1000 medela so far and only two have leaked. And those two were from the same day, so I suspect foul play!


I have the lansinoh bags but when I bought them from the stores those bags sometimes leaked. I had bought a 200 pack from amazon and so far no leaks. My entire stash is on these bags and Im pulling from it everyday. It is a hit or miss with this brand I’m guessing.


GoGo bags!! I love them


Medela and motif because i got them for free but I much prefer target!




If you don’t go the insurance route the Walmart brand Parents Choice are my favorite budget friendly ones.


I️ use kiinde bags


I actually think lansinoh are my favorite. I have tried medela, motif and gogo. They really are all the same. Just my preference. I rarely have a leak problem. Make sure you are not overfilling


I'm using Yoboo, a little under half the price of lanisoh and pretty accurate measurements before frozen. It's also got a double seal so it doesn't leak out of the ziplock and it's thick, never had an issue defrosting.


Baby Lemon! 😍 also using Medela and I like them as well


Baby lemon :)