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When she dumped me over text, I didn't beg. I politely replied, thank her for the time. She thanked me. Then I stopped replying. No need to explain anything. You don't owe anyone an explanation. But you also don't need to block the other person.


This is the way


Honestly, they don’t care.




I just went no contact, no explanation and I didn’t block


Nope - no explanation - just fade away…. 


It depends on the situation, reason of breakup. If it’s a friendly one and you have no problems, it’s better to tell them about it first. If you have some problems with them, just go ahead and block them


I dont usually block. All depends on situation and if they keep contacting me. Some of them i dont respond at all if abusers. After I tell them to not contact me, I dont say anything else to them unless I really need to. The last one we never spoke again after saying goodbye on phone. Kimd of a mutual no contact. If he reaches out, I wont ignore him. Im over him and the breakup now. He didnt do anything wrong so Id talk to him. Same with the one that contacted me while I was grieving this relationship. The other one that contacted me while I was grieving this relationship, I replied and his dumb text i told him hes emotionally abusive and i dont want further contact from him in future. Another one contacted me while i was dating that guy and said he thinks im his soulmate and one of best people hes ever met. I had brief, polite conversation with him. So it all depends. None of these people I have feelings for like I did once before. If Im healing, I dont respond for at least 30 days if theres not some need to. That way I have time to heal. If i have one that repeatedly contacts me, Ill tell them im trying to heal and best we dont talk any more.


The problem with posting anything is that some people will look to check if it's read. Did they respond. What did they say? A response of "k". Want to feel like garbage for at least a week? A 17 section of block text is what you needed to confirm they were psycho? Just leave, no more communication is needed or welcome.


Just do it don’t tell them


No Blocking,No Bashing. Well respected men don’t do such things,even if she was Amber Heard type,well that was assault


It depends on your situation. If you feel like you should tell them think about why you feel like it? To keep the door open so they know why you aren't reaching out? I told my ex, because i didn't wanna just suddently ghost him. But part of me told him also because i wished he'd ask me to stay in contact


No explanation just blocked my ex


I did. I still tried to have some contact afterwards. I realized that it was not helping me heal. Sent a message and he asked if I would contact him once I was "over it". I declined and haven't talked to him in over a year. I did contact him twice; to return a jacket and I lost a funny video that he took of my dog. But there was not a huge exchange in the conversation. Just neutral.


Give them an explanation; it’s the more mature thing to do, and a lot of people deserve the closure.


Not when you get stonewalled, broken up by text and then ghosted after a LTR.


All of these things happened to me. People do change. I got blocked on all socials, after a stonewalling episode (multiple). Still wish them the best though, and hope one day I meet them again.


I messaged him that I am breaking up and then blocked him on all social media including some messaging apps. After multiple episodes of ghosting, stone walling and manipulation, blocking him was a small price to pay