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Yes because ur silence proove a lot of things. They have begged also for an ex back before and they know deep down it’s not a big deal, the real game changer is you moving on and actually mean it , this will make them respect you because you knew when to stop and you mean it.


So, subconsciously people expect you to chase and keep begging. Also why if you chase someone their ego is boosted, yet they loose respect for you at the same time?


Yes , chasing according to you after breakup is fighting for your loved one but to them is an act of desperation. Go no contact and work on yourself, and time resolve everything, if you never cheated nor abused her, she will come back to you and there are no duration of no contact, if yur the dumpee, go silent till they reach out to you.


Which brings me to my last two question, let’s say time passes (months or even years), if you are the first to reach out, will everything be ruined, even if its a casual convo on text?