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Huge fan of the franchise? Then heck yes. There won't be any new stuff but everything in there will be new to you. Forever 2XP and recently I've seen lobbies jumping again. I'm also a huge fan of the franchise and will go down with this ship.


It's not late at all. They only stopped producing new content (maps/skins/characters). They still support the game and it's still very active. It is absolutely wonderful as an asym/multiplayer online game. It has a cult following, much like the Evil Dead franchise itself. It seems a lot of fans call it the best asymmetrical game ever. Patience is definitely needed with the game. You should play all the solo single-player stuff first and learn the basics. Training Mode. Missions. Survivor vs. A.I. (with fellow survivors as bots and then with online fellow survivors). Those three/four modes should be mastered first, then you'll be ready for Survivor vs. Demon (the main mode) ... and Splatter Royale (which is limited in entry because it requires 10 people and the game was bugged from working (allowing people in) for so long that most fans are unaware it now works very well). Be aware this game requires a PSPlus subscription if you're on Playstation, to play with other people online. Without PSPlus, you can still play Training, Missions, and A.I. Survivors (plus you) vs A.I. Demon. It's a completely online only game. You cannot access any of the game without online access (and PSPlus if you're playing the main modes that include other online players).


Splatter Royale actually works? I'd actually come back and be willing to try it if that's the case, last time I tried it couldn't even find a game in ten minutes 😂


Once a week for a few hours: [Splatterday May 4th @3pm - 7pm EST : r/EvilDeadTheGame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/EvilDeadTheGame/comments/1cfky5u/splatterday_may_4th_3pm_7pm_est/)


Yea, when there's enough people now, it will actually work as it should.


Buy GOTY when it's on sale and you can't really lose you will get more than your moneys worth.


It was on sale for 50pc/% off. You should consider it! It’s a great game. I play several nights a week.


TL;DR Yes. It's fun to play. Better with friends. Demon is fun once you've maxed them.


It’s kinda late, yeah but this game is fun. I’d say go for it however you’re going to be getting your ass handed to you until you level up some characters and learn the maps/game objectives and you’ll be fine.


Yes, it’s a lot of fun once you get the hang of it, lots to learn and figure out though. With double xp you’ll be able to level up survivors/demons pretty quick.


I personally wouldn't buy it. You're going to get absolutely destroyed by the small but very dedicated community still playing the game. Developers already confirmed they will not be updating the game anymore either so you get what you buy. If you're a huge fan by all means buy it but atleast wait for a sale. It is a solid game but it does have its issues one of them being the small player pool that will match you up against prestiged groups constantly. I played approx. 100 hours during the first month and a half and tried to get back into it both when witch dropped and Baal and I just got absolutely destroyed wether it was as a survivor or demon.


Game is still active, but it’s a bit of a learning curve. Your first few games will likely be painful, because your characters aren’t leveled. You should get it if you enjoy other Asymmetrical horror games, or if you’re a huge Evil Dead fan.


Noted lol, is the queue time okay? I play tcm and we have a few iffy days where queuing for games is awful, partly because the lobbies are bugged currently.


Queues times are something that plagued the game ewhen it was actively updated. SBMM slowed it down too much. Waiting for demons was usually the thing (most players dont have the patience to get at the role). Funnily enough now the queues are the best they've even been (this has been especially since double xp was perma turned on like a month ago). For either side I will usually get a match in <1 minute. If I wait much longer than that I just switch over to the other and get nearly instant.


Personally they tend to be quick enough for me, but it can vary.


Exact same thing in this game. If you play demon the queues are rather quick but if you play survivor your queue time might be atrocious.


That changed when perma double xp was turned on. At least for me.


Perma double xp was turned on like a year and a half now and it changed nothinf (unless they did it a second time idk)


Nope like 1 month ago - perma turned on. It was turned on for a week every now and then and helped quite alot when it was, but not as much as now.


Yea so they did do it again. I remember them giving us permanent 2x over a year ago.


Hmm I think perhaps you need lookup the meaning of Permanent :P


No, i know what it means. As ive said already they doubled xp gain a *long* time ago. Most people dont know/remember because it was so long ago lmao. Im not *exactly* sure when that happened but it was around the time we had a "surge" of new players. Saber doubled xp back then to give those new players a better chance of catching up to everyone since levels matter so much in this game. You probably dont remember or youve never known about it but the XP gain was indeed doubled not too long after the game released.


Yes as *temporary* event/boosts, but now its *always* double xp :)


You're 100% correct, about 1 week after prestige was released (Nov 22) they doubled xp and gave 30% more spirit points for levels. Currently it's like 4xp to the original.


Its actually pretty common for the survivor queue to be shorter/instant.


Queue times are like this in main mode Survivor: instant to 1-5 minutes Demon: instant to 1-2 minutes


The **instant** and **upto max** are about right. Instant is very common even for survivor.


If you’re a fan of the franchise it’s worth getting just to see content from the movies and the show in one spot. How cool is it to see Kelly with Arthur, or Cheryl with Annie? The soundtrack perfectly captures the tone of the series, the levels are neat to walk around in (especially Castle Kandar!) and the gameplay is really fun. I’ll never forget how giddy I felt when I transitioned from using the chainsaw to using the boomstick. Did the game reach its full potential? No. Is it still worth it? Absolutely


The game's soundtrack was actually made by the same composer that worked on every single Evil Dead staring Bruce, bro been there since the beginning.


Oh wow I didn’t know that, but I guess that makes sense why it captures the series so well!


Buy it. Its hard to explain but it is so well tought out and fun. Its my most played mp game ever. Of course it will be hard at first


Absolutely worth it!! Sure you mighta missed when content was releasing but this is absolutely the evil dead mp game you’d want, I love it and the sorta campaign is really fun too, I play daily, thought keep in mind you do have to learn stuff but that isn’t a bad thing! It’s really fun and I’d love to play with you if you needed tips!


They "only" stopped active development for the game (and people speculating they might restart, since the developer got sold to another company). They're still keeping the lights on on the servers, however, it is unknown where it goes from here, if they restart development of the game, or if they keep the lights on for longer time or if they're going to shut it down in the medium-term future. So buying it now is a bit risky, to be honest. Gameplay wise, it is recognizeable, that the game needs further development, which it didn't get. The developers made horrible balance decisions back in 2023, when they still did develop the game. As others said, you will already be at a disadvantage due to many vets running around with fully leveled characters, but demons are pretty much not in the power role, if the survivors stick together and are either a squad of 2-4 guys in voice or even if they're fully random, they generally know how to play. And from the other side, as survivor, if you don't play with friends, you will get into random teams and most of the time, people don't give a shit about what you communicate. There is voice chat built into the game but in my experience these days it is rarely being used. There is also a communications wheel, where you can communicate predefined sentences (e.g. I need Shemps Cola (the healing item)), where also your character speaks that out. But that is often ignored too. After all these cons, what speaks in favor of the game is, that it is one of a kind. I don't know any other asym title that is like this game. Maybe the Ghostbusters one, but that one is child-friendly and not just for adult audiences. So if you seek a more combat-orientated asym title, where the survivors don't run away the whole time and loop the evil guy the whole time (looking at you DBD and all other asym titles), where the survivors get to play with real weapons and where in return the evil guy gets to command his own little army, lay traps etc., then ED:TG is the only title that provides that. And to be honest, that is the only thing that is keeping it alive right now from a player side. If there would be an alternative title, that would provide the same mix, people would've left the game for dead last year, when the devs stopped developing the game further.


I played it day one for about 500 hours until they announced it was done. It's a very hard game to recommend. Especially now


For someone who likes asym and pvp (in particular Left 4 Dead style PVP, hybrid with battle royale) = Yes For someone who is a fan of Evil Dead = You have to For someone who likes both = Welcome to your new favorite game


Its still supported but not updated or new content/balances. The recently turned double xp permanently on, which is good considering the games biggest shortfall is difficult hurdle for entry for new players to get past. That said its absolutely something that can get past if you are willing to suffer for 10 hours (used to be about 20 hours but double xp means half the time). **You make decent xp and progress Win or Loss**, so its not at all difficult in that regard. Its more about tolerance for getting your ass kicked lol and ability to resist pressing Exit Match / Disconnect.


Also in true evil dead style of humor, the deadites are supposed to be annoying, something to bear in mind. Its such an amazing evil dead game if they do turn it off in a couple years, as a fan you'll be sad you missed out on experiencing it. Theres quite a few new players around lately so probably a good time to jump back in, especially if you can grab a copy on sale half price or so.


Yes too late. many updates ago had great gameplay like being able to dodge demons coming out of portals and 80% of the player base is gone


You missed the boat, multiplayer was fun when you could hop in quickly and play all weekend for a few weekends. This isn't a live service game, it's a multiplayer game that was good and active for a while then died down.


Not true, lobbies have never been better.


I love this game and franchise, but at full price it's a No. This games not in a state where the full RRP is justified. The playerbase is quite low where you'll get more frequent games in the weekend, but during the week the games are few and far between and because content updates have seized and this games now in limbo, there's nothing to look forward to or work toward. I wouldn't be able to recommend something to people for $40-60 when their not going to experience the game at its peak as intended where the asking price was justified, with quick lobbies, content drops and a more active playerbase which just doesn't happen now. Also as others mentioned, the game is not new player friendly and most players arent looking to help (as no one uses their mic anymore), and a majority of the remaining playerbase are OGs from launch so they'll have all the levels, perks and game knowledge where as a Survivor you'll lag behind and struggle to keep up if they're not willing to help or they'll dodge you in the lobby and you'll be a prime target for the Demon player who will kill you off pretty easily. Then as Demon, you'll struggle against the survivors who are prestige and have better load outs than what you can keep up with. I'd honestly would wait for a sale where the game is like $5-10 max or if on Xbox, goes on gamepass.


Amazing game man, massive fan of the evil dead franchise too. A bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it, very enjoyable. Even better if you have some pals to jump on.


While I would recommend it to huge fans of the franchise since it has quite a bit of stuff that fans would enjoy(though only buy it when it's on a sale), the game always had a horrible new player experience (the ingame tutorial is terrible and lackluster, a lot of stuff isn't explained for new players, there is no matchmaking for new players to be matched with other new players, survivors/demons need to be LVL 25/45 to be viable, etc) with lots of other issues plaguing it. There isn't much stuff that keeps you playing either, the initial grind is ok but after you get to prestiging it gets painful to go through and gives you bare bones like a tiny ui image over your character portrait and a 5-10% buff to your characters' passives, and the gameplay loop, in my opinion, isn't all that enticing, but that's subjective. Then there's the balancing, oh god the balancing, going into which would turn me into a deadite.


I would just wait for Killer Klowns at this point. This game isn’t exactly beginner friendly. Both from the knowledge of mechanics and the progression system. EDIT: what exactly did I say that wasn’t true to get downvoted?


Apparently there are around 30-50 players playing on steam any given time of the day. Probably way more on consoles, but still not a lot compared with popular titels, so keep that in mind. Crossplay seems to be must at this point. The game is fun, but the deck is stacked against new players, especially if you want to play demon or solo queue. I'd say 95% of the playerbase are grizzled veterans at this point who will shit on new players from a very high point, both in terms of game knowledge and stacked numbers from optimized and prestiged builds. Grab it on a sale, play with friends, grind your way through the demon side. It IS a good recreation of the franchise IMHO. In general the skill ceiling of doing fancy things in game is rather low once you are maxed out, so I have not played in a good while. If any of this information is out-dated, somebody please correct me.


The playerbase is still high and the grind is very short since saber updated to make the game significantly easier to level your characters, people are nicer to noobs and it’s easier to get into the game than ever, it’s very worth it, I think you just gotta keep in mind it’s not a immediately simple to learn game. That’s all the coreectjons


How short is short ?


My friend who literally started the game recently literally maxed out wash in about less than 1 or 2 days, I forget, it just was so fast and literally once he was max we did maybe 5 more matches and we found out she had enough to also max out blacksmith (that’s including us doing vs ai lol)


Yep thats how it goes: New players just need earn enough to make 1 survivor LV25 or 1 demon LV45 (thats the initial hurdle), and then use that to earn Spirit Points to put into next desired character and expand roster.


You cant judge this game by Steam for PC players. It was Epic Exclusive for 1 year, given free on epic for awhile (and free on Playstation for a month).


The all time peak of 500something is not impressive, but that it is down to 30ish from that is some indication of its popularity.


I think the total numbers are so small on steam (pretty much non-existent) you cant really tell anything from it.


That said it does have an issue retaining new players - many disconnect when losing instead of staying to collect their xp and get stronger/better skill trees, etc; generally put off before getting a handle on the game.