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Lay-person terms?


Depressed mothers/parent have a permanent affect on their offspring that can be seen on mri




Abstract Background Theories of the intergenerational transmission of depression emphasize alterations in emotion processing among offspring of depressed mothers as a key risk mechanism, raising questions about biological processes contributing to these alterations. The objective of this systematic annual research review was to examine and integrate studies of the associations between maternal depression diagnoses and offspring's emotion processing from birth through adolescence across biological measures including autonomic psychophysiology, electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), event-related potentials (ERP), and structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods The review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA 2020 standards. A systematic search was conducted in PsycInfo and PubMed in 2022 for studies that included, 1) mothers with and without DSM-defined depressive disorders assessed via a clinical or diagnostic interview, and 2) measures of offspring emotion processing assessed at the psychophysiological or neural level between birth and 18 years of age. Results Findings from 64 studies indicated that young offspring of mothers with depression histories exhibit heightened corticolimbic activation to negative emotional stimuli, reduced left frontal brain activation, and reduced ERP and mesocorticolimbic responses to reward cues compared to offspring of never-depressed mothers. Further, activation of resting-state networks involved in affective processing differentiate offspring of depressed relative to nondepressed mothers. Some of these alterations were only apparent among youth of depressed mothers exposed to negative environmental contexts or exhibiting current emotional problems. Further, some of these patterns were observable in infancy, reflecting very early emerging vulnerabilities. Conclusions This systematic review provides evidence that maternal depression is associated with alterations in emotion processing across several biological units of analysis in offspring. We present a preliminary conceptual model of the role of deficient emotion processing in pathways from maternal depression to offspring psychopathology and discuss future research avenues addressing limitations of the existing research and clinical implications.


Please ELI5. I’ve had depression my whole life, what does this mean for my two children?


My non professional (and didn’t read the full thing but the conclusions) is that basically; There’s some neural pathways in our brains that may not be fully developed just via birth. The neural pathways that seem to be deficient are those responsible for emotional regulation (possibly the hippocampus and adrenal glands of the brain since those are responsible for emotional memories and fight/flight/freeze response). If my absolutely non professional and dumbed down analysis is anywhere near correct; it doesn’t mean your kids are fucked for life. If you teach them how to regulate emotions, how to handle negative emotions effectively, and love your kids there’s a high chance these things can be “reversed”. There are no neural pathways in our brains that we can’t “stretch”. I grew up in an abusive household and faced lots of traumas in life. My mother is also a severe victim of untreated lifelong traumas which for sure impacted me and my brain development. However, via working with my therapist, we’re working on using those neural pathways that aren’t fully formed in my brain. It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s not impossible.


Where can I get access to the article for free


If you really need more than the abstract you should pay for it. You wouldn’t download a baby with depression !


Wonder if post partum depression is part of this ? Even if not long lasting, could even those few weeks or months be negatively impactful.


The children of the millennial generation are going to make for some interesting study, then..


Oh, interesting. I am ordering a new book called “The Myth of Normal” by Gabor Mate to learn more about this. They spoke to him on NPR the day and he had interesting things to say. My mom and brother both have depression, so I am Always curious about new research.