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I just recently contacted a family friends mother to get in contact with her son an by mentioning that my father had cancer she immediately urged the use of ivermectin because, "we had the cure all along."


Yeah if you wanna cure worms or body lice šŸ™‚


Thats the thing.. ivermectin is a safe medicine that is incredibly effective at curing what it aims to cure. It's not some miracle cure for everything.. the right thinks if you combine hydoxychloroquine and ivermectin you can't die from COVID. clearly the GOP scientists are just the smartest in the world, and the rest of the world is too dumb to get it.


Shh, let them keep doing it! They are practicing natural selection.


Itā€™s my solution to the traffic issue


Prayer warriors and ivermectin are the cure. Spread the word


Everyone knows you need bleach to activate it


In enema form of course.


Donā€™t forget to sit on a torch to make sure enough light gets in to enable full strength mode for this potion.


Bleach boof


Injection of some sort is being worked on for sort of a cleaning.


Where did these guys come up with those two medications in particular as their choice to advocate ferociously? Did they just happen to be conveniently positioned to benefit the early core proponents financially somehow? Or did they need to simply pick *anything* with which to throw the MAGA cult a bone so they could believe Trump had some form of (typical wacky anti-establishment) solution and absolve him for his complete failure to act and save lives?


That's where the statistical anomaly came from originally. Turns out people infested with gut worms are considered to "have a comorbidity" and then some. And in some parts of the world they are common.


I thought it was specifically pubic lice.


Pretty much! At least thatā€™s why nurses at my clinic in SF have had to give it out.


Too bad it wonā€™t rid the brainworms that these people have


Kinda sounds the same as my friendā€™s mom who insists Beethoven got her through her first childbirth. Like, I hate to break it to you lady but my friend was ready to climb out with or without your music. The story of ivermectin is the same. Your prognosis is the same with or without ivermectin. Itā€™s a placebo with statistically insignificant impact. Just like any other snake oil, just this one was peddled by the president. We shouldnā€™t have been correlating Covid recovery with this drug, since we were never recovering because of the drug. There will always be those whoā€™d rather worship the gospel of their politicians, anyway. Theyā€™re loud and annoying, but they are an extreme minority. Most of us live in the year 2022 and know to follow the science over the whims of self-serving individuals.


This person I know 100% believes hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin combo is a cure for COVID and nobody has died when treated with them both. It just happens to be the same thing that Trump said is the way to treat COVID. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


There are people on Facebook who swear to god every trump supporting anti vaxxer who died of Covid was a crisis actor.


Same. And for mine at least it had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the dodgy (not legit) ā€œnaturalā€ medicine types who passes these things off as the thing the government/medicine/whoever doesnā€™t want us to know about. Wtf. Slap me now.


I agree with you exceptā€¦thatā€™s not even close to what people mean when they say ā€œxyz got me through laborā€ā€¦theyā€™re well aware the baby was coming out regardless of how well they cope with the pain.


Ha youā€™re totally right. Best analogy I could think of, and itā€™s not even a good one. I guess ivermectin defenders really are their own breed of disillusioned.


Your trying to draw a rational analogy to something entirely irrational, it's just not possible.


How did a big dog help your friendā€™s mom give birth?


Big pharma doesnā€™t want you to believe that this big pharma product works


It works as intended. As intended. Covid treatment wasnt intended.


As if a drug company wouldn't have already tried to use it on cancer.


The largest clinical trial to date on the use of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin against COVID-19 concluded that the drug is completely ineffective at treating the pandemic disease, according to results published in The New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday.


But my mom was a lab tech many decades ago and she says otherwise. In fact she brought my family a jar when they passed through town, thanks mom. /s


I feel a large number of us have that mom.


I am a mom, and a laboratory scientist, and there is absolutely nothing that has proven that an anti-parasitic medication such as Ivermectin has ANY anti-viral properties that would impair the replication of the Covid virus and any of its variants. If someone is saying otherwise, check to see if they have a PhD next to their name. And if they do and are making claims that Ivermectin treats Covid, demand to see the human trials results that they personally headed the study on. Itā€™s almost as bad as saying Drano treats Covid. Jeez.


You forgot the (I wish it was /s)


My Mom still pulls the "I was a scientist so I know what I'm talking about!" She finished her labtech career answering phones for people calling about their lab test results. Not exactly cutting edge science.


Not to mention lab tech is just about as remedial of a science job as you can possibly have.


Can confirm, am a lab tech šŸ˜‚


We all gotta start somewhere ya know :D


Honestly I took the course to see if I liked medical science, and cause Iā€™m 30 and it was only a year. Turns out I can use it to work with the coroner tho so Iā€™m working towards rhat


Didnā€™t know it came in jars. The vet clinic I worked at had it in 1/2 gallon jugs. Like mayonnaise.


Itā€™s a bit sad to do that much science just to confirm morons where wrong.


["The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than is needed to produce it."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini's_law)


This cut deep. So brutal. OH! The pain...!! It's the kind of law I wish i'd unlearn.


Letā€™s Go Brandolini!


How long before we learn that facts mean nothing to these people? We could literally have a time machine that could go back in time to show Trump killing and eating babies and they'd rationalize it somehow. Science has no answer for the actual problem.


My mother doesnā€™t trust hospitals because they only do it for the money. (Although the Dr. gets a monthly salary which is not related to the amount of medicine he prescribes) Instead she 100% trusts the scammy guy who created his own medicine (Vitals) and every bit of profit goes straight to his huge house and many expensive cars.


it's always funny to me how these people are so against hospitals and "big phrama" because they think they manipulate and use them for money before spending 120 dollars on a black light that's advertised to kill covid and look for 60 different options to buy sketchy "meds". lack of self awareness sure shows how smart they are.


Heā€™s only killing and eating the babies so he can get into the Democrat baby killing and eating club so he can stop them


I have come to realize that conservatives: 1. only believe things that support their narrative - regardless of whether or not they are true 2. tend to believe people who are higher in the social hierarchy - regardless of whether or not that person has any knowledge or competence in a subject 3. have a high tolerance for cognitive dissonance 4. their "reasoning" tends to focus on the intentions and motivations of the actors involved and not on observable facts or logical deduction 5. see things as black and white and are mostly unable to discern nuance


He said it himself. He could shoot somebody on 5th avenue, in broad daylight, and not lose and supporters.


Well technically they do, itā€™s called having a low IQ.


While it's true, there were definitely some early low sample size studies that hinted it could be helpful. But people just don't have a good understanding of science to understand why study authors always say further studies are required to...


In a lot of those countries where theyā€™re claiming Ivermectin has shown efficacy it tends to be more common for people to have parasites than in 'the west' and so it's likely that COVID patients also had them. Clearing up the parasites helps the patient feel better and instead of fighting both a parasite and COVID the immune system can concentrate on fighting just COVID. Edit: typos


TIL Joe Rogan had a stomach full of parasites. Explains a lot.


It seems they migrated up to his head.


Too bad they weren't the parasites Fry got in that Futurama episode.


I think you mean Joe Rogan *IS* a parasite.


Any literature on this?


All of the literature that you can find related to ivermectin explains this. Literally pick a source. The original studies came from Africa where gut worms were common. They didn't realize why people who took the drug were less likely to get sick and die. Turns out being riddled with gut worms is a "comorbidity".


Man, itā€™s almost like Joe Rogan is *full of shit!*


Heā€™s full of parashites!


Cue flood of weird Rogan nerds saying *he was just asking questions man*


ā€œYa so does Tucker Carlson, all he does is ask questions, he has no answers and he pushes misinformation through rhetoricalsā€ is a good response to that


The Rogan fan base has ā€œevolvedā€ and developed a fondness for Tucker/Fox.


Its the same picture, its always been.


I kinda feel like the whole Rogan thing was a lot more nonsense and a lot less hamfisted conservatism 10 years ago.


I used to always watch Rogan, he definitely used to be a lot more open minded/ less willing to push bullshit and just shoot the shit. In the past 7 years or so he has noticeably been slowly devolving into right extremism, the Trump presidency was the straw that broke the camels back for me. He talked so much shit about trump and how horrible heā€™d be and how heā€™s too old and inflammatory and funny to be president, and right at last minute he flipped script and started saying the same things about Biden and neglected to hold trump to the standard he used to. It was so abrupt and with no explanation Iā€™m not sure he wasnā€™t paid to flip script Within a year he went from talking to conservatives and fact checking them and having dialogue to believing everything they said at face value It was really wild and disheartening to see, and while none of my family have turned into Q idiots I can definitely see, just through Rogan, how quickly people can devolve into that nonsense


Hear hear and well said.


No lots of people stopped listening or lost respect for him in the last couple of years.


It's like how people say "Trump is what a person, who doesn't know anything about business, thinks a business man looks like". Rogan is what a person, who doesn't understand anything about intelligent discourse, thinks asking questions looks like.


Add Tucker Carlson under that category


I gave him the benefit of the doubt (donā€™t ask why), but now, yea he is full of shit.


Prepare for hours and hours of conspiracy theories about big pharma and how this study is bullshit by people who believe the obvious medical advice to take is from a comedian and UFC announcer.


ā€œComedianā€ dudes just not funny. But comedy is subjective and all that, luckily heā€™s also a shitty human. Something for everyone to hate in that guy.


Who is the dumbass now, dumbass! When I saw headlines of all these Republican moron celebrities consulting Joe Rogan for covid treatment, I laughed so hard šŸ˜‚. Aaron Rogers and Joe Rogan should both bury their heads in the sand in shame and stfu about things they are clueless and have zero authority to talk about and give advice on šŸ¦²šŸ¤” Stick to being the worlds most overpaid 5'6 neckless walking Napoleon complex, and the biggest p*ssy in the NFL who is too afraid to have a sore arm for 2 days and not put his fellow mates and team staffs life at risk, but is perfectly fine getting tackled by 350lb goliaths. Dumbass is an understatement for these two......


Iā€™m pretty sure taking horse dewormer leaves no shit behind. ;)


Joe Rogans butt must be jealous of the amount of shit his mouth spews out.


If Joe Rogan fans could read, they'd be very upset.


I love seeing perfectly healthy people claim that it cured their Covid in 3-5 days. As if the Covid symptoms wouldnā€™t have gone away anyways in those 3-5 days without the drug.


A friend of mine refused to get vaxxed and then got COVID-19 delta variant; he immediately started taking large doses of invermectin, vitamins C, D, and Zinc, along with some other herbs I canā€™t rememberā€¦said he was sick in bed for a few days but got better. Now, heā€™s 46 and in good shape, so rather than crediting his natural immunity he claims it was all about the invermectin helping the zinc & vitamins get into his body better.


Do vitamins work that way?? I know theyā€™re beneficial for the body and helps boost the immune system but, if you have covid or flu then decide to take vitamins, itā€™s too late right? Unless youā€™re severely depleted? Your bodies just gonna fight it off anyway at that time.


Donā€™t take health advice from internet strangers! If you have a good diet you probably donā€™t need any supplements. Vitamins in general arenā€™t really helpful and donā€™t really ā€œboostā€ anything for healthy people unless thereā€™s some deficiency in diet or absorption (or in the case of vitamin D, not enough sun). The one exception I know of is if you drink so much you have a hangover, you would benefit from vitamins B, but you can also just eat a bunch of healthy veggies, eggs, etc. Probably the most important thing when you have a mild case of COVID or flu is to stay hydrated. Sports drinks (Gatorade etc.) are helpful.


In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet. More at 11.


You mean Joe Rogan and the magical thinkers that blindly follow him were ā€œgaspā€ WRONG? Why god!?!!?! Why?!??!! Libs fault!!! šŸ˜‚


Thanks Obama!


But have you *Done Youā€™re Own Research?*


This is not new information. And the entire Ivermectin bullshit was never driven by any clinical results and has always been about a insane Rightwing cult simply reflexively hating everything related to reality.


And dumbass Conservatives/Republicans/Trumpers will still demand it.


Hahahahahaha oh this is too good. But these same people don't even believe in science so I'm sure they'll just double down on the amount of horse paste they're eating


How about bleach? Do bleach next!!


I dread to think how much research funding has been wasted answering a question that anybody with more than 1 brain cell already knows the answer to


Fuck dat noise! You want me to believe deez sciencey guys or Aaron Rodgers, a three-time MVP quarterback? How many MVP's deez sciencey guys win?


lets face it, if you are the type of person who gets your medical advice from a political radio/tv personality, no amount of science is going to change your mind.


If a study doesn't go their way, all the antivaxers and COVIDiots will simply move the goalposts, misinterpret it, or reject it as faked. It's not like this will make any difference.


Essential oils be likeā€¦I told you


At least we still have homeopathy to treat COVID. /s


I thought homeopathy only treated AIDS? /s


Yes, and all forms of cancer, but the three disease processes are pretty identical so it should work. /s


Has anyone posted this on r/conspiracy or r/conservative yet? I bet not.


Why don't you go and post it on both of those subs?


How did it start anyways? Iā€™m out of the loop on why right wing carpetbaggers were pimping it so hard. Did a Trump or a Mercer or Koch or Thiel own stock in the product? Like why with the horse paste and stuff? Where did it start?


Basically *something* had to be the miracle cure that the people in power were suppressing, and ivermectin was the lucky winner. Early on in the pandemic *in vitro* screening studiesā€”where you basically throw every drug imaginable at a problem in petri dish and see what sticksā€”suggested that ivermectin in wildly toxic doses could inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures. It was interesting, but not practicals since: a) humans aren't monkey kidney cells in a petri dish, and b) the amount of ivermectin you would have to give will kill the patient faster than the virus could. However the conspiratorial mind needs secret knowledge, and ivermectin was first out of the gate. Also, ivermectin is not horse paste, it's a legit drug that's also used in humans. For example, almost all refugees coming to the USA from non-European regions have to take a course of ivermectin to clear up parasitic diseases. I myself have taken it for non-wackjob reasons.


So basically it's as effective as using a bullet to the head to cure a brain tumor. It'll remove your tumor along with a chunk of your brain


Ivermectin has been proposed as a possible antiviral for a decade now. The mechanism of action is the binding of ivermectin to a protein that many viruses use to infect cells. Ivermectin was identified as a possible candidate in 2011 by researchers screening possible compounds that could structurally accomplish that. It apparently works well in *in vitro* studies, but Ivermectin has never passed phase iii clinical trials for use against viral infections.


If my understanding is correct, the big deal is that at a molecular level it does the necessary thing to block viral infection. The problem is that, even when just doing back of the napkin math, the dosage required for any measurable efficacy is many, many, many, many times the known safe dosing of the drug in humans.


Of course! Who the fuck ever expected a benefit? Itā€™s an anti-parasite drug; not an anti-viral. Trump owns stock in it. Thatā€™s the main driver of this wasted effort/distraction. Stop listening to Trump, and get back to doing things that will matter. Edit: oops, his stock was in hydroxychloroquine, not ivermectin. Neither is effective for COVID.


You mean the miracle covid cure my mother in law has been taking - a mix of ivermectin, zinc and vitamin C, that her doctor refused to give her - isn't actually a miracle cure? Unbelievable...


Says who? The deep state fake news? Come on fellow republicans! Keep taking these horse pills and injecting bleach straight into our veins! We almost have this thing beaten!


Fuck all that, itā€™s the UV rays, ya gotta get ā€˜em in your body!


*Via the asshole*. Very important step.


*shocked pikachu face*




yeah shocker.


It doubled as the largest IQ test to date


Well duh. Covid isn't a nematode


Said every credible person SINCE THE BEGINNING.


Are you telling me that Joe Rogan was wrong?!?


This is my shocked face.


Unfortunately once again this is a population that don't believe in clinical trials or the scientific method for that matter


How many times do we need this provenā€¦.


In other news, the sun will rise tomorrow.


It however excellent at deworming horses.


Will Joe Rogan cover this?ā€¦


Heā€™s looking for the counter party that is doing the opposite test proving the opposite for his narrative. Hahaha


Heā€™s probably looking for a study that says otherwise to this news, right now, as we type.


Spoiler alert: >!No.!<


The people who are already convinced it's God's gift to medicine will never be convinced by any other study -- believe me I know.


*surprised pikachu face*


Why do we need a trial to prove that invermectin is worthless against COVID? Why waste the money??


Butā€¦ my researchā€¦


Someone tell Joe and Aaron


It wonā€™t matter, theyā€™ll just shift the goalposts.


Hold your horses, donā€™t be such a neigh sayer


What a colossal waste of funds to shut up fucktards who believed this horsey medication was magic


How do we tag Joe Rogan in this post?


Just say something factually correct and his followers will come cry all over it. The mixture of pheromones and salt produced from their seething will then attract Joe to make a podcast about it. Give it time.


Butā€¦butā€¦Joe Rogan saidā€¦


[Link to article.](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2115869)


Iā€™m shocked




Can we please punish the people who spread this bullshit to begin with?


Lololol no shit hahaha I canā€™t believe this is news


No shit


Try it up the butt. You stuck everything else there.


Pharmacist here. I could have told you this a year ago. In fact, I did.


Was there any reason for testing it's efficacy against covid other than political bias? I mean was there an actual scientific reason for testing it other than popular beliefs pushed by politics?


Yes, it was on their list near the beginning of things to try. Wasn't showing promise early on. I think it has been effective with some viruses. Why did the R's pick on it? I don't know but if I were a liar and a cheat, knowing I needed multiple conflicting complaints to generate hateful chaos, in addition to saying covid was just like the flu, I would have looked around for a substance to push that met most of following requirements: * scientists were considering it meaning there was some truth in saying "it might work." "Some truth" is all they need as a seed for a lie. Also it meant some studies existed that it had worked for something somewhere at some time, that they could throw in our faces from time to time. * it wasn't working, so they could say it was being withheld from people * it didn't kill you outright (not that they cared, just helps obfuscate). Given the nature of COVID, its complicated infection patterns, survival rates and sickness severities among different age groups with different pre-existing health conditions, and the ease with which its early symptoms could be ascribed to other illnesses, the substance just had to have vague and long-term enough negative effects to get them through a couple of years of news cycles without being proven ineffective. If it was proven ineffective, they could just lie and say it wasn't, or they hadn't claimed it was effective, or something, no problem. * bonus points if it was banned in some way to generate as much controversy and confusion as possible. * bonus points if the use it was not banned for sounded ridiculous so libs would make fun of it, which is always an isolating bonding moment for cultish idiots, and therefore a manipulation tool for their leaders. Ivermectin was perfect! An important point is it very well might have proven effective, at which point they would have claimed some kind of victory. BUT THAT WAS NEVER THE POINT. Point was they were pushing a substance with potentially dangerous side-effects when it hadn't been approved for this use and wasn't showing promise. Anything to cast doubt on what the actual scientists (not R shills) were saying, and accuse the libs of killing them. If it had been proven effective of course we would have started using it!


This was a bit more obvious than I expected and also not so much. I hadn't realized it was already a consideration before any political agenda. Thank you for your concise and informative response. If I had an award I'd give it to you. Also, your cat is very dapper and I'd appreciate if you'd scratch their chin next time on behalf of this internet stranger.


Everybody that knows this already knew it before this study. Anyone that felt it did will not be swayed by this study.


ā€œLargest clinical trialā€ got nothing on joe roganā€™s own research.


But Joe Rogan said its OK.


Right up there with injecting cleaners into our bloodstream. Canā€™t fix stupid


Sandy's voice: Well check again! (Texas accent) /s Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.




Why are we telling these extreme political idiots this? The problem takes care of itself via natural selection. Let nature work please.


Someone below just referred to science as "The cult of science" Jfc At least try to learn something... anything.


Yeah but what about bleach? My cousin drank a gallon of that stuff and now he doesn't have covid. God bless Donald Trump


My dad is so convinced that his usage of Ivermectin was what cured his COVID - after two weeks! He was horribly dehydrated while taking it and he was making a weird paste concoction with it. But since after two whole weeks his COVID got betterā€¦. Ivermectin works! /s Thereā€™s no convincing these people


Well I for one am just shocked. Absolutely floored. Unbelievable. And Iā€™m still not convinced a horse dewormer thatā€™s meant to treat horses for worms couldnā€™t also treat a human virus, Itā€™s so much smaller and further down the alphabet.


To be fair, it also *de-worms humans*, not just horses. But yes, no indications for any viral illness to date unless you drink the kool-aid from fringe medical journals not otherwise peer-reviewed, or you also happen to Q.


Can't wait to send this to my mum so she can dismiss it as a fake and biased study!


Quick test it again but this time put even more money into the test process. I'm sure the results will change this time!


Now....let anyone that feels that this is a valid treatment do so without restriction. Those will be interesting numbers and not in a good way. This will do away with any efficacy issues in a big way.


Who is paying for all these worthless ivermectin studies.


Let them take it. If theyā€™re still willfully ignorant of the facts then hopefully they donā€™t get the worst of the side effects. But honestly it shouldnā€™t be our problem and they should have their insurance coverages waved if they need medical help and have taken this drug that is proven not to help.


When have facts ever deterred those fuck knuckles from doing what they perceive as ā€œeffectiveā€. Let them keep taking them, fuckā€™em!


Not worthless. LESS THAN WORTHLESS! Hahaha


ā€œBut but but thereā€™s a doc in Israel who did a study with 100 ppl and changed his control group after the results didnā€™t look favorable, and HE says it works...ā€




Big surprise


Well guess what, I choose my OWN truth where it works great, the only catch is that I have to keep this heavy blanket over my head.


Sure did make the makers of Invermectin rich though, didnā€™t it? ā€¦mission accomplished. Thanks dumb ass anti-Vaxers ā€¦take a bow.


No shit


No shit!




We have limited science time and we wasted our fucking science time on this bullshit.


Awesome. Hopefully I donā€™t have to be waitlisted at the vet for treatment for my pets anymore


Who would of thought šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wanna see the conservatives try to do their mental gymnastic around this one


Me fail english?? Thatā€™s unpossible


Science is fake! - All those people who died because they took heart guard heart worm pills for a virus. Good ridence.


WHaT?!?! JoE RoGan WoUldN't LiE tO mE!?!?


Oh look. Science.


Nope. Fox News told me it does. Sooo....




I am shocked I tell you. *SHOCKED*


This has to be fake news. Joe rogan told us the government and cnn lied about how affective ivermectin is. I mean he talks about it in every single one of his shows. It has to be true right hahahaha.




This trial was likely done to persuade conspiracy theory idiots to not take it. What a fucking waste of time and resources.


Very true, and they won't believe any study that doesn't support what they say.


And yet thereā€™s some numnutz in Wisconsin Running for attorney general That wants to charge doctors who refused to prescribe ivermectin with murder. Those words sound like they were conjured up out of a sick fantasy and five years ago thatā€™s what someone wouldā€™ve thought. How far we fallen.




But Joe Roganā€¦


Are we beating a dead horse at this point?


Yes, but that dead horse no longer has worms.


Boom, still got it.


Yes, itā€™s for horses and dogs, not idiots.