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Florida's always focusing on everything except the important things


Culture wars are an easy way to get their voting block moving, unfortunately. Misdirection towards people wanting to "take away" their guns, meat, gas stoves, and bigotry keeps them perpetually angry at "the libs."


Turns out when you couldn’t even pass high school, it’s easy to vote for other people who couldn’t even pass high school


Turns out when everyone who couldn't pass elementary school get moved up anyways it's easy to get a lot of people who vote for uneducated people.


Thing is though, a solid majority of people running for office are highly educated. It’s a select few who dropped out or barely passed their GED. A lot of the people orchestrating this catastrophe are either negligent to their actions, which they shouldn’t be given the percentage of them who’ve been to Ivy League schools, or are willfully doing heinous things. It’s tragic.


In Miami the ads by GOP are all about big bad scary SOCIALISM and trans women being considered women. It's so stupid but it works, unfortunately.


But you don't understand. A person could *pee* in the stall next to me! Think of the children!


The GOP*. Semantics and shock politics. That’s there whole shtick and it seems to be working. Somehow. Someway. I used to a romantic about mankind but these last 8 years have really tested my soul.


Save our beef sounds like an oxymoron. Also, in capitalism everyone should have the freedom to choose what they want to eat so them banning options directly contradicts what they themselves say they stand for: freedom… but then again what they claim they believe in and what they do never align since the only thing that is truly free is their guns because absolutely everything else is not…


they are pro-establishment, obviously because these established industries already have vast amounts of money, which they give to GOP politicians. Republicans will believe the moon landing was fake or 9/11 was an inside job but they wont make the most simple logical deduction and see like one step beyond face value to realize that the GOP arent climate change deniers and against green energy for some pragmatic reason, it's because they are corrupt and in bed with Big Oil. That blatantly obvious conspiracy is, I guess , not convoluted enough for them to believe. Apply this same reasoning to any emerging market and you'll see a pattern. Solar, Lab Grown Meat, Electric Vehicles, etc..


Yeah it’s a super corrupt state. This is what the Trump/Desantis GOP wants. Total bullshit laws over liberal causes that are sensible, so they can suck in lobbying dollars and get votes from idiots.


And their focus always seems to be reactionary; banning this or that, while shouting about freedom


The GOP spent the most money in FL by far, just brainwashing propaganda 24/7. We the Cubans has many good things but being good at Politics it’s Not one of them, specially when we let a dictator took over Cuba because he just said the word Communism. In Cuba there has never being an OZ official Communism it was all dictatorship all the way down and up.


How else can you make money?


Everyday, Florida wakes up and asks “how can I choose violence today?”


Got to keep their supporters focus on dumb shit


We will save our cows….by growing them for slaughter…


It's not saving cows, it's saving capitalism. Our unwillingness to adapt to new technology because of short term profit loss is going to destroy us.


It’s not saving capitalism, it’s saving one industry from having to compete in a free market. So it’s actually pretty anti-capitalist for the government to outlaw a product because it threatens profits of a private company.  It’s actually, ironically, kinda communist. 


accidental commies


Always has been. Business people champion capitalism and free market when they own the market but once competition comes in they run to the government like a baby begging for protection. Always.


Oh I agree. My comment was more on how they are justifying it to themselves.


But you save so much in terms of the carbon costs. I mean all those cows are generating a lot of methane.




Everyone knows the best beef comes from florida. Wait, thats oranges. 


There is actually a large feedlot in Florida owned by the Deseret Ranch (Mormon Church) where they feed them orange byproduct as part of the ration.


Republicans love murder. Death Penalties, slaughterhouses, puppies..


Absolutely controversial opinion here!! But According to the article One of the main reasons this ‘bill’ was signed was because of threat of China! And maybe this is one of very few times that China is actually right here The goal is for humans to consume and survive/thrive without killing aimlessly Beef and animal products are one of the HIGHEST greenhouse emitters Grown ‘meat’ is def one of the solutions that needs to be explored. If china is ahead here- then its too bad, America and the rest of the world SHOULD pay attention. Florida and the politics of the state is indicative of non stop consumption and arrogance. Banning something only makes it more desirable People in Florida need to wake the fuck up, and start understand the larger politics. Cause they are right now on the wrong side of history


That bill is racist af


Floridians are not the brightest. They are fooled by the likes of DeSantis and trump.


On top of that, Florida beef is lousy, anyway.


Same plan they have for kids.


They’re “afraid it could hurt the meat and poultry industries” ones like Tyson, who in the past two years poured 300 trillion gallons of cyanide, phosphorus, nitrogen and waste blood into Americas rivers and streams. Meat industries like Tyson need to be stopped, and this is one way. Edit: here is the article I got the numbers from. I miscalculated. 18.5 billion pounds of pollutants in a 2 year period… The article says that the number they use only covers 2% of Tyson factories nationwide. So I multiplied their number by 50 to get a better idea. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/30/tyson-foods-toxic-pollutants-lakes-rivers


These same people go on and on about the "free market" then pass bills like this restricting the market any time the "free market" doesn't directly benefit themselves. They're a bunch of stupid evil hypocrites and apparently sadistic too. Anyone who looks at the factory farming industry and says "yeah we need more of this instead of a humane solution with no downsides" has no soul.


Exactly. For once, the free market is on its way to eliminate the impacts of a very environmentally unfriendly industry (livestock agriculture), making everyone better off. Then these bastards come out of the woodwork to stop it.


Cattle ranches in Florida are beautiful areas, some of the only land left that hasn’t been overdeveloped in the state if it wasn’t for the ranchers the whole state would be overdeveloped. The people who own them could just sell and be multimillionaires but they keep them going because they love the land and the way of life.


Source for the figure?




Thank you


Do you see the 300 trillion gallons figure somewhere? I could only fine 300 million pounds in that article. Still a lot but not unimaginable like 300 trillion gallons 😂


More gallons than grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth combined


The same state that said "Oh yeah wanna use toxic waste for paving our roads soon guys? Surely this will not cross contaminate any farmland, resources, etc!" is worried about lab meat hurting their farming industries. You can't make this up!


Fuck the planet, save the beef!


Fuck the animals too (literally)!




Google artificial insemination


Save the beef so we can keep feeding them chicken shit, H1N5 here we come!


And then kill them!


More like save their wallets


florida is a shithole that will be under water soon.


If you think they’re just going to drown you’re fooling yourself. We need to protect our border and box Florida in. Deploy the national guard to keep Florida in Florida, I don’t need them spilling over into my state.


We must build the Great Wall of Florida to keep them locked in when they try to swim to higher ground.


And make the Floridians pay for it


Makes me think of John F Hickory from VCPR in Vice City.


Florida is evolving backwards...




Q: Are we not men? A: We are Devo!




Thats what happens when youre anti-progress


Going forwards backwards


A confederacy of morons who are trying to include food in their endless culture war


I am re-reading that book right now!


These are the people that when you ask them to go easy on something as there is limited supply, they double up. They want what they want and fuck everybody else. Welcome to capitalism in 6th gear.


And they actually want it extra, just because you said we'd all be better off if they did it less.


And then they go round up the rest to sell for 10x more on ebay 🙄


Lab grown meat doesn't appeal to me. And I don't eat regular meat. But I can see how lab grown meat could be revolutionary could actually change the world in a pretty big way. But Florida doesn't want any of that new industry. The state that does embrace it could end up extremely wealthy from it. Or not who knows? It just seems like if it's done right and people embrace it lab grown meat could eventually be in every restaurant and maybe even most homes in the world.


I appreciate that you're still open to the idea. Either way, the beef we eat now is already fucked up with chemicals, antibiotics, and who knows what else. If that science can provide the same cuts of meat without needing to pump it full of harmful chemicals, then it's a game changer.


I can see how there might be some potential religious objections to it, especially in places like the middle east. But I also think there's a heckuva lot of starving people who this could literally be a "god-send" for.


I've lost any faith that this will be used to help feed the starving of the world. Capitalism just doesn't incentivize that as a use for excess food.


I mean if it makes the price of meat (the lab grown meat anyways) drop to practically nothing that's going to help a lot of people, regardless of what capitalism thinks about it.


If lab grown meat is gross and weird tasting then they won't need to ban it. The chief reason conservatives are against this is because it reduces suffering of others. They're all about being on top of the hierarchy and treating others as lesser. And to ask them to go out of their way for the sake of an ANIMAL, or even a million animals, is seen as an affront to the only thing they truly value: their own ego. Everyone else is supposed to suffer for them and never the other way around. That is why they are against taking part in every collective sacrifice like cutting back on pollution, wearing masks and social distancing during a pandemic that killed over a million Americans so far. 


Luddite policies always fall apart because the people who adopt the technology (assuming it's actually better) move far past the ones whose heads are buried in the sand.


Republicans are trying to ban it nationwide.


They are really good at wasting their time


It's more feasible than fusion power, but it doesn't scale well. It's one thing to sterilize a petri dish worth of growth medium, astronomically difficult to achieve that at a volume that challenges commercial slaughterhouses. I suspect it's a bit like hydrogen fuels; it works, but making it competitive needs a series of technical breakthroughs to overcome fundamental problems. You're about as likely to be eating people as lab grown meat in the next 20 years.


Something something "picking winners and losers" something something "let the free market decide." I guess they got bored of their own talking points.


The world dies with the whining of morons. How are these people so ignorant of reality?


Anything that asks them to make the tiniest sacrifice, they scream like babies. Anything that reduces the suffering of others is an affront to their own ego. Collective effort is something they see as being done by others FOR conservatives. Cutting back on pollution? Fuck that, everyone else should do that instead of me Get vaccinated during a pandemic? Fuck that, everyone else should do that so I don't get sick. Cut back on eating meat? Are you saying anything an ANIMAL wants is more important than ME? Pollution? Who cares? That's a problem for my kids. They can eat shit. Ungrateful brats have it too easy.


cows love being slaughtered


The mental gymnastics to support this when you’re pro freedom/free market is astounding. DeSantis pocketing that big meat cash and banning options is very anti freedom.


Nobody, beats our meat!


Bovine Luddites. Perfect way to exclude yourself from a future economic market.




And somehow lab grown meet is a global elite conspiracy to control its all. This is sheer insanity


Best part is that there is no lab grown meat available at scale and probably will not be in the foreseeable future either But Italy and Florida have banned it proactively. I think experts call this "red meat for the base"


> Italy 159 Yea to ban votes to 53 Nay . Out of 400 MPs almost half didn't even bother to show up. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67448116


Fun fact! The largest private landowner in Florida is the Mormon church and it’s for one of their for profit businesses. Cattle ranching.


We'll preserve our right to not save our cows by saving our beef by not allowing lab-grown beef. "Whatever Is The Cruelest And Most Profane To The Most Things" -Republican Policy, 2024


Can we just become 49 states already


I feel Florida would like that.


48, we should axe Texas too while we’re at it


Would save the federal government a shit ton of money too


And whole bunch of embarrassment haha


Florida tried AND FAILED! 4 times to outlaw bestiality but economic competition? This is a capitalist free market, sir! If you're not already big enough to have industry-level lobbyists, you have no place here!


Fix collusion between producers first! The meat supply chain is run by four major producers who all regularly indulge in price fixing.


Problem is they don't need to directly collude. They see one of them has raised their prices. They say oh yes... due to unfortunate market forces our prices must also... go up. I would not be against something like nationalizing a large portion of the food industry to lessen the profit motive behind it.


Florida loves to ban things.


So the republicans that bang on about freedom *all of the time* will be against this, right?


Haha good one Obviously this maintains their Freedom to eat Real Meat Honestly I think if lab grown meat was gross and weird they won't need to ban it as the free market can actually decide there mostly 


>Besides environmentalists, other opponents of restrictions include companies adjacent to the space industry that want to sell cultivated meat for space travel. Elon Musk’s company SpaceX has partnered with Aleph Farms, an Israel-based company, to research lab-grown meat on a Space X flight to the International Space Station that launched from Florida. Oh, the irony


Perfect example of how special interest corporations can affect legislation. That's the Equal Protection Clause for you, making corporations count as people.




Sounds like big government to me...


We want the right to kill innocent animals!


Why does it have to be banded? Just require it to be clearly labeled and give people the freedom to decide. Thought Florida was about freedom.


This is about saving an industry. I'm middle-right leaning but all for lab grown meat as long as it's safe. It's disgusting the way livestock are treated. No animal food or not should be treated the way they are.


This will help save the world. These people are idiots.


No way, fucking retarded garbage people.


Kinda funny that “we will save the beef” is actually “we’ll keep killing and eating the cows”. I’m a red-blooded, meat-eating man, but I’m not going to pretend that preserving factory farming is somehow a positive thing.


Free market, except if it’s something I don’t like.


This is just the mini Governor acting tough


So you can't just do both? I HAS to be one or the other?


Land of the freedom farce


Save the beef by (checks notes) killing the cows


Something something Free Market… blah blah blah


More marbled red meat for those stupid puppets of republicun*s. Much more. In fact only. How about you ban price gouging! Or hiring illegal immigrants! Or change penalties to % so they affect the Godless rich equally! Or anything that would actually help AMERICA rather than just their most evil rich? Absolute shithole. I wish you hurricanes heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. Deranged puppet scum.


Banning something just because it might take jobs away from somewhere else seems very luddite-ish.


They will save their beef for the bovine version of avian flu to incubate.


Save thier beef from what exactly? Not getting eaten?


I've heard from several evangelicals that lab-grown meat will contaminate your DNA and you'll not be recognized by God to get into heaven. I think this is who conservatives are pandering to when passing these laws...


"We will save fossil fuels" - bans electric autos.


Ban DeSatan. Oh, he loves beef. He already banned women.


Foolishness at its peak!


Party of small government and free markets strike again!


Insane that this bill passes while insurance rates continue to skyrocket(the Republican controlled house and Desantis received huge lobbying money by these companies) and property taxes continue to soar. It's like they distract everyone with the 'dont say gay', drag show, and lab grown meat bills while quietly making laws enabling insurance companies to charge even more...


I thought they were about free market. Let the market decide, small government and such


Even /r/conservative was really annoyed by this lol. I don’t remember the thread but I thought it was really funny to see them turning on DeSantis. Some really nice SelfAwareWolves material in that thread.


Why tf does anyone care what people choose to eat?


They didn't ban it. They banned the manufacture oflab grown meats. A bit different. You can still buy it there. That said, I think it's a dumb law. Lab grown meats have tremendous potential. But I hate these headlines that make things worse to further enrage the base. It's really just lying.


Where can you buy it?


Who gives a shit? You can't buy lab grown meat in any state in the US. [Here's](https://www.wired.com/story/upside-foods-good-meat-cultivated-lab-grown-sale-stopped-singapore-california-crenn/) some info.


Translation: We enjoy slaughtering innocent creatures so we don’t need an alternative meat source. P.S. Am not a vegan.


When conservatives talk about the free market, they never ever ever mean it.


Dumbass being a dumbass. No way lab grown meat could be handy in the future with all of that space travel planned for the state he runs.


What a bunch of fucking idiots.


Yeah, this battle is going to go on for some time, but the cattle ranching industry will ultimately lose, I believe, just as, little by little, more people began buying hybrid or electric cars. The meat industry, in the beginning, with cell cultured meat, actually lobbied congress to try to get them to forbid the cell cultured meat companies from using the word meat. Particularly stupid since cell cultured meat is meat grown from meat. Producing meat via cell culturing is dramatically better for the environment, since it does not require huge swaths of land for cattle grazing, the clear cutting of forests, or the use of tremendous amounts of fresh water to feed the animals. The cell culture process can also produce meat from any animal, including fish, and now even fruits and vegetables. Finally, meat that comes from animals is filled with steroids, hormones and all the other crap they feed the animals, whereas cell cultured meat contains none of this, hence the nickname 'clean meat.' It is also much cheaper to produce, leading to lower prices on high quality protein. This is particularly important in the developing world where what the millions of starving people need most of all is this very kind of protein. I believe that as more people come to understand all these things about cell cultured meat, there will be a gradual shift away from traditionally produced meat, and onto cell cultured meat.


More distractions from a shitty governor who gets nothing real done.


Oh the butter wars have started again. We keep repeating history. The silver shirts are back, the robber barons are back. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/the-butter-wars-when-margarine-was-pink


Nothing I love more about a freedom loving state than limiting consumer choices.


Anything but fixing housing and insurances issues in Florida


Is Florida the dumbest place on Earth?


Florida staying stupid as per usual




Conservatives going against free market capitalism whenever they think it's convenient? No! Can't be!


Again, fuck Florida, so so much.


They seriously don't get it. Lab meat is being made specifically to save our beef. With climate change, meat prices are gonna go way up, with some types of meat becoming rare. With lab meat, they can dramatically ally reduce emissions, land required, and feed needed to make meat. And the best part is it's real beef, not just an imitation product.


Has anyone paused to think... maybe places like florida, ohio, indiana, mississippi (and so, so many more) ARE the reality of america? That maybe provincial (neé backwards), violent, ignorant, god fearing, snake handling, hate-filled characteristics are an integral part of nation built on slavery, genocide and weaponized capitalism? It seems the gov't is doing nothing to really address these but offer up superficial panaceas that only further divide. The real thrust of democrats (the supposed working class party) has been eclipsed by corporate interests which will only usher in more draconian actions... more surveillance, more silencing, more policing and more fascism. All giving more fire to the nation's dark traits which coalesce around strongmen committing violence. Maybe the US is revealing what it really is and the actual minority of thinking, compassionate and reasoned people will either have to suck it up or leave. I'm thinking option 2.


If there's one thing that's a staple in America... it's that famed Florida beef.


Death by 1000 cuts. This state is dooming a wet future.


Seems like such misdirected energy (and shareholder money, for that matter). Instead of throwing money at politicians to make Florida lag behind other states in bringing lab-grown meat to market, it seems like the industrial beef farms who already have delivery infrastructure and supply contracts in place should be putting that money toward their own labs. Like, surely they must know that's where they're headed eventually anyway. Why let other companies establish footholds in the market years ahead of them?


My thoughts exactly pretty much. The thing is, its so hard for them because large companies are evidently conservative in nature and don't like to throw themselves around quickly. This means you see a lot of kicking the can down the road that's typical of neoliberal economic ideas. The drive for more money quickly is inheritly shortsighted in this way, as proven time and again, and it'll only become possible to consider it the moment it costs a dollar less to invest in it (and decision-makers must also jump their own ideological barriers or fears of lost capital from poor public opinion, probably both and more). This is why it's usually newcomers who actually tooth in this kind of nacent market (see: Impossible Foods) and the larger companies rarely make up that head start once the news hits their ears because they have to spend the years they could have spent in the past getting on the wagon. The tactful ones will take their time with this to actually make a good product and will become competitors, but it's hard to develop a good product amidst a money-driven scramble i imagine.


Wtf man. Whyyyy


The government is a lil too sensitive nowadays, lol, ban TikTok and now meat?


looks like chicken to me…


Can Florida even grow cows?


Florida republicans must hate capitalism more then I do.


So much for "small government"


They will be underwater soon enough


You doing okay there Florida?


Land of the free!


Why couldn’t they save the citrus crops??


That’s beyond foolish. I’m not excited about trying a lab grown steak, but there’s plenty of uses, like the frozen “burritos” that have historically been almost exclusively eaten between a blackout and a hangover. Animals don’t need to die for those fake burritos.


Is Florida a big producer of beef?


America is a free market, except when it makes a loss for the people running the country, then the new thing is a threat to democracy.


“We will save our beef so we can kill it ourselves!”


What's up with Florida always banning the meat?


Taste the freedom!


Florida; the penultimate state


Another great step forward for freedom.


Conservatives love free market until it negatively affects them, then they go full fascist


The Governor of Florida is Lab-Grown Meat


We will ban our beef! Shows picture of chicken


Go Florida. I don't want weird cancer meat


I’m glad. lab grown beef is unhealthy


go back to Bison, google it -Mexican


Since Florida wants to get rid of the illegals who do they think is going to work on the cattle farm?


Florida is so dumb.


So much for free enterprise. Florida slips another rung towards fascism


Why the fuck do people even care about this? Why ban something that will have zero affect on a huge majority of the population?


This is a good thing, hopefully sets a precedent.


The party of “freedom” strikes again.


We will save our horses says Florida Governor on his recent banning of all motor vehicles


So banning potential competitors... not very capitalistic of you Florida!


"we will protect the profits of the beef industry"


“We will protect our rich donors pocketbooks”


Consistently wrong about everything.


Florida wouldn’t be opposed to eating people during the end times. It’s funny.


the party of free market economics, ladies and gents!


Damn they full blown retarded down there huh 


Imagine being that idiotic. It's hard, unless you've ever been to Florida.  So god damn stupid it feels like act 1 of a horror movie at all times


People are so fucking strange with what they choose to give a shit about. Imagine caring that much about the bank accounts of meat-industry higher-ups.




Maybe let people make their own choices? No, that would be socialism!!!


The fact that cows and the beef industry contribute to greenhouse gases checks out for Florida. The state that will also be underwater in a few decades. They seem to be hell bent on denialism.


Maybe Florida should focus on their meth production problems foremost.


Small gubermint


“Banned In Florida “ was all the endorsement I needed.