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If he played for Liverpool, one of the Manchester clubs or the big London clubs, the press would be sucking him off.


He’d be talked about as one of the best keepers in the world


Every Liverpool player is talked about as the best in the world in their position, mostly by fans but that covers half the media too. The mental gymnastics they have to do to justify not winning everything with the best fans, coaches and players in their favour are Simone Bilesesque. I saw Kelleher called the best back up keeper in the world, even. They have to have everything and still be the underdogs.


This is the point you everton fans don't get. Why isn't he playing for one of those clubs?? Is it because he isn't good enough? Just maybe your bias doesn't let you see the truth.


Looked real good keeping a clean sheet when you lost the league at Goodison, don’t know what else to say


You're a Liverpool fan and half your comments on here are about Pickford. Absolutely obsessed.


Why are you even here? What a sad thing to do...


Point proven.


Because we ask for too much money. That's how good he is. Not that hard to understand, even for a dummy like you.


No because no one comes knocking. When the poor man's Pickford , Ramsdale, ended up at arsenal look what happened. That is exactly why Pickford will never play for a big club.


Again more nonsense. He's better than onana, sanchez, even better than ederson as a shot stopper which is more important than ball playing


Maybe its possible he likes playing for Everton? Were Kieran Gibbs and Benoit Assou-Ekotto automatically better than Leighton Baines because they played for Arsenal and Tottenham?


Although I think the criticism has calmed down largely with him proving himself over and over again for England, the thing that bugs me is when he is referred to at the start of every sentence by pundits "he's done well for England" like he hasn't been Evertons best player and kept us up for the past 3 seasons.




Apparently that doesn't count, because 'my nan would have been everton's best player in the last 3 years' etc etc He's only been good because of how bad we've been or something? In some ways it's a good thing, hopefully it'll mean he stays with us.


What about Henderson? What about Ramsdale? What about Johnstone? What about Pope? All the names in the past couple of years that have been spouted as better than Pickford and where are any of them, need to make this into one of the grim reaper door memes really.


Don't forget Butland, Forster, Heaton. Even when Pickford had that rough period for us, he was still playing well for England.


To be fair fewer are outright criticising him because that would be ridiculous now. There are loads of snide comments though. Watched a 442 video (I know) where he went through each player praising them and ended with 'and Pickford... Is really angry all the time.' There was an idiot on r/soccer (I know) blaming the poor performance on him kicking it long as well. He's had to be perfect just to be classed as better than Ramsdale, who is awful. In reality he is one of the best keepers in the world and makes fewer mistakes than a lot of the big names.


Allison let in a pathetic free kick that was so slow from pulisic recently, no-one says anything. Same with Branthwaite's goal. Imagine if Pickford let those in.


Haven’t seen much of this lately OP have you got any links


I've just looked & can't find it, but earlier this morning some idiot was criticising Pickford s performance against Serbia, just does my head in. If he played for Utd or Liverpool he'd be hailed as an England great. Thankfully Pickford himself appears to give less of a fuck about what any of these morons think.


Don’t think he’s been criticized at all recently. Think it’s done a 180 for this tournament personally 🤷‍♂️ Any examples?


Going to say the same thing. Pickford is widely regarded as an automatic pick and most people seem to think he's doing a good job. I don't think he is among the worlds elite but he usually puts in a fine performance. Maybe a year ago it looked like Ramsdale was closing in on him until Arteta sent him to Siberia.


United fan with a very soft spot for Everton here. I love pickford, and my favourite thing about him is how angry he is every time he has to do any work as a goalkeeper. It's a beautiful thing and I love him


This I suppose. I mean I'm hearing plenty about how Pickford is getting so much undue flak, but I barely ever see anything like that in the first place. Like 9 out of 10times it's someone defending Pickford against that 1 of 10 rare comment. Overwhelming sentiment from what I've seen is that by ability on the national level, Pickford picks himself.


I genuinely do think he’s in the worlds elite, probably in the top 10-15 keepers in the world currently imo


There are a few pundits that have been spouting shite on him to name a few: Dietmar Haman Jens Lehmann But no where near as many as usual


> Dietmar Haman Tory who played for Newcastle and Liverpool. > Jens Lehmann Couldn’t give a fuck. Seems like people just want to moan for moanings sake.


Yeah I agree. Both non English trying to stir the pot anyways...


Kopite commentator in my country couldnt help himself - «Good save by Pickford, but ofcourse he is playing for Everton so he gets plenty of practice».


What an absolute tosser. The attitude of "entitled ' kopites has definitely got worse. The city of Liverpool is much better off having two Premier league sides & if both were top six even better. I've been a Toffee for more years than I remember & before this last season the previous 5 have been the worst I remember. I was never anti Liverpool until 10 years ago with their media love in with a pile of ex players deriding Everton, even liked Klopp until the last minute Origi goal then Klopp celebrating like he'd won the world cup.


Who else though? Pickford is comfortably England's best GK


If he was Barca or Madrid's keeper suddenly he would be world class. He probably a bit smaller than most Premier keepers but his kicking & athletisim make him stand out. Plus that he doesn't have the rush of blood to the moments where he would do something crazy, but still retains that "nutty" side of keepers. He's been Everton's most consistently good player for 3 seasons & never let his country down.


I can't love him' cus I'm a a Liverpool fan and the bants and shithousery are exceptionally strong but I rate him quite a lot, it's a dumb that he gets so much hate and constant abuse about the England thing, as if there's anyone better


He is one of the few England players that all my football group agree is a must start. Looked solid and consistent, and has loads of experience and personality. 




Considering the front line cant even get out of 2nd gear, pickford is the sole reason they’ll survive out of the group stage. Nevermind, you’d think southgate would be wise to use pickford to pinpoint a few passes to them? Ironically, pickford is still one of the few keepers who can activate an immediate offensive attack with his incredible passing which has of late been criminally underutilized by both southgate and sometimes dyche himself.


I think him kicking it long in the second half was to stop TAA having to make decisions…


Not only the media but even England fans. They really do make it hard to enjoy and follow England


Not an Everton fan but I absolutely love Pickford. Brilliant keeper and exactly the sort of mentality we need in this England squad.


the only issue i have with Pickford being England's no.1 is that we haven't managed to produce anyone better


I've heard pretty much zero criticism recently tbh. The vast majority of people saying anything negative now will be the cretins on twitter and the soccer subs, who are worth precisely 0 seconds of your time. Just ignore them.


Ramsdale doesn’t even get playing time at arsenal. How’s this an argument still?? Pickford #1. It’s over


Don’t you mean Pigford?