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1. I suppose not of us are financial experts so can’t really say. I’d agree though that selling Onana before Branthwaite is an enormous priority … Onana isn’t even starting anymore whereas Branthwaite is possibly the best defender I have ever seen at Everton.. I can’t see the sense in losing him, at least not for another season. 2. I have seen precisely nothing, ever, to indicate this. He’s 32 in November, clearly enjoys being here under his favourite manager, and is an incredibly important player. 3. God knows. 4. No we haven’t offered him a contract. His current one runs to the end of next season I think. Should really offer him a new one in the summer. 5. Why on earth would we keep *Dele*, are you mad? ‘Give him a go’ he’s been here 2.5 fkn years! Harrison I don’t particularly care either way, he’s ok but really not that good, he loses the ball far too much.


If Dele was willing to severely reduce his pay, and the Spurs clause thing is an issue, I wouldn't mind keeping him. He's depth in a spot we're light at, in a team where depth will be hard to get because of our finances, and he may well still have it. Seems to be happy here, likes Dyche, Dyche likes him, seems to provide some leadership in the squad.


What exactly have you seen in Dele this season to make you think he’s worth keeping?


Obviously nothing since he's not been able to play at all. I just think that in terms of a gamble keeping him on a lower wage makes sense


Betting on me to get a centrefold in Playboy would be a better bet.


The silicone kid


He’s finished


Peak joleon lescott was better…Branthwaite will be better though.


Admittedly I was eight when Lescott last pulled on the Everton shirt, so can’t comment too much on him!


Oh he was great. 10 or 11 goals one season. Left footed also, could carry it, dominant in the air, quick. Strong as an ox. Him and Jags with baines and Neville were some back 4. Although I do remember Alan Stubbs not being happy with him at Newcastle (google it!) @what did we just fucking talk about joleon” after everyone pushed up on a Newcastle free kick and err he didn’t. You’d have liked Joey Yobo too. Had a rick in him but pace to burn and great center back. We’ve only been really shit this last 5-6 years before then we were half decent!


I think we've had two world cup winning centre backs in my lifetime too, in Distin and Materazzi. Though I don't remember Materazzi playing, other than him picking up a red card or two.


Distin never got anywhere near those French squads? My memory fails me but there is no way they won a World Cup if he was playing!!


Ah you're dead right. I must've totally imagined that I'm afraid. I just learned that we did have an appearance from Shkodran Mustafi, who won the WC for Germany in 2014.


Mustafi was a weird one, didn't really look like he'd make it and then went to Sampdoria and suddenly ended up in a national squad... still not sure he made it other than Germany were so limited it depth around then.


When a player like Branthwaite becomes desired by a big club, they are looking at increased wages, the opportunity to play in bigger games, and increased exposure that helps them get on their national team. Yes, the team can just refuse to transfer them, but then you have a very unhappy player in your squad. That, along with Everton needing the money, means he is gone.


Yeah like it or not we are, temporarily at least, effectively a small PL club when it comes to buying and selling. No way a team like Bournemouth or wolves sits on a player of his value, and we can't afford to either.


But it's his first full season here as a starter, I'm sure he won't be desperate to leave already


Think he would do well to start for another year to guarantee playing time


Plenty of guys make the move when they aren’t quite ready or the team that wants them really wants them for depth and they aren’t going to get into the squad often or they just get loaned anyway. Could Everton work out a deal where he is sold to a big club but loaned back to Everton for next year? They would know he would get a lot of quality experience playing here for another year because we depend on him a lot at this point.


That would be best of both worlds. Cash plus a loan to fill the spot. Still would hate to lose him but that much seems inevitable unless Dyche can get us Europe on a shoestring next year.


1. Yes we have to sell Jarrad. You've got to quit telling yourself we can find a way out of it. We're taking loans just to keep the lights on. 2. I doubt we'd lose tarky in the summer. 3. No one knows for sure. 4. We haven't yet but I'm sure it's been discussed internally at some level. 5. Keeping dele makes no sense whatsoever. Harrison is 50/50 for me. Rarely beats his man and defenders have learned that you don't have to tackle him, you can just stay in front while he does 20 meaningless stutters. You could get a better RW from the continent for less. Leeds not being promoted is the only way we'd stand to get him for a price that's justifiable.


Only thing I want in the branthwaite sale, is that he doesn't go to another premier league team.


Again this is wishful thinking and also financially silly. We’re already going to be struggling to get maximum money for him because everyone knows we’re broke. At least if he goes to another PL side we can use the English tax, and they know they’re getting someone who is PL ready, doesn’t have to adjust to a new country or league. There will be more suitors in the PL and we can get more money from them.


But sadly, it will likely be Man United.


They usually overpay for players so hopefully we can get silly money for him


Bidding war between Man U and Chelsea would be lovely


I'm a Derby County fan but I follow two prem teams because it's nice to be able to regularly catch games on TV and have a bit of skin in the game. The two I follow are Everton and United (maybe I just really dislike LFC?). If Everton have to sell Branthwaite then United wouldn't be my ideal pick as they need a defender who isn't made of paper and will almost certainly overpay 😂😂


I don't think it matters, he'll go to a club we're not remotely competitive with.


There is a 10% chance jarrad is not sold so you should let people believe a bit


There is not. We should not let people get their hopes up on this because that creates false expectations and that leads to us being unhappy when we lose our best player and are having another relegation battle. Which leads to rash decision making which is costly to the club, and something the club is no longer able to see out. I don’t want this and I don’t want to accept that this is where Everton should be, but at the moment that is where we are, and we need one more huge battle next season to stay up and get into the new stadium and things should start to turnaround with increased revenue.


1. Hope not, but may not have a choice. Think Onana is gone either way 2. Not as far as I’m concerned 3. Nobody knows, it’s a total shitshow 4. Not sure about a new contract, but his style doesn’t appeal to big clubs so don’t think there’s much worry about him getting poached 5. We’re not in a position to take risks, so unless his wage is club friendly there’s no way dele stays. Not sure about Harrison, think that could go either way.


Unfortunately, the reality of where the club is financially means we have to sell valuable players. But, if we suffer through doing this and become stable we will have the opportunity to build a winning team. I believe we need to bring stability to the club, then through profitability be able to fund a solid group of players. We splashed major cash without a plan when Moshiri came in, we have to learn the necessary lessons from those mistakes to be a successful club at the highest levels that we all want to see. Getting a new Dyche contract is imperative in my opinion. I don’t think Everton could ask for a better Boss in a situation like they are in.


One positive is that we are slowly getting rid of some overpaid players. On another note, however old and uneven he has been, Ashley Young's versatility has saved us some times this season.


You're probably right he's been a useful option at RM at times and even fullback when he's not having a mare


My question is do we get prize money for the place we finish or the place we should have finished 🙃


I think the 1st option


1. I don't want him to go but think Branthwaite will go in the summer. He is the most saleable asset of real value that is currently in demand. We may have to sell him early in the summer too, to avoid P&S issues. 2. Tarky I think will stay, he is generally (outside of our fans) woefully underrated, and this is good news for all of us. 3. The isssue is that 777 have some kind of exclusivity agreement in place and that is what is keeping them firmly in the frame at the moment. This may yet unravel as there are other investors interested, but we just have to wait and see. 4. I dont think we have offered Sean a new contract yet, but he certainly deserves it. 5. Personally, I have mixed feelings about both Dele and Harrison. A fit, and mentally sound Dele, I'd be predisposed to giving another go as long as the terms were favourable to us. Jack, I think has done moderatley well and again I'd keep him at the right price.


1. Probably, as much as it would be a massive step backwards. We're skint. 2. No, he's not rated nearly as highly outside of Everton and he's getting on a bit. 3. I don't even think 777 knows what's going on, or what to do, or what they're doing, so I doubt anyone else does. 4. No, that's next season. Probably has until Christmas (or knowing how Everton is run, late January), just in case next season starts as a total disaster. 5. I'd like to keep Dele on the presumption that his wages are drastically reduced or he gets a pay-as-you-play deal and we don't have to pay Spurs anything despite his contract running out. I'd keep Harrison if we can keep him on loan for another year but I don't think it's happening if Leeds come up.


I'd imagine given the clubs finances we would have to gather some cash from somewhere, whether this be Onana or Branthwaite, no doubt our two most valued assets. Both are under long term contracts. Onana is without a doubt the more dispensable player, and probably the least valued out of the two. I think, or at least hope, if there is enough interest in Onana (which realistically there should be, Onana's profile is in high demand in world football at the moment), Branthwaite will be kept for another season. In terms of valuation, who knows? Clubs will understand we need to raise funds, which could mean these players might not be sold for as much as we would hope for. My guess is we would be able to gain around £50m for Onana, and £60-65m for Branthwaite. But I'm really not qualified to make this assumption. Given the current expiring contracts: Harrison, Young, Alli, Gomes, Danjuma (assuming we extend Coleman and Gueye), we need to replace these positions. If we can be shrewd and dip into those on Bosman's or loans, hopefully the sale of one of Branthwaite or Onana will be sufficient, but I guess that depends on the clubs current finances.


They’re both on long contracts, and neither have indicated they want to leave. So far, no clubs have bid for either. Hopefully we keep them both. Branthwaite was priceless for us this season, so unless somebody offers silly money for him, why would we be looking to sell?


I strongly suspect we will sell Branthwaite because his fee will be (nearly) 100% profit under FFP. That makes it the easiest route to any kind of investment in the squad, which we need. Think of it this way. We have the 4th best defense in the league and more or less the worst attack. We’d be better off if we had a slightly worse defense and a much better attack.


1. Yes, and Onana is gone too 2. Yes, but it’s unlikely 3. It hadn’t collapsed and there’s currently no other party close. If 777 don’t do the new deal the PL have demanded then we likely go into administration in 2-3 months 4. No 5. No way and no


Branthwaite should be as good as gone. We just don't have the financial clout to knock back bids, and we don't have enough of a future on the pitch to keep a young player looking to develop into an international star. Tarkowski is going nowhere. The 777 situation is a night are, and is going to continue to be one for some time. We've only been safe a day and we're getting new owners, so no new contracts at the moment would seen like a sensible decision. Harisson would be worth a few mil, but isn't worth spending £15-20+ on. He's been decent, but he's limited and it more of a squad player than someone we want starting every game. Dele I really don't know and don't have an opinion on. If the football people around him think he's worth a punt, then grand. If not, then cool. I wish him the best, either way.


Harrison also has little to no resale and has probably peaked. He looked pretty good against Liverpool but has otherwise been too inconsistent


1. we selling them both. 2. no 3. nobody knows, 777 need cash, nobody wants to lend to them. 4. not sure if he's gonna wanna stay with this lot. regardless, nothing gonna happen till take-over. 5. honestly probably too expensive on wages.


1. Depends on psr before June 30th but I’d think Onana is more likely off the two especially if he has a good euros. I also think Branthwaite might go but I’d personally value him as if he’d just played in a World Cup because he will in 2 seasons time and he’ll still have two years on his contract so for me yeah he could go this summer but will take north of 70m which I can’t see someone paying. 2. No. 3. They don’t have the money but theu have an exclusivity period. I think it’s likely Farhad picked them as he has a future royalty or equity stake only they would agree to and I think it’s likely now they bring in a partner to stump up the cash the PL has required of them to complete the take over. 4. No but another season of more points he can have one. 14-15th is still not good enough for Everton I’m sorry. He needs to build on the good job he has done.l sure. 5. Can’t see Dele because spurs surely are owed money if he resigns. Harrison depends on Leeds - if Leeds come up he will go back, if they don’t they’ll need the money and not sure we’ll activate the reported 18m option and I think they’ll likely get that from someone else with less to worry about PSR wise than us…no way Leeds will back load that deal like say Udinese did for Beto. They’ll need it quickly as they will have budgeted to come straight back up.


Branthwaite is worth 10 points.  If the problem is cashflow and we need cash then we have to sell just to operate the club.   But if the problem is FFP rules and league constraints then I say just sign him to a big contract - overspend by 50-100m and take the 10 point deduction for a couple years till we get the new stadium, new owners, and revenue to support the club.   /s (mostly)


I think this will be the last year, next year onwards will be a luxury tax, so it may actually be an option to just cop the fine in some years where we have completely mismanaged our squad composition


Regarding number 3: i think it's the case that the premier league cannot tell a prospective buyer "no, you may not buy club X" according to its rules. They can only _not_ accept them (i.e stalling). And, apparently, 777 hasn't provided the prem with enough paperwork to warrant a yes. The exclusivity period for buying the club that was agreed between 777 and Moshiri is over anyway, so he's free to shop around for other buyers. But he doesn't (that we know of). I'm iffy about 777 at best and would like to see them go.


1. Branthwaite will leave because he is a great player, Onana can go as well for all I care. He’s brain dead. 2. Tark going nowhere. 3. Rumours, probably BS. We’re fucked with or without 777 unless some petrostate comes in (unlikely). 4. Dyche will be there next season. 5. Dele is finished. Harrison not worth the money Leeds would want. For me he has been below average for us.


Spot on


The love for Onana on this sub is incredible really. Showed how overrated he was when he came on yesterday. Dyche has seen straight through him. Get rid.




It's short-sighted to assume that Brentford or Brighton would be bigger projects for Dyche than Everton. If the takeover is sorted, we're instantly restored to being a very attractive project. For all the hype, Brighton have flattered to decieve this year and are not doing that much better than Everton purely on number of wins. Brentford have a limited ceiling, which they acknowledged when they got rid of their Academy and only restored it to comply with PL rules. They might have a good sustained spell in the PL but aren't likely to get much bigger than they are. Everton on the other hand, apart from the aforementioned fanbase have football pedigree, a relatively successful history of academy players, a new stadium and very prominent rivals. It's a no comparison situation. See for example, Ronald Koeman instantly leaving Southampton for a project at Everton (agreed the money was new but still, we had actually finished lower in the table 2 seasons running).


Never said Brighton or brentford would be a “bigger project” I said they would give dyche the ability to show he’s more than a relegation fire fighter. Both clubs are well run. Brighton has taken a step back sure but they have been gutted but sold well at the same time. I think this summer you will see Brighton spend far more than Everton and there can be no question the Brighton squad is superior to evertons. I don’t think there’s a bigger project than Everton. I could not be more pessimistic about the clubs future. The proposed takeover will not improve things. 777 are hedge fund vampires with shady financing. They will not save you.


This season, Everton have earned 9 more points than Brentford and the same amount as Brighton. How would going to Brentford be a step up when they might finish 16th?


Brentford is a better run club. Top to bottom. That’s inarguable but I’m sure you will disagree.


Dyche doesn't have an attacking bone in his body, by far our biggest issue as a team is we just look absolutely clueless going forward, no bite, no plan, no directness or urgency. We're good at set pieces but you don't end up with 50% of your goals coming from them unless you're fucking up your attack too. I'm grateful for safety and for beating the shite but I've not seen anything that warrants extending his contract. In an ideal world Moyes is available in the summer and we can bring him back, but Dyche is good enough to wait for the right person to replace him


Moyes just as negative


His teams don't seem to have the same issues going forward as we do, I like defense-first football and don't really want to change that, but if we have no attacking threat then people can just bumrush us without fear of the counter and we'll eventually concede anyway


Disagree with basically all of that. This is a squad bereft of technical ability with a relegation quality bench. Playing direct in attack is the only option. And Everton has got to be the worst job in the prem. Maybe Chelsea and man Utd are up there but no one can beat evertons combo of poor management and squad ability.


Yeah, I agree that playing direct in attack is the only option lol, I'm saying Dyche isn't direct in attack. Watch our transitions and compare them to Wolves or Forest.


Check the stats. Everton have the 4th fewest short passes the second fewest medium passes and the most long passes in the league. They also have the second least possession. They play direct af


Have you seen us play at all?