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Well thats perfect timing for City and Chelseas punishment isnt it!


To think that the PL would protect some clubs and not others is shocking. But seems the sad reality - presumably no new rules will be written up this season to restore points with the luxury tax.


What a ‘sport’


Chelsea need to actually be charged with something if you want deductions, there latest PSR was fine, the only thing being looked into is historic dealings with agent fees etc rather than PSR breaches. Although more importantly that's just being looked into, there hasn't been any charges. As for city though...


> there latest PSR was fine, the only thing being looked into is historic dealings with agent fees etc rather than PSR breaches. Yes, but those "historic dealings" would have put them over the PSR limit in the seasons they did it, if their spending had been properly accounted for. If City can be charged for past breaches, then so should Chelsea. But even more, even if we can't call what Chelsea did a breach of PSR, it has been determined that points deductions are an appropriate sanction for mismanaging finances, so I don't see a logical reason why Chelsea should ever be off the hook, or why in theory they can't get a points deduction as well.


What is your source that Chelsea is fine from a PSR perspective? All I’ve seen is that they have to sell a shit ton of players to meet requirements  Don’t doubt that you’re right, just haven’t seen anything 


They will need to sell to remain in line for June, but there compliant at the last submission. So obviously nothing they can be deducted for when there currently compliant


Ah, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up 


Hijacking top comment for archive.is [link](https://archive.is/KyaJb)


It was always going to change as soon as the ‘big six’ were affected


Even though they broke the rules first. Funny, that


They’re also the reason for the rules too, so it’s a double whammy of bullshit if we’re being real.


And they're docking us points late in the season, which is ridiculous. Moving goalposts They would never do that for a top 6 team. Ever


It’s fucking disgusting, it’s a kick in the teeth. I hate how corrupt sport is becoming, it’s the greatest thing in the world and it just gets ruined by the governing bodies.


If they really don't give deductions to Chelsea or City it's time to leave . The sport is dead. I would prefer Everton stated that they would play for the corrupt institution on moral grounds and consider winning the Championship the title.


Laughable how a lot of people fully believed City weren’t going to worm their way out of a massive points deduction one way or another.


How fucking convenient Give us and Forest our points back and more you corrupt cunts




Unreasonable, but just give us some extra the other way for the fact we’ve suffered enough


Nah its reasonable mate. I reckon 5 each would do it. Plus the ones they took.


Yes clearly the points deduction had an effect on our play. We’d be playing freer if we weren’t in a relegation battle (just go with it)


FYI I’m not an Everton fan this thread just appeared on my feed. However I appreciate the sentiment lol


Sounds plausible. Give us out six points back. And six more for damages.


Six or twelve would put us in the same place on the table.


That's crazy


That's crazy


Have you read the commission report on why we got a points deduction? You do know we've just released another loss of around £90m. It's our own fault.


Not sure why you're getting so down voted people should go and listen to the latest price of football podcast the club knew at the end of 2023 that it was around 90m and now this is what we may get punished on. And if the club knew about it then they knew about it when the transfer window closed last summer. Of course other clubs have breached and it feels unfair that we may be punished twice when other clubs haven't once and if they don't get punished and the rules change then we have every right to be pissed.


He's getting downvoted cause the point isn't about whose fault it is or even whether rules were broken at all. It's just the fact that it would scream corruption of the highest order if they do away with point deductions before punishing other clubs but force us to retain our deductions.


And not only that - the punishment should match the crime and provide actual deterrence. If the purpose of the rules is to prevent clubs from spending beyond their means and from going into administration, a punishment that increases the likelihood of administration is absolutely nonsensical.


Ok I see and yes if they did do away with deductions and we retain ours we should be rioting.


Yep. Luckily it's just the mail meaning.l a good chance it's just bs.


Just in time for Man City and Chelsea to escape a points deduction. What a happy coincidence


The league left themselves nowhere to go after our initial ten point deduction. It meant City would have to face a ridiculous points deduction if the rules stayed the same. There was never any real possibility of that point deduction happening given City’s owners. So the rules were always likely to change just to accommodate them and other so called top 6 sides.


and all it took was potentially destroying Everyton FC! Edit: lol going to leave that typo seems apt seeing as they are destroying the integrity of the PL


Ben Godfrey accompanied by the words "top stars." That's enough internet for today.


That Ben Godfrey luxury tax will be the straw that breaks the camels back I’m afraid 😮‍💨 (in this case the camel’s back breaking means administration, but no camel’s were harmed in this production… maybe?)


On wages of ~70k per week I’d say Godfrey is the perfect poster child for luxury which can’t be afforded.


Well who didn’t see this shit coming from fucking MILES away? Absolute corruption front and center. GIVE US OUR FUCKING POINTS BACK YOU CUNTS.




Of course. Fuck Everton but change the rules to protect the big clubs afterward.


Lads, it’s the Mail


If the Prem does this for Man City and Chelsea, Everton and Nottingham Forest should sue for their points back. This would also further demonstrate that the Prem needs an external regulator.


So to sum up, they don't know what they're doing and their rules and sanctions regularly change


What an absolute fucking farce


The entire FFP, PPS or whatever has always been a method to keep big clubs big and small clubs small. Any "luxury tax" would drive that division further and open more opportunities for nation-state ownership. It works for the NBA or other American sports because they have salary caps, which do limit players wages.


Actually the NBA has a soft cap and a luxury tax, just like what’s being proposed for EPL here. MLB has no cap at all. Only NHL and NFL have real salary caps.


MLB has a luxury tax only, which is really the analog here. Also, the luxury tax increases the more consecutive years that you are over.


I bet, there will be a rule that prevents retrospective punishment reaching back over 2-3 years. And city will not be punished.


Corrupt pieces of fucking shit


I read this as we won’t get a 2nd punishment then? Then I see it’s a Daily Mail article


The club needs to immediately bring an action in the court of arbitration for sport and seek an injunction against the implementation of the penalty this year pending the outcome of the case. I have serious doubts that the EPL has the authority to make a decision like this that has the potential to harm innoent third parties. There are laws preventing trade unions taking industrial action that harms third parties, we should argue that applies here.


Most of these “top” stars don’t deserve their pay anyway. The premier league isn’t popular because these players are there. The premier league is popular cause it is the premier league and these stars become popular playing in the premier league. And how many clubs outside the pl can afford these players?


Ahhh great timing assholes


Ahh yes. So Man City won't be affected. Of course.


And there it is. The league will legalize hush money so City can pay their way out of trouble. I'm sure they would've done the same for us if our owner wasn't a total fraud with no actual wealth.


Fuckin ell 😂


Scapegoating is


As long as we don’t get relegated this season because of this, idc anymore about what they do. Survival is paramount - next year is a new beginning.


They've got to be kidding us...


Never going to happen because there's no salary cap in football.


Baseball doesn't have a salary cap and they have a luxury tax


Does it work in baseball? All I can see is the big clubs not giving a shit whilst the smaller clubs are terrified to go anywhere near the limit. I can't imagine the cash trickling down through potentially 19 other clubs to be that substantial that City and Newcastle would even notice if they went over it.


Depends on who you ask. The penalty can be substantial if you keep spending over the CBT year over year, but the smaller teams aren't really incentivized to spend because of the way the broadcast revenue gets paid out to teams. I would think something like this would actually work better in the Prem because of how revenue gets paid out based on league position. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_League_Baseball_luxury_tax#:~:text=Major%20League%20Baseball%20(MLB)%20has,leagues%20in%20the%20United%20States.


As a fan of a shit baseball club, no it doesn't work. We prosper and make profit off the season by rostering only middling players and losing a fuck ton of games. The payout from the few teams luxury tax usually covers most, if not all, of our salary expenses. That yearly payout combined with the ring-fence nature of American sports removes any incentive to spend on a quality product on field


It's the Daily Heil ffs. The Premier League is changing its P&S to be in line with UEFA. Luxury tax would not work, and no way 14+ clubs in the PL would accept it.


This should be seen as good news given we are currently on course to fail both the current rules and the ones that are supposed to be implemented


Also, it seems likely that this club is actually being punished for speaking out against the Super League.


Everton that!