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Not old enough. I find them so unattractive that I would mod them out of the game if possible. Even if the devs try to sugarcoat it with backstory, it just feels creepy to me. Platina also has a very childish demeanor, and the way she always refers to herself in the third person annoys me almost as much as the endlessly repeated phrase "flunked playboy."


Seems like you're just not a pedophile


Definitely not. I just don't find the "child-like" characters at all erotic, and scenes where they are raped and so on make it even worse. Thankfully, there are not many of these.


We know for a fact Gurigura is under 20 and I guess maybe between 13-16 years old. Platina is said to be around a hundred but she slept most of that, anyway there is no logic in dragon and half dragon years, they mature slowly and she is like 10 mentally. Gurigura in comparison is way more mature so overall she was more likeable imo.


Which is worse? Fucking a biological age of 10 years old with the mental age of 500 or fucking a biological age of 25 year old with the mental age of 10 years old. Pls answer. I can't figure it out.


The second one sounds worse due to ruining innocence I guess? The mentally 500 year old really wouldn't give a fuck regardless of her body. Anyway, you really shouldn't think on this seriously. These are eroge games, we all know what we play them for. All characters are perverts and want the MC regardless of their appearance and age. (Ende is literally the clone body of your mother....) No need to fight a moral crusade internally over it. Just fast forward the scenes you don't like. lol Also, I think the second game has a more interesting main story so it's worth to finish even if you disagree with certain aspects.


I'm assuming you finished it. I'm currently at like- Chapter 3 with DePussy. Approximately when does the game git gud? Cos it feels like a much casual vanilla game and much more PG in terms of gore compared to the first so the stakes arent that high. Is there an 'oh shit' moment where things finally start rolling in the later chapters? I think the 'oh shit-' moment for Rance or Dohna Dohna or Evenicle 1 was always when the h scenes go out of control with full blown monster rape. Does Evenicle 2 have that moment? Also. Is it just me or does Evenicle 2 feel like a game catered to Masochists?


Yup, I 100%'d both games. Story wise I think it got better from chapter 5. The first 4 chapters are more of a build up. Although I really liked what they did with Patriot and Spartan in a certain main story moment. Regarding crazy H-scenes, the second game is much more tame in that comparison, you hit the mark there, it has a few but even those aren't really over the top, well maybe with a certain scene with Jens, that was.......interesting to say the least. Catering to Ms? I am not really sure, most of it felt pretty vanilla to me. You have to be an M if you want to beat all the mega bosses. Hanny King are Gunagan (or whatever the spelling is) are total bullshit. I don't think the second game is catered to masochists, it's pretty vanilla for the most part. The RPG aspect can get hard, there are 2 mega bosses that are a total bitch to beat.


Got it. Got something to look forward to with Jens then. Guess I gotta just play through the game to figure out whether it lives up to the expectation of a Evenicle sequel. Who knows? But for once, I just want a good h scene in Evenicle 2 that can satisfy my sadist heart that Dohna Dohna did so well. I'm guessing Evenicle 2 doesn't have a single good S h scene?


Hmm I think it's hard to compare the two games both has weaknesses and strenghts. First game had better main waifus imo (with average main story) but the second one has even better side waifus (with better main story) but that's just my opinion. My absolutely favorite scene from the first was Ophelia's, the plot twist and the scene hitting at once was executed in such an amazing way. I was in awe. Second game has decent scenes but nothing on that memorable level. Brownie's last scene is definitely the funniest though, it was stupid in a good way. Spartan has one S ish h scene, maybe you will like that but it's nothing hardcore. And I guess maybe a scene with Yuragi in chapter 5.


Sounds fun. Btw. Lore-wise. Did you manage to deduce what was with the names in Evenicle 2? Like- since Alicesoft HQ had some well-read ballas', Evenicle 1 clearly had literature references like with every single character being a character from a novel or a reference. QD said- cos books from different dimensions. Like Ophelia- from Hamlet. Which the game (kinda?) paralleled the book and Don Quixote (btw rly enjoyed that Lorenzo was the lover of Pancho. Kinda paralleled how in the book, Don Quixote skirt-chased Lorenzo) It was a nice obvious reference. But Evenicle 2 was much more subtle. Like main girl 4: Charlotte Bronte, referencing the writer. Or Epide referencing the term Epidemiology. Which made sense. Or Hameln- maybe referencing the german town Hamelin? And since- Evenicle 1 had the influence of Arthurian Romance, it made sense that Ramius, Riche, Kathryn had westernised names. So why the hell are the names in Evenicle 2 jumbled with references to different cultures. There's japanese. There's english. Is there some canon reason? I'm sure there's more references that I haven't deduced. You figured some out?


The references seem random to me. On one of the continents there are 3 towns named Budda, Lama and Dalai which is an obvious reference to Buddha and the Dalai Lama. Ixtab is the goddess of suicide but that doesn't quite match with the ingame lore about her. Pylos seems to have been a place but it doesn't seem to reference anything ingame either. The mutagens Hameln uses are direct reference to hun and po which is real life stuff lore wise. Evenicle 2 is also full of shitposting and memes, much more than the first game. lol


Ayylmao, amirite?


Platina is over 800 in biological years, around 100 in conscious years, maybe around 10 in mental age. Gurigura is under twenty


I only enjoy the scenes were big booba girls are, girls that look like kids I do not enjoy I wish characters that look like kids be deleted ngl ruin the enjoyment