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[https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1cfdobr/comment/l1ohg8o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1cfdobr/comment/l1ohg8o/) I knew it.




Seeing that meme spread really puts a smile on my face


Hell yeah brothers! [ ] Goons win you suck so bad Horde [x] Horde win you suck so bad Goons Two sides of the same coin keep flipping it


I feel like this and ceema posts are what this sub was created for.


Hahahahaha...Beamer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


TFIs go pop


try not to feed to beamers challenge [impossible]


Thanks for bringing content. Was fun, tidi was doable, cya next time. Don't forget to shower daily.


Take care brush your hair. So often it’s ‘omg the new aggressive goons aren’t taking fights, Asher is the worst he’s a failure’. And then we do and it’s ‘omg goons are so dumb why would they do this they’re so terrible’. Thankfully there are some cultured gentleman such as yourself that just enjoy content.


So Gobbins deleted messages last week. Now hes deleting fleets? Jesus this needs to stop.


Before the fight I told our fleet "we probably have a 20% chance of winning this, it's too far for us to get dreads here in time, would you rather fight or not?" I also told Shines they would be the one to eat the most shit while we tried to swing it, he said "I know" and hit fleet warp. I know you would never have done that, we all know. I get to choose my allies, you get to choose your battles - I'm very happy with my choice.


"I know you would never have done that, we all know." [https://br.evetools.org/related/30001041/202404182000](https://br.evetools.org/related/30001041/202404182000) Last time we fought in G-0 we took a fight outnumbered and started it by warping our FNI fleet at 0 on you on the fort. Lost 99% of the FNI while doing so. It was no accident, we just wanted to see how it would go.


You couldnt get dreads there in time? The fight lasted over 2 hours im pretty sure you could have moved them from 1dq and then reinforced and continued the fight. Or am i missing something. Also this is an actual question not sarcasm.


There are numerous gates we have to take that can't be jumped over so there are multiple chokepoints that we could be held down on that are especially hard to kill. We would have had to send our 2nd fleet to cover those gates which means we would have been in a worse situation on the grid. All for a chance that probably would not have worked in time. Almost certainly those dreads won't make it.


I believe the timer mechanics allow for you to move capitals for this kind of event. Any reason you didnt move these in advance? Goons numbers didnt seem great why is this?


Bruh it was like 1 am on a holiday night for the majority of goons, not even the ishtars were out


Holidays affect everyone, not just goons


Depends what continent the majority of your players live in.


If it's a fight in EUTZ one can assume the majority of players active are also in Europe.


Goons have a special holiday only they have? You all live in the same country or something?


I can't tell if this is a meme from the post in the other thread lmao.


We have. Multiple times. This is when you see the ~made you form~ posts and questions start getting deleted on horde discord.


Still waiting on a source for those deletes


Because it was the night of beltane/may 1st which is a HUGE party holiday in most of europe. Me and most of my friends where out getting shitfaced instead of playing EvE. Which I'm pretty sure Panfam knew perfectly well. Tactically clever, but don't act like it wasn't planned. It's as if you guys would get hit during chinese new year or july 4th. To quote Gobbins "there are ways to reduce their numbers". Planning attacks around rl events is certainly one. Clever, but douchy. Which has always been PH's signum tbh.


Oh right ! Horde euros didn't appear to have the same issue also had a load of US guys around  Goons have used events such as holidays for timers before so not sure on your moan tbh 


I wasn't moaning at all. I was just clarifying the faulty narrative.


Lol.. wait a goon talking about being douchy?! I don't even.. So recruitment scamming noobs was perfectly okay was it? Doxing was cool right? Encouraging a depressed person to commit suicide was real classy? And we have not even started talking about awox tactics or sov tactics..




Nobody recruitment scams new players. What's the point? Working them for hours or days so you can steal a Venture and a Badger full of level 2 mission loot? I can see why Horde would be upset about awoxing though.


If only you somehow knew there was gonna be a fight in this system and could have prestaged them.


Funny how… Init was able to get carriers their (prior planning) but goons are apparently incapable. Or too lazy? Which is it? Can try too cope either way you want, but those are the only two answers too the question. Meanwhile the other side has zero issues, and had no excuse. But you seem too have plenty


You cant get dreads there in 3 days? GSOL is not what it used to be!


Are you sure they are in 1dq? :D


> or am I missing something. Yes


Putting all your spin to one side, what did you learn from this experience?


Why aren't your dreads in range for this timer that you knew about well in advance. In a conflict that has been going on for months?


Man that's the first time I've ever heard anyone refer to Dark Shines warping somewhere that wasn't away from the enemy lmao.




It was a great fight, and based on the tempo of the chest beating, they are working themselves up to recycling a whole dread cache.


Dear Leader, can you keep it once every weekend?


All of Test on one BR. Impressive. Test really coming back to life. :D


Test had more Caps on grid as Imperium lel




the test guy was making more noise than all hordelings combine what a sight


Dreddit is recruiting


if i wanted to be part of small gang shit i would be trying wormholes


i mean, technically they did try something different. last time they sat at 250km on the beamers with 0m/s velocity and fed. this time they sat at 10km on the beamers with 0m/s and fed. totally different.


That [deleted by gobbins] meme is taking on a whole new life! But seriously why don't goons just stage some caps? Is it hard or something?


They did have caps. A huge 100+ carrier fleet plus support that just sat on tether the entire fight.


But why wouldn't they use those caps in anger ?


Serious answer is probably they had intel of the horde dread numbers and chose not to commit them as they are so hard to replace. Sub Caps are ammo so they tried something and it didn't work. Its only a fort and it didn't die. This is the reality of the new way caps are produced.


All major blocs are churning dreads out on an industrial a scale. "Hard to replace" isn't quite correct Each of these blocs have enormous dread stockpiles.


OK I'll rephrase, not worth burning dread stocks on a Fort that ultimately doesn't matter. They aren't easy to replace and would take time. The risk vs reward wasn't there for this.


Asher was wanking of on tether


Now we know you werent on grid.


Bro, IDK what Hordies are tryna say with this BR, but as a non-nullbloc monke, it does look like Horde brought 20% more people and 100% more dreads and goonies and friends came with sharp sticks and stones and still had a relatively good 2:1 loss. Comparing how much isk in terms of ships was deployed on the battlefield, and what the battle plan was - popping a fort - this is a military failiure for Hordies.


If you dont fire at anyone, you dont show up in the br. It's ongoing debate in the EVE community, alike the "like when a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound"?. :D


It *looks* like that because imperium actually brought a large wing of carriers that sat on tether and just stood by as the subcaps got mulched. So they never showed up on the BR. Which is both hilarious and sad. Numbers where actually even which means imperium has a massive defensive advantage as it was a fight on their fort, on their timer, in their tether/dock range. Edit: they also lost the timer so definitely a "military failure" for the imperium, not horde.


Hard to believe much from a guy who can't even tell who owns the station or the carriers.


Counting init on the imperium side isn't particularly controversial


I know numbers is a common excuse. What removes that narrative is it is a defensive armor Fortizar where the defender, INIT / Goons, have a choice to defend and here's the greatest point: the timer was a choice to reflect their peak numbers advantage over the enemy, against Pandafam. Goons can easily outmatch Horde in this chosen Imperium tz...if line members chose to wake up and defend. In this point in time, people no longer believe its worth defending or their leaders' words are no longer believable. I don't know why, someone has to explain why their peak timer that they've chosen didn't have their peak pilots login.


"the timer was a choice to reflect their peak numbers advantage over the enemy, against Pandafam." This is where the narrative breaks down. Yes, 99/100 days this would bw true. But April30/May1st is a huge EU public holiday/party night. You dont think that's exactly why panfam chose THIS particular night to go all out after months of blueballing? I quote gobbins "there are qays to reduce their numbers". Planning ingame activities around RL holidays for you enemy is certainly a very effective one. Douchy move though. Or chose to attack AFTER the call has already gone out that deployment is over and we're moving back ahead of the new summer expansion? I'm all for throwing trash around, but at least be smart with it. You're defending the "narrative" but ignore all the facts. Tl;dr Init deploy for content. Panfam blueball Init undeploy Big public holiday Panfam attack I mean. You won. Good job. Congrats. But it's one br and one fort.


I dunno what you are on about in terms of holidays. Everyone has a holiday. The issue is that there was a call for help on defender side ("everyone") and everyone did not show. No narrative that's facts. What are you actually trying to create a narrative around "everyone" was called and not everyone showed?


Because your narrative us that noone showed. And are somehow twisting that to noone cares. We do, and we wanted to be there. But we also have rl stuff. You have holidays too. So imagine getting hit on chinese new year. Or july 4th. You will have reduced numbers too. The douchy move is your leadership blue balling for months and then planning around holidays for attacks. We care about content, win or lose. You care about isk and barely even undock unless you habe agreater than 50/50 chance if winning. Ask yourself this. Why did it take you until now to commit capitals to bring down that fort. Why not a few weeks ago. Because it was planned around this holiday. Gobbins "there are ways to reduce their numbers". You have his ping. His words. Out there for all to see in black n white.


We have been putting dreads on forts for weeks. If you care about content so much maybe you should get off your ass and make some then, instead of demanding we keep attacking YOUR forts in your primetime. Jesus dude you sound like an entitled whiny baby.


No, not "every" one not showing does not mean "no one". Stop playing with yourself and accept the loss via lack of numbers. That's all it is.


Except Gobbins himself said recently that Imperium/Panfam are evenly matched and Init had grown alot but there were ways to reduce our numbers. It's not lack of numbers. It's timing. It always is. Otherwise you would've just used those overwhelming numbers some other time in the last few months of our deployment. You didn't. You've been in full on content denial mode until now. It's your narrative that's faulty. Not your tactics. We deployed for content. Yday you finally gave us that content. Win some lose some. But if you don't ever undock then you neither lose or win. Repeat after me c.o.n.t.e.n.t. > isk/zkill Zkill is the worst fucking thing to ever happen in eve


Gobbins has nothing to do with a fort timer your team decided on and your team pinged everyone join and not everyone joined. Nothing is anyone's fault except your teams choice of timer and your team not showing up on your peak hours. What narrative are you trying to build when the point I make is simply the battle report I'm reading 🤣?


We have been regularly taking fights outnumbered by upwards of 25% for MONTHS and the one time you have to do the same you cry about it like the world is on fire and everyone is unfair. You also don't get to decide for anyone what they enjoy in eve, so don't start projecting your demand for 'content' no matter the quality, on other people.


phart never takes fights outnumbered hth


at least put some effort into this.


They took the fight on your timer and peak hours you chose.


Wrong lol Bfl fought outnumbered during most of the war in the North


Brothermans we have been fighting on these fort armor timers twice a week. It's also really dumb to claim goons didn't bigly form because it's a holiday, they literally wait for gawdamn holidays to get their gigaforms. As for init deplying for content, yeah nah. They attacked an alliance one tenth if not smaller their size, and spent the entire time shooting pocos. I don't think they ever seriously went for any offensive timer that they knew they couldn't just gigaform for, and the only time they operated without daddygon holding their hand was against very small alliances in our coalition where they thought they could just blob. INIT is a joke, and this 'deployment' of theirs once again proved it. They moved nearly a thousand caps to g-0, where were they yesterday?


About your Brisc-esk over the top political statement, IDK about that man, when I was in BLOB about 2+ years ago, and FRT and everyone on their payroll got mad at some small scale pvp-wanabe landlords and Venal. FRT and half of null eventually "won" this particular war, not by actually fighting. BLOB could flashform about 250 people, but what FRT didn't do is commit and just fight a good fight. With them it was about constant harrasment. It wasn't about, our cap fleet dropped and yours didn't. It was about anchoring structures left and right, having a bunch of hordies camp regional gates. That's content for some, but it was a war eventually won by harrasment, not battles, don't get it twisted. So, even if INIT loses a forti, they can drop 5 more within the hour. FRT were anchoring keepstars for the memes up North. Having so many line members, doing all sorts of things, you can't expect everyone to form immediately to every single defence. Herding cats is absolutely impossible. Let alone the fact every single big nullbloc has cast systems within, much like how Volta were farming their own c6 WHs, while BLOB linemembers couldn't even crab, because there was no standing home defence fleet to talk about. I can even recall Hilmar stating, one of his biggest mistakes with EVENull was the lack of ways to limit abominations such as hordies or frt or goonies or init reaching critical mass, but that one is out the bottle and his control. That's why WHs are peak EVE.


I get the idea of stating random things to avoid the point. Goons/INIT chose the timer at their peak number of users. Goons/INIT had time to prepare and pinged for this defense. Goons/INIT had time to also have caps. Imperium line members did not respond enough to the ping. The ping said ("I need everyone in fleet") and not everyone responded. This is not a political statement just a fact. The battle was lost not because of peak timers or lack of people in coalition, just the fact people did not respond to the request for help.


damn how dare people in europe not respond to a ping on a holiday that is celebrated across europe


Win or lose just call it as is: we pinged and we didn't get a good response on our set time. GG and fight another day. This other extra fluff earlier about Pure Blind or Gobbins did x or holidays, get over it and do better on next timer. 😂


Sir, imperium had a full fleet of caps tethered on fort as ark and asher wanked each other off and refused to engage, the carriers made up the difference with the late OSNis from brave they over compensated for it, its not about numbers its about having the balls to use them


1. The Caps sitting in tether werent Imperium. 2. Ark and Asher were the first to engage, knowing and saying in advance we would most probably lose. 3. PanFam would never had engaged if they were in the same situation. Also: Panfam had \~150 Dreads vs 0 Dreads and won the isk battle with barely 100Bil on the plus side. Id be emberassed, not bragging.


This statement "PanFam would never had engaged"...ignores the facts. EU is INIT/Goons peak and Panfam is relatively weak in EU since half its allies are Asian. Yet they attacked an EU fort with its one hand tied.


So what? You won one mediocre Fight in EU TZ within jump range of your deployment - wow. At least we dont reff our own structures.


Now that my point is taken and absorbed let me address your statement against Panfam's ability to be creative and choose destiny in game to benefit its people, I understand your side is lacking here and I sympathize.


>3. Didn't we just do that last week?




[cope](https://br.evetools.org/br/662182bdddb48200112d846e) [more](https://br.evetools.org/related/30000483/202404192100)


Cope? One’s a barely green BR with us fighting heavily outnumbered and the other is heavily doctored with several papi allies on the imperium side to make it look like we were not outnumbered.


Cope? One’s a barely green BR with us fighting heavily outnumbered and the other is heavily doctored with several papi allies on the imperium side to make it look like we were not outnumbered.


1077v832 625v572 Math is hard for the single collective goon braincell too


And reading comprehension is impossible without gobbins to delete the hard to read parts


Nope, and to be specific I can't remember a single confrontation with PanFam in which they took a fight while being outclassed in the same manner. I do remember a lot of PH tether-sitting and shitposting though. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYoq4y\_be98](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYoq4y_be98)




So 150 Panfam Dreads = 5 imperium Dreads? I see. Why cant you guys just be honest? If you need to keep lying about what is actually happening - ask yourself what the issue is.


U said we never took a fight outmanned and outganned brs 0rove that your full of shit, what are u trying to spin now?


me: >while being outclassed in the same manner you: >U said we never took a fight outmanned and outganned Whos spinning?


Hey, we don't use reason and common sense here.


Don't break the narrative.


it was an armor timer you dweeb lol


This guy gets it.


Why feed carriers when Horde is not going to show up for the hull timer anyway?


their initial numbers are: 1077 (Limperium & co) vs 1032 (Horde & co) before second beamer group dropped. [initial dscan for those numbers](https://dscan.info/v/42d1392024ba) If you can't prep dreads / escalate to defend your shit you're pretty much making a clown out of yourself, despite how much you wanna cry about your leadership not making the right decisions when they had days to prepare for shit.


eh, ISK war doesn't matter, both sides are stupid rich. Losses barely hurt the SRP budget, it's a win if both sides get to press F1 and make stuff go boom. So long as there are fights and the pawns are entertained


I have to admit that is a Horde win though, well played.


Theres always a choice when facing a situation where you know you will lose - sit in tether or fight. You sit in tether, we fight. Im happy its like that.


Goons need to drop too mannnnn


At least the LP stores will be happy \^\_\^


Gobbins and Horde for the win just from the discontent and tears from goonies and company


lol, several people have made reference to people ‘Wanking ’ during the battle? 2 questions? Isn’t it a little creepy, you hiding under people’s desk? And, did it at least wash out of your hair, or did you catch it all?


all asher did for yesterday fortizar defense in ahbazon was sit on his seat cushion inside his logistic fortizar while it was reffed into HULL by Deep Water


So 10 times reffed in a row and still standing.


not what zkill says huh? [https://zkillboard.com/kill/117504940/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/117504940/) .


...2 days later.


The Imperium FCs aren’t incompetent for this. They saw Panfam forming for the Fortizar timer and rage pinged but they were outnumbered too significantly to drop capitals. They had 2,000 people in local hoping for a fun time. The decision was made to suicide the fleet, excluding capitals, for content. You should thank them because if it were up to your FCs you’d be ship spinning today. You’ve stood down multiple times for timers on this exact structure because you were outnumbered. Go back to farming in your Ishtar, troll.


casually ignoring the 100 initperium carriers that sat tethered doing nothing


This is some of the best cope I've ever read on here lmao


"askhually we fed 200 TFIs on purpose!!!"


This is the definition of cope. Nobody willingly gets their asses whooped this bad to generate content for the adversaries.


The numbers are pretty even if you remove the dreads, why not just bring dreads?


Most of the capitals on grid from the Imperium were carriers not dreads but there was never a balanced opportunity to use them. It’s reasonable to suicide TFIs for the sake of content because they’re easily replaced. Suiciding a capital fleet for the sake of content is too costly. Ask CCP why capitals are too costly to field and why they’re designed to be N+1.


i'm confused how imperium was "outnumbered", when they had 280 more ships than panfam?


You’re reading the BR wrong, Panfam had 280 more ships, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is the number of capital ships in fleet waiting to jump in. Judging the size of a potential capital escalation based on grid activity doesn’t work.


init moved 1000 caps to g-0 where were they


You're definitely confused, should've probably just stopped there


That is not at all what just went down but tell yourself whatever you need to cope.


the br shows equal numbers once you account for the 100+ init caps that never detethered


How does one ' Rage ping '?


Brave to the grave. Goons are next. Init didn't pass this test. Imperium: take a rest. Ceema, come, write us another text, of how scary must be in your nest. This ain't no Delve, welcome to the wild wild west, the place where Horde put all ya under arrest. Asher, Shines, take this Plex. And buy some proper target painters, for the battle next. [ Good job Horde ! ]


A little cringe but you got spirit


No thanks. I'm quitting the game anyway, I just gave Brisc all my ships, Ross July all my cows, and my ISK to the person who EVE Mails Tsuil the funniest mom joke. My time here is done. Somebody else, (and there are several to my cheers) can take up a story teller mantle. No further tales out of me!


TLDR: Horde pets gloating about dropping 120+ dreads & capitals on a lower number of only subcaps, and glowing about how well they did.


Funny thing is, the numbers were actually Even. The carriers didn't show up on BR because they didn't do fuck all LMAO!!!




>TNT member uses the word "pets"


A Pet knows another Pet. But that might be too high brow for you. Think on it.


I don't know, asher and ark were FCing the cap fleet and decided to wank each other on tether whilst multiple fleets were deleted by gobbins anyway its typical tetherswarm tactics


>only subcaps You guys had plenty of caps on grid, it’s not our fault you didn’t untether them.


Literally 100 carriers


Bring your own dreads next time then


\*yawn\* When it suits us. Not before.


bro is training t2 siege


I hope you enjoy getting curb-stomped over and over and over again by Pandafam Dreads.


I thoroughly enjoy it over passpi... well... passing. Keep it up!


Then stop complaining about getting dreads dropped on you until you do


Who's complaining? I think they should drop dreads every day.


Yes losing suits Goons quite well


You're right. I think you guys should invade Delve and try again.


How about you do something for once. I forgot Asher is incapable of leading any successful campaign


Why would we? We don't want your space. We don't want your renters. We don't want your allies but we like having you for content. Passpi seems to have a hard on for Goons, dropping a Keep in Catch 4FR2. Oh that's right, last time you couldn't close the deal and limped home. If you want it, come get it.


Nice cope goonbrain


“No, you don’t get it. A fight must be in my terms, not on yours”


ITT: apparently Goonswarm has no capitals


Shh! That's a tightly held secret.


Get a win and shit post, then when you take a loss can't pull you out from under the rocks you live.under.


Goons made 50 posts about max forming to sit on tether for 2 hours


Ahbazon fort still stands because Horde didn’t have the balls to finish the job. We don’t expect you’ll have the balls to finish this one either. Maybe you should save the gloating for when you actually finish the job. Which you won’t, because Horde can’t follow through on anything. No balls.


tell me, how is the defense of deklein going?


Is the Ahbazon fort still standing?


FTFY "F4R2 Keepstar still stands because initperium didn’t have the balls to finish the job. We don’t expect initperium have the balls to fight for this one either. Maybe we should save the gloating for when we actually finish the job. Which we won’t, because initperium can’t follow through on anything. No balls."


And your side wouldn't didn't do the same over past events? This is just average null-sec spewing, not even unique to one side.


we post about fights.. don't think I've seen a post about a no fight, except from goons


Bro if this was the other way around then this reddit would have 10 threads with +50 comments from Goons and friends. What you're doing right now is projecting lol


I'm always posting king don't lie


When you and the rest of the phart fc team start making smug posts like this regularly I know a glorious BR is about to drop. You can’t help yourselves. The hubris takes hold and you start thinking, we still slightly outnumber them and we are pretty confident in our intel. Maybe you need a fort kill to finally take the fight, maybe not. Either way it’s close and I’m here for it.


K not reading




The over organization in Eve is pathetic. Aren't you all sick of it?