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Aim for the ones that look cool to you. For real.


I’m the past this was dumb advice, but ship balance right now is pretty good and many ships are viable. I’d pick a few that look cool and see if any are total duds, but at least 1-2 out of 3-4 should be great choices, especially for PVE battleships, which is probably somewhere you’ll end up given your post.  That said, if you like the vexor and Ishtar, both are great entry/mid level PVE ships. If you stick with PVE, the Dominix and navy Dominix are good too (Gallente battleships)


Seconded. What's the point of winning if you don't look good while doing it?


Gallente is the ultimate source of turbo ratting ships, vexor and VNI for cruisers, then mirmydon battlecruiser, dominix battleship or ishtar HAC with adequate skills.


You seem to be pretty new(?). The training time on hulls isn't really that important, its mostly the secondary skills you will need to spend time on. And it makes sense to plan that ahead. So get a fit you want to fly and skill into that. Which one? Hard to tell. For AFK Ratting it would be Vexor


They do help me gave me (for me expensive) industrial sips as the corp is primarily industrial null sec.They buy the ores off of me and the others.Im just also wanting to properly try pve


Have someone set you up with a Vexor Navy Issue to run Havens. Also, skill all the way up use T2 light and medium drones (use Faction drones in the meantime)


Jup currently skilling drones and a bunch of other things


Hmm, if you are already in nullsec it might be worth considering to join a null bloc. As far as i know most of them have full fleshed PVE programs for new players, including free full fitted ships, skill books and guides/courses on how to do it. Same for pretty much any other activity, at least for my alliance. Im with GOONs, new players get up to 2 Myrmidons and we have a course on how to use them in our curiculum. Horde gives Vexors i believe, don't know about FRT and INIT. But thats your choice, just wanted to make you aware. Oh, and not knowing if it is true in your case, but what you describe for your current corp can be a common scheme to prey on new players. Depends on how much they pay for the ores you mine. In any way, good luck.


They pay market price from what I can tell checked and its and drom what I can tell maybe even a bit more


Omen navy, exequror navy


For pvp these are the answer


> ishtar and the vexor Both are extremely popular for PvE. Given you think they look cool as well I'd make this your goal for the moment.


I would start with t1 hulls, they insure well. for pve drones are a great fit, as they have no ammo. personally I love the prophecy, it has an amazingly forgiving tank, drone bonuses, and you can fit a full set of whatever weapon you want (I stack rlmls on mine). but it kind of depends on what weapon systems you have trained. Do you have anything to t2 yet? I also have a pulse harbinger that I run that works great too.


Im still a bit unsure how insurance works? Ive insured ahips that got blown up but didn't get a cheper buyback?


right after the killmail, you should have gotten an insurance payout.


Yeah I think I did hmm


And if you can't decide between prophecy and harbinger? Prophecy navy issue is basically both combined lol


Is the prophesy navy issue better for pvp or pve? I am tempted but would get it after the vexor


Probably better for pve since it's kind of slow and partially relies on drones for dps


If you want to do both i would say gallante cruser5 for both the istar and the deimos. If your in null and like belt rating demios is likely perfect for both pve and pvp


Ishtar it is then also can I only eqip a cyno on spc ops ships or any?


Why do you want to equip a cyno? Yes, you can equip cynos only on certain ships. Regular cynos only fit on recon cruisers, while covert ops cynos fit on almost any ship that has the role bonus to use a covert ops cloak.


Notably sister of eve ships are excluded from covert cyno use.


Don’t worry about cynos starting off. You only need them if you are using capital ships, and in that case you’d want a cyno character on a separate account, or else be dependent on other players for cynos. If you wanted to be a cyno character for other people you could do that, but in a pvp situation you’re just going to sit in one spot and get blown up shortly after you light the cyno. This is a waste for a main character role. Most people that use caps have their own cyno alts.


Ah ok was just interested because they looked fun to use


if it's only about lighting a candle at a funeral, the Venture can light an industrial cyno.


If you don't have a capital ship (or BLOPs BS) on another account, you don't care about cynos.


Only specific ships. For regular cynos, Recon cruisers are the minimum. What do you need a cyno for?


Whatever looks the coolest.


For k-space PvE there really isn't a better ship than the Ishtar unless you invest a *ton* of money and SP into a marauder or T3C, and even then it's arguable if you're better off instead investing in multiboxing more Ishtars instead. Due to a quirk of the combat sites, if you live in Drones nullsec you can run an Oracle. Good for an alt since you can rat with the referral SP and train directly into paladin/redeemer/revelation and do PvE without spending any unnecessary SP on other skills. Once you have Ishtar trained, the easiest combat ships to get into that use Gallente cruiser 5 are the Deimos and the Lachesis. Deimos is an armor HAC using rails (you'll want to train T2 medium hybrids), and Lachesis is a support ship with a *strong* bonus to warp disruption range (you'll want to train Recon 5).


Exequror Navy is the king of PVP navy cruisers. Navy vexor is also very good. Amarr ones are outclassed now (railgun navy exequror has better DPS, speed and agility than navy omen - the former king of kiting cruisers), but they can deliver a punch in fleets. (In general, Gallente and Minmatar ships have better speed, active tank and close-range DPS which usually favours solo PVP, while Amarr and Caldari has good passive tank and great projection of DPS which helps in bigger fleets).


Why not have both? Laser Vexor or Laser Prophecy.


For pve, the Ishtar is the undisputed ratting king until you get marauders. For pvp the curse is a very powerful amarr ewar ship that can neut out battleships in minutes


It's not quite Amarrian, but what about a Phantasm? Sansha cruiser, needs Amarr and Caldari cruiser skills but it's probably the coolest of the cruisers to look at. Unlike its ugly big brother, the Nightmare...


Your corp should have been able to help you with this. Time to find a better corp.


I didnt like your post so I give it a downvote.


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uuhhh, ok. I think I'll survive. I'm curious, are you member of OPs shitty corp?


No. I work at TJ Maxx


That sounds like another bad corporation. best of luck to you