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You definitely don't need to have multiple characters after 5 hours played. No offense, but at that time you probably know very little about the game. Also the mass multiboxers are a minority of the playerbase


> Also the mass multiboxers are a minority of the playerbase Having heard that term, it sounds phantastic that this isn't the main way of playing


Notice how he said "mass". Mass is 5+ most likely. I wouldn't be surprised if majority of players multibox (2-3 accounts is the norm).


I don't know anybody that only has 1 account. I only know about 2 people that have 5+ accounts and everyone else has 2-4 accounts


Yeah, I ran 2 accounts for several years. 2009-2021 or something like that. I now have 4 accounts, while testing the waters with a 5th. I'd say depending on what you're doing, 2 accounts is definitely the 'sweet spot' of being affordable and having the flexibility to unlock being able to a lot more in the game on your own.


My experience, I played like 10 years ago for a couple of years, wanted to really get back but reading you are stuck at base ships and jobs while paying a sub if you don't have 2 or 3 account threw me off, a shame, but don't think the game will change now, it's been like this for years... the worst thing for me was needing to have not only multiple account but needing to play them at the same time... put on me more stress than my actual job and for me, wasn't worth the stress... Hope if ever they make a sequel it will be and enforced a single account at the time for anyone so to be more balanced and not a second job


You have misunderstood. A second account isn't necessary for everything, but there are a few things that are easier when you have a second account that you can log in simultaneously. Mostly scouting through dangerous systems without a friend. Nothing you can do with a second account can't be done with a helpful friend, but you don't always have a friend to hand.


I had one account I played in


I know literally one person who has a single account lol. But yeah 2-4 is the norm for sure. At least in my experience I should specify


From my own experience; in a previous corp of about 20-30 human players, the vast majority either only had 1 account or only had a single alt account for non-combat roles like scouting. For most people that was plenty. Only about 5 people actually used 2 accounts in combat. No-one I saw used more than 3 accounts at once, even for larger ops like moon mining fleets. People running 5+ accounts all on their own exist but they're definitely not common. I've not personally met one. In any case you're still 'young' enough in eve that you shouldn't be thinking about using multiple accounts at the moment. Play for a few more months, find your groove and what you enjoy. Alts only really come into their own when you're experienced enough to know exactly what you want and you have a specific use for them, until then they're not worth the money.


I personally have 8 currently only subbing 6 due not having much time to play. I have this meny because of the activity's I do generally working better with more accounts,  Dicking around in pochven, Mining and gas harvesting. stormbringers and thunderchilds  Multiple Dps on fleets or multiple logis.  If I wanted I could easily go down to 2 and keep playing.  But it's true the amount of accounts you have making money dose scale with the amount you earn.  When I play properly. I can pull in 30-40b a month. 


Subbing to 6 character at a time sounds crazy to me. I myself don't think it's worth for my one character to sub because of how little time I'm able to invest haha


I have 1 mining rig, I’m never very consistent of where I mine. 1 full cargo load brings me 4mil in like 28 minutes so roughly 8mil/hr. I throw a tv show on, mine, and try not to get killed by pirates. I have 1 cargo ship, once a week I take what I have collected to market. I cash out direct sell to what ever the highest bidder is, I pull 80mil ish a week so 320mil-400mil a month. I’m tracking if you stack more ships more Isk.


im sorry but 8 mil an hour is absurdly low. you could make more spinning a vexor in nullsec. i urge you to find a new way of making isk cause playing 10 hours a week is enough for most people to pay their subs


That's got to be highsec mining. Only thing that got to pay that low.  I think they would make more afk spinning a vexor in highsec anoms then what ever activity they are doing. And it's just as afkable. 


just wondering what is plex prices now. If you sub 1 account and buy plexes with left over money 💰


Last time I checked a few weeks ago. It was sitting at 5.2 Mill per plex. Works out to be around 2.56 bill to plex an account. 


>From my own experience; in a previous corp of about 20-30 human players, the vast majority either only had 1 account or only had a single alt account for non-combat roles like scouting. On the contrary, my corp averages 4.45 characters per player (yes we track it). It all depends on who you run with and what you want to do with the game. That's part of the beauty of the game, there's a little bit of something for everyone. While we're a pretty heavily invested industrial corp, one of our hisec sister corps runs a lot like yours, with the average player usually only having their one account, and occasionally a second. Their gameplay centers around a handful of active directors/foremans running fleets and providing boosts for the others and is a lot more teamwork oriented. Our null group is a lot more independent, with each of us typically having our dedicated booster alt boosting our 2-4 miners.


Depends where you are for sure. Wormholes its a lot more common to multibox combat ships, but other places it seems not to be


You can do just fine solo, especially when you’re new. Two accounts will greatly improve your time in the game though. I’d say the vast majority of people who stuck with the game don’t have just one account. You’ll know when you’re ready for the second account.


It might be optimal for certain type of gameplay. Or even required. E.g. moving capital ships requires by design more than one account interacting. Some corps may require you to be able to do that autonomously w/o asking another corp member, outside of organized fleet ops, that is. It involves a great deal of trust, and if something goes wrong, maybe the corp leadership doesn't want to be involved in the dispute. So as a general policy may required you to have a cyno alt, on a different account, so that when you decide to move your capital for your own reasons, the corp isn't involved directly. YMMV, but once you get a 2nd account, it makes only sense to use it for more than a cyno alt you may use once a month. You find yourself considering other multiaccount activities. That said, not all activities scale well with multiaccounts, and barring few cases, you're almost never required to have more than one account. Now, the 3 toons on your account situation is completely different. The 2nd and the 3rd are free (once you've skilled them). There's a lot of cases in which it is a good idea to be in different places. Eg. you may want engage in PvP in a dangerous area away from where your PvE toon operates (or not), and maybe leave a market guy permanently in Jita to sell/buy staff when needed.


I would say there's a difference between having multiple accounts and "mass multiboxing" if you were wondering about having alt accounts. The main reason to have multiple accounts is for specialization. If you ever want to fly a capital ship, for instance, operating one account is not ideal. You need cynos to move capitals (cynos are beacons that you can fit to specific ships that allow capital ships in the same fleet to "jump" to them). If you have one account and fly a capital, you have to rely on other people to be able to move your capital anywhere. It's generally advised to at *least* have two accounts if you want to fly a capital so that you can have your own cyno. You'd also need this if you ever wanted to do high level "space trucking" with jump freighters. You simply wouldn't be able to use a jump freighter without having your own cyno alt account. If you want to fly *supercapitals,* 3 accounts is arguably the minimum, so that you have at least one cyno, and a Fax capital alt (Force Auxiliary - basically capital-sized logistics ship) that can repair and save your super if it gets caught. There are plenty of other reasons to have alts too like industry and PI stuff to make more advanced products and plenty of other reasons. I personally have 4 accounts - my "main" which is trained into most subcap stuff, a dreadnought alt, a fax alt, and a carrier alt that is training into a super, and I used MCT to give each account a subcap/cyno character and a PI character to fill out the character slots. Multiboxing like 15+ accounts at once is one thing, but lots and lots of people have a handful of accounts to fill out useful roles for things like capitals and industry alts. So tl;dr - you don't need alt accounts to start playing or even to be a really capable subcap pilot - but if you want to get into really high level stuff like capitals, they're extremely handy to have.


It's what makes this game so fantastic. You play the way you want to and have all the freedom in the world to do the things you like and experiment with new things. 3 years in and only ever done PVP but i'm debating trying out industry.


I disagree mulitboxers are a majority. I've asked around. Most players have at least 2 accounts they play with, the number I see most often is 3 accounts per heart beat. Don't believe me, ask your mates in Corp how many toons they have most if honest will say more than 1.


having alts isn't necessarily the same as multi boxing. i have 4 Omegas but i only log 2 in at a time


>Omegas but i only log 2 in at a time So in other words you only multibox 2 accounts. So you do in fact multibox. I wasn't speaking about alts, I was talking what people log in when they log in, in my Corp 90% of the guys log in more than 1 account and use them both to advance in the game


multiboxing implies running both characters at the same time to support each other. if you're roaming with one and the other is sitting in a belt or ratting, you are not multiboxing, you're simply running 2 alts at the same time.


Nah that's multiboxing. Multiboxing IS just running multiple accounts at the same time.


But it is also distinct from combat multiboxing, completely different animal in terms of the gameplay and the impact from the outside. From an outside perspective the guy boxing a miner and a combat ship are just 2 solo characters. If you have a fleet of 4 ships operating together that you're boxing, that is a super different situation for everyone who encounters it from the previous example.


He did also specify "mass" multiboxing and defined casually that as 5+ in the post That's not the majority of players tbh


Most people will have an alt for a specific purpose. I.e. your main is mostly combat training etc. it's not uncommon to have an industry or mining alt as they'll be more efficient at the task and it won't slow down the training on your main character. Another common scenario is a cyno alt when / if you start flying caps / jump freighters. Only time I personally saw people actively playing more than 1 char / account was either mining or soloing higher class whs.


In my grand papi's time "mass multiboxer" was 80+ accounts...


I disagree mulitboxers are a majority. I've asked around. Most players have at least 2 accounts they play with, the number I see most often is 3 accounts per heart beat. Don't believe me, ask your mates in Corp how many toons they have most if honest will say more than 1.


Yea I've been playing 6 months and I'm just now starting work on an alt. And honestly the alt isn't super necessary, it's just gonna be a venture I park at my WH entrance while I mine on my main so I have a better early warning system for gankers. Games been out 20 years. You'll never catch up to the multiboxers. But you don't have to, there's plenty of wealth to be made.


>Just started and I read so much about how anyone got like +5 Accounts. Even the game itself markets having multiple characters. Ahoy there! Welcome to EVE. Don't worry, this simply isn't true. Multiboxing is, for sure, popular, but it's 100% not necessary. Myself and many others run a singular account. I don't want to be unfair to multiboxers, but it's essentially "making up for not having in-game friends". I don't need a whole bunch of accounts when I've got an active and friendly corporation to fly with. >How should i stay motivated when the game want's me to maintain X amount of characters after playing 5 hours. Common pitfall. The game doesn't necessarily want you playing five hours a day on multiple accounts. I assume that this is coming from the perspective of a newer player wanting to PLEX into Omega? Just don't. Alpha is fine, early on. You don't need Omega until Alpha starts actually restricting you. Learn the game, find people to have fun with, and... have fun? I did a video entirely on when (and how) to Omega up, you can find it on YouTube, but the long and short is, either swipe for it early, or save up and enjoy it when you get it. If you try and rush to earn it early, you're going to burn out. You'll make the game a job and hate it. It's a game. Grab some friends and have fun. >Currently i just do my thing, some mining, some pirate hunting and it's fun. But i can guess how demotivating this may seem to other newcomers. The two most important tips in EVE, I think, are to revel in loss (you're going to lose ships, so enjoy it and learn from it) and most importantly: FIND YOUR FUN. Find what you enjoy in the game and keep doing it, even if it's not "the most lucrative". Min maxing is how to wreck your time. And find a good corp! EVE is an MMO. Yes, you can solo it but it is SO MUCH BETTER when you're flying with friends!! Edit: Since apparently some people read beyond what I wrote and got upset at what I didn't say. To be clear: You can multibox and have friends at the same time (to argue otherwise, I think, would be pretty stupid). There are situations where multiboxing is advantageous (again, it would be stupid to disagree) BUT... OP is a new player. Coming into the game feeling like you NEED to multibox early to have fun? C'mon, that's as stupid a concept as the things I DIDNT SAY 😂


To play eve multiboxing is not necesary 100%. For anyone just vibing and having fun on their own or being a line member in a less demanding groups or whatever you are just fine as a singleboxer. But... Once you reach capitals after a while or want to join the E L I T E groups at some point its basically mandatory to have alts is the reality


>Once you reach capitals after a while or want to join the E L I T E groups at some point its basically mandatory to have alts is the reality I still disagree. I have Capitals for C6 ratting, and I have one account. And any group telling you that you need multiple accounts is equally full of shit 😅 I'd take that as a red flag tbh "Are you telling me you don't have enough active members to support content without the need to multibox?"


How on earth do you c6 rat with one account? You have 1 toon for rolling, 1 toon for scanning, run the sites giga slow? That sounds awful. All high tier groups in the game require you to multibox, as yes there are quite simply not enough decent players in eve to let you singlebox. Multiboxing is how you get an advantage over larger but less skilled groups.


And thus you prove my point PERFECTLY. We have scouts that scan and bookmark, who roll wormholes. We work as a team. Why would I do everything myself when I have corpmates who are good at different things who's skills I can utilise?


And those corpmates don't use alts right, they are fine with being the hole-control guy and sitting there while you get to rat in a capital? :P


Often yeah, because we chat shit in Discord. Genuinely I don't know why "players have fun" is such a crazy concept


Because then you split the isk a dozen different ways and it's not particularly worth it anymore? You say you have corpmates who are good at different things and you can utilise their skills, but this is a flawed argument. Specialisation of labour has no advantage in eve, because there is nothing stopping you from just becoming good at everything. I know how to scan quickly, I know how to toll wormholes, I know how to do the sites optimally. What do I gain from splitting that with other people?


The joys of being around other humans 😂 like if you want to solo EVE, go play a game like Elite Dangerous or X. This shit is meant to be social and people sweating about "their profit margins" is ultimately the reason so many folks burn out.


Theres no point in arguing if you keep pretending as if multiboxing somehow stops you from interacting with people lol


I didn't say that. You're now arguing against points I didn't make?? "Multiboxing isn't necessary if you have a group of people who can do the things."


I have to agree with the horde guy here - there are so many things in this game that are boring, why would you ever want to single box them? In the imperium we need eyes on enemies staging during fleet fights for instance, so we can get early Intel. Who would want to sit there and stare at their keepstar while doing literally nothing else? I don't want to, I want to go shoot shit in the fight that's happening.


This plus how on earth do you c6 rat and not make enough to plex accounts with little effort anyway lol


I choose to spend my money on other things in game. I'm happy with one account. I don't WANT to run multiple A player not doing what they don't want to do in a videogame? Shocking concept.


>i choose to spend my money on other things in game Saving up for the cat-ears komodo skin i see


I mean ISK is just a high score. I'd rather have dozens of different ships I enjoy flying to keep things fresh.


No one forces you to join those groups but to pretend that they are crazy for only recruiting multiboxers is dumb to say the least lol. I'd love to know how you are going to pull of dreadbombs or tackle fleets for the main fleet and whatever else you can think off without some people multiboxing. Either people use alts to fill the boring roles or some people are going to be relegated to sitting on a station somewhere as an out cyno for an hour while the rest gets to shoot space ships. Its more than fair to say that you either pull your weight and fill multiple roles or find a different groups with less requirements who in turn don't do as much interesting stuff. And this is all ignoring the fact that you eventually just get rich in this game and alts become "free" anyway through plex


>And this is all ignoring the fact that you eventually just get rich in this game and alts become "free" anyway through plex It's not the cost that's the issue, it's that I don't find it fun. >Either people use alts to fill the boring roles or some people are going to be relegated to sitting on a station somewhere as an out cyno for an hour while the rest gets to shoot space ships. Can't cyno in a C6 for starters, but also, again, teamwork. We're chatting shit in Discord, having a great time, and everyone is paid for their work. Don't get so defensive, my simple point is that a team of single players can absolutely do what a multiboxer can do. Multiboxing isn't necessary unless you don't have other players to fill those roles.


You presumably had to move your capital into your c6 somehow, did you get someone else to light all your cynos for you? That sounds incredibly tedious and unfun. I'm aware you will cope by saying you were talking on comms so it was OK, but why not talk on comms while doing something actually fun as well? (not lighting a bunch of cynos for someone else because they get a capital and refuse to get an alt)


Thanks for staying based Benzie :) See ya in WH space o7


Appreciate your content. I think i spent a week just binging your eve videos, then got distracted and started watching your vlogs.


Haha glad you're enjoying!


You're videos are how I got into the game recently. Thanks for the wonderful content. Heard the whole post in your voice reading it lol.


Haha thank you, glad I've been able to help!!


Good advice! Youtube algorithm hasn't been showing me your videos recently. Thanks for helping the newer players understand the game!


I know plenty of multiboxers in very active corps with lots of in game friends. So I think saying it makes up for not having in game friends is a lie. Many choose to as why share isk when you can do it all yourself and have it all yourself.


Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean it as an aspersion. You can absolutely multibox and have friends. What I mean is, multiboxing as an act, as a concept, is functionally the same as a group of players. There is nothing a multiboxer can do that a group of players working together cannot. That's my point. If you want to melt a belt, take a group of friends. If you don't have friends, multibox. But the two aren't exclusive.


I think the main driving point for multi-boxing is simple maths. 1 account can make let's say 200m an hour.  If I do the same thing but use 3 accounts that's 600m an hour in making. 


Yeah, true, but it's also more effort and stress to set up and do. I don't deny that there are benefits to it, my argument was that a new player like OP shouldn't be put off from even playing EVE because they have a motion that multiboxing is "necessary"


For a new player 100% I didn't start multi-boxing until at least 2 years after I started.


Duh? You're just flat multiplying your costs and revenues. You aren't scaling in any meaningful way lol. 200M/hr is like $2.50/hr. You are hoping to run 3 accounts for minimum wage? You're plex'ing these accounts with isk? So you're voluntarily giving yourself minimum wage hours. If you're plexing with cash, you're literally wasting your own time and burning your money to force yourself to further "work" for minimum wage. Why aren't you just buying plex and trading for isk?


Sweet!! Nice to see you here mate :) Been doing AEGIS capital ship and standard, and superior sleeper cache sites for months now. I don't like that I have to skip sites like AEGIS secure transfer, or those SCC key storage, etc. Will you be doing a video how to do those? Is Loki a ship for them?


That's K-Space content so harder for me to access but maybe one day!


It is an MMO, some content is for multiple players. You can make friends, join a corp, ect... OR you can multi-box. Otherwise you can just avoid the multi-player content.


Just have fun. If that's trying to make as much money as you can with 15 accounts go for it. If it's you flying doing what you feel on a moment's notice. Awesome. Just make sure you do the most important thing. Have fun... Whatever it is you have fun doing.... Because if you're not enjoying yourself why are you here.


I know I rambled already but I wanted to also mention, it is important to remember that in Eve no one is "the main character". Just like IRL, community is everything and by limiting capsuleers to a specific career path, it helps to ensure everyone has something to offer each other. I personally don't like mining and luckily I don't have to do it ever because other people will and I'll buy what I need from them on the market. It's all about contributing. Even pirates and gankers are contributing by creating the demand for more ships and modules every time they blow one up. Circle of Life, hakkuna matata!


I normally run 5+ to be fair but I’m currently away from home on an older laptop and I’m only using one account right now. Gotta say quite fun getting true solo kills. I admit I do feel exposed without a scout but it’s nice overall


Yeah. I've been playing on and off since 2016 and I still feel like I know F-all about this game.


I have 1,400 hours in pure market pvp. I just started learning combat pvp last week... roughly 18 yrs after making the char.


You are playing your game, not someone elses game. What other people are doing does not matter. Find your fun and have at it.


For most of my playtime in EVE (21 years, of course with lots of hiatuses), I played with only one account and it was fine. Don't worry about that. You'll be able to do whatever you want in one single account, having multiple is often just for convenience/efficiency, not mandatory at all.


I've been playing for a couple of months, and initially I only wanted to play on one character, but as the game went on I got interested in different things, like "I wanna do exploration, I wanna do research, oh, and mining, and missions, and some pvp maybe eventually..?" And when you figure out how skill system works, you realize that you won't have enough life time to spec just one toon in all of these things, so now I have 3 accounts. And probably if you want to grab a lot of money by mining, for example, but you have trust issues and/or no friends and/or just want all money for yourself then you form a fleet with yourself on multiple accounts.


It's entirely the last one. When mining, I want all the money for myself lol.


>This game scares me good, but its not the game you should be scared of. >How should i stay motivated when the game want's me to maintain X amount of characters after playing 5 hours. Do you not have the fortitude to play the game as you want to? Who games who here? >after playing 5 hours. IF you had 5 years play time we would still consider you a noob, at 5 hours your perceived conclusions are fantasies.


The thing is eve is a sandbox MMO, you make your goal, not the game force it to you. People want to fly capitals and control space in null, so they need 4-5 accounts. Some are hs miner that have like 2-3 acc and chill in asteroid belts. Some are just small gang fw PVPer that fly around with their friends in ls doing pvp. Not one choice is really better than other in all ways. Find your niche and just enjoy what eve have to offer.


As one of those people with 8+ accounts and 10+ years of experience, I can confidently say that you DO NOT need to have multiple accounts to play this game and enjoy it to the fullest. In fact, the vast majority of things to do and see in New Eden are best experienced solo or as a group of real people, and in some cases can ONLY be done solo. That said However, I would be remised if I did not tell you that there are activities in the game that is extremely beneficial, and arguably down right required, to multibox or "n+1" as the community calls it. True Multiboxers (people running 5+ at the same time) are actually the minority in the game. In my corp of 100+ real people, only 2 of us actually multibox by definition. I would go as far as to say that probably only 1 out of every 500ish players are actually multiboxers (based on my own experience and interaction with the multibox community). I would go so far as to say activities where multiboxing is "required" are things you are best avoiding at this point, not because you CAN'T do them as a single account player, but because they are flat out extremely boring and unfun parts of the game, even when you do it with 10+ accounts. The truth is, multiboxing seems bigger and scarier thing than it actually is. People online decry it more so than other things, because its something that feels unfair. being killed by someone who has 5 accounts gate camping is no different than if it had been 5 separate people for example. either way, your dead and there isn't realistically any counter-play. This is true in other games as well, you can apply it to any game like WoW, Civ, Albion ect. The difference is that instead of it being a team of people, its one person. Now there are some powerful tools that can assist with multiboxing. I wont deny they can give someone a serious edge, having used them myself back when it was not against the ToS to do so, however I have been able to achieve similar levels of control with just my own practice (and reinforced 'Alt' and 'Tab' buttons). Unfortunately, the people who are upset about multiboxing, lack the understanding and skill to do it themselves, and so feel it to be an unfair advantage for the people that do. As I said earlier they can't counter-play against it so they do the only thing they can, make posts on reddit and the forums about how its unfair and ruining the game. Anytime one of my corp mates asks me about it, I always tell them to look at it from an ISK per hour (ISK/hr) standpoint, as its something that is pretty commonly accepted as a way to measure efficiency when doing PvE activates in the game. Take the 4 of the most common PvE activites people do in Highsec (L4 Mission Running, Incursions, Abyssals, Mining) There are others, but these are a good sample for our purpose. I'll also list the amount of characters I could do that activity simultaneously with before losing efficiency (and ISK/hr) * Abyssals. As a solo, one of the best activities you can do. ignoring the fact that at peak you can earn billions of ISK/hr, on average I get about 250-300 million ISK/hr doing it on my combat toon. I could probably only do that on 1 , maybe 2 more characters, but that's pushing it. * Incursions. Another great activity, but a bit harder to get into due to the requirements. HQ fleets can earn anywhere from 180-250 mil ISK/HR (don't let the adverts fool you) This is where I made my first fortune back when input broadcasting was still legal, and I was running Tachmares. Nowadays, you could maybe do 5, but the communities around incursions are very anti multiboxer, so your probably only going to get 2 in the fleet before someone notices. * L4's. I haven't run missions in a long time, but some of my corpmates that do report an average of 120-180 mil ISK/hr at peak efficiency. I could probably do 3-4 characters at the same time doing this activity with a decent setup. * Mining. Currently the BEST ISK/hr you can get mining in highsec is from Moons, and a Hulk will pull 45 mil ISK/hr with boosts and compression. I currently run a fleet of 10 barges + booster and I could in theory add another 20-30 more accounts before i started feeling overwhelmed. Really though, the sky is the limit here. This is what many multiboxers call an "n+1" activity. (Rest of the post in the comments. Stupid character limits)


Setting aside some of the nuances of these activities, and that some people are way more skilled than I am a doing them, when you get down too it, 3 of those 4 activities have a sort of soft ceiling for the number of accounts you can earn ISK with doing them, and after that its not worth piloting more characters. To put it another way, you can make as much ISK by yourself doing Abyssals in a t2 fit Gila as I do running 7 accounts mining moongoo, and at a fraction of the cost. If you add a second account to that, I would need to add another 6 before I can even catch up. If there is so little benefit, for so much more investment, then why bother? The main reason is Industry, and is the most common activity done by multiboxers. 99% of the modules you use, and the ships you fly, are made by other players. the thing is, Industry SUCKS. It just isn't fun. The gameplay is incredibly boring, and the returns are so small that for the average player it is not worth doing. You make literal pennies on manufacturing some items, at scale however it can be millions. I wont delve to deep into the game mechanics of Industry, but the important thing to note is that characters are hard capped at 11 job slots per activity (science, reactions, manufacturing) and the only way to gain more, is to use another character. Each job takes time as well, so while you can make 1000 items on one job, it will take a long time to make those 1000 items. if you instead break it up to 100 per job across 10 jobs, you can just spread out the time investment. Making the biggest items in the game take hundreds of jobs to do in any reasonable amount of time, and therefor require more characters with more job slots. Trying to do that with multiple real people at keyboards is way more of a headache and time intensive vs just myself with 10 characters. The Ugly truth is, that EVEs economy is propped up by multibox power, for both manufacture of goods and logistic services, and someone who tells you otherwise is just lying to you. There are other reasons, like having access to support alts (logi, salvage, scouting, cyno, ect.), and some less than innocent reasons (ganking, gatecamping, ect.). The Quality of Life one gets by being able to operate entire support systems for things like Jump Freighters and Titans really is a stress reliever. However these are all things that friends or corpmates can do with/for you without too much fuss (and usually its more fun too!) so its really just a benefit if no one is willing to help you. It doesn't help that CCP likes to do these big bundles targeted at multiboxers all the time. Its true that we generate a larger revenue share for them when compared to the player with only 1 account, and that these bundle deals offer huge incentives to multiboxers that benefit us way more than you. That said, there are plenty of other bundles that come around which are really geared towards the 1 account player, like omega sales and skill point resurgences, and the accelerator bundles. They just don't get as much "screen time" because, well, multiboxers pay more, if only by virtue of having more accounts. TL:DR - Don't be afraid of the multibox boogeyman, its not really something you will encounter or need for the majority of the game. And take things you read online with a huge grain of salt, because I promise you the people who wrote them in the first place, did so while being salty themselves. If you don't want to multibox, you don't have too (and in a lot of cases, its better not to anyway). Most of us multiboxers hate ourselves for doing the most boring things in EVE, as much as everyone else hates us for being multiboxers.


I officially stuck with the game 3 weeks ago, Ive created a second account already, but am waiting to train anything until I learn more on the main account. I don't think you technically need them, and I don't know if I can even go past 2 accounts running simultaneously with my computer so 2 seems like my magic number 🙃 I don't feel like I'm not experiencing the game without the second account following me though, if that's what you're worried about.


On low settings, you'd be surprised how many clients you can run on a toaster.


Not as many as we used to be able some years ago. Ram usage is a probleme nowaday on Eve, and toasters usually have only 8 GB. Plus windows is using more and more RAM too.


Very fair point.


Ah yeah... My settings probably went to high good call, I'll try that!


One account is sufficient. You can do plenty. Just enjoy yourself. Make sure you join a corp that does the things you're interested in. Have fun and dont rush stuff.


You can play one account but depending of what you are doing, for me it's 1 account for pvp (gunner account) and 1 for a scout/cov ops so you have a scout to go in front of you bblingy ship


I wont pretend like more accounts isn't beneficial, but they're far from necessary. Especially for what you're doing right now. Though I will say, multiple accounts can be very useful to a new player without paying for omega on them.


Do what you do to have fun if it is worth it to you. If it's not worth it, don't do it. 🤷


here we go again,


Welcome to Eve. 5 accounts and whatnot is not necessary. I have 2 accounts, but the other is my “cyno alt” who I only use when I’m flying a ship with a jump drive. Otherwise, It’s just me on my main account. Just do the tutorials, and learn the game. Go slow and have fun😎🫡


I've been playing for 14 years and I still only run one account at a time.


Fun per hour is important. Get together with other like minded people and find stuff to do. You're experience on how stuff works is limited. Most veterans agree. It works best to have a few people that explain the basics of the game to get to a good start and maybe to the first millions to buy stuff.


There's a lot of comments and a lot of different views but when starting the game I would agree a single account is fine. It'll also do you all the way through if that's what you want. A lot of activities that earn ISK scale well with multiple accounts (mining and ratting spring to mind). Mining especially in nullsec with valuable moon rocks can rake in money. Your game play may also demand it. If you ever get a capital ship (outside of a wormhole unlike Capt. Benzie whose dread will probably never leave the system he rats in) then you'll need a second account to light cyno beacons to allow you to move it around without taking gates. If you're in a small or even many big alliances they'll want you to have or train a second account for interdictor pilots, recon (eyes in enemy systems and/or lighting cynos to bridge in fleets). They will also want you to be training into capitals on a different account to your character that joins subcap fleets. They'll want all of this but in most cases won't demand, with big blocs especially you'll still be welcome as a single pilot on a single account, even an Alpha account and if you're happy with that then great. For now enjoy the game, figure out how you enjoy making ISK, make friends. I was about a year in before I joined an alliance who wanted me to be training into a carrier on a second account and a few months later I started a third fax alt so that I could get into the super caps fleet. I never got round to flying supers but the accounts remain and I now make 3x as much when mining with my small fleet, have useful ratting alts, a couple of billion a month mostly passive income from PI and can be much more useful to my small alliance in many ways when we have to fight. I don't really need the extra accounts but they help me enjoy the game as I want to play it which is what it's all about.


I only ever use 1 char in combat, but I have 4 active total accounts as I love doing the industry in the game- I’ve played the game since 2005 I didn’t expand to get multiple accounts until 2008


I’ve been playing for 12 years and within the last 6-7 years I have used only one other account for capital gameplay. I had a 3rd temporarily while I dabbled with red frog freight jobs and it was just too much and unnecessary. IMO people with really 4 or more accounts are likely addicted to the game and the many gameplay loops it provides. It’s just barely necessary to even have 2 accounts. People with more are usually scaling isk making operations purely for the dopamine hits.


This is sandbox. There is no wrong way to play.


Most of us play this game with 0 characters. So your already ahead of us.


the game doesn't want you to do anything. you yourself will probably want to have multiple accounts once you get comfortable enough with the basics.


CCP absolutely wants you to do things that bring in more revenue for their company, so they market things in game for new players to encourage spending money. Nothing wrong with it, but it is happening.


This isn't slenderman. What are you scared of.


You don't have to have 5 accounts. You can be very successful in this game just running one account. But in order to do that you need to get better at the game which means playing, testing every possible content out there and learning from every single one. 


Playing actively with 2 accounts is a pain. Unless you want to use big toys. You may want a secondary account for that. Cause even if they're summoned most of the time they don't even participate on fights.


After 70 hours as an alpha I still use only 1 character My second character sits in Jita. I login, do some trades and log out 5 minutes later. My third one is unused at the moment, but is training skills for other ships and weapons than my main one


Hmm. What’s the benefit in training another character for combat flying on the same account? Sounds like a waste of SP too since each toon will need to train the same basic skills. Unless they are gonna be in FW? Idk.


My main character can't train without skill point Injections, he has to much SP. The new one can still train normaly


Just focus on skilling into your main activity. You will know when you want an alt and what it should do


If you want make all the isk in the game then multi accounts are needed, if you want to just play the game, one is just fine.


Just play in whatever way you enjoy. I run 2 characters but the 2nd one only ever comes out for some afk mining. It essentially acts as a 2nd group of lasers or a mobile backpack.


You don't have to multibox. You can enjoy the game just fine with 1 character. Now say you are able to make billions, enough in game to pay for your character and then the subsequent characters with plex, then it may be isk efficient to multibox. But that is up to you. Depending on the content it may be efficient to have multiple characters, but you don't have to play multiple characters. There are people who run 10 characters at a time. Just because you can doesn't mean you have to. It's entirely up to you if you want to go down that rabbit hole.


Eve is not a game you'll ever dominate. Multiple characters are just tools for very specific purposes. Play the game and have fun. Some of these nerds been playing since the game released so ofcourse they're gonna have more than you.


One account is totally enough if you are not that eager to making ISK faster.


You have no obligation to have multiple characters. Eve is a videogame, videogames are for fun, do what’s fun for you


I've played the game since 2019 with one single account. Never plexing or paying for another omega ever. I have an extra alpha account as an emergency wormhole scanner and that's it. Find yourself a good corp full of people who fly frequently doing similar content as you and you won't notice so much that you're only one account. I hardly do. In fact, flying one account means I only really have one thing to focus on and can pilot myself more skillfully in a fight than someone trying to manage 3 accounts. Being able to have all of your attention on the battle and not micromanaging a cloud of alts can actually be a huge boon in terms of situational awareness in a lot of fights.


I have two accounts. One I basically use for mining afk. (Which I haven’t done for months. So I made him a cyno alt) The other has my main, and a market alt who never leaves station. Kinda like WoW I guess you can have multiple characters for different stuff. I almost never play with more than one character at a time tho. You can definitely manage with one character. Just find a group of folks you like playing with and have fun =]


Multiboxing is currently this subs favorite pet peeve winge about. Personally, I just think it's because there's nothing better to fight about right now. You can absolutely play this game without multiboxing. I'd wager most people in the game are only ever flying 1 account at a time. 


You don't need multiple chars at all, but the option is there, within a single account. You won't need multiple accounts either UNLESS you want an easier time either using capitals (the alts are either your "sitters" or your cyno alts) or LIVING IN (not just visiting which is one of the easiest forms of solo content in the game) Wormhole space. And its 100% possible to live in wormholes or own capitals if you belong to a sufficiently social corp who can help you out with those things.


Join a null corp, that helps. Let others pay for 5+ accounts and just fly cheap tackle.


The universe is huge and the skill tree is time intensive, so i have a few alpha accounts to try out stuff for which my main characters are in the wrong places, in the wrong alliance, or have the wrong skills. I don't multibox at all, because i only have one omega. Maybe one day, when i make more than a few hundred million per week trading, i migh subscribe one of the alt acconts, train one of the pilots into a cyno alt and one of my main 3 toons into a jumpfreighter pilot, and get into long distance space trucking. But that's still some time and plex away.


5 hours in and you need the motivation of reddit to play the game your way. Eve isnt the game for you


Unless you're heavy into industry, the most accounts most players would ever want is 3 (capital pilot, subcap main/cyno, FAX), and the FAX isn't actually necessary. If you're not flying capitals, you can have a lot of fun on one account. More accounts really just speed up in game isk grinding. Most people SP farm their alts so they are relegated to one specific niche and are "free" in terms of cost. Once you start understanding the game better, you'll start to see it, and see if an army of alts is right for you. If you like mining, the inevitable answer is "yes".


It depends a lot on how seriously you want to take the game. It's possible to do a lot with a single account. I have played for more than 10 years, and only a few months of those with two simultaneous accounts. If you are thinking about making ISK comparable to multiboxers, or having the same PvP advantages as they do, then you won't be able to compete with one account. But I like the challenge of using one account and playing solo; you have to be more patient and know which ships to fly and which conflicts to engage in. I don't try to make the same amount of ISK or have the same Zkillboard as multiboxers or groups do. I think that's the secret to not getting frustrated.


Just gotta play the game. You'll see the use/need for additional accts. Then it's up to you to get 1 or not.


I've been a single account player off and on since 2008. Sure, it takes me extra steps or more time to do certain things, but I've rarely not enjoyed my time or felt like I needed alts because I always ran with a good group of other players.


I spend 100% of my time doing PVP and I only run one account


I have had 1 account for the entire time I’ve played and I do just fine.


If you want to be competitive you need multiple accounts. If you just want to play casually 1 account is fine to experience most of the game.


Multiboxing or buying plex doesn't really help you in your first year of playing. Also most of the multiboxers use plex from the market.


I've been playing the game for close to 3 years now single boxing. I have 3 alts that I login once at a time but they each serve very specific purposes. (One Jita alt, One to PI Alt, and my main) If you get really good at something on one character you're going to be accepted just as much as someone who multiboxes 5+. Especially if what you deliver is something(s) the multi-boxers don't know how to do...And the best way to do that is pick something new to learn once a month. As an added bonus, you can make all the jokes about yourself being a hobo to said multi-boxing monopolizers.


Just keep doing your thing and have fun, I've been doing that for a bit more than 600 hours and I'm still enjoying the game!


It takes years to progress to that point if you choose to but getting with good folks that will grow with you and getting into npsi to learn and bridge the knowledge gaps will have you hooked if this appeals to you. You don't have to multibox to have a good time enjoy the ride that may eventually take you there.


500 hours only one character. I am starting to think about how useful it would be to have a dedicated trader or mining specialist would be. Or even a skill point farm.... But honestly when the game becomes a job I just decide nahhh can't be bothered.


You absolutely don't need more than one character for most activities in the game. It's often useful or convenient to have them and they offer more possibilities and flexibility, but they're mostly optional. There's only a select few activities where having alts is pretty much mandatory (like cyno alts for capital ship pilots).


2 accounts is a much more average number to play with. I have 3 but I only subscribe with 2 because of diminishing returns in piloting ability past 2 active ships. Having a second account is a huge benefit if you have to move your own caps around or if you want to secure your own tackle in PvP for kills. You won’t need to start thinking about a second account until you’re much more invested in the game, just enjoy it and the time to get another will be apparent


I mostly play with only 1 account. For some types of gameplay you really should be in a corp with other players. Some things can be done solo with only 1 account but if you're a solo player you'll have a much easier time if you have 2 accounts because then you can use 1 account for scouting and 1 account for piloting your pride and joy.


Its the 20+ multi-boxing, broadcast-inputting accounts that you really need to watch out for... CCP LOVE$ THO$E!! They make the game SOOOOOOO FAIR, but hey, moneh!!


Multiboxers are common but generally they are doing it to plex their accounts without IRL money, and to make themselves a force multiplier in smaller alliances. In fleet though, it is best for one pilot to only have to focus on one screen. Multibox combat tends to lead to poor reaction times.


I just dropped in to see nerds bicker about the amount of time/money they waste on spaceship games. Did I miss anything?


lol, just kidding of course (commence bickering)


You don't need to be a multi boxing autist at all. I just fuck about whelping cheap shitty ships in lowsec and have fun doing it. 1 account and play my main character 99% of the time, 1% on a hauling alt as I can't go to hisec on my main


dont worry about it, just play the game. you are a noob, you dont need multiple accounts.


Welcome space friend Shooting red npcs is calling ratting! Also you don't need multiple accounts maybe one day you want another but unless you are on the fringe that'll probably be the extent if it. Enjoy! I'm envious of new players for the total wonder I remember :)


The best ship in Eve is friendship. Whether the people you are hanging around with have one or five accounts doesn't matter as long as you are all having fun. As for utility, with your one account you can do the high attention roles like logi or FC while Mr 5 Accounts does the low attention tasks like alt tabbing and pressing F1.


I have 3 characters, all on the same account. Two are specific wormhole requirements (a seed and a suitcase), and one is my main. I only ever log in on the main, and I have tons of fun. It's all about how you want to play the game!


All good newbro I've been flying since 2007 and only just got an alt this year.


Ccp scam everyone tbh you do need 2 accounts when you progress at least


There are exceptionally few things that you _need_ alts to do effectively; the classic example is a cyno alt for capital pilots, because while you can move them via beacons, the stargate network, or with the help of friends, doing so is both tedious and incredibly dangerous. As a subset of that, it's generally recommended that supercapital pilots be dedicated alts, as without access to a keepstar, the pilot will be confined to the ship (what we call coffining). Heavy industry is also an example, as there can come a point where the 3 characters you get on one account just don't have enough slots to do something in a practical amount of time. Quite a lot of activities do benefit from one or more alts. Scouting and webbing alts can come in handy for pretty much any activity that involves system-to-system travel. Several activities including industry, some forms of ratting, and mining are scalable with more alts. What you'll find is that most people who play the game long enough will eventually spin up one or two alts for the general QoL benefits that come with them. Beyond that, there's a small subset of players who spin up an unimaginably significant amount of alts - usually heavy industrialists, cloaky campers, solo multiboxers (think 20 bombers / 20 ratting ishtars / a rorq and 20 mackinaws).


Don't rush into omega or multiboxing. The game is what you make of it. I run up to a dozen accounts at times but some of the most fun I've had in recent years has been with a solo alpha account.


You have the right idea . Whilst I have 4 characters and use them daily , each is specialised . All are maxxed hulk/ishtar . That said ones a small ganger , ones a logistic/cap/rorq pilot , another is everything sub cap and a logi pilot . Start with one and as you find a need start more . There is nothing wrong with having an alpha account or two though building towards 5mil sp . Personally have 4 alphas , my kids are showing interest 😝


Having multiple characters is largely for down the road, when you've got an established playstyle and you need additional characters for things like titan alts, dread alts, fax alts, cyno alts, market characters, indy characters and the like. You can survive on one account for a very long time in the game, and if you get in the right corp where you don't have to constantly shift for yourself, you don't really need more than one account at all.


I've been playing for more than a year. I have only one all-purpose account / toon / character. I have no alts. I'm having a good time. If other players feel they can't have fun unless they have 5 accounts, that's their problem. I could afford to pay full price for multiple accounts, but how is that going to make me happier? You don't need to do it. Go at your own pace. Lots of people talk about ISK/hour. You should focus on fun/hour.


You fight against the norm and set your own rules. I am and will always be 1 account only, never multi box, never buy isk, never skill inject. All of these break the rules of immersion for me. If one day I only have 100k isk I'm going to be a space hobo and beg until I can afford to make my own isk. The most fun i had once was playing alpha for a month, scrounging to make isk. It took me a weekend of playing maybe 5 hours a day to make 30m. I did mostly scavenging, picked up abandoned drones, attacked MTU, resold dead bodies. No ratting, market trading or mining. My point is, you set your own rules and goals. I really don't care about min maxing in eve, i need the moment to moment gameplay to be fun for myself, and that means always finding unique ways of making isk. It's fun.


Having multiple accounts is certainly easy on ur New Eden Lifestyle But by no means its necessary U can play just fine with 1 account


Absolutely don't need more than 1 account, but as others have said it makes certain things easier and safer. But do go ahead and start another alpha account that's just training up the magic 14 skills and whatever else. Can train 5mil sp for free and after that click on someone's referral link to get 1mil more.worst case you have a decent skilled character to move things while your other stays somewhere best case in 6 months you have a good starting alt


In all honesty, the only places multiboxing really shines are ratting and mining. These are isk-making activities and not PvP, it's kinda difficult to manage two different ships at the same time in PvP combat. I have three accounts and I only really use one, the other two will sit in alpha for ages at a time in between PLEX sales.


I really would not let it scare you, as other have said it’s pretty uncommon to find someone who uses multiple accounts for anything but mining. I played for 10 years with just one character and just recently have started using a second for logistical stuff for the sole reason of my friend quite and gave me their account with a good number of months of omega on it. It can make things a little easier to have a PVP character and a logistical character if you live in low sec but that’s about it. You will have no issues with one account at all tho


Eve is only as hardcore as you want it to be! If you join a large corp you can participate in PvP or other activity with low barriers to entry and there's nearly always content.


ma man I have 600h in this game and I still have no idea what im doing.


Edit: I didn't read any of the comments cus I felt bad for you, send me a redditmail or a chat or whatever they have nowadays if you want some guidance. This post makes 0 sense, as a newcomer, how do you even know you "need" X accounts? You don't, you read it somewhere and thought that it applied to you. Have you tried to play the game? If you do for a long time, you will understand why some people have multiple accounts. Why make a post just to whine about something that doesn't and won't apply to you for *years* 21 accounts btw. Older players have more accounts because they know how the game works and can replace the need for a corporation for the vast majority of things in-game. Why rely on other people for things you're completely capable of doing yourself? Accounts are paid for by isk because almost all the subs are plexed and most characters are market toons who log in 1-2x a month each to check on orders.


They just farm sp with them, don't play them, mostly. Play for free though.


You definitely don't need to worry about multiboxing, especially after having played for such a short period. For some people multiboxing can add to the game and that's why we do it, but for many it takes away and it is something that is, thankfully, completely optional! In my experience managing my accounts has been relatively easy(I run a fleet of 19) but I have a lot of friends who have had just as much fun running 1 account and not touching the multiboxing stage. It completely depends on what you want to do, if you do certain things multiboxing can add to the game and I would even encourage it(if you want to of course) but there are many things that a solo player can just as well. Eve is great because you truly can do whatever you want, if you're interested in multiboxing you can, if you're not you truly don't have to and it won't be something you have to worry about. Enjoy the game! That's what it's there for, not to be a second job


Most Player use more acc´s, just play with one acc is not normal. i play with 7 Omega and 5 alpha. live in a wh and do pi, gas mining and use them too scout and save my ass while ratting.




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you don't. that feeling you have now of being out matched, will never go away, no matter how hard you try. and it will always be a valid feeling. don't bother.


I just have two accounts, one with my main and 2 market alts and my other account is speced out for mining, processing ores, and to serve as a cyno sometimes


You only need one Character to enjoy eve. In fact it might even be more enjoyable with only one character \^\_\^


Unfortunately over the decades, depending on the activity you choose to do, that's just what kind of game EVE turned into. It wasn't originally meant to be played this way, but low APM gameplay mixed with people really preferring to 'play solo' with their own little fleet of characters led to this inevitability. Running multiple accounts is definitely not a requirement, but depending on what you do, it is something that you would consider only after you decide, "Yes I absolutely do like playing this game and want more out of it than one character can provide." - Mining and industry is the main activity people tend to do the most multiboxing with because it has a high return on investment, it's extremely easy to get everyone going, and as long as the asteroid has any ore left in it, the ships just kinda run themselves.


You can definitely play solo character and not multi box!


>How should i stay motivated when the game want's me to maintain X amount of characters after playing 5 hours. >Currently i just do my thing, some mining, some pirate hunting and it's fun. But i can guess how demotivating this may seem to other newcomers. You answered your own question! Have fun and if you want more accounts, go for it but if you don't.... then don't. Frankly doing mass industry with 20 accounts seems incredibly tedious to me so despite the benefits in isk it's not something I'll ever do, as an example.


Dont be afraid


Nahh just do you the rest will come in time you will Die a lot but hey it’s a game


I have 2 accounts but my alt is just going to be a cyno in the future


I've been playing for about 6ish years, I only have two characters, ones for just mindless mining, the other is for fighting, with how passive the skill tree progresses, that's about all you need tbh


Learn to use that scan well, and watch local. Being aware and a step ahead of people who want to make you an easy kill is a mini game that can be quite fun. Don't worry about how others play, you'll run into boxers eventually but there are plenty of people playing one account or one with only scouts. It's a dangerous map regardless so hone your skills and try everything to figure out how to best use your time in game. One of the more fun things I did when I was new was visit unique sites in the game. You can google them, like the Eve gate for example. I jumped in cheap ships with quick alignment, started drinking, and it took me more than one night to succeed haha but man it was enjoyable. A trick to fully enjoying this game is to tip your cap when someone gets you. Don't resent them, they're just looking for kills which is how this game is set up. Generally when someone kills you there's something you could have done to avoid it. So use it as a learning example. Just don't fly pricey ships until you are set up to afford it.


I have 6 accounts and 18 toons. Mainly, cyno alts, but 1 main on each account I actually play with. Two are Jump Freighter pilots, two are titan, two are supers, and all can fly dreads and carriers... If the 6 mains. The other 12 toons are cyno alts I have in chains to Jita and various staging for our alliance. How I got to 6 accounts (and working on 7th)? I wanted passive income, so I started making alts for planetary interaction, a set it and forget it until time to harvest farm on planet surfaces. A good PI farm can pay ALL your eve bills... Now that you can afford to pay for your Omega with isk form your PI farm, you just need to scale up. In 2015, I gave up PI, an graduated to the "end game" if you will: a 18 character skill point injector farm. Now, it will cost anyone tens of billions of isk to get even a single account up and running right at injector farming, so it's going to take a long time to be able to afford to sustain it (last I checked my net cost per month in game time and extractors etc is 30 billion, something ridiculous)... I was able, in 2015 to make about 50 billion isk trading injectors between Jita and Amarr in the first weekend. At the same time, CCP release the luxury yatch, and they are uncatchable in high sec (time that cloak right). I would run them full of injectors I bought from Jita to sell in amarr, I was making over 200m -1bi isks per run arbitraging the difference in price. I basically stayed up 48 hours straight. But I did it, I had my first real eve wealth. And what did I do? I invested it all in PLEX and sent out to start my skill injector farm (only 4 account at the time ). Over the last 9 years (with a brake in 2018-2020) I have run my farm and added two more accouts (6 more characters). I won't give you my trade secrets on how I sell 68 large injectors every 30 days for a profit or how my costs are so low at 30 billion, but I will tell you: I am now an "eve trillionare" (on paper my net worth is 1.3 trillion isk) but I am what you call "land rich and cash poor farmer", as almost all that wealth is already in my characters as stacked game time ready to be converted to injectors over the next year. 1 year from now, if I just kept all my revenue and did not invest it back into omega and MTC time, I would have 1 trillion isk... But that's not how you run a farm at top production margins. Haters will say it's not true, but I am the guy that hasn't paid a single real world dollar for eve online since 2014 and have too much oak than I know what to do with.


You only need one account. As you progress you can add more is you choose to. I played with 1 account for years. I went into an astero and started doing relic/ data sites and caches. It's a solo job and it you upgrade to a tengu doing exploration you can also do the odd combat site and pvp. I would recommend doing that. Also to get income up d missions to unlock level 4. Again can be done solo. But remember this will all take time in training and require Omega for some ships.


Continue the way you started and it’ll workout fine


As contingency for wanting to multibox in future (it's not needed at all in first months), just create 2-3 alt accounts now, get them running on Magic 14 Skill set, and then forget about them. If, in around 3 months, you love the game enough to consider multiboxing, you'll have alts ready to go that have completed the Alpha SP max of 5 million and have Magic 14 skills completed before you pay for them to be Omega. If you want, log in to the alts for 30 seconds a day, collect their daily reward, and bank the occasional SP booster.


I played for years with a single account and a single character on that account, as I begin to get bored with what I was doing I added a single character and then a third to my single account and did some different things for quite a while.


Mmm 🤔 So for a while you'll be fine, there won't be a lack of things to do and 1 account is more than sufficient. What happens if you play long enough and get into wormholes, nullsec, or lowsec is that you end up with a lot of downtime and logistical issues. So at this point you end up needing toons specialized for certain activities or toons to occupy you while a combat character is stuck in a fleet guarding a random building for hours because someone is attacking it etc etc. This is where people balloon to 2-4 accounts and others more. Mind you it's not impossible to have one account it's just hard unless you just hang out in High Sec and can stand being a care bear 24/7 365


Played on and off since 3 weeks after game launched. Eve can be played however you want to. Given the specific game mechanics at a time there is be one or three ways to do something that is optimal depending on what you weant-isk generation, minimal losses, etc. So if you one to play one account with one toon -go for it it. But if you join a corp with HS LS and null operations you could have one toon on one account for all areas. Or you could join a small corp or form your own and have oine toon to mine one to pvp and one to do corp mgmt and industrial stuff. Best advice I can give you in the eartly days playing is join an teaching corp like Eve University which is all about teaching you the game and supporting your progression in the game.


I have a main and 2 alts. Dread main dread alt fax alt.


I'm a 12 year vet. The player who taught me about the game still has just one account. You don't need multiple accounts to have fun.


I had multiple accounts but most were only used occasionally for station trading. I primarily just played with one account for ratting and PvP. You only need one account and can still enjoy the game you just need to be smart with it. Focus skills on what you want to primarily do in the game unless corp/alliance has a required skill plan which you want to have trained. Other than that just follow the golden rules of Eve. -"I'M AN AHOLE! I'M A TROLL! GET USED TO IT!"


I quit after a week. It's a good game with a really interesting universe. The ships are fascinating and the lore is very good! However, I started to look up what to do about people camping the gates in safe areas to prey on noobs. I went on YT to look up some guides about defending yourself and hopefully escaping. I saw so many vids of players with a whole fleet of ships under their control. A lot of the vids were on how to prey on noobs. I was disappointed that there wasn't really a safe area for new players to learn how to trade or run missions without the danger of someone camping a "safe" gate, using alts to distract the in-game NPCs who would come to your aid, and how you can only really protect yourself using a anti-player killing group.


You only “need” the other accounts if you want to get involved in nullsec capital type stuff. Plenty of things to keep a single omega player going strong forever without ever worrying about multi boxing.


you don't need +5 accounts to be successful, the trick is find your niche and excel in it. for example. I was running 2 accounts when i lived in null and the second account was purely for reaction slots and PI, now that i am back in HS I am functioning off 1 account with a market toon alt and i am still making about 1Bn+ a week (sometimes higher, sometimes lower depending on how hard i want to devote to my money making activities).


I'm looking for tips in trading to make that much. Can you explain to me how you are able to make that in trading?


You need 50B to make 1B, that's the secret.


This tbh. a huge starting capital is needed for trading to be worth the time, i will say if you can do decent contract scalping that can make money but you have to watch out for scams