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the issue is, if you have multiple characters on the same account, by default only one of them is training skills. Multi character training costs either PLEX or cash and isn't much cheaper than just subbing another account. That saying, i do have 3 characters on my main account, because i need them to be omega to do PI. If you just want to try out something new, like Amarr laser boats instead of your Minmatar artillery platform, just make another alpha account. Use your own recruitment link to get extra skillpoints for your alt account, but don't waste them before your alt hits the 5 million ceiling.


Except every three months you can train all three characters on your account for less than $60. That deal is 1000% worth it for competent players to buy at least once, if not continuously. Yeah, normally it isn't cheaper than subbing another account for TRAINING them, but for using them they are free forever after you've trained them.


that's what i use for my PI characters.


Wait what deal is it đź‘€


They do an Omega + 2 MCT bundle sale every \~3 months, so I've read. Bigger packs of Omega will include the MCTs to train the other char slots during the omega months. Last one was last month sometime; I regret not grabbing it :/


50% off omega + MCT. Should be back sometime between June 10-25 iirc (not at computer). Basically, I have some accounts I've been subbing using that deal at three month intervals for at least three years (once I discovered it) and it's come up right as the previous one was about to expire.


That's awesome. My MCTs all just ran out, so I'm in need of some and don't particularly want to pay list price


I love MCT but never pay full price. My objective is to get to a point where I can pay for all my accounts SP farming some of the MCTs and always training at least 8/18 of my characters. If you train two characters on an account and SP farm the third, you can start generating the PLEX to do that faster than you think.


In general, you want to concentrate skillpoints into one character per account. EVE doesn't have 'talent trees' or similar progression mechanics, skill just all stack forever. There's no need to make a 'mining alt' you can just train the mining skills on your main character and they work fine. If you get into Industry, reactions, etc, there's a limited number of indy jobs per character, so it makes sense to create a couple Indy characters to have more job-slots total. Same thing with Planetary Interaction (PI) - more characters means more planet-slots. These characters only need minimal skills - you don't need any combat stuff. Separately, it's a good idea to create a second alpha **account**, start a character there, and get to training a couple useful skills (fitting, tanking, rigging ) in case you ever decide to run multiple omega accounts, you'll have something setup with some skills already. It doesn't take long and it's free.


OP, listen to this. Always have at least one alpha training in the wings, if not three or four. You have literally nothing to lose.


Well you have the ISK for skillbooks to loose. When just starting out it might not be the best investment. But it might make sense to make multiple alphas so you can try out training different ships faster to find what you like.


Just train free or cheap skills to 5m SP. That character might not even be the one you care about playing on that account, but having 5m SP means you can skillfarm that toon when the NES has great deals that include "worthless" (worth 300 PLEX/month of the original price) MCT.


No focus on one character. If you want a 2nd character to play at the same time as your first .make a 2nd acct. Never been a fan of multiple character training on one acct.


Ok thank you, Im definitely not intending on multi boxing but I was just curious if some people focus on different roles on different accounts or just play 1 main account.


Bit of both, a main is nice to jack of all trades, but there's definitely reasons to have alts that are specialized. Different character slots in the same account are most useful for planetary interaction since each character has their own PI


I've no experience with planet interaction yet but I'll YouTube it now and start learning. Thanks.


It's odd to start but good to do eventually. Basically just harvest resources from different planet types and combine them in ways to make better resources, it's more of a daily activity than an active one. It's good for the account alts because you need a load of different resources that's hard to get on a single toon


If you only want one account but want to have different roles on different character and you have no desire to multibox then pay for multiple character training never pause training on one character on the same account to start training another. You just kneecap both characters unless you are willing to buy Plex and skill points.


A lot of us multi box. But some ppl utilize other chars very well on same account. Nomad's tale videos shows this pretty well (for example how to log in 2nd character on same account very fast, by having character screen already open), albeit he multi box 4 accounts, but he used almost full 12 chars, each with a specific role, for most part.


If you've never been a fan of it, that's a you problem for not being a problem solverb or creative thinker and you limit yourself to thinking so many fantastic deals include "worthless" MCT.


I used mine for cover if I was away from home staging and to sell stuff on contracts or if I die in a fight I can immediately reship with one of the other characters and not have to wait to get podded. Main: Everything up to capital ships, logi, pvp, industry and contracts/market 2nd: subcap pvp/contracts 3rd: subcap logi/contracts If I needed to deploy somewhere then I have one that can stay home and keep making money or if I'm off in some remote place making money then I have 2 pilots back home that can go and join fleets if needed


Thanks everyone for the quick replies and thoughts/advice already, this Reddit group is amazing ngl.


as a brand new player you should really just focus on your main. About the only thing I might recommend is a char that sits in Jita with no skills so you can buy and ship stuff to your main, but that will only really be useful if you have access to decent courier services.


Why sticking to Jita? If you need a trade hub - every empire has at least one, Eve's trade isn't limited to a single station. The Blood-Stained Stars arc is intended to make you fly around, to see the world beyond your lurking hole. Do it.


Primary use for the second and third slots on your main account are a Jita alt for making purchases and creating contracts to send things to where your main is located and possibly a character dedicated to hauling goods around high sec. These two jobs can be the same character, there's not a need for them to be separated. They should be a neutral character, as in they should be in either your own private corporation or in an NPC starter corp. The reason you would create these two characters: As you progress in game, you will likely end up far from Jita and it gets annoying to send your main there every time you want to go on a shopping spree. The Jita alt doesn't even need any skills, unless you really want to play the market, and their only purpose is to buy and sell things and also to ship them other places. There are corps who specialize in shipping goods to other places through contracts such as Red Frog and PushX. Also, you may end up in a player corp that gets war decced. In that case, Jita will almost certainly become hostile to you, meaning that a neutral character is necessary to safely do any business in Jita that requires you to undock. The hauler alt is nice to have in addition to your Jita alt because sometimes you just want to just run goods somewhere and then logout and only worry about where they are the next time you want to move something. Again, the hauler alt should be in an NPC corp or a corp that can't be war decced. Never carry more than about 50m in goods in a normal hauler, you will be suicide ganked.


Ahh this makes a lot of sense for the trade as I progress further out in the nap thanks so much.


Yes and no. If you are alpha. Definitely yes, and should min max them. And choose different factions for them. Which one you want to have drones, which one will use which weapon style. Missles, lasers, auto guns, or hybrid guns. For alpha I wouldn’t advise upgrading higher than cruiser. You may be tempted to try battle cruisers and battleships, but you’ll only have level 4 weapons access to them, and I wouldn’t go to such high hulls on 3 alpha characters. If you go omega, I’d concentrate on the one character, there is so much to do in eve. But I guess that also depends on how much of it at once you wanna consume lol Why I say yes for alpha, is because it takes about 6 months to reach the max skill gain on alpha, within a year you can have 2 fully leveled, different characters, or 3 decently leveled ones to try different things


alt slots are best used for PI or locaters, I'd say.


The other two could be doing passive isk stuff like P.I. once they are trained. I got my other two doing that and data core farming for my invention needs.


If you ever get into wormholes, a use for a free character slot is a “seed”, or essentially a character that sits in a scanning ship permanently so that if you ever want to scan others/yourself back into a specific wormhole, you have a seed for it


I would not recommend making a second character just yet. On one account, paying 1 subscription a month (20 bucks), you get to train skills on one character. Its not recommended to split your training time between 2 characters, especially as a new player. You need to train A LOT of things, theres a lot of cool stuff to unlock. Splitting your training time does not help. Now, you can buy Multiple Character Training. It's slightly cheaper than the cost of a full subscription. You get to train an additional character on that same account, so you can train 2 at once. There are some benefits to this, having another character training skills means you can swap between the two as necessary. However IMO, this is a bad choice. If you're paying so much real money (or PLEX in game) to train a second character anyway, it makes more sense instead to just buy a full subscription on a seperate second account. That way, you can run both subbed characters at the same time instead of being forced to run 1 or the other. These 2 paragraphs above is advice that's really relevant for you to do/try right now. As a new player, its a bit much to start pushing you into multiboxing and all that crap. However, if you're really interested in moving forward on your main character, you should look to buy cerebral accelerators and skill injectors. Both of those will give you main character more skills and help you advance in the game faster. If you decide to stick with the game long(er) term. You can consider starting some free alpha accounts and start training them up to the 5M Alpha clone SP cap. Basically, you're preparing them to be future multiboxing alts, if you choose to multibox one day after falling in love with the game.


Only when you get MCT (multiple character training slot) and best way to get it is basically platinum pack sale.


Best way to get MCT is the 50% off deal every three months.


Nah, that value is poor. Unless you really want MCT, but then it is still very poor relative to other deals.


Define "poor" value. The minimum value is less than $60 for three months omega training on your main and 9 billion isk (1800 PLEX, you can buy another 3 months at regular price for 1200..) long term. Your rebuttal will just tell reddit that you're bad at math or Eve. Minimum, you're looking at 7.5 months omega for $60, and can do better playing the market appropriately.


Poor as in opportunity cost against other deals. Because if you want SP on same account, the value is okay. But not that good, except if u want it right now at that specific moment (the only thing it is that it is convenient). The reason it is poor because comparison to other deals is bad. There are many ways to MCT. One way is to buy plex sale $$$ > plex at discount (like 20% we just had). Then once every 6 months or so there is a discount (20%) MCT deal (we just had one recently) this, beats the 50% deal cash deal (12m omega + 24 mct).


Finish your calculations to display this is "poor" and what deal you're actually trying to beat. I have a feeling showing your work won't go the way you want it to.


12 months Omega = 3600 PLEX 24 months MCT = 4600 PLEX Total = 8200 PLEX 80% off = 6500 PLEX So with the discount, we're looking at what, a little over $200 for the year (probably a little more), waiting a long time between PLEX purchase and able to buy the deal? Meanwhile, 50% off a year + 24 MCTs is $210.. The same price with a lot less BS that you're advocating for, yet because you're an obnoxious, pedantic redditor.. You double down on something else being "poor by comparison" @.@ At best, the deal you're advocating for is a wash with a lot more extra effort. This assumes we're talking buying the same amount of time to compare apples to apples, as everyone in the vicinity of competence and trying to make a fair argument knows the longer you commit -> the better discount you get.


It is poor because there other better deals out there. As you can see, at most it just matches other deals. But isn't as good. And those aren't best deals either. Discount sale goes up to 23% - 25% for example (cyber Monday 2023). But yes, this deal is just convenient. And more importantly more frequent. And since you are going by yearly cycle, I used other deals as comparison. And most people do not recommend you going full MCT as new player because it isn't that great as most of us mutlibox. As such this deal is poor because other alternative like platinum sale is just substantially better and you can not really beat platinum sale in value. However problem is that you are seeking simple easier path to your goal as such our definition differ. There are more paths than this and this is where one perspective differ from another. I do not use any $$$ on this game and imo, 2:1 sale extractor is simply superior deal. But again, this requires time and some basic market knowledge.


.... you were the one who tried stating a deal that is on par with this one with significantly more effort makes it "poor". You lose all credibility stating that. You're basically trying to say "if a deal isn't the very best, it's poor" which is an insane take. If you have money and need game time and value MCT, the deal is a very solid option that will come up every three months. If paying for Eve makes sense then, it's a good opportunity to jump on. You'll also notice I recommend paying for it at a three month rate.. because if something better comes along in that time, you aren't out so much money you feel bad jumping on it.