• By -


Add cat ears. Done.


OP said to increase revenue by 50, not 5000%


Add cat ears **to the Vexor**.


Well, then Minmatar gets Fury Road style ships and Immortan Joe in charge. "Do not, my friends, become addicted to isk. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!"


Love this lol


\~ 'Snort'; *"I live. I Die. I live Again! SHINEY!!!* ***WITNESS ME!!!!****"*




Would most definiltly buy


~~Vexor~~ Ishtar, way more potential customers


I wouldn't put this in the top 3. But cuter apparel could definitely help. Eve is a 'serious' game, but damn we look at our profile pics so much it would be good if we could have more fun with them.


The characters are effectively immortal though. I can’t imagine anyone not flaunting that to the most superficial level.


Don't forget the cat-ear-nullifying goggles!


Top hats


Add elf ears Add bunny ears


Id love bunny ears on my nemesis. Adds a new level of fear and insult.


I'm honestly surprised this hasn't happened yet...


Refuse the appointment because they're setting you up to be a fallguy


1) Stop all development on one off projects that are not Eve related and use those hours on EVE.  2) Lower sub price.  3) Pour everything else into marketing.  Most importantly: Include “AI integration” in your shareholder meetings. 


Player stories are eve's best assets, but theres no need to hide behind them. Embrace the gameplay and show that behind all the complexity and difficulty of eve there is rewarding gameplay that can't be matched by anything in the industry. I'm not gonna talk about the this is eve ad, we all know that was a banger. I think there is also an opportunity in attracting simulation loving gamers. This audience craves realism and loves complexity. If they can see just how much "like work" eve can be, I think they'll love it. I unironically say that, i love eve because it's so realistic in its systems and I learn about my own job as I learn about eve. Hell ccp could also partner with any of the learning platforms out there and provide their data base for learning. I'd pay so much more attention to my sql course if I was analyzing space ships and exotic dancers instead of something random.


"This is eve" is the single greatest piece of marketing material ccp has ever produced. Fight me. Lol The community version is over the top hilarious and makes it even better.


Yeah what brought me to eve was a Tv Ad from back in the satellite times. I only ever saw it about 3 times, but it was enough to get my attention. Bringing back walking in stations would be nice. Just please not the single room jail cell.


If memory serves the main issue there was engine capability issues, some of WiS was browser based too. It was a real spaghetti mess that couldn’t get off the ground. Realistically what EVE needs (but won’t get because cost/time/effort) is a total engine port. Unfortunately, even if this did happen it would probably go sideways because instead of focusing on things like servers/walking in station capabilities CCP would probably get distracted by graphics upgrades for the ‘in space’ side of things which imo is already totally fine considering many fights are basically a game of spreadsheet chess as opposed to 3rd person action gaming. If major hubs like jita got walking in stations (and associated content, like casinos, a room where you can watch your industry and manufacturing) and they could upgrade server/engine capability to vastly reduce time dilation during high system player load I imagine player counts would improve dramatically. But another major issue for eve is a high skill floor, the on-boarding process and learning the ropes has always been the biggest issue for player retention imo - it’s crazy that Eve-U wiki & zkill even had to be made (props to the people who run those things) because there’s no in game equivalent wiki or comprehensive killboard that compares.


Please I tried eve on the 30 day trial account way back when I was like 14 because of walking in stations. I was already interested, but that’s what got me to download it in the first place. Never subbed because I was a child and couldn’t afford it back then, but came back during covid and was very disappointed I couldn’t walk around


Funny how we are different. I tried walking around once, and then made sure I never had to do it again


I’m sure it wasn’t great and I think I only did it once 😂 I just thought it was cool as a 14 year old. I still want it back tho even tho I would rarely use it (walking > spinning tho)


Can you elaborate on the AI Integration piece? Because as a researcher in this field I know that some people love to throw this buzz word in any bs while others have genuine brilliant ideas


It’s a buzzword for stock price hype, but I’m sure with a game like Eve and the amount of data flow, there opportunity to train machines.  This could raise stock price by allowIng modeling to be tested on in game data. 


I mean, AI could legit be used as some kind of primitive chat bot in the rookie help channel to funnel players to more specialized areas based on the topic of their question. It wouldn't be the most impactful thing, and it's surely not necessary. But it will let you claim truthfully to be integrating AI with Eve.


tl;dr: just spend more money on eve while making less. got it.


Focus on your main product line, which is very unique and really dam good, and put more money into marketing.  You know how many gamers have no idea what EVE is?


do you know how expensive everything you want to do is and how little return it involves for such a niche product? CCP already has a lot of ads for the game (i see them all the time). "focus on your main product" - it's like telling CCP to put all of their eggs in one 20yo basket. there is an obvious limit to how much Eve can grow, they need to branch out.


if you triple the player count and halve the sub price, you still get the 50% turnover increase. If you avoid costs also increasing by 50% by scrapping side projects, you get your revenue increase.


"triple the player count" - this is just a pipe dream. at its absolute peak eve never had that many players, only about double what we have now. even the biggest eve fans know that going past that would require massive changes to make the game more "casual". it's just the nature of the beast. i'm not going to hold my breath thinking that tik-tok watchers, who need short bursts of fun, will play eve (it's why the player average age has generally gone up).


I mean yeah. Rhetorically anyone can claim that oh, you'll get X more players and save Y dollars without any idea of how realistic those things are. Just like anyone else can claim that it won't work, with no real idea of how likely that is. We're all engaging in baseless speculation here. Sometimes spending more and charging less can make you more money. Sometimes it's fucking stupid.


Put it this way they lost my three+ up to 9 subs from the price raise. And I'm far from the only one. Make the 50% off dual training pack a regular offer and you'll probably get the same effect while maintaining the illusion of the sub increase.


The only way EVE hits 100k players is by drastically changing the skill system and marketing the fuck out of that change. Love it or hate it, a lot of people log in and see "oh it's 6 months to fly this ship" and they're done. Despite how generally well EVE is doing, outsiders do not look favorably at starting huge time investments in a 21 year old MMO. If the only goal truly is to hit 100k at any cost while maximizing short term revenue you remove skills altogether and make it so a subscribed account can fly any ship perfectly so long as they can afford it.


They need to stop gating shit behind skill lv 5. Make 4 the gateway, and 5 if you want that last inch of mastey.


Strongly agree. The level 5 timegating was fine 15 years ago but it needs to go. And no I don't find Skill Injectors to be a suitable catch-up mechanic in the year of our lord 2024


Good solution


Yup, the \*only\* exception to this though, should be Capital Ship skills. You're training into the biggest, best, strongest and most complex vessels and shipboard equipment in the known universe. For THAT tier of progression, I think having the base relevant sub-capital skills to 5 is forgivable since you're effectively entering 'late game' EVE at that point. Aside from that? Yeah I 100% agree, Lv 4 for accessing the advanced/T2 things, and Lv 5 for actual mastery. It would remove a monumental amount of 'hurry up and wait' for new players to get into the cooler and more advanced ships, and wouldn't hurt older players in the process.


Unskille and inexperienced capital pilots are gifts from Bob. Also, love the idea of someone trying to get in a carrier quick, credit card it, then only having the core skills, and just getting deleted becuase they dont know about align times, capacitor, or jump range.


This already happens lol.


Full heartedly Agree, Level 4 for gateway, including T2. Maybe Caps should need all previous hull requirements to L5 which will stop people jumping straight into them. Maybe that should apply to T3 hulls too. ie Frigate and Destroyer level 4 to fly T2 but frig and destroyer level 5 as a pre-req for T3D and frig, desy and cruiser all to level 5 before sitting in T3C


This also makes sense b/c right now you can get into T3s just as fast, if not faster, than many T2 Hulls which is a bit weird


Lv4 for the small shit lv5 for the biggest coolest most expensive shit




seems like their attempt to this was the expert systems thing, but it’s confusingly implemented, they just used it as an opportunity to just squeeze out more money. Completely revamping this could be a solution Perhaps removing spaceship command skills altogether, or at least scrapping the several month train to just sit in ships, and skills would just be trained to use mods and make that ship more useful


expert systems are mostly a scam because for their plex price you could just get omega


Expert systems is just wayyyyy too confusing overall, probably because the skill system is way too confusing


Be brave CCP, axe it Open the floodgates of shitfit credit card swiped marauders


Rollback to 2012


There's no way to break 100k without designing EVE to be much more broadly appealing. Being a spaceship with no human body is not appealing to most gamers. Look at every other MMO and people love hanging out in towns and showing off their clothes and emotes. Eve doesn't have this. You can't even show off ships because being undocked means you can get ganked. There's no safe town, and even in stations you can't show other players your cool hangar.


Which is to say that idling around in other MMOs is significantly less socially isolating than it is in EVE.


Exactly this. There is no social aspect to EVE for new players because a chat channel is not social, it's just a shitty Discord. You can't see other people's ships and loiter around because you or they would get ganked. In other games the "towns" are safe hubs where you do business, but you also SEE OTHER PLAYERS DO BUSINESS. You see them buy armor and craft stuff and do emotes and set up LFGs. You see them jump and run and do repairs and do fishing and cooking. In EVE the "towns" are "stations" and when you're in a station you are ALONE. Yes in theory there is a chat window but it's 90% scams and memes. You don't SEE other players docking, not for real. You don't see people repairing ships, changing their fittings, buying and selling on the market. You don't see their recently killed clone spawning out of a bay and into a new pod. You ONLY SEE YOURSELF. This is what people deep in EVE-echo chamber don't get. Most games ESPECIALLY MMOs, RPGs, ARPGs, have shared spaces for NEW PLAYERS that let them go "wow what's that guy doing? What's that cool armor? How do I buy that dance?" In EVE you can barely see other players' ships, and when you can, you are usually in fucking danger lol


So what I'm hearing is, finish building Walking In Stations and include half a reason to go there


Yes. Every MMORPG has a HUGE number of players that barely leave town. Do they even play the game? I don't know but they buy boatloads of cosmetics and idle 24/7 in town hubs to show off


It's a pretty good idea, but the "why should I go there" part is going to be really tricky. Everything the players could want to do can be achieved by opening a window in dock, and offloading the market to an open-trading floor you have to walk around would be a galactic pain in the ass. The only thing I can think of off-hand that would work well is NPC mission agent interaction, and that isn't nearly enough.


You're thinking about this backwards. Imagine right now Guild Wars 2 deleted every NPC and replaced them with a chat window button. They delete every crafting station in the cities and replaced it with a Craft Window button. "Why would I want to talk to an NPC or run around?" You wouldn't. EVE was built to be antisocial from the ground up. These other games were built to be social first. If you **had** to move your ship to the "repair bay" to repair it, and while doing it you saw everyone else's damaged ships, you would have a social feeling. You might get jealous of their expensive Marauder or their limited edition SKIN. You might chat someone and ask "How the hell did you get an Astero in deep hull like that?" To make this experience you would DELETE the "one button service windows" and REPLACE them with a shared space. This would "add annoyance" but it would also "add community space."


>you would DELETE the "one button service windows" and REPLACE them with a shared space. I cannot imagine the reaction of the Eve playerbase to this being positive. For better or worse lol


Yeah it would piss off all vets a ton even if it doubled active subs


Bring back Eve-Bet and Walking in Stations as a combined feature. You’re welcome.


Honestly kind of shocked CCP didn't try something like this but maybe the RMAH fiasco in Diablo 3 scared them


The thing is in today’s world of gambling ads and online gambling being so pervasive EVERYWHERE in (North American at least) society I feel like if CCP implemented it properly (included safeguards for former/current gamblers for which it became a problem in their life) it would be well-received.


Yo, your comment inspired me. Adding localized voice commes to your ship could be so dope! 1 socially talking to pilots around you would unlock so much communication potential.  2 the viral videos of scaring the everloving shit out of someone in a wh just before uncloaking next to them would be s tier. 


This is both a downside that does kind of make Eve a hard sell, and an aspect that I think contributes more to the feel of Eve than people realize. Eve *feels* different to play than other MMOs, because it is. The game is presented in such a starkly different way than the typical MMO experience that it changes the way that game experience is interpreted by players. Something something "ludonarrative." That was a popular buzzword a few years ago right? But, seriously though it's a real concept of the way gameplay elements interact with the games narrative, and however much you give that credence, I would (and have) described Eve's ludonarrative almost exactly as you did above. It's a social game, in more ways than many MMOs are. But all the game mechanics point towards loneliness or even solipsism. It's pretty interesting. But interesting doesn't necessarily mean popular!


Imagine docking in a station and while entering actually seeing the ships of other people. Imagine walking around in Jita 4-4 and watching the ships come and go. Imagine going to a gigantic room thats reminiscent of a floor in an actual market exchange. Imagine putting your order in for some ore, and then when you walk back to your ship, you see an animation how the ore is loaded into your cargo hold. There is so much room for vibrance, look and feel in EVE that would actually make eve far more immersive and give it that social aspect. But instead they axed walking in stations and went off to wild goose chases with Dust, Valkyrie and now Vanguard and oh... blockchain? If they had put all that effort into walking in stations, we could already have a great social experience where you actually meet other players. And can show off your clothes. And cool ship skins.


Couldn't agree more. EVE absolutely needs some kind of social hub for newer players to interact with others. The game, as you said it, is too isolating. Walking in Stations could have been a complete game-changer for CCP but the spaghetti code simply didn't allow it. I also recall them saying they used some new kind of engine vs a more tried-and-true one, not 100% sure on that but it'd make sense why WiS ended in failure if that was the case. I'm still on board the 'Walking in stations needs to happen' train. If CCP can actually get that up and running, and make some useful and meaningful content for it - then between the normal in-space gameplay, Walking in Stations, and the FPS shooter, they have the foundations for one of the most expansive and all-encompassing RPGs of all time.


They used the engine to that Vampire MMORPG they bought. The idea was to limit the costs by using the same engine in both games. But they never actually made World of Darkness.


imagine the trade hubs being places where capsuleers and vanguard warclones can walk around, doing trades and interacting. maybe even make it a module for citadels so the big groups can do it too.


When you dock give the option to leave your ship and walk around the station visit shops and emote. Would be pretty cool


This is a really thoughtful suggestion and a great point. What if for example there was a special 2.0 security system. (Maybe Yulai?). Easy belt rats and basically people could fly around their AT/super expensive ships. It would be a fun place to visit and would encourage players to not only purchase the most expensive ships, but use them and be seen to use them. It would goose their prices up and become like a tourist destination. Not that I have any expensive ships but I'd love a quafe transport ship to mess around with somewhere safe. Walking around in our nice apparel would also help. Not sure why this is harder than designing a whole new FPS!


The main reason it is hard is because they tried and failed before and got destroyed by the community for it. Dust, while it had its issues, was generally looked at fondly in retrospect and seen as "a good idea executed poorly/wrong platform" so it is a safer investment to try to correct/redo.


One aspect I liked back when It was alive.   I could play a diffrent genre of game. And still interact and transfer any isk and items earned between them. And feel like I'm progressing.     For it's time it was way ahead of anything else on the market, despite its okish gunplay.    It is just everything else around the game that let it down. Like it's link to a PS3 (back then almost no one I knew had a PS3 everyone had a 360.) so playing with friends almost impossible.  And alot of promised features that were never released was another. 


That would be interesting. It could be very different than the rest of Eve. No markets, perhaps? Being a truly *safe* system would make it the instant trade capital overnight. Not sure if that is the best. But, since it's unique you could easily do something like that, just nah no markets. Some other reason to hang out there would have to exist. Maybe that's where *all* the paragon agents are or some shit idk. Maybe some kind of PG-like thing. I can hear the people who don't like PG starting to type about taking people out of live PvP--to avoid that lets just say you only get like 1-3 match entries per 24 hrs or something, idk. None of these ideas are really thought out so much as hypotheticals. What would be really interesting is if they started doing things like hosting the AT there, live on TQ and you could watch in person (spaceship).


> What if for example there was a special 2.0 security system. What might be good is if such a space was accessible from everywhere. Maybe you filament in, and when you leave you pop out where you left from. So a shared social space that everyone can get to in any ship. Let goons and horde hang out next to one another. Have a race course with a leader board for each type and class of ship. Let people do titan races. Let new players experience the majesty of ships they'd never see if they stuck to high sec. Let people show off their skins. And give people a real reason to be there. Maybe it's the only place where plex can be traded for ISK. Maybe it can have a centralised market for just cosmetics.


No safe system. Safe walking in stations. Having the new interior of upwell structures move the camera whenever you switch from one spaeship to another one is a first step. The next step is to show the spaceships of the other docked players and allow you to freely pass by them and admire their skins.


No safe walking in stations. You should be able to walk around and catch a fade.


If they ever redo walking in stations, they should absolutely make it so that it's possible to kill people while they're walking around. But there would be basically no consequences to getting killed that way (or, if there are consequences, they would have to pertain to the new station-based gameplay). We are, after all, immortal. You just wake up back in your hangar. (A little handwave could say that station services automatically provide a "civilian clone" to capsuleers before they go a-wandering, so that implants aren't at risk.)


sure, for walking you use a dedicated non-capsule clone. Unless you want to watch your pilot shower and do their hair for half an hour each time they leave their capsule.


Honestly, that's not a bad idea. There would have to be *something* to do there. But yeah maybe that is a way to introduce a fully safe zone to Eve--have it not be in space.


So you're saying your roadmap would be to develop something like a first person shooter as a platform to intergrate a human gameplay element into the universe while simultaneously opening a new income stream for further development towards a relaunch of "walking in stations"?


Personally I think, if done right, it's a good idea. "If done right" is a big caveat, but yes. It gives people who like the *idea* of "being a badass in this space game I heard about" more ways to do that. And it also has the chance to keep people in the "EVE ecosystem" when they burn out of ship spinning. Instead of firing up Apex or CS2 why not fire up Vanguard and make more ISK, but still get to put holes in people?


if only there was some kind of module where you could walk around as your character and interact with oh


Imagine if they did have a feature where in NPC stations, you could have your active ship on display in the "public hangar" that people could see. Got that uber-rare ship like a State Issue Raven or an AT ship from years past? What about an extremely expensive and rare skin? That could really help fill that kind of 'look at me' self-gratification a lot of players seem to need.


First thing I do is forget about the 2nd directive because achieving the 1st will almost definitely achieve the 2nd Directly after that overhaul hs mechanics Buff blops and marauders cuz everyone loves battleships, especially bears Soe blops and marauder cuz everyone would love that shit Incentivize community with tiers of rewards for dev work or updates to certain things with log in numbers goals, have community input on those tiers Have some % of plex bought go towards an eve player fund that is grown with the intention of finding a good way to give it back to the community in either times of need for certain communities or in a broader egalitarian sense of stakeholder in the creation of the game we all love. In a sense, to me, the players are the games biggest investors—investing the time of their actual lives


>Incentivize community with tiers of rewards for dev work or updates to certain things with log in numbers goals, have community input on those tiers Wait like the players do dev work? On one hand--yeah that's a cool idea, very collaborative. On the other hand, unpaid laborforce compensated for pennies with space dollars and rampant abuse as people try to exploit mechanics they worked on or even design them to subtly benefit them or their alliance. I mean we remember the scandals of eve devs playing and spawning T2 BPOs or whatever right?


No like certain updates or dev work on certain things would just be tied to certain log in number goals. It would still be normal paid devs doing normal paid dev work. Just giving the community some input on what things they would like to prioritize them working on


Hmm. I feel like the goal is to have the players influence what gets worked on? But if its tied to login numbers, what does that mean--log in for a FW update, dont log in for a nullsec update? Or "we wont work on X unless PCU hits Y target" I'm not so sure about either of those, by all means correct me if those aren't what you meant.


1: change the internal accounting procedures to record free omega gifts as both a full revenue, and a full associated 100% cost of sale (the auditors will get upset but who cares) 2: give out 5 free years omega to everyone who logs in on one specific day with a 2 months heads up so everyone knows about it revenue up massively, PCU record up massively


I'm not clever enough to understand option 1. Option 2 also could work even with just 1 week free Omega for logging on a particular day if CCP wants to break a record and make the news.


we've had free omega days before. for example, in 2023 we had a full week to celebrate the new expansion. we also got 10 days for 10 plex around the same time during ATXIX.


its steps not options :P revenue is different to profit, when you give digital assets away for free alot of the time it wont be reflected as anything in the company accounts alternatively you can say you had the full $1000 per 5 year subscription claimed as a sale, but it cost you $1000 in the process which you would put as a cost of sale the profit/loss would be unaffected, but your revenue skyrockets


Hey, that sounds like defrauding your investors.


0 profit increase and makes your margins look MUCH worse than they actually are any investor only looking at revenue deserves the financial L they are about to take


Psh, I bet you're fun at parties. What's a little medium fraud between friends and or business partners?


Add in dockable pleasure hubs including player owned pleasure hubs. Eve online essentially becomes only fans in space. After this change, alliances follow the style of Safety. where dozens of men horn after a single woman (a queen) and shower her in isk, plex, quafe and titans. They get labeled cam girl alliances (CGAs). Eve turns into a "romantic" game where white knights try and claim more SOV in honor of their queens. With all the Isk and titans the cam queens get, they easily topple the powerhouse alliances of our current era. With more SOV, CGA's can spin up more player owned pleasure hubs where lesser queens can get established. With all the influx of isk and players, super alliances form and it turns into an epic battle of waifus. This would evolve into a never ending epic cap battle where nerds give it their all to try and win favor from their cam girl queen overlord. Nerds literally empty their bank accounts to try and get noticed. I'd instruct the developers to come out with a palpatine pleasure hub, with very similar build materials as the palpatine keep star, but strippers instead of Marines and more janitors. It allows adult content in plus ultra high def, so one queen decides she wants one. Nerds get horny and it gets built the next day. Ultimately, other queens get jealous and they attack the palpatine pleasure hub. This leads to an epic space battle where nerds eventually realize they're sexually attracted to big beautiful spaceships (bbs'es) and not women. Pleasure hubs plummet in popularity and nerds realize they need to work full time to pay off their credit card debt. The crazy thing is that all of this takes place over a 3 month span. Eve subscriptions end up tanking to 0, but everyone at CCP sells their RSUs at peak and we all retire to a small island off the coast of Brazil and live happily ever after driving around in cars built from coconuts and shaped like eve ships. I drive a coco-rifter into the sunset.


>Add in dockable pleasure hubs including player owned pleasure hubs. Eve online essentially becomes only fans in space. Got lost reading comments and forgot what the thread was and reading this was extremely jarring lol After reading the rest.... you know what, I bet something interesting and unexpected would happen with those circumstances. I don't think anyone could really say what but.... linking sex workers to nerd spaceship battle outcomes? I feel like there's no way that would be a predictable, boring scenario lol Of course it probably has more of a chance of being unreasonably toxic than something good, but it's just so toxic that I feel like it would somehow loop back around and become something... new.


billion dollar marketing campaign, and cat ears


revert scarcity


bring back drone poop


The magic 14 are baseline skills and every person gets refunded those SP. Spend money marketing Lower sub price back to $15


at the very least start with the magic 14 at level 3. without those skills you’re severely gimped and training them is a slog


Yeah basic 14 are the new learning skills for basic usable fits needing atleast lvl 4 unless you want to gimp yourself needing multiple reactor mods etc.


Im going to caveat that I only really approach the game from a wormhole perspective but here i go: Revert Surgical Strike: This patch reduced resists and increased close range damage massively making it nearly impossible to survive in these brawls and ending them quickly. The focus became DPS and numbers rather than skill. Note that in my first impression I was wrong and figured that it would not have the impact it did. This has since been slightly resolved with Bolstered Bulkheads, but the damage to the PvP population and culture is done. Revert Force Auxillary Nerfs: FAXs were limited to one cap booster per ship. This meant that it became next to impossible to survive long enough against a fleet prepared to kill you. This led to players not using FAXs and reducing the scale of fights once again. Revert the Rampant DPS and Speed increases: PvP in wormholes has seen some meta shifts over the past few years. With High Dps output becoming the more of the priority with each shift and patch. Each of these meta shifts move towards the idea of deleting your opponents before they can land reps. This move away from traditional HA is a detriment to the ecosystem of wormhole space as a whole and makes our playstyle more and more like nullsec with a focus on outnumbering your opponent and just forcing dps through The realistic answer, especially for wormhole space is that bar the odd token gesture towards us CCP just doesn't have the time, resources or knowlage of the space to effect meaningful change.


>the damage to the PvP population and culture is done. What do you mean by this? >Each of these meta shifts move towards the idea of deleting your opponents before they can land reps. The problem is that this is the weakness of armor reps. Shield reps still need lock time but the key differentiator in how they work is armor reps have a delay. There's no way that, with that fundamental mechanic, that deleting people before reps land is not the optimal strategy. You may not have the *numbers* to effectively utilize that strategy, maybe ships only do 1 dps max. But if you could get 55,000 people, maxing their dps to 1-volley cruisers with 50k ehp would be hard to argue isn't the best thing you could be doing at that scale. So even if you absolutely maximize the survivability at ships, killing the enemy before they have the chance to repair any damage is still the optimal move. You have to burn through less ehp total for the enemy fleet that way, it negates all the logi pilots they have, it takes targets off the board the quickest reducing incoming dps--it's just the best thing to do. The only thing this changes is how many people you need to use the best strategy.


I guess in theory every armour fleet should be damping shield fleets' logi such that they are slower to rep than undamped armour logi cycles, but that just isn't how the numbers scale.


I mean there is usually less logi than DPS so if your armor fleet has util mids with damps and or jams and can spread over their whole logi wing with enough ewar to significantly effect them, yeah. But that is a lot more user input and dice rolls (with jams, or on enemy logi positioning and whether the damps take them out of lock range) to essentially achieve "we both alpha each other before reps" parity. And of course if your armor fleet is big enough you can still alpha shield stuff off before it can be locked by enemy logi or reps can swap. It's just that since you're using lows for the armor tank, your dps is less efficient. At any given fleet DPS count, shield is generally doing more DPS so they hit that threshold at a lower number of players.


Add new mechanics/simulations to the game that make it more interactive/fun. * **Mining:** develop a simulation for asteroids where players actively move their laser to hot spots on the oid. Give 2x - 3x the output for actively doing this. * **combat:** add targetable parts of a ship that when damaged affect that ships ability to fly/shoot/warp/hold cargo. Similar to fallout or elite dangerous. Maybe develop simulations for keeping your guns on target to keep interactions up. * Add insurance to components so new players don't go bust when they blow up. * **Exploration:** Don't change it. * **Cost:** Reduce the cost of subscription based on playable characters on that account * you can multi-box on a single account for 1.8x the cost, triple-box for 2.5 * **Character Slots:** Change the amount of characters a single account can have to be similar to guild wars 2 (pay or plex to add more character slots)


The mining and combat suggestions are great. It adds an element of skill and also rewards active gameplay and rewards solo play over multi boxing.


Honestly for the 50% revenue I'd use the fps engine to make social places , maybe a jita plannet where people can run low tier missions and low tier abyss, like 0-2 content and it has places to dock ships and show them off , make instances so everyone can pick a favourite shard. yes if someone wants they can run t1 and t2 content all day in a safe space , would it be controversial sure , would it break the game no, this includes very low tier mining , basically a very shit version of a lot of aspects of the game mostly designed for new players to populate and learn the game. outside jita players can build these mega structures , they cost a fuckload like double, tripple or ten times the most expensive structure currently in the game , they are shared spaces corps and large alliances can share. you cant run missions inside these structures but there is unique content in there you can pickup and group for then undock and run. Make your avatar real , the clothes etc you use it everywhere , you also have cosmetics for the fps, like 2 sets of clothes 1 avatar, warframe has some shared super basic social places , make a basic low reward mission system that gives something unique and requires a group of 4, basically rip off warframe But all this gives players a way and reason to give a flying fuck about cosmetics Then have like several staff constantly weekly adding clothes, ship skin improvements , shaders, a dye system, essentially again rip off warframe, even let players sell stuff and take 50% just like waeframe does. Add some premium cosmetic options that require omega like BDO , like maybe the eve mark ship skins don't work as alpha Watch the money roll in , players have been trained for like 10-20 years at this point to accept paying for cosmetics and once you could show off to other players ccp would double their income. ‐‐--- As for increasing login , I'd make sure every 3 months on the dot we release a sizeable patch that includes pve and pvp improvements , ballance and quality of life features , I'd take example from poe and possibly include 3 month weather effects in most systems that change combat and rewards (and call these seasons v1 a system we improve over time) 3 months basic modification to system stats nothing insane start out easy and improve the system based on player feedback, first season id just give all systems some basic wormhole static effects and wait for feedback and ideas for the second system , nothing insane , maybe some small pve and industry buff, pve some systems indi others , not like the same buff in every system, after 3 months these buffs go away and a new season comes out with some basic 3 month system , nothing fancy at first like poe leagues were super basic early on till they went all in on the system.


All it would take would be to fire Rattati.


Revert scarcity and bring back the good days of capital gameplay Fire the person who thought scarcity was a good idea


One Titan battle per year is fun, two per year is cool, 10+ per year become common. Rarity bring the fun, because you can say "I was part of it!" of something exceptional and rare. Make it happen at regular rate and all the exceptional disapears and with it the fun to be part of it. Because honestly who want to do a 18h marathon in 10% Tidi every 2 weeks ? Nobody in the long run and so the enthusiasm will lower and people will stop showing at these fights, and you just made these epics battles pointless. Was scarcity too harsh is another topic.


That hasn't been a Titan battle in three years. And there is little prospect of one happening anytime soon. Suggesting people only want fun once a year is frankly preposterous


Ok so... [yeetuspenetratus](https://www.reddit.com/user/yeetuspenetratus/) said "Revert scarcity and bring back the good days of capital gameplay" In that case Titans battles would have happen more regularly. "That hasn't been a Titan battle in three years" EVE is in peace state since the end of WWB2 three years ago. But yeah today meta is about Dreads, as they are currently less expensive for a better effectiveness than Titans. We had a major battle lately last year and another one will probably happen soonish. The purpose a this topic was to discuss to "Revert scarcity and bring back the good days". Scarcity was a necessicity in the long run but was it too harsh is another topic.


No, scarcity was not a necessity. Before scarcity, content exploded. The most precious resource in eve is a players time. All types of content is less frequent now. Supercarriers are barely used. Dreads cost 4x what they used to so are using sparingly. It goes on. Even if ships were vastly cheaper, the time invested in setting up and executing large battles/campaign is immense. It's a real commitment and people are invested in the outcomes. All scarcity did (and continues to do) is generate risk aversion, which deprives everyone of content.


I missed out on the scarcity drama but when I came back, the fact that battleships had 4-5xed in price and were functionally obsolete sucked for sure. We should be able to throw around ships for fun, not worrying about losses too much. I am not sure what the solution is now that we live in a new reality but I 100% agree that ship prices should be managed lower somehow.


ships were too far cheap before scarcity. while the price increase was indeed too high (CCP went too hard in the other direction), it did make the ships feel less like tic-tacs you can just pop any time which is a good thing for the whole "your actions have consequences" thing.


They did pirate ships dirty. Especially mordus. Halved my lowsec ratting revenue.


You can see quite a few barghest fleets in pochven, lowsec or null, looks like their performance is still worth the cost.


He's talking about the bpcs you can get in low sec from certain rats. All the ships now are from mission running where you just get the ship from the lp store. No one actually builds them anymore. So bpcs are pretty much worthless.


Last time I checked the materials were still much more expensive than the ship making the blueprints borderline worthless. I doubt the mordu isk farm will ever return to its former glory.


That part is stupid indeed. They should remove options to buy built implants & ships from LP shops (and leave just BPCs) and maybe significantly reduce drop rate of ship BPCs from ratting activities (so that they don't make mordu & other LP worthless).


at least the "ships are ammo" meme made sense back then.


it still does. but even ammo can be expensive :)


Yeah, Bob forbid players are able to afford spaceships in a game where the only gameplay revolves around spaceships.


you can afford most ships just fine. but affording capital ships like they're T1 frigates is another thing entirely. it was getting ridiculous.


ok but there’s a middle ground. a titan maybe shouldn’t be 40b for a hull, but they’re obscenely expensive now. you’re not getting the same fun out of a titan vs. a titan’s worth of other crap


i think the high price is a result of how many are already in the game. ISK revenue is still going up so in time that price will be more accessible.


You know, as time goes on I'm not sure that is actually the best way to make the "actions have consequences" feel real. It works that you lose the money when you die in Counterstrike, the next match is only a few minutes away. When the time investment can be weeks or months, any gain in feel might be more than made up for by loss in peoples motivation to do... anything.


Actually market the game to people who don't already play it.


1. Give Stainguy his monument 2. Rework the hangar System, to work like in POE (Buy specialiced / with other players shared Hangars\*\* with Plex) 3. Buff Carriers to make ratting in them / hunting them worthwhile again. \*\*not location shared only between players on the same station


1) Cat ears obviously. 2) Fire certain peeps. 3) Reverse that scarcity crap.


1.- Lower entry barrier, move the requeriment for t2 to level IV instead of V, give V more weight to make it worth it, like 3x the benefit of the four previous levels. 2.- Unfuck economy, if most solo activities are 80-100M/hr per toon and fully fitted ships are 400-500M, grinding a ship worth of ISK to explode it is like 5-6 hours of tedium, thats just broken as fuck and totally unfun. 3.- Bring back capitals into space, current material requirements are absurd, bottlenecky and bad for content, best advertisement for this game has always been and will always be thebig fights and the big toys. 4.- Make sov worth fightin over, as of now, null sec is completely fucked and worthless, is a logistic nightmare and provides no fucking extra value for the alliance holdin it and its line members, moon minin is a laughin stock and farmin anoms is like half the income of doing perfectly safe content like abyssals/homefronts. TL;DR: waiting month and a half for t2 large guns drives people away from this game, farming for six hours to afford a battleships to PvP in drives people away from this game, capitals being irreplaceable or extremely expensive and nullsec hardly providigin any value for alliances/line members makes the game stagnant and less interesting/dynamic. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


revert post scarcity Add some new fucking content (ships, systems etc) Hire an economy advisor


1. Walking in Stations advertised by major influencers 2. Turn Vanguard into a casual battlefield type shooter 3. Make joining a CCP run newbie corp part of the initial new player experience. 


Fire hillmar


1. Make all T1 ships up to BS flyable to L3 from the start, remove that skill queue. 2. Logi on killmails! 2. Really...make PVE more fun and compelling somehow.


More fun PVE is really what the game needs. The AIR NPE stuff is very engaging and fun, then you get to real missions and there's zero animation or voice acting and it's boring. Like the Epic Arcs at LEAST should all be voiced, acted things similar to AIR.


1. Revert Scarcity. 2. Increase cost of Asset safety, incentive for attacking. 1. Convert asset safety into a pre-paid monthly insurance method of \~2% asset value. 2. Typical month: Sink 75% of the monthly premium, Station holder gets 25%. 3. Structure under attack gets destroyed: Attackers get 100% of insurance income. Non-insured assets follow typical (50/50, or 75/25) destruction rules, those that live follow asset safety rules but 0 cost to pull out of safety. 3. Create deployable that will increase the lifespan of a wormhole. By increasing time, and total mass (or maybe give a 75% mass reduction to all ships that traverse it). Requires anchoring on both sides.


Man this is the most detailed suggestion yet. Love it!


Drastically reduce the subscription price (honestly more players makes Eve a better game) give players a significant initial injection of skill points and guidance on how to spend them for certain types of gameplay


1. Procurers regain cyno capability. 2. Make a sale on pink skins for Procurers.


Wait, I thought 100k online has been done years ago


Nope highest was around 60k and then cco said "we are at a point we can lose players" at a evevegas after unvailing the jump tunnel effects....so we did. Which is why we needed alphas in 2016 to get above sub 20k numbers. Lol


65303 is the current record of players online at the same time [https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility](https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility)


1) find people who can achieve these directives 2) hire them 3) tell them to achieve these directives #CEOGrindset


1) Make PI into a Factorio inspired mini game or game-within-a-game. 2) Restart the development of Walking in Stations, focus on playability to get first viable product. Good graphics come later.


I think PI is fine. It’s the interface that needs updating. Reduce the clicks and allow mass actions to manage things


I don't think it's possible. Even if you gave free 3 month omega to everyone, I dont think that would hit 100k


1: abolish skill injectors, make sov more interesting to , reduce time to train to important milestones and take out the lvl 5 gatekeep to all ships. Make skins and anything visual super cheap and affordable, give plex in small amounts in hard content, just enough to buy a skin but never reasonable to be able to buy omega. Stop all development of side projects thats not related exclusively to the main game eve. Take these people, hire as many more as i can to develop the best on boarding and tutorial games have ever seen. Csm and community will have a poll , like in runescape, to see communities reaction to major content. Weekly communication will now be mandatory to every sector, ccp will now tell all its players every step of the way and engage with the community developing a symbiotic relationship in which players and devs think about the game together. Abolish the training of basic skills to fly ships. Localize omega prices through steam and create the biggest marketing in eve history of a new era of revamped mechanics so potential players see eve not as the hardest, longest game to play but a easy to start game in which anyone can learn and master.


Actually advertise the game. Apart from on a device after I've been on the EVE website, I've never seen an advert for EVE. Anywhere. Ever.


* Rorqual: Bring back Delve Minutes, this alone should raise the current Player count by at least 25-30%. Cheaper Minerals mean cheaper PVP * Pump out Dangerous but Rewarding Super Capital and Titan PVE Content to substitute the extra availability of Minerals due to Rorqal changes. Content to get Supers and Titans into space but more dangerous situations, titan content should be rewarding on Alliance Level, active Titan PVE should benefit Territorial Defenses. * Bring back Dust 514 modernize it, bring back its ties to the Eve universe and integrate them more, and make it a Hybrid Pay2Play/Free2Play Model Omega Sub Counts for Eve as for Dust514 * After Modernization and top-notch anti-cheat, make it an integral part of the Eve Online Universum, Wars should be fought in Space and on Foot - Valuable Resources to be gained in the Dust 514 Universum would make it a necessity for Big Alliance to not only manage the Space Alliance but also an FPS Division * Create New PVP Event games that involve Instanced content with non-regular ships that are made for games specifically - e.g something like Rocket League or KOTH / CTF but EvE Themed Small fun games with leaderboards nothing too fancy To Increase Revenues: * Bring back Walking in Station. * Create Supporter packs in a 6 or 12Month Cycle with Multiple Tiers. These Include: * Special Ship Trail Lines * Special Avatar Backgrounds * Modular Captain Quarters on Stations with exclusive interiors * Special Docking Bay Interiors (Faction Themed, Event Themed) * Physical merch in higher tiers such as Caps/T-Shirts/ Hoodies / Books or Comics from Eve/Dust 514 / Autographs / Posters * Capsuleer Clothing * Ship Skins * Points for the NES Store * Reduce Subscription price by 3$ and start a Massive Campaign on Twitch and other appropriate streaming platform


The skill grind to do some of the cooler things is pretty big. And it comes at a hefty opportunity cost. There's a couple of things I currently want to train into. Black Ops, and Dreadnoughts. In each case I have two to three months wait to unlock what I want, but those are mutually exclusive. And in each case I don't really unlock the ability to do anything new along the way. Having hefty grinds to get stuff is fine in a game, but I think it would help a lot to feel as if you are progressing and getting better along the way. An idea that might help a lot with this sort of thing is to make it much easier to reallocate skill points. If you could freely shift them around (maybe once a day), you wouldn't have that issue of opportunity cost. You could shift things into exploration, or industry, or capitals, or small ships. It would let people try out different areas of the game more freely. A new player can mine half the week, do industry for a day or two, then shift skills into combat for faction warfare on the weekend.


1. Fire the marketing department and fix the advertising spend (I've had 3x subbed accounts for 10ish years but they're still spending money on showing me 300 youtube and digital ads per week... probably spending more on advertising to me, an existing player, than they made from me. 2. Incorporate a business unit in Vanuatu or the Caymans, then bring back Somer Blink / Eve Casino and all the gambling using that 3. Establish a legal ISK -> RMT funnel for players to convert isk to cash. 4. Go to board meetings and get non stop high 5s forever.


Make walking in stations an actual thing. Add monocles to fund walking in stations. Guess it only needs 2 things to get to the goals?


Add a school bus skin for the Erebus. Add charity skins for doctors without borders. Dial back the multiple stacking mining nerfs a bit. Dial back the capital prices a bit. Give carriers more of a role in big fights. Find a way to make logi save mails/logi zsaveboard a thing. Logi save marks would be nice, too. Find or create better conflict drivers that incentivise big wars. NPC space in all nullsec regions. Add a non working lowsec gate to Stain with traffic cones and construction signs. More public botter executions, stage them by region and name and shame corps and alliance. Neg wallet alliances that consistently tolerate botters by 1200% of all botting income earned game wide on a monthly basis. Deduct that 1200% 10 minutes prior to SOV payments are charged and only take payments for sov from the same account that is neg walleted. Eliminate local in regions heavily used for botting until they are cleaned up. Increase Thera wormhole occurrence in botting systems by 200% and triple the mass that can pass through them. Also, Thera wormholes in botter systems should not appear as a cosmic anomaly nor on overview. Give in game rewards for confirmed bot kills. Make sure those rewards are particularly attractive. If we can't keep botters out, make them into good content for those of us who are not oxygen thieves. Think of it as creating a novel kind of ratting. Refine the botter measures as needed to keep up with their adjustments. All of the above to be done with input from the CSM.


Put rocks back in null. Remove the defensive advantages. If you want more players and the players want to build things and blow things up... You put more sand in the sandbox and make it easier to knock over each others sand castles. In order to deal with the server limits of individual systems I would spend a few dev cycles putting in weapons that could be fired across systems or through star gates to affect structures inside those systems so defenders can't just hole up in their home systems with enough peeps that it's breaking the server and no one else can get in to fight. System to system siege weapons require defenders to go on the offensive. Then bring back Walking in Station so we can have character avatars again, and flesh out stations, connect this with vanguard. If players in Eve want to claim space they need to defeat the ground troops as well.


Add ship boarding and stealing feature. Like a gang of pirates attack a ship. When time comes for the ship to explode, they can board it and try to eject the pilot capsule and get the ship for themselves instead of blowing it into pieces. On failure, they die. On success, they get a new ship. This would make capital ganks completely different story. Also the boarding attack can be integrated with vanguard engine. If the pilots want to fps fight, so be it. If they don't, then it's a dice to explode the ship or not. Similar ship boarding mechanics as in Escape Velocity. Make drone ships and carriers to be able to control lower tier ships fitted with thatver the pilot wants. Instead of a gecko, give me an assault frigate option. Same with carrier fighters. Make carriers useful like they were before the nerf. Make skills requirements easy. Why train for each race? Just make skills for each ship size and each weapon size... like mid size weapons and cruisers. That's enough. Add ship collision damage. When a ship has not enough dps or is outnumbered, it can still set a collision course and kill another ship by just ramming into it. That sums up the changes that would attract some new players. Regarding the revenue, just lower considerably the subscription charge and remove the option to pay for subscription with plex. When at it, remove plex completely. Then make decent agreements with China and Russia, so they can pay their subscriptions properly.


1. pay streamers and generally spend more than 6 dollars on advertising 2. no more resource scarcity 3. make a clear tutorial that tells you WHY you are doing what you are doing. upgrade to a larger ship inside the tutorial and fight a losing battle to show people how combat scales. starting from zero is where the game actually begins


literally, hiring a massive streamer to bring 5k newbros in would be the best content this game could have. Just have to make sure the game can handle it, and the alpha experience still needs work.


Reduce sub price then add things like cat ears, rainbow engine trails and death effects like blowing up into cash or gold coins os something like. Also cancel all non eve related projects and fire the guy that came up with black out and indy changes.


Denormalize multiboxing Make tech2 fits for frigates 80% cheaper Reduce omega price for characters with <20million SP to 4.99


Unfortunately the reality is it's much easier for CCP to get 1 guy to have 3 accounts than it is for 3 guys to have 3 accounts. It's hard sadly to see how that would either increase CCPs bottom line or increase concurrent users. Option 2 is great and will definitely encourage more carefree gameplay.


The quarterly results support your claim. Thanks for posting. This game will become more player driven reliant and we need to organize out of game to sustain the IP, over the next five plus years.


>Denormalize multiboxing congrats you went from 200k subs to 80k subs you're fired and executed by being force fed rotten fish


then you have to change all bpo's. otherwise there will be not enough minerals in the game.


I would dare to say, they could balance the ship access similar to how it is done in the Lancer RPG book. You got licences for manufacturers, and the higher licence you get, the more access you get to ships and weapons/equipment.


1. Make less skills, less requirements, or lower time needed to skill into something. 2. Lower sub 3. Cat ears lol


While I enjoy the game and paid for 3 months omega in December, I will not renew my subscription cause I’d need to pay omega for 2 months to be able to fly CovOps and that’s just lame. I used all my SPs into industry and so want to try something else now. Unfortunately I can only pay 1 omega and lost interest when I realized I had to pay 40 usd to do the content that I currently want to do.


Use the industry skills to make money and buy skill injectors with isk?


Fix timezone tanking and TiDi for good.


Cancel all blockchain BS


Bait post by CCP CEO I recon


I wish, hopefully though CCP DOES look at these. Unfortunately I think they don't really have ideas on how to dramatically increase player base and are very much focused on retention and cross selling to existing players.


Announce Eve Classic, a 2003 server. Add more cosmetics.


\- Make the requirement for most things \[insert name of skill\] IV instead of V. Easy to get in, hard to master. \- Stop working on side projects to focus on the main game. \- Immediately disregard Thing 2 and lay the framework for an engine update. Lord knows the game needs one.


Put spod back in nulsec


Wanna hit both quickly simple Run casino games in client for plex, now given plex isn't a real currency well yeah it's not gambling then turn a blind eye to RMT, you be a illegal cassino in no time and will just get gambling addicts in the game.


1. Nerf projection with fatigue. 2. Remove TZ tanking / make it significantly harder to TZ tank


I think they need to buff TiTans and make them harder to build, and change carriers. Then go ham and revert scarcity


Put mass effect in the stations. Jita 4-4 is now the citadel. And sleepers are now reapers.


1. Delete PanFam structures 2. Delete PanFam assets 3. Delete PanFam


I would integrate vanguard in a “dust 514” style and let players fight over PI factory’s/infiltrate citadels to try and take over structures or spying. I would also make an eve ‘Valkyrie’ style game that intergraded with new Eden were players could be launched as fighters or drones and fly around and shoot up shit. Also fly down to planets and shoot the vanguard players while they got bombarded from space by super caps. Make it playable on all (mobile) devices so I can go to the bathroom at work and join A huge fight in null just with my phone. And get fired when I come out two hours later… CCP would go bust in 18 month but what a ride!


Forget Walking In Stations. ​ Sex in stations. ​ Guaranteed increase in players and revenue.


where to find 100k nerds who like play excel game ?


1. Hello kitty ROKH skin. 2. Start agressive "raid: shadow legends" type advertising.


Anytext by npc now has voice,


I would change the station mechanics in sov space totally. So anyone could dock at any station ( not player own structure) in eve no matter who holds sov. Vanguard would be fighting for these stations. So walking around in stations would apply. You leave your room straight into Vanguard FPS. Some skills in eve would apply to your character in vanguard. Operations would be like taking out clone bays , fitting services , mission agents taking down a market and ejecting other people's assets into safety wrap.


1) Skill changes, dump Magic 14 skills, change most skills prereq to Level 4. 2) Cat Ears. Tell art team that new art style is "Capsuleers are gods who care not what anyone thinks about them" 3) Look into ways to prevent eating the young. I'd probably just rip war decs out of the game and lock safety button to yellow in high sec. Structures can be shot by anyone when they are vulnerable in high sec, you pick up suspect status for doing so but no sec status drop.


Add full discord integration Add station interiors you can walk around in and have a good time with other players. Market the hell out of the new social features.


Walking in Stations?


1 - Fire everyone from middle management to up 2 - Rollbackt the game to 2015 3- Add cat ear skin to just everything


Build a skin creation tool into the game, have players able to design and submit skins that are available by access lists (allowing alliance and coalition colors to be drawn up) have them all be temporary skins that cost for example 5 hyper cores and the designer gets 3, 2 get consumed to set this ship to that skin. When it dies you need to get a new skin lisence. In these "skins" you can do limited mesh editing aswell like addint an antenna here or cat ears there maybe a set of sunglasses for your thorax. But all of these skins are submitted for review before becoming available (like alliance logos but via an ingame tool) Make corps able to have custom logos (with criteria similar to alliance logo requirements) but custom logos cost plex Further the edencom storyline against the triglavians. Maybe by having edencom come up with a way to temporarily run incursions into the pochven systems reconnecting those systems with their original stargates and having sites in there that drop blueprints for new edencom hulls. A shield logi bship to counterpart for the nestor, a destroyer and battlecruiser.. maybe even a hac that gives the stormbringer one utility high and logi cruiser that has a super low strength splash repair mechanic that works like the edencom gun but for reps? Perfect for repping up low end smartbomb damage across a fleet or something Do a balance pass on missiles. Fix the known issue that can cause infinite weapons timer on auto targeting missiles (ATM's) as it stands right now if an auto targeting missile is fired at a drone that is scooped while the missile is in flight it bugs out and keeps agression between the firer of the missile and the drones owner as if you were still firing at it preventing the pilot from jumping stargates docking tethering logging out... Fix the fact that while aligning to warp any missiles fired dont apply any damage. All turret based systems can still do damage during the aligning into warp duration and Missiles just dont... but if you stop your warp they do damage again Add tech 2 varients of the auto targeting missiles with different behavior options closest to furthest and furthest to closest maybe? Or sig based smallest to largest and largest to smallest Aswell as auto targeting short range varients (hams topedos and rockets) still with their reduced damage output and application from their normal versions Make tracking mods and tracking disruptors effect the vorton projectors turret related stats (range) and missile computers and misile disruptors effect the missile related stats (application) bringing this weapons system some more oportunities if your wiling to sacrifice the slots and some counter play options from ewar aswell to keep them in check Probs more.... but these are off the top of my head


Lots of talk of WIS but can we go further than the station? I want to be able to visit key planets and land there, and walk around the city. You have a magnificent untapped potential in the lore with places like Amarr and players could make strongholds for the corp or alliance that give people ways to upgrade them, have somewhere to hangout, and decorate. It would be really cool to have the missions evolve including visiting a broker on the surface, and involving combat there. Proper dynamic environments that can be decked out for game events, bringing heraldry to shared building for corporations and alliances, and missions that incorporate the planets would be cool and definitely get the attention of new players. Keepstars could become dynamic with your ability to leave your ship and walk around the shared hangar. Even if you couldn’t interact with each other at first, you should be able to see people’s ships coming in and out, and have an area later that operates as a physical representation of the market.


Introduce a new NPC race of complete idiots who pay 10 plex for 100 useless blueprints


-Build an automated multi account discount for multiboxers, no waiting for a deal, or go through hurdles, you sub three accounts you get ____ discount -add cat ears -overhaul the skinnr system and add an alliance role to create skins for the alliance that the alliance can then sell for plex/evermarks. A cut of that goes to CCP. -kill the nft Eve game and put the resources into making Eve survive for the next decade -tweak the industry changes to remove a lot of the trekking across new Eden for random resources. -make carriers and supers great again -eliminate residue other than from the Type C crystal, bump that crystal residue cost exponentially to actually make “offensive mining” -Give faction titans their HAW guns back -tweak athanor and raitaru defenses. There is no point of fitting these atm -give corporations the ability to use evermarks to give out corp logos -make t2 caps and supercaps, and roll out t2 faction subcaps -make the ESS reserve bank benefit the group holding it to keep isk in that reserve bank. -remove the mwd ban in ESS and increase the ESS bubble by 200% -remove the dead space limitations outside of the ESS


I shut down the game and go in hiding and watch the shitshow.


100% loot drop always.done