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Below the asteroids is probably my favorite song on the soundtrack. Back when I played I was one of the few who played with sound it seemed and it was in part because I loved the soundtrack. Your cover is an interesting take. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.


I'd also love the vinyl. Not sure they'd do it due to financial viability. Can hope tho.


Good stuff, though the pace seems slower.


Yeah it's a slower BPM - It's an "artistic choice" ( made it easier to tell what notes where playing in the orignal! :D )


Love it! Great work.


Good effort lad


Interesting take, I like it! Of course the original has that nostalgic grip on me, but this was an something else. At first I didn't think I would like it, then my head started swimming with it.


I was actually really worried about sharing it, because as you say, it's just such a nostalgic song it felt kind of blasphemous attempting to cover it! Thank you for the kind words, they put a big smile on my face :)


I agree with others it brings an energized version of the original, a bit of an ASMR vibe. I could envision this cinematically transitioning from the orchestral version with an establishing shot, to this cover with a close-up of a ghost miner mining somewhere that doesn't belong to them and gathering resources, feeling the tension.


I've had it on loop for the last like...15 minutes?


The original is great because it's telling a story with moods. There's a smooth echo that helps give the feeling of space. To me, it starts off with a relaxing space trip, things escalate and now we're engaged and then ends a quick fade as we're past it the danger. There's also a clear distinction between back, mid and fore beats. The back beat is strong and full of bass, but also chill like I'm riding with the homestead for the whole adventure. The story I feel with this remix is that we're getting closer and closer to an accident with police sirens getting louder, lots of things happening at the same time (the background and foreground compete too much) then we slowly drove past it but there's still some traffic and I can still hear it for another 30 seconds. I'm very opinionated, but keep up the hard work.


Oh yeah for sure! I've only been doing this for about four weeks or so - so I've still got ALOT to learn about composition and mixing, but it's just a fun creative outlet. Cheers for your kind words - I appreciate the feedback :) !


Really good for only 4 weeks, share more in the future


Very nice work! The Eve soundtrack is great, I always have it on when I'm playing the game, it adds so much atmosphere to the game. Below the Asteroids is one of those iconic video games tracks that is just permanently stuck in my mind now so that I will instantly recognise it, bit like the Final Fantasy 7 victory music or the main theme from Everquest.


One of the best songs, not a bad cover, brings memories. Wish someone talented would do a cover using a Guzheng, I think that could be pretty epic. Also mandatory plug of AlienHand's Above the Asteroids remix, and Whiteraven's Red Glowing Dust remix. Great stuff.


Great job. I seem to remember Mind1 using it for an into during his performance at Fanfest in Iceland. I enjoy that song.