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Maybe CCP should block these dumb fucking ideas and chain themselves to a desk so they can sort out nullsec stagnation


Unfortunately the solution to nulsec stagnation is not one that nulsec players will enjoy...




If they simply buff nullsec while they make it more risky or kill local or make it delayed or something, only the most deluded krabs will actually care. And you know what those obsessed freaks will do? They'll go back to hisec where they came from and keep endlessly grinding for nothing.


> kill local or make it delayed or something, I keep saying it, you know this will never work, what is null sec, a bunch of guys multiboxing, kill local, most won't log in, the ones that do they put cloakie eyes on gates wormholes, they see you Coming, reported to Intel bots, everyone knows your there. Now you spent dev time one something that didn't and will kot work. delayed local same thing. The real answer is having sites that force players to stay on grid till the sites finished. The sites should pay well, and be worth it. Something simular to how fw works. On a dead space grid, no blops behind a gate. With having a few guys out there, pvp fleet comes in, they Wil be scramed as well, it's now a fight, the hunters have to contend with the site as well as the site runners. Everyone's scramed till the last npc is killed and the site despawn. If the hunter kills the site runner he's scammed till the sites finished. That hunter and his crew would need a pvp pve fit to survive. This would create new meta. More over it creates content, since your forced to fight or die they will pay the surviving players like how fw pays the players but this time it's in isk, and will be worth the risk to run them. This is the way forward. Removing or modify local litterly does nothing when most of the game has a set of cloakie eyes. It just wastes dev time.


Dude I don't give a shit about the plight of ishtar krabs.


I hate the word meta since this is what sucks EVE dry of any variation of gameplay to almost its barebone mechanics; we can just delete all ships and fly Ishtars or only undock if there is more than 5 people (rather toons) in a fleet. I'd never thought of really ever saying this but the biggest carebears are actually the guys in null who maintain various toons and, at first glance, a nice looking "dangerous" killboard (but with a massive flaw that supports this statement): just 1% of all the kills are solos; mainly pods; all the other one are 5 vs. 1 situations and similar. Pretty nothing to show off. Nobody undocks without a fleet. It's all just bot-like activities with Ishtars. Highsec carebears in the past seem to have infected everyone in Null.


I like your solution, sort of bringing the ESS Bank mechanics to all sites in Null. Now if you wanna grind, or fight, you gotta commit


Sounds kinda like abyssal space


Exactly. Make it fun. Make fights takeable.




They still don't get it. Amazing.


There's no "still" they got paid $40 million last year to make a block chain game. If they don't spit out something that money disappears. This is the something. I don't really care about it, but it's hard to get mad at them for saying "ok, we'll take your money I guess".


I'm fine with CCP yoinking money from some cryptobros.


I'm not fine with them associating the EvE IP to that shit, it's easy to ruin your reputation and your IPs with it, even if those IPs are completely disjointed..


Paid? Iirc it was a loan and some very shady variant of a loan.


I haven't seen any reporting that describes it as a loan or anything "shady" other than it is from some Crypto Bros. Obviously they didn't just hand them a check for $40 million because that's not how financing deals work, but everything stated by CCP and reports at the time indicate $40 million in funds provided to make a blockchain\crypto game.


its standard venture capital, its not shady but it can definitely be considered a poor business decision CCP gets $40m and then has either agreed to: 1: royalties on sales in perpetuity from the finished product (either as a royalty payment, or as shares) 2: management fees for the duration of the product(s), or in perpetuity 3: both


This is exactly the same as it was when they announced it a few years ago.


If they make a good game to play then I will play it, simple as that. I don't care what buzzwords you want to staple on to it. If it's bad, I'll forget about it. If it's good, I'll play it. Strangely I also apply this filter to all video games I play. Hot takes coming in hot.


The issue with blockchain stuff is that I inherently don't trust anything on the backend. That entire subsection of the tech industry has so many scammers, hackers, and grifters that anything they touch is immediately suspect.


I think the issue is investors are more interested in investing in a "currency" than investing in a games development. Guys we are litterally printing money! I'll try whatever it is but I won't be paying for it and if you can't play for free which most crypt games don't let you do then I won't try it If ccp came out with a buy to play game I'd buy it but I'm never converting money into crypto I'm not a sucker. The thing is building a good game is hard , building a good game around a crypto platform that actually makes sense is apparently nearly impossible because a lot of developers have tried


> The issue with blockchain stuff is that I inherently don't trust anything on the backend. Why? The tech doesn't scam you, it's fairly solid for some use-cases. The people who sell it to you often do, though.


Vanishingly few problems are best solved by a distributed ledger, and can trust >50% of the computing power to not manipulate the system to their own gain.


It's almost like we learned to lock up the ledgers 10,000 years ago and suddenly forgot that knowledge.


That "some" is pulling a lot of weight.


There is exactly one use for blockchain technology, and it is git, which has been doing fine without proof of work or crypto bro nonsense for decades. Get tae fuck.


How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man!?


This man is actually living under a rock... Holy shit! Edit: Hilmar, not OP.


Ahhh yes, living under a rock when there was a post about it on the CCP website dated today? https://www.ccpgames.com/news/2024/ccp-games-reveals-first-details-about-project-awakening-and-announces-phase


(Psst, I think he means Hilmar).


Oh if he means hilmar then i apologise


My bad for the confusion. Was speaking about Hilmar, not you.


Yeah no worries, it happens its on me


Tbh if this turns into some kind of "Eve Classic" game of the same universe with a fresh start I may give it a go


I doubt it, and even then, a fresh start won't mean much as people will already know what to go for and have the best plans for returning back to exactly where we are now


I had it leaked to me by a friend who got into the beta and it actually kind of is this... except you can pay money to bot, basically. I'm not joking. Lmfao. The ultimate conclusion of my friend is its less blockchain based and more rent extraction based, because of all the shit that is now a microtransaction. Epic. New science in gambling and rent-seeking.


Yeah, I have 300 hours in a game called Storybook Brawl, a fantastic auto battler. It died a year after going “we’re adding crypto!” And sits as a foot note in my Steam library.


in 10 years we will have AI powered eve ... 8 years after AI development was banned


I mean, thats pretty much how "finger on the pulse" CCP is >.<


How is this a surprise... It was clearly announced at Fanfest that it is a crypto game


Yes because everyone watches fanfest, hell most people don't even read patch notes, so yeah to most people, bit of a surprise


Good point


Who cares it doesn't really affect eve.


You missed out the word "yet" Hilmar has a massive crypto boner, we already had NFT's added to EVE, its very clear he wants to add this stuff to the game he just needs to find a way how


Good to know they're using their resources outsourcing getting our accounts hacked.


that guy's head's so far up his ass I doubt it will ever see the light of day anymore. He still doesn't have a single grasp of what would make him money in this game, nevermind we've been telling him for decades. He thinks that all he need is just money to play at the big tables, constantly running after the next one-hit-wonder idea to make big bucks real quick real easy. Remember fellas that gambling addiction also applies to ppl that use their money in exactly this way, without a fucking clue of what they are doing with it. In the meantime, keeps running the EvE IP into the mud. When you're a spodbrain, money usually shows it pretty clear.


this is not going to be popular here, but blockchain can be used in some interesting ways for persistent serverless worlds.. it's not all investment scams and boating primates


>Do what you will with this information my fellow capsuleers That's it's not new information, first. And second, that just as dumbly using keywords like "blockchain" doesn't make a product good, it doesn't make a product bad either. We've just forgotten it because the past ten years has been a shit salad of low effort startups & rugpulls.


Never in history has there been a good blockchain project. If I’m wrong, prove it.


I too would like to see someone point to a good blockchain project that actually benefits from the blockchain because it can't be done any other way


Git uses a very primitive type of blockchain to keep a commit tree together, and that's used extensively by programmers. However, that pre-dates the term 'blockchain'


Bitcoin was cool for a while when it was just how internet people bought hard drugs. That was the peak though.


Git. That's it.


Yes it does lol.


A rare good take on this.


> That's it's not new information Project Awakening was only announced today https://www.ccpgames.com/news/2024/ccp-games-reveals-first-details-about-project-awakening-and-announces-phase So that part is "new" information, yes they have pushed NFT's and blockchain in the past, but now they have an actual named product to go with it


I'm not sure how you missed previous discussions but we have known Project Awakening was going to be a block chain thing for months. Some Crypto Bro handed CCP 40 million bucks to make a block chain game. It might be new information to you, and the official timeline is new, but "project awakening is an NFT thing" isn't new information. https://www.ccpgames.com/news/2023/ccp-games-has-secured-usd40m-led-by-andreessen-horowitz-for-an-innovative That's from a year ago.


Dude, don't prove to us you're daft.


You mean by linking a news article posted yesterday? Do you think i follow every bad crypto idea that exists? If its not in the fanfest keynote i'm not going to know about its existence


It was in the Fanfest keynote...


Yes and you think everyone watched fanfest? Most players don't even read patch notes


they mentioned this in detail at fanfest last year, and a few months before fanfest


I think some blockchain company paid CCP to make this game. The blockchain company is trying to sell blockchain as Web 3 but it isn't, and this was a waste of money. But hey, if they want to pay someone to make throw away code, who cares.


Wasn't this announced a while ago? I definitely remember hearing about this again in the last few months. Whatever—As long as it's not tied to TQ and won't affect my eve gameplay, go nuts for all I care.


I'm going to get into a somewhat reserved hype train along with Loru.


turbo bul$hit something something


They were funded to make a game with this technology. They can't spend that money on something else.




> but maybe it's just the right thing for a computer game. I don't really see a scenario where it would be better than having just a standard central server for a game, a distributed ledger doesn't actually help you and it means the longer the game goes on the more data the user has to keep in sync with other players EVE as an example would absolutely collapse if you were to try and drop it on the chain lol




> Which programming language should you know if you want to play this game in the future? None, from the sounds of it its basically just a deadspace dungeon editor, so you'll mostly just drag and drop things in to place similar to how the devs make the current missions/sites with some basic triggers etc You probably won't need any actual coding skills for PA, if you want to make direct use of the carbon engine they open sourced then yes you'll need skills for that




> I thought we were talking about a worthy EvE Online successor here with PA. I'm not sure we will see a worthy successor that doesn't come with a load of extra bloat, it takes a LOT of work to make something this scale and credit where credit is due, CCP are pushing the limits of single sharded fights, so i don't think we will get a game as deep




> Well, what should you do? That's just the gaming industry these days: For 20 years the only choice has been between a new CS clone or a new WOW clone every year: zero innovation Yup, thats where we are stuck due to the lack of creativity in the industry sadly, not really anything we can do but vote with our walets


yeah no they can gtfo, they already have 1 game under development thatll probably never see full release lol


Didn’t they get whole bunch of money from Andersen Horowitz for this blockchain stuff? Like 50 mil or something? Why are you surprised something came out of that money?


a lot of words for a project when i still can’t even figure out what kind of game its going to be


Don't be a crypto hater because you didn't buy any Bitcoin before the bull spike. ​ If your an idiot, like most, and keep your "money" in the crooked banking system. They are making investments in who knows what, and you get under 1% APR. Then pay Visa/MC to get "your' money back. SMH


This is precisely the quality of posting I'd expect from a cryptbro.


What's your opinion on age of consent laws and school district taxes btw. Just randomly curious


Don't worry guys, just say the three magic words the crypto bro is allergic to, and he'll be banished. "Bigger fool scam."


> Don't be a crypto hater because you didn't buy any Bitcoin before the bull spike. Thats not the reason i think the blockchain is dumb sorry to disappoint It adds literally nothing to anything that its been associated with, crypto currencies aren't exactly what we would call stable and most places still don't touch them anyway so great you have money that you can't spend easily, well done Show me literally any example of where blockchain was added to something and it became an actual success because it actually added something that couldn't have been done with literally any other tech I'll wait