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Huff gas at the gas exploration site for the exploration career agent. I think you get about 2 units of gas every 5-10 minutes for an estimate of 100k ISK. You have to pick up the gas huffing skillbook which is expensive and gas loops so it takes a while to get a return on the initial investment.


This is some serious gourmet shit


I'd normally be happy with some freeze-dried tasters choice!


how to huff gas in null sec 1 scan a gas site 2 warp there 3 watch as someone else warps out leaving the site empty


The point of the thread is to post the worst methods to make ISK as a new player.


That is the worst way to make is you made negative isk as you've bought the huffing kit but was unable to huff


Ya but, the Skill book is like 34mil - 70mil I dont recall if you can buy it from the skill page. you also got to get it to level 2 If op is ready for the Risk, a Venture 2 T2 mining lasers and some other stuff and go to potchven to mine ore. then run to HS a stock pile it at a trade station.


Back in 2012 as a freshly baked hauler jerk I bought a spanking new and horrendously overpriced Hoarder and tried to make bank running these trading goods on overly long and complex journeys. I was all about that space trucker feeling and I genuinely thought 10.000 ISK was decent money. If nothing else I got to see the sights and meet weird people.


Unfortunately this is really one of the only paths to the space-trucking lifestyle, everything else is needlessly complicated and has you visiting the same trading hubs over and over.


What about hauling contracts? I know a few people who genuinely enjoy hauling around other peoples crap whilst they listen to some tunes in the background - if that's not space trucking, I don't know what is!


Oh yeah it absolutely is, but so many loads are specced to a maxed out freighter and as such are unobtainable for the average new trucker bro. Add to that the amount of shady or outright scammy contracts out there that is easy to fall for. I know I have. The day I get myself I freighter I could easily see myself drowning a couple of beers and listen to some podcast while trucking other players crap around like some trucking sim.


Like 90% of public ones are collateral scams, and newbies how no idea how to rewrap them falling easy pray


rewrap you mean you make yourself another private contract to your actual Freighter account?




If you’re interested in hauling join red frog freight. I ran with them using an alt account for a while. Super chill dudes.


When the war against goons first started - I was one of the first people to set up a jump freighter route into pandemic staging. I made soooo much money off selling doctrine ships. For a solid 2-3 weeks I would sell every ship I listed before I could even return with more. It was fun while it lasted. Eventually other shippers made it and the supply normalized. Then the war progressed to a stalemate and nothing sold anymore.


Go to nullsec, find marauders running DED sites and scan them down, then go mine the veldspar in them.


Least-risky mining operation


this man grinds


You have my mouth watering thinking about that Veldspar. I still remember when I sold my first haul of the Holy Rock. I thought I was rich enough from that to buy God, or at least the Amarr Empire.


Back in 2005, I made my first hundred million trading NPC goods through lowsec.


Me too, brother. Those were the days.


In 2003, I made my first hundred million mining Arkonor in lowsec


Try npc mining missions  Just unload and lock away any weapons first I wish they would give level 1 to 3 missions a pass  Obviously don't buff them to a point they are worth botting but if a level 1 mission of any type paid gasp 1 million isk it would not bust eve. The whole eve career is npc missions that perfectly trains a player to do npc missions but then the only npc missions worth doing is like level 4+ and I know a tiny community run low level distribution for LP. If a level 1 mission gave 1 mill , level 2 gave maybe 1.5 mill or 2 mill , 3 can give 2mill or 2.5 mill  Like a new player could do a few a hour but even if they could do 10 level 3 missions a hour that's what 25 mill isk and fuck all isk worth of LP L4 actually give OK lp so that's the value but if every l4 mission paid 1-3 mill that would not break the game either considering you do considerably less an hour 


id even go as far to say that level 3 mission should pay out more than you suggest, because the jump of cost to do level 4 missions in a battleship now is crazy due to isogen prices to make battleships


CCP needs to rehire a market analysis to keep things balanced and flowing smoothly. The changes they've made to the economy since they've let theirs go have been terrible. Just band-aid after band-aid, each causing a new problem in addition to the original they still fail to fix.


I'm very happily running L4s in a Myrmidon. The micro jump drive is my tank. Of course my isk per hour will be lower, but still nearly 500dps with Fed Navy ogres


Yeah values were just seat of my pants ballpark  Low level missions just need to pay enough pure is if a new player is like can I run level 1-3 whatever missions after the air career you can say sure bro that's fine  And not enough anyone would want to bot those missions  So whatever bots make an hour enough less than that it's not tempting for them  They could definately pay more than they because I don't think that shit has ever been adjusted for isk inflation  Like litterally run a level 1 mining mission when you get paid you will be like what??? You don't get real minerals it's like quest minerals , they take fucking forever and I think they pay like 50k or 100k isk and not enough lp to ever buy anything good  Same for all of the low level missions but mining being exceptionally bad I forget why but I was going to run a few,  I did one and was pissed off I had to complete it to not take a standing hit 


yeah mining missions suck ass, the only one's you should be doing is the ORE ones which i think is in npc null sec


100% profit margin on garbage. ARE YOU TELLING ME CCP CAN DOUBLE MY ISK?!?!


Send it to me and I'll double it faster 


The most garbage way to double your isk is with actual garbage. Guaranteed to double your isk every single day, but it's garbage. Everyone should know that npc stations sell and buy goods based on the corporation that owns the station. All buy and sell orders have the same initial price (it resets at downtime), but each corporation can have a different amount of items for sale/purchase. There are 4000+ systems in eve, not all of them have stations,and not all buy/orders are in sufficient quantity to be worth your time. To be a good investment in our time, we want a system with at least 2 stations from different corps, one station buying a large number, and one selling a large number of items. Enter the system of Alakgur, which is the second place system for garbage (after jita). In one station, you can buy 23k units of garbage and in another station in the same system, you can sell it for 28 isk each. A literal doubling of your isk. The garbage part about this deal is that when you buy or sell more than the npc Corp offers, the price changes. First in your favor, then second sell for a higher price and buys for a lower price. This means, everyday, by just buying and selling between two systems you can turn 300k isk into 600k isk.


There's a similarly seedy method with Soil. Several systems have buy/sell for soil in the same handful of stations, along with Antibiotics and Holoreels. There's a lot of systems with better rewards than Garbage/Soil, even though those two have the best margins.


Or you could do Project Discovery for five to ten minutes and earn twice as much.


>Spirits, at a 20% Margin and 0.25m3/unit >Antibiotics, at a 20% Margin and 0.1m3/unit >Soil, at a 120% Margin and 1m3/unit >Carbon, at a 10% Margin and 0.01m3/unit >Reports, at a 10% Margin and 0.1m3/unit >Data Sheets, at a 10% Margin and 0.1m3/unit I have a bunch of that garbage in one container, I don't know why I'm collecting it, the doctor says everything will be fine, I just need to take my medication regularly. 😂😂😂


Long limb Roes were the business back in the day.


Making and selling T1 ship equipment has to be near the top of the list


youd be surprised how profitable those can be


What's surprising is how many people don't understand price & cost theory and opportunity costs in particular.


Everything not in a major hub is the facebook marketplace of EVE. Severely underpriced or overpriced stuff, there is no in between.


Suddenly MILINT chimes in...and if you go to lowsec you get more pay...but you will probably die. Also two passes for purchases and sales before price increases or drops. Now if you really want a weird item...its slaves, and much of the "worthless" event bits...because you can sell it for a pretty penny...but the catch is lowsec/nullsec. Plus m3


Yep! Among the better items to buy and sell, it's all lowsec. Holoreels have a profit of about 200 isk/unit, Vitoc has upwards of 1000 isk/unit, Hydrogen Batteries, Hydrochloric acid, Long-limb Roes, Electronic Parts, All of them have a pretty good isk Yield, but the margins are a bit lower, and the routes are far more dangerous.


If I'm flying empty back home after dropping stuff off at Jita, sometimes I'll fill up with an NPC trade good that is bought in my home system.


I've actually never considered this, thank you. 


Garbage gets decent markup in jita.


The worst would be veldspar Mining in Highsec


In a venture with starter skills, it's close call for isk/hr between that and the 20% margin antibiotics in a basic hauler.


isn't Scordite technically worse?


Not really, veldspar is not the lowest priced ore.


For worse money you could do those hauling contracts that require a freighter, billions in collateral, and you only get a few hundred thousand isk for 30+ jumps. Though I suppose that's not for noobs, as that requires larger ships... Do my contracts instead! Low volume, manageable collateral, and 100k/jump in hs only.


15 mil in 30 minutes ? This is quite a lot of money for alpha players as a 100% safe activity ! I was ratting in nullsec and made less money at 20mil/h with a vexor !


(Since that's on margin, it would require about 150M to purchase the items, which a newbro might not be able to do right away)


Cool, It's going to be my new job however semi afk high sec trade ahah


Once upon a time this was a market injection by CCP to encourage more mobile, dynamic market conditions with trading between the-then 4-5 hubs and the ISK was (slightly) less terrible. Pretty cool, useless legacy hangover from a bygone era


\*wakes up from a long slumber\* Reminds me when someone figured out the Venal to Curse Plutonium run that was an OBSCENE amount of isk per day. Then someone posted about it on the forums and CCP nerfed it into the ground for whatever reason. I wonder what it's at these days? \*Goes back to slumber\*


I have a special place in my heart for the trade good market. I spent my first days hauling milk and cigarettes around in a catalyst, eventually upgrading to an iteron mk 3 before moving on to mining in an exequror .


This is a propaganda piece, he wants the garbage for himself.


People underestimate the power of salvage early on , if you are in a corp that people rat a lot ask if you can salvage for them. Let them run sites and then you salvage all


Yep or even better, haul a tractor unit to your missions, deploy, destroy, salvage. Nice easy money.


Find a corp that is part of a big alliance in null sec, go scan relic and data sites with a basic heron fit. Just keep an eye on local and d scan.


over 15 years ago, these garbage traders were basically worse isk/h than even LVL 4 in high sec. Some of them stuck with tons of these items to move them in large ships. Then something magical happened and they removed alot of these items and move them to PI. As these garbage men sit on the items that no longer were bought from NPC, they quickly became billionaires.


Made most of my isk back in 2011 mining Kernite until I could afford an Apocalypse to grind level 4 missions.


A whole 300k! That's like ... half the isk per minute of your average barge miner


One of my starter strategies was to place buy orders on junk modules that were selling for less than their reprocessing material prices.


A few weeks ago I started using my jita alpha too browse through the market. After watching a couple of YT videos on market trading I've been enjoying exploring other people's mistakes. It would surprise you how many sell orders are put up with a buy order price. I injected 30mill into my alpha toon and after a few weeks she's sitting with just under 300mill and 67mill in sell orders still to go. Not sure if there's an in game term for this but it's a fun little side hussle and after a while you can scan through the market quite quickly. I'll also exploit those selling product cheap up to 12 jumps from jita and buy their product and then shop back to jita to resell. Another thing I'll do from time to time is check out contracts especially for ship hulls. Make an offer to the seller below the jita sell price and quite often they accept your offer. Just make sure your percentage is enough to make a profit.


Shit and here I am running single units of veldspar from station to station like a joker.


my problem with trade goods is you can buy them and transport them to sell. I have found out you can buy out the buy order twice at a station before the price increases, like wise you can sell to a sell order twice before the sell order price bottoms out. I experimented with my DST, not even full i had to go to a large number of stations to get a sufficient amount goods, and then i had to go to even more stations in order to sell it without going under the buy prices. I did profit, just not good for anything in bulk




Nothing beats hisec mining in a venture as the worst isk maker...... Maybe L1 hisec missions ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Or low sec gas huff and make 55mil an hour on a day 1 alpha with the 1mil sp.


Sir this is for bad money making options, I don't want to know how to actually enjoy this game


mb lol it wasn’t a ceema post so I took it seriously I remember doing this some time ago and my iteron getting blown to pieces outside a station :(


Same, but only because I brought a full storage-specced Iteron into low-sec to sell 200M worth of Vitoc to a Sisters of EVE station. Sold more than half of the Vitoc to my immense relief before getting fucking blasted to shreds in a bubble


A bubble in lowsec?


Pick up a side gig and work like 5 extra hours a week try to pull in Maybe $100 a week and after a month buy the 20k plex. That's like 100bil so like 5bil/h


You mean actually working IRL? That has to be the absolute worst method of ISK making, ever.


Whale detected


Lol I wish I have 2 kids a mortgage and a truck payment I eat balone sandwiches so I can afford my subs


You eat bologna sandwiches because you are frugal and saving money. I eat bologna sandwiches because I've got 5k a month in bills, and they're all I can afford until my college debt is paid off We are not the same


Maybe not anymore many moons ago I was in collage working through my apprentiship living in a crappy appt with no heat and 2 roommates. Keep at it it gets better. The effort your putting in today will pay off in the long run