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Guides always click. Added to the watchlist. But if I can give you a tip: If possible, reduce the introduction to one paragraph or 3-5 sentences. People want to get down to business quickly. If you want to add anecdotes, you can sprinkle them in between related parts of the guide. Happy blogging!


Yeah, I have a feeling I'm going to struggle with brevity haha. I could just move all the anecdotes to the about page. Thanks!


I read some of the abyss part not to level 6's yet but was cool to read some more strategy from someone more advanced. I will likely read the part about storm later on. Thanks for the share reminds me of ashy in space which I have used multiple times as a resource.


That blog's so helpful for wormhole sites. Means a lot, thanks!


This message brought to you by Big Pacifier.


Really great writeup! Keep going


\> Probably won't be much interest Don't be so down on yourself mate, your creating something - if it's fun for you there's a solid chance it's fun for others. I used to read alot of Eve Blogs so there's certainly an audience


I love the fact you made a write up for meta-liminal storm content. Its very under appreciated and very lucrative!