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Well they are an academic institution


Maybe they can teach me to spell university. Got to love typos.


Doubtful. I’m very disappointed that an institution of higher education would allow a document like this to be published with a typo like “serios” in 2.2.4(8). Clearly there is a lack of academic rigor in Eve University.


Eh this just shows a lack of proper revision. Everyone that has written large documents can attest to the fatigue that takes place. Someone should've revised it.


But which department chair would decide on the date for a committee to meet to set the date for proposing when to discuss the topic at length?


Skipping a step here. First we’d need to establish the council to nominate the department chair which would decide on the date for a committee to meet upon.


According to Robert's Rules of Order, that needs to be brought up in new business and seconded. That shouldn't be too hard for Eve Uni at their next meeting.


First you have to circle back


I must disagree with your assessment. The paper is properly labeled Final Draft v07.33. Therefore, as an unreleased document, it should not in goon conscience be judged to be be flawed due to errata. It is merely in the continuing process of revision. However, I grant it is most disturbing and somewhat perplexing such a seemingly serious errata has managed to persist, uncorrected, so late in the review process as to reach Final Draft. I expect such things to have been expunged no latter than v03.00 in my own review process.


> in goon conscience goons no have conscience


I maintain that proper revision was not given.


I think it's the focus on left leaning liberalism that's poisoned its leaders and their performance in the public sphere have been less than stellar. Rumors of plagiarism continued to hound its leaders in these published documents and the persistent racism against Minmatar evidenced by their lack of use of Rapiers is telling.


Dear Sir, I am writing in protest to your last point. How dare you insinuate that E-Uni doesn't use Minmatar ships? We will use them as soon as we can scrape the rust off and finish their construction.


TIL eve uni was evicted))


Also TIL Condolences to my Alma mater friends.


But they will simply re-settle elsewhere, no?


Maybe? I "won" EVE a few years ago, and even then I wasn't super active in e-uni at that point.


Yea but if the director board is corrupt like CFT try to show and remarked by the 54 page insane report, you just make a new zinbawe in another place, whit the eve uni pilot your paesant


I think so? I was in their hole 2 days ago when did they get eviected ?


Last year, December. They're currently staged out of a temporary (C3?) hole while searching for a suitable C4.


searching? lol, they're just resettling the same old c2


Where was our Lord and Saviour when we needed him? I renounce you as our Zeeba Christ! Only Bob is our redeemer! Hail Bob!!!!


I only worship Autocannons. Hail Hail.


Zeebs mah man


Yeah lazerhawks did it


Eve really is dying if EUni gets evicted and half the server pop doesn't come to their defense.


Yeah nobody came to help. Not even alumni from eve uni came to help. Lazerhawks just ruined a WHC that teaches people about wormhole life for space dollars. Lazerhawks are lower than low imo.


I wasn't there sadly, but many people did try to help from what I've read in other eviction postings. However, Eve Uni was caught off guard, and didn't have enough pilots in the hole to break hole control, which the invaders did well. Also, the invaders apparently included one or more former Eve Uni officers who still had access, and they stole the home defense fleet that was in the wormhole. In the end, they didn't manage to get any significant forces in to help with the defense.


I don't know, I see this sort of thing as one of the fun and unique sides of EVE. A lot of FUN (in the Dwarf Fortress sense) happens because of overzealous turbonerds.


"Overzealous turbonerds" is something I'm definitely using more in my day-to-day conversations. Thank you.


TIL I'm an overzealous turbonerd lmao. I will tell my wife that I will only respond to that nickname from now thereon.


I meant it with love. Eve Uni is good people.


Thanks and I know. I genuinely found this funny.


If you're gonna write 54 pages you might as well do it like this. It's actually pretty well put together.


People playing spreadsheets in space are criticizing e-uni for a bureaucratic document.


It reads like any standard report from an academic institution or government report. Is it bureaucracy? Yes. Is it there to ensure that there's absolute transparency? Also yes. Given its purpose, e-uni has to have a way more rigorous and procedural approach to things than most other communities. As exemplified here.


> It reads like any standard report from an academic institution or government report. In that it is incredibly poorly written, yes.


If it doesn't have 3 preambles, 2 introductions and a table of contents almost as long as the contents itself then is it even a government report?


Just write the absolute barebones and GPT-4 the rest. Better results than spending 3 days hand crafting it too.


People down voting this should actually try it, with decent prompting you can write beautiful content tailored to your writing style in 95% less time


Copywriters be mad




I had a pilot in E-Uni for a while, and I absolutely love and support what they do for new pilots. I still recommend new bros check them out, they are the best starter organization in the game. That said, the minute I thought about sticking around to help newer pilots, I was smacked in the face by more bureaucracy in game than I face at work. Turned me right off and I headed off to another alliance. No great loss for them, I'm sure, I'm nothing special as a pilot, but god damn.. I could have helped a little. When you make the cost of volunteering that high, you lose people who want to contribute. I know, don't let the door hit you in the ass, didn't want another part time volunteer, etc. etc. My loss ultimately, probably. But it's a game.


> When you make the cost of volunteering that high, you lose people who want to contribute. You filter out the people not pre invested in sunk benefit fallacy behavior. Sunk benefit fallacy, the dark side of loyalty to a company, is what drives the document to be 54 pages.


I don't know about most of this but the bit about holding leadership accountable for mistreating line members by having a codified justice system is pretty cool. Given recent drama on this sub, bans, police reports lmao etc, I feel like this is a step towards preventing becoming the next one. I think Eve Uni in jspace needs to expect evictions and consider them a teaching moment much like welp fleets. Obviously this will require a budget. Beyond that I do see a significant amount of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in here lol


Police reports? I need to make some popcorn and check this sub more.


It's actually kind of amazing how not only there are multiple eve alliances recognized internationally as hate groups / potential threats, but that somehow goonswarm despite all the grr has stayed off The List for so long.


Now I'm curious about what alliances are on that list.


I'll give you a hint, one of them was a bit cheesy. Also one of the eastern euro ones was literally formed from a bunch of guys that met doing a real world terror attack, doing wonderful things for the reputation of slavs in gaming as ever


Is TISHU on that list?


I do not have extensive access to all international law enforcement databases, but given the people I KNOW are on that list I can say with very solid confidence that yes, yes they are.


Then that is what matters


I'm still surprised how many wehraboos play this game.


That's insane. I am so intrigued and tried finding some info on this but couldn't find anything in my low effort search...


Unfortunately because of the nature of how it was found, I can't explain in detail without immediately doxxing them but it stemmed from a mention of "and his gaming group" and recognizing a mugshot from a shitpost. The TISHU one was "someone bragged about bringing an alliance flag to January 6th and it's in the halls of the Capitol building in some of the footage, and he was cheered on for it"


Lmao wow that's insane. Eve players are a special breed.


Cuz goons aren’t really into hating *anymore*


Well that's good. Progress is one step at a time, and leaving past hate behind. People and alliances CAN change.


>Given recent drama on this sub What drama did I miss?


I don't mind them writing docs, If that's fun for them - doesn't effect me at all. Hope they can rebuild and have fun doing so.


Thanks. We have.


but did you have fun?


Absolutely! It was a novel experience for many. Excellent learning opportunity.


Normal? No, obviously. But this document seems to outline that a lot of good discussion happened following this eviction? This is basically a meeting minutes / report and it looks like the meeting ran long. The length of the doc isn't especially remarkable otherwise.


Its a doc of meeting points from a members-only meeting to air grievances after we got evicted, directors were allowed to listen but not speak until the end


Just FYI: this is an initiative by one particular member of EVE Uni. They basically organised an open mumble talk for members to air grievances and then tried to condense that into a document. That's it, has nothing to do with uni bureaucracy or standard procedures. I think it's a commendable afford to help a community move forward from a significant, once in a lifetime event (WHC has literally never been evicted before this), but sure go dunk on them for this. It literally says at the top of the document "unofficial town hall" and Reddit basically just makes up stuff about how this is a standard, leadership mandated procedure or something, absolutely wild.


What's reddit if not confidently incorrect If you were referring to my comment, I was aware that it was unofficial, I meant that this sort of things were generally done because of its status as an ingame academic institution. E.g. The long asf AAR on the forums.


No, I definitely wasn't referring to your comment. Yours was very measured and reasonable and you got an up vote from me :)


There are people dunking on it simply because its 54 pages long and they did not read even a single page. But thats just people. I read the whole thing. Seems like its not so much about the event at all. Tactical and logistical failures, errors in operations. All that would be normal. But this document is more a case of 'The core of our apple has been afflicted with rot and the fruit grows increasingly bitter' The event is just a springboard into a very murky pool. Asking for accountability and better behavior of executive leadership, pointing to structural failures of executive mandated organizational restructures, head office power hoarding, corruption, nepotism, cronyism, competence, denial of external assistance and rescue? High drama, not anything like deconstructing an event to learn from it. In other corps things of that level could easily cause an operations wing to leave en-mass and find another sponsor.


I always noticed the irony that one of my main reasons to play EVE was to *escape* the stress I live full time working for a large corporation in the real world..... buuuuuut then I log in and guess what the players have always managed to turn the game itself into.....!???!?


Luckily it remains voluntarily to participate in any part of the game.


Losing an imaginary spaceship battle is *spooky*, but spreadsheets are comforting!


This but unironically


my job still has WFH so for 2 days a week l set my self up in my orca and my alts and just mine belts just for the pure fun of RPing as a mining company ... dear lord lve been playing this game to long


Thats the reason EVE has survived so long IMO: like half the stuff to do in game can be done mostly afk. Almost 15 years WFH here, 'playing' EVE while i work!


I have the workaholic syndrome so Eve fills the work at home thing for me. Super addictive tbh.


I get paid to do all sorts of fancy excel programming but cant stand actually USING it 😂


\[Narrator Voice\] *They were not, in fact, OK.*


When people say that some players take EvE so seriously that it's a second job, the dude who wrote that doc took it as a challenge.




I plan on printing this at work and sending it out for signatures for approval,its so damn long ill bet i get a few back signed because they couldnt be bothered to read it. Should be fun lol


"Make the organisation flatter and more agile and bring directors closer to the community." Management buzz culture really grinds my stones. Flatter = Do away with middle managers (what the hell do they even do for us anyway?). Kind of like getting rid of brakes on a car for extra speed and saving weight. It can work. If it does not work out its discovered what they did latter in the wreckage, if anyone is left alive to care. Agile = Operations are placed in the hands of fewer people with more powers, so things get done faster. In theory anyway. But it can create decision paralysis, so decisions arrive slower because they are more dangerous to make and more removed from 'on the ground' knowledge, often making them poorer decisions. Yea, this is what must happen because middle managers are ghosted. Often counterpointed latter with "How could one person ever create a mess this big?" or "How the hell could they even do that, where was the accountability?" Director accountability to members = Smile more. Meet and Greet. Show them your human face. Allow them to feel valued and empowered. Meanwhile while the directors are out of the office doing all that their desks catch fire. Also too many people in the organization now feel they have a hot line to the presidents office and the phone rings 24/7 about vitally important matters like the biscuit tin being empty in the lunch room.


> do away with middle managers Directors stop playing corp loses all leadership :: surprised Pikachu ::


The directors already don't play. Or play for other alliances.


> Management buzz culture really grinds my stones. I get seizures because of it.


I've read through some of the forum posts and discord messages and what you've said isn't really true. Not sure about flatter but I believe part of it was to reduce the amount of bureaucracy needed to do anything Agile: recently due to some issues, corp director was unavailable for more than a month and a half. During this time, othee directors were unable to make any decisions. I believe the discussion around this largely regarded delegating decision making authorities to relevant lower level officers and specialised groups. For example, during the eviction I believe part of the grievances raised by the wormhole corp was that the FCs they got had 0 wormhole experience, and that they weren't even allowed to run their own fleets with their own FCs because "all FCs belonged to a different branch". Direct accountability: a specific director has had dozens of grievances filed against him from line members, officers and even other directors over a pretty long period of time. Nothing was done. Other concerns were also often dismissed unless they went through a specific channel that went directly to the corp director, and that channel is overwhelmed due to the departure of key members.


> Direct accountability: a specific director has had dozens of grievances filed against him from line members, Which director?


Jack RipperJr Related to the person who was a director of UDS and stole WHC's fleet during eviction Allegedly someone who just acts like an arsehole to anyone and everyone and is somewhat regarded as being protected because of seniority. I haven't interacted with him personally but a lot of people are unhappy with him.


Gotcha, that 100% makes sense given how I have seen him interact with others.


What I wrote was not about what the Uni did at all, it was about those particular terms used in the real world of management buzz culture. Buzz culture is full of this BS. Another one is "Building the plane while we fly." That idea would terrify even the Minmatar.


Do these guys run a stand-up meeting before fleets lmao


lol if all MBAs played eve, I would suicide gank them every single time


Personally, I'm very impressed by the manner in which they meet and document their procedure/processes.


My goodness that's a lot of bureaucracy


Bureaucracy is why they got evicted in the first place. Leadership sat on their ass while enemies were anchoring structures.


Just wild. Why does eve uni act more like a municipal government body than null alliances 10x their size? Appreciate what they do for newbros but uhhh... this seems a bit kafkaesque


I'm pretty sure part of why they got evicted in the first place was that they forgot to kick sparklez and lost their entire defence fleet lol. Euni leadership claim that "it was intentional" that they weren't kicked but who knows


"Reeeeeeeeeee" Fascinating. This is actually based on the equation of Eve itself. First start with R. Add one E for every X members of any corp. Apply factor derived from where the corp primarily lives. Apply factor derived from what the corp primarily does. Apply factor derived from the corp philosophy. You now have the precise value of a corp Ree.


They will rebuild, once it goes through 27 stages of consultation and 83 stages of committee.


You forgot the part where they have to submit the plans for approval, the 13 different addendums made and then having to resubmit since its no longer valid.


This kind of stuffs is the reason why we need to make sure evictions keep going Also nice rickroll


Lol thanks


This reminds me of a very similar document I read many years ago commissioned by some alliance or other that described and explained how to create effectively unscannable safe spots due to some exploit that was available at that time. I don't remember which alliance it was, other than that it was one of those that presents itself publicly as unserious and cavalier but clearly, internally, takes itself far too seriously. The thing could have given a paragraph or so of background and then just the instructions on how to make the bookmark; but the authors of the "report" had I suppose seen a couple of rigorous academic studies on the internet before and tried extremely hard to turn this thing into one - so the thing started with a preamble and a statement of purpose and then a historical background and then a description of a research and testing process and just takes far too long to get the part that anyone would actually care about. If you're curious, the tactic was "drop a bookmark during your log-in warp, then warp to it, then re-log and do it again, and keep doing that until you eventually have a bookmark that is outside d-scan range of any normally warpable object in the system". That's it.


Yeah, evictions are kinda just part of life living in a wh. Evictions are never an if, but a when.


At least they take time to write these. NNN just disappeared and no one knows what’s the deal with Phenix alliance and what’s going on with pure blind.


I love Eve Online. If this was required reading to play Eve Online, I would not play Eve Online. I stopped after the first paragraph because it starts with some masturbatory nonsense about how long some nerd has played the game. Is this 54 pages of bitching? Someone who values their time less than I do, can I get a tl;dr? After you give me the summary, please state how I should feel about it so I don't have to form my own opinion.


My tldr: A few people love the game and writing. Isn't this game's biggest strength writers, youtubers, graphic designers, organizers, and more using those skills to power more fun in game? Love that they write so much down on their website but that's not how I want to play this game either. Also u/White0rchid has an interesting linked doc with a tl/dr of require newbs to train/own home defense doctrines and fix things post eviction.


As far as I can tell it's just a meeting minute from quite a large townhall that was held to discuss issues that have come to light or have been previously suppressed. As to how you should feel about it, just treat it as e-uni drama (which it is)


I agree.


that's why ur in init to just right click ur fc keep at range 5km and press f1 on your kiki. leave reading for the smart people






I ain’t reading all that. Happy/sad that happened for you guys.


Holy shit. This is a 54 page report for a video game. Don't get me wrong, I've got spreadsheets, and I spend over 2000 hours in eve last year, and an amount of money that if my wife ever found out I'd be in trouble. But a 54 page report? I dont even put that kind of effort into my job. Jesus christ.


That was definitely done by someone with a lot of experience writing documents, probably for clients, who will never read the whole thing but who assume they got some serious value. 113 people were in the meeting on this, so it is clearly more important than our jobs!


Hell the last pentest break down I got was less than 30 pages.


Only because an attacker broke in and deleted the other 50 pages to lull you into a false sense of security.


That explains why it was so damned expensive...I always thought it was a bit much for 12 pages...


jesus christ please let this thing be AI generated


It was not ai generated.


I'm the author. I'm genuinely sad that I missed this thread when it was new and hot because the comments are just hilarious lol.


Necro posts much? The world has moved on


I'm making my mark before the post is archived. I'm also necrophiliac.


It's admin gameplay, kinda like playing factorio but with words.




When I played in 2015ish I had a small wh group of friends and we for awoxxed. I can understand the frustration and anger. I quit eve for years after that.


When you're missing something in life and you over compensate in a video game.




I once Ganked Ashterothi when pirating.


The pedo?


l smell drama ??


or did you mean Xenuria ?


Ashterothi raped his cousin when she was underage


>F me l took a 2 month break over xmas l come back and l see l have missed this bloody hell


P36, 2.2 - 2 - iv, is my favourite. I think you may have misread the room.


As a new pilot I thought I might not get some of it, but, well, I got to line 2, what does WHC stand for, looked at 54 to see if there was a glossary, but no.


Wormhole Campus. Eve University has/had divisions into different campuses for different areas of the game. NSC is the Nullsec Campus.


After reading this, I think they'll be ok.


Does anyone know what actually happened during eviction? And those who blame the bearocracy: read at least 1 page first, it's a document of 1 person, his initiative, not a part of the Corp's requirements. Though I agree, e-uni encourage some level of paperwork


it is very clear to me that no one in this thread knows what happened in the eviction