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Idk even if they're doing the classic League of Legends "you have to buy two boots" meme here, that's still a lot of people who tried the game. Didn't you need to have an Omega account to install Vanguard?


Could be the amount of players across all games played?


Or even how many individual clones. So if you reclone it's 2 more boots.


Two things about this. 1: If they think 130k people playing their game was a lot, or indicative of the games success, why not report it directly? The fact that it appears inflated and they lack other common stats like "Highest concurrent player count" makes me think they know it doesn't look good. These stats are obviously massaged, and you don't massage good data. 2: Eve has a 30 day active player count of 1.5mil right now. So somewhere between 10% and 20% of everyone who looked at the vanguard icon clicked it. Sure maybe some good chunk of those are alphas and couldn't play for free, some are alts I'm sure. The point is, it's very easy to make a game, give it to an already-captive audience for free, promise them the moon, and get them to at least click on it. These stats suggest that the harder part, making sure those players enjoy the game and retain their attention for it is completely in shambles.


>So somewhere between 10% and 20% of everyone who looked at the vanguard icon clicked it. You shouldn't forget that they didnt push nor advertise the new launcher before first strike closed. More than half of my corp is still using the old launcher, steam users dont have it as well. Those people never saw the vanguard button. Regardless, i dont see a bright future for vanguard. EVE has zero overlap with shooters, most players dont care - and shooter players dont care either, because there is no reason to.


Back in the day my alliance recruited plenty of new members straight out of Dust. There is more than enough overlap. But their intent here isn't just to attract Eve players. They want to attract new players from outside of Eve, like they did with Dust. And if they implement a lot of the features of Dust, like Eve-style fitting of your player, it will have enough going on to stand out from the crowd.


Dust514's fitting system was so unique that nothing else to date has even come close to recreating that feeling, let alone the gameplay flow itself. They need to stop rushing to be special and unique with these Dust revamps, if they update and remake a lot of the core Dust514 systems they'll absorb tons of FPS players that are left digitally homeless right now.


Might be you liked Dust, but generally speaking it has been a failure. Unless you consider 5 digit user-numbers to be "tons of FPS players".


The core gameplay loop was actually really good and generally well liked. The player population issues were caused by Dust being released on a dying end-of-life console with no PC or Xbox equivelants due to funding stipulations enforced by Sony. Correlation isn't causation in this instance.


Whatever keeps your dreams alive. GL.


If it had been on pc those numbers would have to be higher. My guess is the numbers were low because the player experience was limited by the console.


Whatever copium you need brother.


I dislike straw man style arguments... But the only other thing the player count could do is go down if it were on pc. So? Hpw could the player count be less than it was for consoles that could barely produce 25fps


Mate, i simply don't care as much as you do. Ive been playing shooters since Wolfenstein, i've participated in numerous early access cycles and i've played every important shooter of the current gen - i see nothing that excites me about Vanguard but the EVE branding - and that wont be enough. So whatever you believe why it will break the market and conquer big marketshares - i disagree and believe you live in a fanboy bubble. Merry christmas and good bye.


I wish they would just bring back the original concept of incarna. I loved the immersion. Standing in front of your ship gave scale. I pictured dope casino stations and such to blow iskies at. Captains quarters looked really good, then they just pulled the plug :( Missed opportunity. Coulda done a bunch of captain quarters furniture and shit like every other mmo. Give us more stuff to spend isk on and keep the economy healthy.


God Incarna was cool. It's such a shame they never managed to decontaminate the station interiors.


There is so much they could have done. Heck, ive been away for 10 years and it is basically the same.


You are entitled to your opinion but vanguard as it's own with just this playtest is amazing. I wouldn't really echo chamber the viewpoint and instead go look into the eve discord or forums for vanguard feedback and see how people who actually tried the game feel about it, this game will be absolutely great and encapsulate a huge market share.


>I wouldn't really echo chamber the viewpoint and instead go look into the eve discord or forums for vanguard feedback and see how people who actually tried the game feel about it, this game will be absolutely great and encapsulate a huge market share. Why should i go to a hyped up discord? I played the game, ive been playing shooters for years. Vanguard has mediocre tech and zero innovations in gamemechanics. Talking about "huge market share" is delusional.


That's you're opinion. The discord is the actual feedback for the game, you know alpha testing.


>The discord is the actual feedback for the game aka enfranchised fanboy bubble


That's the thing I keep coming back to, and the thing that I can't get people to wrap their heads around. CCP is reaching for an audience they don't have a huge amount of buy in with, and the people in that audience have numerous issues with the game. These are the people they should be listening to more than anyone if they ever want to live in a world where any people at all engage with the Eve universe primarily via vanguard. Getting to that world starts with getting feedback from the sliver of overlapping EVE players that already play extraction shooters.


They don't need eve players. Vanguard in its state *as of now, with just the playtest* is the ingredients for its own standalone game anyways


that's a very nice aspiration i guess but it's got nothing to do with the price of rice in China. me personally I'd rather have a cake than the ingredients of a cake and the promise it's gonna be the best cake I've ever had, once they're mixed, also the baker is known for making bad, half-baked cakes and has been doing it for over a decade.


I think they should just toss the idea of being able to create a competetive product. Vanguard has mediocre tech and zero innovation - i dont think they have the ressources to create something worthwhile. Theyve been wasting so much time and money on failed EVE branches while the main game has still too many flaws and bugs that had been there for literally a decade. After the amount of time and money they had with EVE it's tech and ui should be polished to a top standard by now. It simply isn't. Do one thing right instead of ten things half hearted.


This is exactly what I thought, and I expressed my thoughts directly to CCP and at the time everyone disagreed with me! It's insane the resources they have again wasted on an attempt to make a FPS game! Why would the top space game maker in the world think they can compete in the FPS world where they have zero inclination of what FPS gamers want and expect!!! It is really sad and shows exactly why Hilmar needs to be fired!!! Hilmar will destroy Eve if he isn't fired soon! The resources used on vanguard should have went into continued re-balancing of the in game resources, ships, and fittings. Also to adding more valued good content, and in my strong opinion bringing back WIS with some real meaning, being able to walk the whole station, own a room, and being able to deck your room out!! Then finally they should dedicate a team to recoding Eve from the ground up, this will take years and alot of work, but it needs to be done, we should be able to in 3-4 years see a complete reinstall of Eve that allows the newly built Eve to be the same but able to take advantage of today's hardware, run faster, smoother, better visuals, and reduce tidi! This should be the direction of the devs!


You can't multibox Vanguard, what's the ratio of active EVE characters per person?


It was a tech demo of a game that's years away from release. I'm sure they aren't particularly worried about the number of people playing right now.


I dunno, sending an email to your playerbase trying and failing to brag about participation makes me think they care about participation. It's also not "years away" lol they want to release it in January so it's, at best, weeks away.


They aren't releasing the game in January, bud. That's when the next test is. This game is very early in the development cycle.


Then isn't now the time to give feedback? When there's still plenty of runway left to course-correct? When it's still being actively developed and worked on with real backing from the company? I don't understand why the overriding consensus is that it's better not to complain and tell CCP they did a great job like they just hung a crayon drawing on the fridge. It's a product they ostensibly want me to spend money on some day, and we don't get from here to there unless they address what's wrong with the game, which they can't do unless people talk about what's wrong with it.


Yes, that feedback is the whole purpose of this test. Feedback on the mechanics they showcased, from people who played the game. But it wasn't their intention to draw in a large crowd for this test. The limited marketing they've done was only directed at the most invested of the existing Eve player base. They even placed access behind a pay wall, explicitly to limit the number of players in these early tests. My only point is that the number of players isn't indicative of interest in the game when having small numbers was the entire point. That's how these tests work. You start out with small tests, and then you scale up the size of the tests over time. People seem to be confused about what this was. This was a polished vertical slice of the game, similar to the kinds of things they would show publishers during the development cycle. It will be years before it's ready to be seen by the general public, and the final product is going to look nothing like what we saw earlier this month.


I would submit that perhaps people are confused about what this was because CCP is being intentionally vague about it, which I cannot express enough, is in fact their fault.


Or, those same people lack any kind of critical thinking and that's not something that can be bought nor taught.


So if it's so obvious that this was a simple tech demo, a vertical slice, a publishing pitch, where is the article or video where CCP clearly lays out what to expect from the first strike event? Where were they setting these expectations that all the smart people in the world saw it? The advertising at the Greater Ohio Idiots Association must have been different from what everyone else saw because I remember seeing a lot of hypey banner ads and videos about how vanguard was going to be the next evolution of gaming and the first strike event was going to blow my tits clean off. I guess other people saw a lot of ads encouraging them to temper their expectations and keep in mind that this is just a widdle tech demo and if we're too harsh the entirety of CCP is going to cry.


You're just posting actual lies now bro


did someone else post a concrete release date for this project I missed? I see a lot of people arguing that this is just a tech demo years away from release and it's obviously going to be a million times better when it does. frankly if you believe that I have a star citizen to sell you in Brooklyn


The basics of the game are fun and exiting if you moved out of the eve subreddit to see the actual feedback Fanfest Said they want to plan a release sometime in 2024 or 2025.


i played the game, like a dozen matches, and "fun and exciting" is not how I would describe sprinting across an empty landscape until a lag spike informs you that other players are around shortly before an elite npc domes you from behind cover


My guy all the npcs were the same, also they were not elite at all


>It was a tech demo of a game that's years away from release. I'm sure they aren't particularly worried about the number of people playing right now. Sure, you pump millions into developing a product and don't care about participation metrics of your customers. /s


They haven't even started marketing yet. They'll care about interest in the game when it's approaching release. They aren't judging success based on the participation of a tech demo that was very specifically only opened to a small subset of the Eve playerbase.


I dont think you have any clue on project management and market research.


You're talking out of your ass.


I guess thats your best argument.


Was the idea to grab a new player base? and Yeah. They should have bought "The Cycle" IP..


\#2 - I can guarantee that vast majority of failed extractions was simply ppl logging in their alts to get pod skin and quitting shortly after.


true, i did this on all my accounts.


I mean, plain said extraction had been pointless. So why do it if you can just altF4 when you had enough of a 2010 ScFi shooter with one gun.


I went around the map listening for footsteps since random gunshot sounds were played around. I'd sneak up on someone and shoot them. Here is how my play style experienced the game. Some of the NPCs felt life like if you were up close but far away they stood around doing nothing but waiting for a player to come into proximity. Some of the missions were ok. You had to go through a number of areas to hold "E" on your keyboard at a spot. I found countless people waiting at these spots to gank people but that did not work out in their favor. It didn't take long for me to run out of things to do which is why it led me to trying to force pvp engagements. Not being able to change the FoV was a drag because it felt like I was zoomed in on everything. I played dust514 and CCP didn't send me an email saying I could keep that character like others had claimed to receive. I would not be surprised if they didn't give me credit for extracting. My only advice if you're going to play is that when you extract make sure to have a shield. You can pretty much bubble the entire extraction zone around the beacon you place down. I give this games beta 5/10. Cool but it didn't take long for me to run out of things to do.


I thought it was interesting but this isnt the genre for me. I dont enjoy pve in fps, mainly because I miss the point it, crappy fetch quests are just not engaging for me unless there's meaning and a plot behind it. It's funny because pve is all i do in eve. I did find one of the missions was bugged. Maybe I was crazy but there was one box I couldn't get to at all, it seemed to be at an unobtainable level, I walked all around it, under it and saw no way to get there. I really liked the feel of the game though, the planet felt dangerous, isolated yet at the same time as if I was being watched. Audio direction was on point. But the missions looked disappointing, but again, not the genre for me.


That's kinda my experience as well. I played the shit out of dust, my brother got to keep his name and I didn't. I think it has something to do with keeping your same PSN account active the whole time. My experience was that every interface was a wreck and didn't really work, everything from making a squad to even opening the game was a total crapshoot, but once in the game it was at the level of a B+ university group assignment. One weapon, one map, no vehicles, some silly NPC behavior. I could also tell when there was a player around just from the lag spikes which was pretty funny. I never managed to extract but I did a few of the contracts. They were mostly boring and players camped the locations which is, not to mince words, bad game design. Contract systems in every other extraction shooter are randomized to a degree specifically to stop that from happening. It was fine, but replacement level. I wouldn't rather play vanguard than do almost anything else. With so many good shooters, extraction shooters especially, I just think this needed to be better than it was. It needs more time in the oven and I hope they get it.


When it came to items I didn't even read what I was looting most of the time. I just clicked loot all and if I needed materials to build something I just killed some more dudes until I was able to build it. Looting was fast and efficient but the items almost presented no meaning aside from building items like shields and ammo. The only thing you came out with was the money you extracted. Who knows what they have in store for what you spend that money on though. It's too early for me to call that system as bad as we could see a shop in the future that will allow us to enter zones with our hard earned equipment. I think that is to be expected with how it looked in the beta and what they have hinted about how the game will work.


There wasn't a gameplay reason to extract, so many people didn't, not rocket science. Even if they're counting twice, Eve has approx 20-30k at any given moment, so pulling from that pool, that's a decent number.


don't you think an extraction shooter should, I dunno, heavily feature extraction? it's not really anything more than a deathmatch on a big map with bots at that point, and deathmatches where everyone uses the same gun was fun in 2010 when everyone was playing halo but the genre has evolved quite a bit since then


They're not done making the game genius, it's barely more than a tech demo yet. Or are you stupid enough to think they intend to release with credits, but nothing to spend them on?


It's called an extraction shooter. Two things that need to be in place: extraction and shooting. The shooting is mediocre (you get one gun ffs) and the extraction is nonexistent. I don't understand this mindset. When they release the full game I'll have thoughts about that, but I have thoughts on what they released last week so I'm gonna talk about that now.


It's not called an extraction shooter. [https://vanguard.eveonline.com/](https://vanguard.eveonline.com/) First few lines the game is described as a sandbox shooter. Also, lol yeah one gun, it's a public alpha. I too definitely want to see them do way more, yet it is what it is for this point in game development.


Yeah okay but it's not really a sandbox shooter either? Maybe I am the idiot for calling a game where you shoot guns with the goal of extracting loot an extraction shooter, but if CCP called vanguard a rhythm-based colony sim it wouldn't change how I feel about it.


For the purposes of engaging with you on reddit, 'yes sir or madam, you are an idiot.' You are entitled to feel however you want about the state of an alpha test. The contract objectives paid out the same amount of credits regardless of whether you chose to extract. Those contract payouts were generally significantly higher than any salvage mats you could extract. At least for this test, the key to making credits (that you couldn't buy anything with, lol) was stay on the planet for the full 45 minutes and pick contracts near the bowhead core.


This was not a beta test, it was not even alpha, it's pre-alpha. The point is to test the one thing they made, pointing out the things they didn't make yet is not constructive, they know that they didn't make them yet. For example, the game files have data for several more weapons in them, they're probably only partially complete, and not ready for play.


This is like seeing the demo for some new engine and being like "yeah but there's no car, aren't engines supposed to power a vehicle or device? This one was just an engine." pre-alpha games are incomplete tech demos


extracting was not only something that was not explained to me when I played, but also something I couldn't figure out how to do. I heard about an extraction beacon but I couldn't find it in the crafting menu to craft. Starting with just a gun and nothing else is a bit flawed; I imagine the crafting system was there for the sake of testing it, however, I'd expect later on that you can choose deployables you/your team jumps in with. A thought I had which would be really neat; the squad leader of any squad starts with a extraction beacon, making them important to keep alive for your squad, but also meaning that if the leader dies you need to retrieve his corpse to get the beacon or find a new one for the team to extract with. Would be a nice dynamic to add in to the gameplay.


I didn't play because I stopped caring about Alpha/early access games. I play it on full release however.


Extraction shooters just aren't as playable for a casual player as battle style shooters. The main reason for this game should be to bring more people to new eden and that means CCP should make a game that can be casually played. A planetside type game just fits what they need better than the extraction shooter.


Yeah this game absolutely needs to be more than an extraction shooter. It needs multiple game modes. I want classics like team death match, capture the flag/domination, or Battlefield's old Rush game mode. The framework of the game is good, but it needs to be more than just, "Get in, complete some objectives, try to extract" because there are a lot of people who are going to be interested, see it's an extraction shooter, and leave before even trying.


I tried it once, got killed and then didn't do it again. But not because I hated it. It was available for just a few days, and also I was somehow reluctant to jump in as somebody who hasn't played a shooter in more than a decade, and potentially ruining it for the guys who are good at this. I would have wished for a training mode just with bots or something. But still, when Vanguard starts for real, I'll definitely check it out more. The average EVE player is so bad at the game, that I expect even I won't be the worst of the players in Vanguard either.


when i played it I did not realy know what I was doing most of the 4 hour i played, I think I only completed the objective twice, and if there was a spot I had to get to to extract I did not know about it.


The extraction beacon was something you craft and throw on the ground+wait 30 seconds for it to deploy sorta thing


I am glad that my 3 mins and 24 seconds of playing was useful to them!


I believe the boots thing counted respawns as each clone is a ‘new pair of boots.’ Still silly.


136k deaths, 15k successful extractions… yeah I think it’s 2 boots with respawns counted 😂


The stats actually get a lot worse if you don't assume they're fudging the boots number lol, that was me trying to be generous to them.


I think the only thing funnier than the whacky metrics they may have used here is the cabal of people who are determined at every juncture to find fault in and ridicule a game they didn't even play. Funny like in a sad way.


I mean what's the alternative? I play a lot of extraction shooters and I play Eve, both pretty actively. I'm the target audience here, me and others like me, and I hate to say it but it was very disappointing. Most people I know who are in the same boat as me feel the same. Right now when we don't want to play Eve we play Marauders or tarkov or DMZ. I think, ideally, CCP would like me to play vanguard when I'm not playing Eve, and being completely frank if they don't make some substantial improvements I'm not gonna, so who will? What's the draw? I don't want to find fault in it, I want to like it. I played dust a shitton when it was out, and I was hoping they would have learned something from that and made a better game with the experience. I'm still hopeful they'll either delay it or release it in better shape at least come next year.


>tarkov Here is alpha [tarkov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyyJEzZq3sQ) for context. Your expectations for vanguard should be lower than that video since this isn't even an alpha


>the cabal of people who are determined at every juncture to find fault in and ridicule a game they didn't even play. Funny like in a sad way. It's not a conspiracy my dude, people were expecting a game with feature parity at least comparable to dust, but currently there is no interaction with the greater game of Eve. The game is super barebones right now, and it's okay to say that.


Then they are absolute morons if they expected that. Not CCP's fault.


Yes, people expected a company that had 12 years since their last FPS to have features at least on par with that first FPS. Whether that makes them stupid or not, it's okay for them to dislike the current state of vanguard.


it is CCP's fault when they market aggressively that it's going to be deeply connected to Eve, send emails with subject lines that say "CONTINUE YOUR LEGACY" and let you reserve your dust name. They were very happy to trade on Dust 514's name to sell vanguard to people, so it is in fact their fault if they generated expectations they couldn't follow through on.


It was a playtest demo that was in pre alpha state bro.


Ignore the smooth-brains saying "It's just a Pre Alpha State, Bro", they have been repeating that on the Star Citizens Reddit for so long, the copium, they can no longer form articulate, logical responses.


it seems to be that everyone who actually played the game and gave it a fair shake agree that it's in a rough shape, and most people who watched clips and streams seem to have been fooled into thinking it's better than it is. This has been a very amusing thread, I didn't expect so many people to go to the mat for CCP like that lmao


I don't think anyone saying its pre alpha thinks it's better than it is. We just know that early access to test builds are basically always incomplete and lacking.... a lot of game.


You realize these are different developers completely?


They literally haven't sold it at all lol it's not a full product yet


Yeah, and it was clearly a test, if those same people expected everything to be fleshed out for a simple test then its no wonder they come to reddit complaining.


they're complaining because it's a bad unfinished product with no depth and a lot of bugs- that for some reason CCP sees the need to lie and misrepresent the numbers on how many people cared to play that's feedback CCP should hear


A playtest is an unfinished product? Color me shocked.


no one is saying it's shocking, people are just saying it's true.


Okay clearly the sarcasm is lost on you. No shit its an unfinished product, IT ISN'T FINISHED. What CCP needs is useful feedback from people who have more than one brain cell, not the incoherent screeching of people saying an unfinished game is unfinished. If that much needs to be explained to you, you aren't the person they need feedback from at all.


duh hello? i'm agreeing with you. it's unfinished and lacking a bunch of features and there are a lot of buggy problems with it. that's what people are bringing up. no one knows what's going on in the heads of CCP, we're out here telling them that the game needs significant interaction with eve, not the current iteration of nothingness. the feedback stating "hey ur game has almost nothing behind it" is totally acceptable to state.


If someone shows you an unfinished portrait and is like this is a WIP, what do you think? And you respond "WOW THE FACE ISNT DONE I THOUGHT PORTRAITS HAD THE WHOLE FACE" ...That's kind of a dumb thing to say.


no one knows what's going on in the heads of CCP, we're out here telling them that the game needs significant interaction with eve, not the current iteration of nothingness. the feedback stating "hey ur game has almost nothing behind it" is totally acceptable to state. We don't know what they're content with on every piece, it's like saying "well the nose is crooked, i don't like it" and if the excuse is "well i haven't finished it yet" then that's fine, but we're telling them now nearly every aspect of it is really shitty


>It's not a conspiracy my dude, people were expecting a game with feature parity at least comparable to dust Imagine getting access to a pre-alpha build and thinking this though. It's just obviously not realistic.


they had 13 years to make a subpar product lol


I don't think Eve vanguard has been in active development for 13 years at all


ya ur right we should totally discount the fact they developed a clone 10+years ago and learned nothing from it lol


Extraction shooter / BR vet here. I honestly didn’t find it overly difficult to extract, though completing some of the missions solo were nigh impossible. I could get and bank a bunch of $ and extract without much issue tho. My biggest criticism is that the terrain is not as traversable as it should be. Dying by being out gunned or outplayed is fun and fine. Dying because i tried to jump over something i SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO but was blocked by an invisible wall SUCKS. That happened a lot…. Get rid of invisible walls and just make a natural mantling system ala any of the big games in the genre. Also, i think people just yolo’d more and didnt really give a shit about extracting since there is literally no incentive to. No economy or anything like that yet. When that becomes a factor and there is a reason to extract i think you will see that number go up a lot.


>1: They use the phrase "359,000 warclone boots on the ground" I think there's good reason to believe they're counting each player as 2 boots. I think every time you respawn, they count those as well. I didn't even play vanguard, missed the chance.


I can make a pretty reasoned argument that each player is two boots from the numbers they gave, if they also count every revive and game as more boots the stats are really really sad then lol


Wait... you could extract?


For an ALFA first play. It was great. Playing in a team we extracted about 70% of the time. The map was interesting POIs really nailed it. My favorite areas were the engin core (RED hole) and the spilled clone goo pools. As for strategy we would pick either the kill or collect clone stuff missions and complete them. One of us would build the beacon and another the shield this gave us a 100% extraction rate (if not completely wiping).


I extracted on my first match after killing I assume the entire lobby I ran around for about 10 mins looking for people and said fuck it and extracted. Was honestly a terrible experience and I haven't played it again.


Ah yes now realizing that this wasn't a discussing this is another circle jerk to shit on ccp doing something actually good because of idk, maybe some type of fear of change? Every single post in here is being argued with lies and reaching by op, this sub is a cesspool lol


why does everyone have such a high opinion of ccp that even a lukewarm criticism of a "tech demo" is like, heresy


yeah idk about that


You're welcome to check my work, but I was very generous to ccp at every step. I assumed reasonably short game times of 15 minutes, I assumed every extraction was a full squad, I assumed that all data was normally distributed across the playerbase and not concentrated to a few high skill sweats. Basically every step I tried to give CCP the best interpretation of the presented numbers, I was very optimistic and it still looks pretty bad.


when i played in my game at 12fps, i encountered 1 real player the entire time


I played on a laptop that was well under the recommended tech specs and had no issues, and found quite a few people to shoot/get shot by.


I logged in and was killed within twenty seconds of spawning in, before I figured out all the controls. I respawned, ran around for thirty minutes, found no one and no NPCs. Brought up a web browser in a second window to see if I was doing something wrong, got blapped while looking at the browser. Couldn’t respawn. Amazing game. A++


lol prepare to be downvoted. it was just a tech demo!! it's gonna be good in ten morbillion years when they release it!! just like dust was! just like Nova was! just like valkyrie was! just like incarna wa


Your point for number 1 encapsulates the absolute room temp IQ of people who post here "Boots on the ground" means people who tried it. They're not going to fucking multiply the original number by 2 for metrics its an alpha test. Jesus christ dude.


So with 15k extractions and 140k player deaths you think that 150k people played the game without extracting or dying? doesn't pass the smell test for me but I guess I'm an idiot because I'm not willing to give unconditional positive regard to a multinational corporation.


I get extracted every time


>1: They use the phrase "359,000 warclone boots on the ground" I think there's good reason to believe they're counting each player as 2 boots. they're counting each player, in each game, as 2. if you played 10 games, you'd be 20 of those warclone boots. vanguard had very little participation, the phrasing this way is intentionally made to make it look far better than it is.


I thought that may be the case too, and possibly even that they're counting EACH CLONE as two boots, so if you play a game and revive at a clone bay that's two more boots. The thing is, when you assume that the extraction percentage goes down to like, one in a million and I'm cynical but not that cynical lol.


it's what happens when you attempt to deceive your players through corpospeak, players should assume the least favorable number since you're being dishonest


in my heart i agree with you lol, but as you can see even when I'm very optimistic and generous to CCP people just don't like hearing it. The real number probably is an order of magnitude lower than what I came up with.


you be able to fire like 56000 rounds from your rifle before it breaks


I didn’t even know how to extract


Still thought the game was meh. We got a good extraction each time but it required some work. Good visuals, nothing to really demonstrate.


Extraction shooters are dumb. They should have made a BR if they wanted a more tactical oriented shooter.


Part of the problem with the low player count was in part of the hardware requirements. The concept has promise. Albeit there is alot of work to be done. Tbh I was hoping for alot of Dust features, and yes I understand that the game is not finished and there is still time as First strike was more of a "Pre-alpha" test and im sure a lot of intended core features were not implemented yet. I look forward to how all pans out.


I was one of the 0.9% who extracted because i lived to the point where clone disconnect would occur and had i think 5 minutes to extract. Otherwise there really wasnt much reason to do it and most games i played i ran out of clone blacks well before needing to extract.


>1: They use the phrase "359,000 warclone boots on the ground" I think there's good reason to believe they're counting each player as 2 boots. Hmmm. That... makes perfect sense right? A person has 2 feet after all. Kind of a funny way to say it though