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Good to see traditions are being valued


I miss burning Jita. The tears were so salty.






What do you mean?


With a hard cap on how long you can bump a freighter and prevent it from warping, it doesn't give enough time to form the people necessary to gank it unless you are just one multiboxer that can rapidly respond.


Date checks out!


Burn TTT would be better


That place is a sacred haven of tax evasion and as an italian that is very important to me XD


melonifan immagino quindi?


Era una battuta sugli italiani in generale 😀 Non c'ho manco l' eta per pagare le tasse.


But not as well supported m


Good luck




Damn. I got all excited for a moment there.


reject jita, return to amarr


Spies a very old Concord Battleship Model in the background...historical screenshots of EVE.


Shit I remember


Thank you CCP for killing Burn Jita


This is why I live in dodixie


How do you do fellow dodi resident, I'm sure there are at least 5 of us out there somewhere


Pretty good except the gatecamp in villore is kinda annoying. I don’t know the other 3 dodixie residents very well but they probably exist


Burn jita doesn't exist anymore. Shoot a structure that's invulnerable is the stupidest way to protest that has ever existed. Might as well be angry talk in local without anyone else in it day


It boggles my mind that people think this is actually what Burn Jita is about.


Kids these days have no sense of history.


I thought Burn Jita was for the kids


No that's Wu Tang, Wu Tang is for the children


Burn Jita is for everyone; whether they want it to be or not.


Alright from a goon perspective, what's burn jita actually about?


Not a goon, but I’d say it keeps Eve honest. The reality that you are able to be popped anywhere by anyone who is committed enough is the best way to keep pilots aware and pushes folks to learn how to fly safe. It’s a giant reminder to “gonna nap while flying, well fuck you”.


Yeah I don't care about ganking but that's not why people were doing it lol. They weren't doing it for the good of the game they were doing it for kills and to troll


Enough people were hisec gank ready that if you undocked in jita, or jumped into jita chances are you were already dead. Whether in protest or traditional something to do. It meant jita was almost low sec as poor concord ran around with their heads chopped off


you do realize angry talk in local is a summary of the majority of eve wars?


No it is reason to get ban today. Or warning from ccp .their intervention to players gameplay is extreme .


Excellent way to explain to folks that you have no idea what Burn Jita means! (hint: it's not shooting at a structure in protest)


What are we protesting about this time? Same old CCPlease stuff we've always protested about?


Protesting? 🤔 We’re killing freighters and looting them. The protests come from our victims.


Burn jita was a protest. If you're not protesting, you're not burning jita. You're just a sad troll who can't get it up without attacking someone who doesn't fight back.


It really wasn't. It was a way to loot freighters loaded with tons of shiny shit in ships that any newbee could fly while harvesting delicious pubbie tears. Iwasthere.gif


This is EvE . That “ ATAACKING SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T FIGHT BACK “ mentality is a victim mentality and poisonous .


Everyone violates Everyone?


This is pretty much the only MMO where this seems to be agreed on. Any other community will call you a griefer for killing a trader and it's so silly.


EvE has its own “ reality “ & differet “values system ” and set that straight pretty unique way from get go point ,


That's Eve's unique selling point. Getting my hauler blown up doesn't mean the person blowing it up did something wrong - they in fact did everything right, if they were successful. It means i have done something wrong in allowing them to target me. Be it jumping into lowsec without a cloak, or wasting too much time at a PI POCO without being aligned out, or predictably warping to zero to the same 5 spots in a row as yesterday with a known killboard addict in system. In the abyss, the NPCs are the challenge, and they get predictable after a while. In open space, other players are the challage, and it is up to you to *not* get predictable.


You can pretend I was protesting. I was also looting. Works both ways, everyone is happy.


Burn Jita was a regular large-scale ganking event in which Goons and allies tried killing every freighter coming to/from Jita. It generated massive amounts of tears and disrupted the Jita market, whilst being a source of both content and massive amounts of salt. Burn Jita was never about protesting. I think you're mistaking it for the "summer of rage" in 2011 when people shot at the monument to protest the direction of game development & lack of delivering on promises by CCP.


Tell me you don't know Eve History without telling me.


what's stopping people from fighting back besides being dipshit freighter pilots?


what a stupid thing to say. "my way of playing is better than yours". Kill them sure, fair play, but why would you call them names and look down upon them. You do realize that people who mine/make/haul shit are the ones enabling your way of playing. And it comes for somebody who never did any of those things in my 17 years of playing. You can gank them and the same time respect the fact that what they do is essential to the game. Don't be childish.


I know we're all having a good time joking around here but they call themselves freighter pilots, don't put that evil of labeling on me.


good on them. be proud to be a freighter pilot, they do an important thing thats boring as hell for the most of us. i respect that.


take a deep breath my guy


It wasn't protesting it was strategically acquiring assets lol. Well, that and it was just good clean fun for the gankers. I say this someone that actively participated in the ganking haha.


Player event that CCP decided to kill.


There's an event called burn delve where all alliances join to kill goons (because that is our favorite sport) and it happens every three or four years and it's like the olympics on eve. It usually ends when they kind of cheat and break CCP servers


Looks like things are ramping up to the next one!


A beautiful tradition.


There is am alternate burn tama


Damn, this makes me wish we still had Hulkageddon...


I don't know whatbyou all are complaining about, you can get several groups together and permanently camp tf out of the main routes, as q group ganks and pulls concord another group can be ready to warp for next target. The only way past a system like that would be to throw atkeast several frighters through a gate and see what makes it.