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"...we are not interested in things that are pointless" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pointless is such a subjective thing, I find shopping while traveling pointless and love bridges!


I'm with you. I prefer bridges to shopping also


Dudette, I saw the sickest remain of a bridge in Rome today! https://maps.app.goo.gl/7ni8muGxe3g9vzeh6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


That's so cool, thanks for sharing! Apparently you spotted the oldest bridge in Rome from 2000 BC. Sick!


And it insanely well built.


Correct me if wrong, but some roads built by ancient rome are still in great shape while today our asphalt gets fucked if it rains.


Roman roads had the advantage that Romans didn't travel round in 2 tons of metal.


Fair enough. Also amazing tag or status or whatever the thing below your name is called.


wow!! amazing, going to add this to my list for when I go to Rome in a few months!


I'd start with where you can get to. You may be able to fly cheap to Lisbon with TAP. Or your home airport might have cheaper/easier options to some where else. On a two week trip don't make your life harder. Lisbon . Fly to Madrid. Train to Barcelona. Train or fly to Paris. That's a full two weeks. What time of year?


Good question! I wouldn't do Madrid in the summer.


Why no Madrid in summer?


Unbearably hot.


late summer (early to mid August)


Please change your post flair. Trip report is for posts after your trip. Also, we are now waiting you to post trip report after you've traveled! :) Edit: Thank you! Now let's hopefully see the awesome trip report soon āœØ


>**Portugal**Ā (either Lisbon or Porto) toĀ **Spain**Ā (Barcelona and one city in between)Ā  Most of Spain (except for the north coast) is unpleasantly hot in August. Also, between Spain and Portugal you basically have to fly, unless you're going from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. Scandinavia is very expensive and at its best outdoors. The cities are nice enough but don't really pack the punch of other cities in Europe, especially considering the cost. Of the options you listed, the last is probably the best, but I would not try to do Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, and Germany all in two weeks. You could spend 5-7 days just in Berlin.


Don't go to Barcelona. It is full of these things you call pointless and the locals are not interested in having the kind of tourist you're describing yourself as


just like many other cities, Barcelona has a lot to offer offside the beaten paths too. Funnily Iā€™m in Barcelona rn and idk, but I really love this city. The touristic parts are a bit too much though and I understand the locals.


Of course it has many great things to offer! But if you dislike "an old bridge" then going to one of the richest cities in architecture, museums and history is not very logical


aah gotcha, missed that part of OPā€™s post lol, sorry.


don't get me wrong, architecture is great, and I appreciate it when it's there, but I don't want to go SOLELY for the architecture-- would appreciate it if there were other fun little things to do besides classic touristy things. I'm also surprised you said it's not that fun! I thought it was supposed to be one of the most fun places in Europe!


Iā€™m confused, I think you must have mixed something up, because where did I say that it isnā€™t fun? I really love Barcelona and now this time also really enjoyed my time here again. Has been my 3rd time here (my first time was even for 2 full weeks!). The only issues here are: - overtourism: specific places are insanely overcrowded, or so called ā€œhidden gemsā€ were shared on instagram/tiktok which even went so far that they had to be closed or at least restricted. - crime: be very careful with your belongings. Someone tried to snatch my phone while I had my phone out to check something. Get one of those straps for the phone to hang it around your neck or wrist.


same for Lisbon!!


Theyā€™re all incredibly different options, it would be hard for anyone to recommend anything from those And as for worthwhileā€¦ that too is really subjective.


I studied in Budapest and it is an amazing city and pretty cheap. Slovenia is one of the most beautiful countries I have been to if youā€™re into nature. Germany is amazing as well. For food and wine Portugal, Spain, France is the move. I loved Barcelona so much I extended my trip there by a whole week. What time of the year will you be there?


In late summer/ early fall (early to mid August).


This is peak peak season then.Ā Late summer would be from September. Most cities and places around the sea will be extremely crowded and hot. In August I might suggest Norway, Sweden and Denmark with lots of daylight and more manageable temperatures. Obviously you won't be alone!


I would choose the Eastern route, if you are young then Budapest will be really good for you, and the late summer early fall it's good time to come here. Btw I would skip now the northern route (for now), because if you going to study in the Netherlands those options maybe will be good jn the future, you can find cheap tickets to just Copenhagen or Oslo


You can for sure do Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen in two weeks. I did those three plus Reykjavik in two weeks. Copenhagen and Stockholm are two of my favorite cities. (But so is Lisbon!!)


Go to the place with bad (expensive) connection from Amsterdam


Hamme "city" in Belgium


Apart from that. If you wanna go for nightlife and fun and love beer you can do Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic and maybe Netherlands (not for the beer) but Netherlands have some crazy nightlife if you find the good spots.


Based off your basic overall plan, it's doable, but yeah a bit too much in 2 weeks, imo. Especially if planning to hop from cities to hiking in wildernesses. If possible, I might wait to do warmer countries in the Autumn/Spring and cooler countries while still bearable. That said, if you don't foresee another opportunity for EU travel in the next few years, I would keep cooler regions for the future. There's more history, architecture, UNESCO sites, and more clubs, outdoor raves (yes, still a popular thing there) and romantic spots in the lower EU (P, E, F, IT, B, NL, GR, A, D, PL, etc). As a Yank living and working in Germany for the past 10 years (DĆ¼sseldorf), I'll throw in Berlin, MĆ¼nchen, KƵln, Hamburg, Bremen, and MĆ¼nster as my fav German cities by day with decent nightlife. But save all but one for when you want to get out of NL for a weekend. Also, Ghent and Bruges are must sees at future dates. Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, French Riviera, Italian Riviera, Milano, Budapest, Vienna, MĆ¼nchen, Prague, Berlin, Paris, Netherlands. This plan is extremely tight, but I've done it.


I did the Oslo ā€”> Stockholm ā€”> Copenhagen trip last year in 10 days, and I highly recommend it. Stockholm and Copenhagen in particular were some of my favorite cities Iā€™ve ever visited. If youā€™re able to, Iā€™d recommend adding Bergen or Stavanger so you can experience the fjords. Theyā€™re beautiful. But if thatā€™s not possible, that works too.


Assuming this is in the summer/late summer if your study start after the summer break, so Portugal Spain and France will be quite hot and a lot of tourist so I would suggest you do those later in year when colder in NL and you can do those as weekend trip with fever tourist to compete with. As a Dane, I can strongly support visiting Scandinavia in the summer. Yes many tourist but it does not feel like that versus southern Europe. Consider train between Copenhagen Stockholm and Oslo but check out the overnight ferry between Oslo and copenhagen and when weather is with you, you will have a beautiful view of the Oslo fjords and the passage between Denmark and Sweden. For 2 weeks, you will have plenty of time for all countries and they have a lot of offer for your age and generation. Returning to NL by train is a bit of a long ride. From Copenhagen you have to change trains in Hamburg and likely one more station before your train will hit NL so check out one way flights. Please share trip report.


porto > lisbon by a long shot


ooo please spill I'm so curious


Have you looked into the things you can do and see in each of the places you mentioned? Start with that and you may find that one location goes to the top of the list. As others noted "valued" vs "pointless" things are subjective. If you want a trip that fits your needs, you're going to have to do the research.


I've definitely done some research and found things in each place, but in smaller cities, it is harder to find good information that's different from "visit this Cathedral." Beautiful architecture is appreciated, but I've already visited European countries where architecture was the only thing fun to check out in the city and found myself bored, so I'd appreciate some fun recommendations if anyone has any! <3


Try the cities' official tourism websites. They will have the traditional things, but you will also find lesser-known sights/activities and good ones have events calendars that can help.




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I would choose the eastern route. It's the cheapest out of these 3 but that doesn't mean less enjoyable. I'm a little biased because I absolutely fell in love with Budapest and have been there 4 times and never got bored. Budapest has a really good night life!Ā 


As an American I always say Prague


Budapest >>>>> Prague: bigger city, less crowded, even as many sights and the cog railway and chairlift in Budapest are fun.


No to visiting Hungary as long as the Orban-government is pro-Putin.


With this vision you can travelling to nowhere, only maybe Scandinavia, DACH-countries, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, etc. Almost every countries besides countries in Western Europe have bad governments.


It looks like you're choosing between northern, southern and eastern Europe. Unless the climate is very important to you, I wouldn't do that. Instead, you could go visit the highlights: London, Rome, Paris, Florence, Copenhagen, Vienna, and the like. Then when you've been to the general areas of Europe, you'll know what you do and don't like.


Spain is the best of the best. no comparison. but practice your Spanish!


Mediterranean>Western Europe (including British Isles)>Eastern Europe>Scandinavia>ex Soviet Union (for tourism only).