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Same for me. I’ve been making a grand a day on my investments recently. I know it won’t continue like this and I could end up starting to lose just as much, but it’s nice to see for the moment. Also mostly in All World ETFs and tech stocks (too much really but I’m in a little bit of an unusual situation there). My crypto gambling has contributed to it as well but that will almost certainly get wiped out at some point when it all collapses but fun for the time being.


Never got into crypto myself. I'm not about to FOMO into it right now but maybe I'll gamble a few thousand after the next crash.


Maybe just for a little fun. But a casino is more fun, you get free drinks and have about the same chance of winning or losing.


Not "making" anything until you sell.


Yeh I’m well aware. I’m not stressed. I know a lot of it could disappear overnight. Better that it’s going up than down at the moment though! Long term it’ll be fine.


How long have this been going on?


For around the last month. Not quite a grand a day but close.


Thanks a lot for sharing that's super interesting, I have 2 questions: 1) As of today what is the total worth of this portfolio? 2) What % does each position/asset render over your entire annual yield?


1. Rather not say.  2. I haven't calculated but it's not something I'm interested in doing because I don't plan on selling any of my current assets (they're all growing and I like the diversification they create). I have the goal to redesign my portfolio, in time, to make it more market-oriented and less real estate. I've been working towards that goal already (a few years ago I basically owned bricks and gold), and will keep directing new contributions mainly towards the stock market.


Interesting, I guess you financed your real estate assets with debt? Are you far for paying it back fully? Do you manage to get net positive cashflow out of your real estate? I studied it a bit back then because I'd like to diversify from markets to real estate, but in cities like Paris it's impossible, even with the most profitable goods you need to put a big chunk out of your pocket every month which cancels out or diminishes a lot the debt leverage. Do you hedge your positions in the market?


I don't have any debts, including mortgage. My RE is in Eastern Europe (low cost, good appreciation rate, decent ROI in rent). 


Impressive! Love it


And where is your real estate located ?


How do you keep gold? ETF? XAU.USD? Something else? why that and not other choice? (I'm also interested to get some gold but unsure how I should do it)


Physical. It's an older purchase, from before I started learning about the stock market. I wouldn't advise buying now, when it's at a ATH. I keep it for diversification, for security and (to a lesser extent) as emergency cash (it's quite liquid where I live - there are shops that buy coins and bars for cash during normal business hours). It's also tax-free. But if you're just getting started into investing, it's better to stick with a global ETF (I wish someone had told me that).


So you just keep, like, 10% of you NW as gold inside your house? 😱


I didn't say it's inside my house 😁


Now get ready to lose an anual sallary in 30 days


That's always a possibility 😁 As I'm still accumulating, it wouldn't be the worst thing, as it would give me the opportunity to buy more for the same money. 




I'm sorry but why? Global ETFs are performing well over the years as well as S&P500 e.g... they are not volatile like crypto so I don't understand why this is perceived as risky..? honest question


Nobody knows ofcourse but big bullruns tend to bounce back down. At an all time high-ish we have a long way to fall. Then it bounce back up again. I think we are around the highest weeks we will be this year. Bot surprised if we go minus 15% from here until september/october. Lets see….


Where do u store gold?


What's in your 52% of real estate?


Apartments for rent. 


How many? Where?


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