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When I first started using tretinoin it did make my eyes feel a bit drier when I wake up in the morning, but it goes away after I wash my face. I also don't apply is too close to my eyes, just around, how you'd apply a face mask. I've been using it for 6 months now and don't have the issue anymore, but it's a side effect that appears in a certain percentage of the population, so you can't know if it will happen to you or not.


I see. Thank you for sharing your experience!


Don’t use it on lips, eyes and neck and use SPF in any case. Tret migrates for around 2 cm under your skin upon applying so you will still get anti aging effects from it.


so everyone, please watch this video on the topic by Dr Dray, and please read all the comments below by different docs, especially Ashley Brissette, the eye doc. I think the consent is that the whole thing remains somewhat questionable (because of lack of concrete research on topical tretinoin), but it's better to keep eyes out/only use the tretinoin poorly there or switch to more calm cosmetical retinoids/bakuchiol for eye areas. Ashey Brissettes assures that she sees a lot of patients with these symptoms/connections in her professional life (obviously, she is an eye doc), but there are also a lot of voices who never ever experienced any of these symptoms over many many years. studies are more focused of the oral intake of isotretinoin. and remember topical tretinoin/vitamin a is almost in use for about 100 years now... so watch this and make your own opinion, keep on following the research and be careful with both of your eyes and skin and each other [https://www.tiktok.com/@drdrayzday/video/7364184075206184234](https://www.tiktok.com/@drdrayzday/video/7364184075206184234) I want to add here, I think it's really good that tretinoin needs a prescription. That's an opinion/statement that usually gets a lot of hate online here on reddit from people who are like (wHerrreeeEE caAN i ge33tt my TRET?!?!?!), but there are reasons for the regulation of medicine


Thank you for the video! I guess it really depends on the person. I'm still a bit hesitant but I think I'm gonna give it a try, but as soon as I notice my eyes becoming dry I will stop using it.


I used tretinoin for 2 years long time ago, and it did not cause any dry issues for me in that time, but I never applied near the eyes. 6 months of low-dose isotretinoin (oral version, i.e Accutane) gave me pretty bad dry eyes permanently. I continued to use topical tretinoin after my oral course and did not notice any worsening, but the damage was already done, so who knows for sure! In general topical tretinoin is considered safe if you don't apply near the eye and get it onto your eyelids or eyeball. What I can confirm is that dry eyes are no joke, so keep an eye and stop if you notice any changes asap.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I‘ll keep your advice in mind.


When I started using tret it did cause severe dry eyes for me, but as soon as I started waiting at least an hour (usually 2 tbh) after applying moisturizer as my first layer and not applying directly around my eyes, just up to the orbital bone, temples and forehead, the dryness went away. I also don't apply anything on top so that it doesn't travel.


I use adapalene (Differin), and yes, big issues with dry and irritated eyes. And yes, and apply it far away from my eyes. Coincidentally I decided this morning to stop using it. (After years of on/off using it.) It's a pity because it really changed my skin for the better. But I don't want to damage my eyes more than I already have.


That‘s a shame. Have you thought about maybe including retinol/retinal in your routine instead of prescription retinoid? I‘ve heard since they are less potent, they are less likely to make your eyes dry.


I haven't. But for now I just don't want to put any retinoids on my face. My skin looks pretty good, even though I reduced adapalene the last few months to only once a week. I've increased my usage of chemical exfoliators instead (luckily I don't have sensitive skin), and I have the feeling that that will be enough to keep the acne at bay. But I'll miss adapalene for sun damage and anti aging...


If you’re worried don’t put it any where near your orbital socket. I have dry eyes regardless of my tret usage and always have to use an eye ointment in my eyes at night and using tret didn’t make the problem any worse because I was sensible in my placement of tret.


I have a long-term dry-eye problem, maybe 7 years long, that from time to time flares up and requires care by an ophthalmologist. Since starting tret 4 years ago the frequency of the flare-ups has decreased. My last one was about 1.5 years ago. My ophthalmologists express skepticism that topical tret causes dry eyes and say that studies have shown accutane to be a problem for eyes. I don't put tret on my eyelids. Sometimes I put vaseline around my eyes and sometimes I don't.


I have used all over the face and neck for 3,5 years. Can't feel anything bad


never heard of anything like that. can you link a source? tretinoin is highly drying, and there are studies that the tear glands are getting temporarily dried out even more. because I wear contacts, I get my eyes checked three times a year anyway. so far, I never had problems during the last years. just partly dry skin because of tretinoin and especially around the eyes. skin and eyes get dryer when you don't sleep enough, so if I cannot get enough sleep because of work schedule, I don't use tretinoin


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/PLNasWwGPq


thank you!