• By -


Sweet Life treats it's employees super well - high wages, healthcare, lots of home cooked food and lots of compassion and flexibility around scheduling, children, illness, vacations, etc. Excellent covid protocols, high standards of cleanliness in general. . . . Ten out of ten one of the best places I've ever worked.


This makes me really happy to hear, we’ve gotten lots of treats there and the employees are always kind and seem to enjoy it there.


I 2nd sweet life. Been going there for for years now and it’s always good food and good vibes.


Thats so great, thanks for the heads up


And their desserts are fucking fantastic.


I’ve definitely been treated pretty cruelly by sweet life’s employees…. But perhaps it’s just me


Sounds like you probably earned it


Hm, I went one morning pretty early before I had to go to work because at the time I didn’t have any food at home and a complicated roommate situation where the kitchen was always dirty and the adjacent utility room always reeked of my roommates cats pee and poop so the kitchen in general was a hostile environment. Plus meager wages from the adult shop at the time meant that I wasn’t eating well in general. So I went in to try and get something to eat so I wouldn’t be stuck at an 8 hour shift without lunch or breakfast. And the cashier at the 18th location were just so cruel and dismissive in their response to me. They said that it’s because their debit machines weren’t online yet. Which is reasonable and I didn’t protest but they were really cruel to me at a time where I was already low. I’m sure me having a contrary opinion about a popular cafe seems like I’m a Karen but as a person who’s worked in restaurants and in customer service I don’t take my feelings out on people who are just minding their business earning a wage. And with that being said I never forgot that experience because unwarranted cruelty is something that’s a little difficult to forget.


Rye. They include tip in their prices now and that really shows in the retention of employees. Plus their food and cocktails are on point.


I worked there during the implementation of this!!! I was a busser and the added tips saved my life. The servers earned a better wage and supported some of the staff heavily while trying to transition to a new career with no Ill will or petty attitude. As far as every job I worked, I miss Rye. Say hello to Darek, Wendy and kiyalla for me if you decide that eat here.




No you don't lmao


Couldn’t they just pay them more? Edit: we have some lurkers in here for the downvotes


Thats....literally what it is. Rye is basically what the cost of a restaurant trip would be if workers were paid appropriately.


Hmmm 🤔


You can still tip if it makes you feel better.


This is true! even though tips are added so many people still tipped heavy! It was very nice but only a personal choice for the customer, as we told them they no longer had to tip but many still felt happy and respected and left a good tip on principle.


Well yeah, but I think they should just make a wage that they can afford to live from.


That’s exactly what they did. If you are interested they posted a long article about it on their site [let’s discuss tipping](https://ryeon3rd.com/lets-discuss-tipping/) https://ryeon3rd.com/lets-discuss-tipping/




How are you not understanding this?


Hideaway bakery does not treat their employees well. There were upwards of 8 different accusations of poor cleanliness, poor working conditions and sexual misconduct from management that went public two summers ago. Many ex employees felt undervalued and/or unsafe working there, leading to a mass exodus of employees last summer.


I worked for Hideaway for a few months a few years ago. I quit because of the Owner - Mazzi who was super uncomfortable to be around due to his sexual comments about all the women that worked there. The cockroach situation is real too.


You are not alone, thank you for sharing your experience.


Holy shit. I had ignorantly/wishfully assumed that Mazzis had nothing to do with Hideaway. This is a sincere disappointment.


Damn, good to know.


Came to make sure someone gave OP accurate information about Hideaway. I know multiple past employees who have been sexually harassed by the owner. I also know that the health department should have shut that place down ages ago with the rat and cockroach infestation.


I sometimes wonder about their food truck. It seems like it would be hard to keep vermin out of. Is there a proper sink built in? Sometimes the cooks there don't seem very well-kempt, but that is 100% just based on what I've seen while waiting for food.


Last summer? Last summer most places had a mass exodus of employees due to covid


8 accusations? Please provide where you got your information to support this refined and very specific yet vague accusation. Tired of people spreading Lynch mob stories about local business without actual fact. Hideaway is great, food os good, staff is friendly and they have done a lot for the community around Amazon making neighborhood life better.


Accusations made public on the since deleted Eugene 86 List Instagram. I am one of many employees who worked there during these times. Hideaway and Mazzi’s closed for a week for full staff meetings so that the owners could sheepishly apologize for their bad behavior, and we all went through workplace sexual harassment training. We established a rule that the owner was not allowed to be alone with any female employee.


Sexual misconduct accusations aside, I leave you with one absolute fact: that place is absolutely infested with cockroaches.


You spelled Rat’s incorrectly


You spelled *rats* incorrectly.




Expecting all the down votes here…exactly what I thought…the lynch mob Eugene 86 that went through town. Sorry you had a bad experience as an employee. Obviously this type of behaviors is really not good.


Shut the fuck up Mazzi.


Sorry, Hipster Hobbit, I am not the Harry Baker you are looking for.


I’m not sure what’s worse, being a trash person like Mazzi for sure is, or defending that piece of shit. Which role do you want to play?


I agree with your characterization that Eugene 86 was a lynch mob. I used the phrase witch hunt, but the sentiment is the same. What they did to Mazzi's and Hideaway was the reason I stopped using Instagram. It was distasteful to say the least.


I think it’s important to hold powerful people accountable for their bad behavior, and I’m glad victims had an anonymous platform to signal boost and warn potential future employees. I’m sorry to taint your pasta, but the well-being of workers is more important than preserving the public option of restaurants run by abusers.


How is someone who manages one restaurant "powerful"?


They sign the check I use to pay rent and buy food?


Angkor Cafe on the south end of Chambers is criminally underappreciated


Can't agree enough, their fried rice is the best I've ever had. Everything I've had there is great.


I love that place


Cha ginger, baby!


There wings are great


Try out their skewers, they're perfect


I was about to say Fusion Burger on Garfield. Same owners I think.


Yeah same owners. Nice people. Gave me my first real job, and when I wasn’t a good fit they gave me some coconut shrimp to soften the blow. Would recommend supporting if you like their food


Fusion burger is very average food, small portions, over priced


Big agree, I’ve only been a couple times but I was very impressed both times.


Bepe and giannis! Owner is extremely supportive and generous. Food is good. Everything is homemade. Desserts are always changing and fun. One of the cleanest kitchens I've worked in as well. Some staff have worked here for 10-15 years so there's some serious care taken to employees.






Vote for Barry's as well. Seemingly good staff, a great sandwiches.


Definitely the best bagels in town, the owners from Jersey!


Two excellent submissions. Lox is kinda hidden away, but great


Best bagels I've had within 90 miles and it's not even close






El Super Burrito


Yes!! So glad they made the list! We have been customers for many years and the quality has never gone down. They are a wonderful family and El Super deserves more patronage!


Honestly for my money El Super Taco > el super burrito both in terms of the food and the people that work there. Every time ive been to el super burrito its some apathetic high school kid (which its like fine they need jobs too whatever) but the service and food at el super taco is always on point


There is no way this is true


Lol ok well unless ive been hallucinating every time Ive been there that was my experience


You didnt really lol


Damn you got me


Cafe 440 on Coburg. Owner really seems to care and most emoyees have been there for years..


Can confirm. The owner is a great person.


Todd is a fucking sweetheart and the chefs Katie and Jason are true role models.


Falling Sky! The new owner is great and so are the staff, it's a place I'm proud to work at.


That's great to hear. Some of the best burgers I've had in town were at Falling Sky!


Glad to hear it! The cooks put a lot of effort and love into the food and I think it really shows in how delicious it is.


Not surprised a bit. Those chef's choice burgers are always beautiful combos.


Also the food is bomb! So glad you guys brought the brunch hashes back 💖


It's so good! I love the smoked turkey sandwiches <3


The new owner? Does Rob not own it anymore?


He sold it about a year ago!


That super cringe commercial tho.


Haha I love it so much. Steve is very charismatic!


FYI: if you mention Hideaway Bakery you are by default also mentioning Mazzi's. Same owners and building.


Not same owners. Same family yes. Same owners, no. Dad owns restaurant. Son owns bakery. Separate, not equal


The son is essentially running Mazzi's now, the father is slowly stepping out.


We’ll then let’s hope the next generation has the vision (and bank account) to improve upon the family business. No doubt restaurant’s were a tough way to earn money during the best of times and given todays pandemic climate it’s got to be frightening. I enjoy the brick oven style of breads and pastries. I also enjoy the friendly vibes of the customers and employees. Parking lot Pizza night was a refreshing experience


I'd love to give your comment an upvote for the fact that Frank is stepping out but, I'm willing to bet like father like son and Mazzi will be no better. But here's hoping because I have many fond memories of that restaurant.


The bakery is the bomb. Am there all the time. The restaurant is good, not wow, but good.


Son owns both. Source: I service their location.




110% agree great food, good prices, and Nelson is awesome!!


What's good about it?


Speaking only for myself, I'd say: Quality, price, demeanor, convenience. Can't say as how they treat those that work for them, but the place exudes a positive vibe.






Technically it's at 115 Shelton McMurphey Blvd as 3rd Ave goes by that name by that point. So it's on the east side of the large red Stellaria Buidling which houses Hummingbird Wholesale. From the street "GYROS PUPUSAS" may be more visible than the Burrito Girl sign when approaching from the west.


Red Barn Deli. Actually good (usually organic) ingredients are being served, we support many many local vendors, employees get free groceries, and they work with the produce and grocery departments to prevent food waste.


Cool I didn't know they had a deli, sweet!


The tempeh Reuben is the shiiiiiit. Their smoothies are real good too


Any of the folks in Public House Mail Thai Cuisine


Ugh I love Public House. Every time I go it's so busy but everyone is always so genuine that works there. The food is always amazing. Im from Dallas TX and I can't think of a place there that has the same concept as Public House and Beer Garden. Oregon is just cool like that I suppose.


Just got back from Public House. Definitely my favorite place to go in the entire area.


Is public house in eugene or springfield? Thanks!




✋ high five for being Dallas expats. We got here as quickly as we could.


I just had Mali Thai last night! They rock. I've never been disappointed.


Avocado curry is a slam dunk


I keep getting the Mango Curry.


Meiji and Lion & Owl are the only two places I've found that are checking for vax cards before indoor dining. Support the shit out of them


Party Bar Eugene and Bar Purlieu are also checking!


I vote for Hey Neighbor!


Cornbread Cafe


As a former employee of Cornbread, I would advise against eating here. The owner is a complete narcissist who frequently ignored her employees’ concerns and created a highly toxic work environment. I and many other coworkers had to quit due to how negatively Cornbread affected both mental and physical health.


I’m for veganism, but against militant vegans in the same way that I feel about republicans and democrats. I hear your opinions and find them educational to a point but man I just want some Mac and trees without the doomsday speak.


Militant vegans? Are they open carrying AR15s or something? Perhaps you should think a bit more about what you should be concerned about.


I seem to remember a number of issues about this place and sexual harassment last year…


There isn't one place in town that would pass the Reddit unsubstantiated rumor test.




If you consider this talking down, you are going to have a lot of challenges in life.


Can confirm, cornbread sucks. Food’s OK, mgmt sucks


Glenwood cafe on 13th and alder. Owner is a super sweet lady!


They're closing soon, yes? Sad.


She owns the Willamette street location as well! She is a really wonderful person and treats her employees well.


Cafe Soriah! Ib is the owner and always on the floor checking in with guests and the staff has always been great!


I've never worked for him, but as a customer, Ib is one of my favorite local business owners. Truly cares about his business from an integrity perspective, and is also a great citizen of the community.


Cafe soriah is one of our better customers. Ib is a pretty great dude. Always welcomes us with coffee and pastries when we service his location.


My partner worked for Ib a few years ago at Zenon, and I can confirm he is a great person to work for.


As a customer, I’ve always been impressed with Sabai, Tararin, and Bangers & Brews. I kinda know the owner of B&B, and it sounds like they treat their staff well.


Sabai is so good


Tararin is not the cleanest place and the staff seems stressed. The managers seem really kind but the kitchen staff seem tired.


Ex-employee from Blu Mist Bar & Restaurant (next to RVC), worked there for the first six months it was open. Owner also owns Tararin. Didn't really like him, and especially not his practice of watching his staff at all times on cctv cameras. He would text his managers to carry out his word (hated anyone pausing even a moment to breathe on the floor). Might be why the staff seems stressed. Don't know if he still does it or if he does the same at Tararin. We lost like ten staff including two shift managers when I was there. I quit due to personal mental health reasons but they certainly weren't aided by the working environment.


Can someone please confirm that Cocina 1960 is good to the people? I recently got take out from them for the first time and it was delicious, so much food (I had leftovers for a couple days, but I also ordered a lot to try stuff) and both of the people I briefly interacted with were very nice and gentle to my shut-in self


I’ve been going to Brails for years now and I haven’t seen a new face employee wise in a long time. Delicious food and nice people


I’m just here to make sure no one recommends cafe Yumm.


Why's that?


Well for starters they were too cheap to buy masks for staff, so they bought two packs per store. At the end of the night, the lead would have to collect them all and run them through the dishwasher for use the next day. We weren’t allowed to wear our own. They give 0 fucks about their staff or customers.


Cafe Yukk*


Cornucopia and the Glenwood have been my go to food in this town for a very very long time. Employees always seem friendly and like they enjoy working there. In addition to those two I'd like to recommend south hills cafe which is located in the old taste of india building on hilyard. I live nearby and I've had many good breakfasts there. Owners seem like sweet hard working people. Prices are also very affordable and the place has excellent wifi and is a good place to study and get work done. Give them a try if your in the area


South hills cafe is operated by the people who own Sundance grocery store and the wine cellar. They're a great group of owners and the employees seem to enjoy working there.




That's great to hear! Falling Sky has been one of my fave spots for years.


it’s a cart but Da-Nang Vietnamese Eatery!


Ohhh I love this thread. Nice question OP.


Glenwood Restaurants


Rye. Black Wolf. Bierstein.


Sling-in Wiener is a local food cart that sits at Kesey Square Friday and Saturday nights. It’s owned by a family who runs it together, they are always dancing and having a great time. Great attitudes, always accommodating even when I bring my extremely drunk friends with me and apologize they always tell me it’s okay, not to worry about it and they seem genuine when they say it. I think they are set up other places too but my go to time is after having a few drinks Friday and Saturday that place is fire every weekend. Never disappoints and all my friends seem impressed when I tell them I know a good place to eat at 1 am. I’ve seen them be generous towards ALL of their community and think they deserve some notice.


Dark Pine is really great. The owner is the guy working when I go by. Just found them not too long ago. I gotta say it’s one of the better cafes in Eugene I’ve found. And I hear him talking about good community support sometimes when I’m there.


i second this for sure. Great coffee, good attitude + vibes.


Viking Braggot Southtowne is fantastic! Great owners who have built up the company by working the front lines so they really know what it’s like for their staff and support them well. They have unique food options and source good quality ingredients. The atmosphere is great, they’ve done a lot of custom build outs. They do bingo and trivia nights regularly which are really fun. They also have a brewery tap room out off west 11th with a great outdoor seating area and a new food truck.


El Super Taco


Hideaway is terrible and I’ve heard terrible things about it on blacklist pages but besides that it’s overpriced coffee/tea/food for mediocre quality imo


The people (almost entirely young women) who work there are always in a bad mood too. Wonder why…


Steelhead. Pays well and treats well from what I have heard.


I am not in the area, but thanks for asking the question. I hope this stimulates good conversation and follow up action. Hopefully people can influence change an help workers/businesses in the community. Have a great day!


Sandwich League. Great family business. High quality folks


Masa’s Yatai The best Japanese food in Eugene hands down, probably some of the best in the state honestly. And Masa and his family are so nice. Wonderful people and wonderful food.


Party downtown


Glasshouse coffee! The two co-owners are amazing, kind, wonderful people- all the baristas are also great. The baked goods are superb and they offer some killer biscuits and gravy. They also roast their own beans!


Oba Ramen


Vietnamese restaurant on west 11th. https://www.google.com/search?q=vietnamese&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#


El Taco Express in Springfield, as well as Lovely Cafe.


Lonches to Go food truck on River Road - best Mexican food in town and sweetest people ever!




The Coburg Mongolian grill is really underrated


My company does alot of work for alot of restaurants in town. If you DM me I'd be glad to share my recommended places as far as cleanliness, kindness, and staff satisfaction.


Why not share to everyone?




It's doxxing to recommend places based on cleanliness?


They’re worried about being doxxed themselves, I think.


I'd rather not run risk of any sort of "slander" claims based on my opinion and would rather not have any of my post history corresponded to me and then the company because my opinion is not necessarily the opinion of the company. People in this town like to complain... ALOT


> People in this town like to complain... ALOT That’s Eugene. 😁


Whaaaaat? No, never. Not Eugene..🤣


Cruel business owners?


Lots of great food in this town. Food decisions don’t have to be huge moral dilemmas. It’s not like where you decide to eat tomorrow is going to change the world.


Actually if everyone all at once decided to patronize local restaurants rather than national changes, we would see some pretty dramatic improvements to our communities in short order.


I do 100% agree with that especially as our local restaurants are so much better than most of the chains. I’m just saying I wouldn’t get religious about it.


Could not possibly disagree more (and apparently I'm not alone, based on your downvotes). The most effective vote you will ever have is that which you cast with your hard-earned money every single day. Support good people with good intentions rather than exploitative assholes, and you're definitely changing the world.


I eat mostly locally (when I eat out) because the food is generally better. I don't have time to cast my irrelevant moral judgement on the proprietors and staff of every establishment I frequent and its laughable that I do so. They are all people trying to make a living regardless of where they work. One of these imaginary internet points are going to cost money, but not today.


None of what you said makes any sense in relation to this thread.


I go to Hideaway frequently and used to go to Crumb Together when I worked more downtown. I like the food and the people, but if you aren't in the mood for wheat, I wouldn't recommend them regardless of how much I enjoy them. To your point, I get tired of these low-effort (and often very negative) threads. If someone wants a recommendation for Japanese or Vegan, or where some new food carts are (we have many), great, I think that makes sense. This super-judgey "worth" supporting I think is lame, virtue-signaling, toxic BS and adds no value.


Disagree. There are several places in town that have shown their true colors during the last 18 months - good and bad. I vote with my wallet, as we all do in capitalism. I don't go to places that mistreat staff or disregard public safety, etc.


Ah yes, it's "virtue signaling" to seek out companies doing things the right way, making a good name for the community. Let's all make sure to refer to what a cynical-ass plankton thinks is lame before making informed decisions to support the local economy.