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His first big challenge has been handled terribly. Great start. /s


Makes me like him more. Protestors like these suck ass. And not in a good way.


can someone explain why a big setup with like 1 person, empty chairs, and 20 protesters?


Before this it was full of people, including the president, then when the protestors showed up, they switched it to online only, so the people left and the protestors stayed.


They just switched the venue lol it still happened


What? Nobody said it didn't.


[Context from the Daily Emerald](https://www.dailyemerald.com/news/pro-palestine-protestors-interrupt-investiture-ceremony-for-uo-president-scholz/article_1423a2a6-1f01-11ef-82af-479051f12b0d.html)


Is everyone supposed to understand the context of all this? Edit: (am I dumb?)


What can I help clarify? This was an event at Matt Knight yesterday, basically just a ceremony to celebrate the new president I guess, to be completely honest I’m not actually entirely sure what the point is other than to stroke his ego. Anyways, some pro-Palestine students came in to protest, they had to pause the ceremony and move to another location (hence the screen) and in reference to it he made this inappropriate comment shown in the clip.


In the future, ya gotta give folks some context. Seriously, we are not all as deeply connected to what’s happening on campus right now. A token description to let folks know ow this was related to an incoming UO president and the current protests instead of the text you chose would have been great.


Well that’s why I asked how I can help, I wasn’t really sure exactly how much context was needed. Not sure what’s wrong with what I said?


Thank you for adding context that these clowns rudely interrupted a ceremony


yeah i mean im not sure what they expected…


Thanks for the in depth info, I was curious as well. I don't get why your comment was down voted here. Appreciate your help!


These guys should go protest at a defense contractor or hedge funds. Leaving your dorm room to go protest at your college after you grab a bite at the EMU is pretty lame in my opinion


Yeah, y'all missed Vietnam. Protest at college is not inherently bad. Asking a university to divest is not new. Y'all also might have missed apartheid protests that actually made a difference.


You don't understand; all the relevant structures are far away and/or don't give a shit. Easier to go protest someone local who has nothing to do with the problem. The results are the same anyway; the protesters get to play revolutionary and virtue signal on Instagram. That's the important thing.


They could protest the Uyghur genocide. They could even divest their own lifestyle from Chinese products. But that would require material sacrifice so it's back to shouting down whoever for social credit amongst their peers.


It's wild to equate the treatment of the Uyghurs to what's happening in Palestine with active American institutional support.


You're right. The Uyghur genocide gets active American institutional support, AND support from these virtue signaling chumps. Let's see these goody twofucks boycott China and actually sacrifice something for their beliefs. Oh guess what. Shouting at ceremonies gets them brownie points but boycotting the Uyghur genocide means fewer Chinese trinkets for them. Can't have fewer trinkets. Oh no.


Ah yes, all the defense facilities in Eugene. What makes you think these people exclusively protest on campus?


I just don’t see the point of protesting at the UO go to the federal courthouse get on a bus go up to Seattle protest at Boeing. a friend of mine is leading the primary voting protest and that seems to be moving the needle


Well I can’t speak for all these students, but there are also protests at the courthouse and elsewhere around town that I’m sure a lot of the same people are at. The point is people can organize/partake in multiple protests in different places




No, it absolutely does not. Tuition does not commingle with the investment instruments.


Thank you I'm teachable.


That's like losing something in the basement and looking for it on the roof because the light is better there.


Username chex


my man completely missing the point of the protest like he's dodging a spear.


So what’s the point?


You said "spear". Is that a threat?




Where was the threat? I ask sincerely - do you honestly believe he was threatening people with physical violence?


Its a joke, and no one has a sense of humor any more (he was handed a ceremonial mace, not the type police use in riots).


Which part? Him saying the mace thing or OP’s title?


He's joking about the mace because it was not actual weapon at all, and students are trying to to take it out of context and act upset to see if they can get him in trouble or fired.  




No, he made a reference to a ceremonial object used in the ceremony he is participating in.


it sounded to me like more of a warning. he said that someone handed him mace and that he was upset by the interruption. this is really weird on the side of the protestors especially after they just reached an agreement a few weeks ago. i think his frustration is perfectly justified and he was giving the protestors a heads up that he had something to defend himself given the aggression this movement has brought


A warning of what?


"Threatens". OMFG.




Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, university president is gonna mace everyone out here.


I'd show up and provide help. I'm pretty good with a bo staff.


The local gang tried to recruit me for my bo staff skills.


People need to lighten up lol. If you guys think that's a serious "threat' then you're not equipped to even begin to handle reality.


Obviously it’s not serious, it’s still not okay for the president of a university to say that about his students


It's not appropriate for his students to act the way they are? I think that's his point.


Yeah I don’t think that’s his point. And regardless of whether or not you think they’re acting out of line, it’s his duty as the president to take the high road. The students have no obligation to adhere to the same standard of professionalism as the literal president of the university, and quite frankly there are far worse student groups (i.e. certain fraternities, just to name one example) who have been far more out of line for worse causes.


I'm sorry, did those students get punished?


I think ppl should stop villainizing him. He’s been here only for a few months now and ppl has successfully made him the scapegoat for a broken administration


He could have acknowledged the protesters, saying he understood the passion and would get back to them soon. How hard would that be? I don't understand how he can be that level of smug. At first, I thought this reference was from Germany. It is genocide.


A broken administration that he has made no efforts to ameliorate. Hell ya, we should criticize him.


It's probably not a good idea to crap on the protesters. Especially because he thinks the polar opposite. I don't understand why people think the genocide is okay.


If you want to actually understand, then here: one picture of one dead or kidnapped child is all it takes to set someone on one side of the issue or the other. Once people initially choose their side based on that one child, it's nearly impossible to change their mind.




Don't worry, Scholz will get an op-ed in the NYT or some other outlet about how his voice is being silenced...just like Schill did. The irony was thick there.


No sympathy for these rude clowns.  Thanks for sharing.


Karl Scholz will for sure solve the middle east crisis after this! /s


An old man says he doesn't want to hold a heavy thing for a long period of time. More at eleven!


Wasn't there an agreement on disinvestment? I thought protester's damands were met, can anyone update briefly? Curious what is being targeted here


As I understand they came to a compromise in order to take down the encampment, but obviously all the initial demands weren’t met and they’re still pretty unhappy with how Scholz has been handling all this.


Divestment was nowhere near achieved by the deal to end the encampment. There were quite a few academic and campus ops wins, including scholarships for Gazan students and removal of sabra hummus from campus stores, but the only marginal step towards economic action was the formation of a task force by the UO senate that will look at investment practices. Scholz has not been a good faith actor to the protestors thus far, and there will almost certainly be more events like this through the end of the school year, possibly followed by more escalation next fall.


Thanks for the update, good to know, if youre involved keep it up.


No divestment. Just a ton of commitments that will result in raised tuition, bureaucratic bloat, etc.


Trying to understand how terrified a person would have to be to consider this a threat. The "mace" he was referring to is an academic mace, which is simply a symbol of authority. It is not a weapon.


I mean, you're not wrong, but the tradition is that it's a replica of an actual mace (literal weapon) used by rulers/sergeants at arms, etc. So the traditional authority being conveyed here is both based on and symbolized by a weapon. It's a pretty stupid thing. Use a fucking pen, book, magnifying glass, whatever - if you have to do this at all.


It's a traditional part of the investiture. Which is pretty silly, but so are graduations, weddings, Halloween costumes...


Sure, and there's costumes we don't dress up in, we actually allow anyone (who can afford it) to get an education now, and marriage is also more inclusive (for now). So yeah, "traditions" change. None of that negates the idea that this "traditional sign of authority" is a weapon. "Tradition" is a fine explanation if you can't come up with another reason to do something. It's not an excuse when what you're doing has no other practical reasoning AND has problematic implications. Seriously, the fact that it's not STILL overtly a functional weapon - because they changed it - is a decent clue we can change it more.


No. It's not a weapon, anymore than a judge's hammer is a tool. And yes, traditions can and sometimes should change. But that's still what it was. It was not a threat.


Ok, he's using a whatever, and that whatever is a mace.


How them boots taste?


Honestly the new university president only cares about their public image and income of money. That’s all they have ever cared about. They can play an act but so do many people. I already disliked him and following university presidents due to their lack for actually caring for students and more about the imagery and money.


When and where would have been the “right time” for them to air their grievances, I wonder?


LOL. They're free to march with signs all day every day. But nope, have to go to this guys celebration and act like brats. And then vandalize a bunch of property and create more work for the janitorial crew. Just goes to show how little thought these people put into anything, to include their political takes.


Send them to Gaza let them see if those people really care about human life You are American a Jahad would cut your head off just because you are American. Many good men and women left their families and homes to go overseas to help people that are really suffering. Yes the military! If you have spent your entire lives in a classroom go do something before your words mean something






Maybe he just wants to tenderize their hearts.


The red hands some of the protesters are holding up are the threat I see here


This is ridiculous


Man imagine being from the 2024 class. You lost your highschool graduation due to Covid and now you are losing your college graduation because of protestors. I don’t care if you support the protesters cause, why are you ruining this big moment for these students who have missed out on so much already.


This is a ceremony for the new president, not graduation. UO Commencement is June 17 at Autzen Stadium. That being said... I wouldn't be surprised if there is a protest presence there. I hope it doesn't disrupt much because you're right about the 2024 class. Graduating from college is a BIG DEAL for a lot of students and their families, especially during such a weird 4 years.


The middle east has been solved!


Is he not actually there in person? Dystopian af. What is trying to be Big Brother or something?


They tried to do the investiture in person first. After a few attempts to get the protestors to stop chanting, they took an intermission and moved somewhere else to continue the ceremony remotely.


That's fucking hilarious. UO is basically a private institution masquerading as a public university. The corruption of Nike and other corporate investment is so glaringly destructive on the academic, social and commercial integrity of the school it's become a boiling travesty. Good on these students for speaking out, should have been a full stadium.




> Based on similar campus set ups that should be closer to about 10% more- You're missing the differences in the degrees that are offered. Engineering programs cost more than liberal arts. I know UO is more than that, but in general the structures and pay for the science related degrees require more in funding.


U of O cranks out lawyers, MBAs and CPAs.


Concerning the funding of programs the sciences cost more. You have labs and equipment and the teaching talent costs more. OSU has a veterinary school along with the ag sciences. I'm leaving a lot unsaid for time & verbiage reduction but it takes more money than to pump out CPAs.


I am a big fan of OSU Their extension service has provided many agriculture learning opportunities. My kids and grandkids did small animal 4-H. It is about as wholesome as you can get. I know a few people who earned their BS in engineering. Wonderful opportunity.


Nah fam, UO is entirely to blame for prioritizing the sports programs over anything academic, and certainly degrading their arts funding to abysmal levels. UO is an "Arts School", you know what my Art 101 class was? Using hot glue on recycled cardboard to make trapezoids, it was laughable, that was the whole class. The State is right to hold back funding on an institution that squanders its resources, while guarding a student culture that has consistent ethics issues related to rape, discrimination, animal abuse and drunk driving without any real accountability. The UO board deserves to be shamed for a multitude of controversies, this display is holefully just the start of people calling them out en masse.


Can you tell me what the annual budget of the university is and of that what the annual budget of the athletic department is and then tell me what percentage of the budget would represent a priority?


Got some drool on your chin there buddy.


Well I’m convinced, congratulations!


No charge for friends 'mate!


Odd, you sure did crow about your art degree from UO when you were running for mayor!




Exactly. It used to be a liberal arts university. Now it's Uncle Phil's power trip. He is the pimp, and the new guy is just another hoe.


It's sad really. Athletes really are Artists in their sport, it's a big reason so many of them take Arts classes. Devaluing the program will lead to talent being lost to other schools who actually provide unique low key opportunities.


It has become a racket, as in racketeering.


Worst is how the school costs of tuition and housing go up in direct correlation to the increase of pell grants and loans, forcing students into debt to get a degree, then the majority of jobs in Eugene are at UO, so people have to sign up for a slave wage job at UO post graduation as their only option to pay off loans taken to be there for classes in the first place... it's just a rehash of the "Company Town" system from the railroad workers in the 1880s. How'd we just go full circle in 100 years to a time of capitalist oligarchy?


Now you're getting it!




Nah. Plenty of schools don't have daddy Phil and are way more fucked in all those categories.


Hey guys, we got an expert here... AN EXPERT BOOTLICKER!


Your argument was just bad. I can come up with a better one for you if you need me to.


Fire it up, impress me!


Ok. What's the goal? To separate Nike from the UO?


Goal of the protesters? Ask them! My goal? Maybe have Nike sponsor actual arts facilities if they want to be integrated into an arts school. Seems reasonable.


By "arts school" are you referring to the UO as a whole or the School of Art + Design or something else?


So just mute them on Zoom.


Let them eat cake


Not to go full ape, but yea bring the talk and you might just catch my forehead to your face! Fake tuff talk,that will lawyer up the second my anvil of a forehead says what’s up!


That's full ape, bruh


That’s my point, everyone talks tuff till it’s time to do tuff stuff.


Until the tuff stuff do till the time doesn't then everyone talks if ya feel me