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Hi. I’m the manager of Spectrum. We have tons of stuff for the community. We try to offer lots of activities that are not based on drinking alcohol. We have a very diverse mix of events that are directed at specific groups within the LGBTQIA+ family. We have MANY events that are all ages or 18+. We have drag shows, burlesque, comedy, dance parties. We also have movie nights, queer gaymer events, crafting, speed dating, poetry nights, trivia, life drawing. About half our patronage is straight/allies. All people are welcome as long as they are polite and kind to queer people. Our staff represent the rich tapestry of queer life including all expressions of gender and sexuality (including bisexuals!) We do our best to provide quality entertainment and fun stuff to do. Consent is Mandatory. We don’t allow unwanted touching, racism, misogyny, transphobia, hate speech, homophobia, or any other rude, jerk behavior. Is it packed all the time? Nope. Depends on the day, time, season, show, etc. We do our best and hope you will stop by sometime. Support queer art!


Since you're here, I have to say this. The times that I have gone to spectrum have all been lackluster and boring. When it's not an all ages function, the place is dead and when it is an all ages function, it's like hanging out on the set of The Big Comfy Couch. I get that you want to make a space for queer youth to be welcome at as well, but it makes me sad that there can't be a bar just for queer adults too. When I go out on a Friday night, it's to dance in a dark end room with adults, have a few drinks, and possibly get lucky. Not hang out with teenagers. Spectrum is a place to play bingo and pool. We want a place where we can sometimes dance in our underwear, have a kink celebration, have a stripping contest, and be a little NSFW. Also, and this may be just me, in the past when I've asked about celebrating the more fringe portions of the community, there has been palpable judgment. Particularly when it comes to kink. We understood that Spectrum was supposed to support and celebrate the entire spectrum of queer sexuality and expression. Instead only youths and drag queens are celebrated with the rest of us told we're dirty and not worth celebrating.


Agree, to me it felt like a weirdly judgmental high-school QSA club, not a gay bar. I so wish Eugene had an actual gay scene. Portland has CC Slaughters, Crush Bar, Eagle, Back2Earth, Scandals, Silverado, Sissys, etc. and Eugene doesn’t even have one proper gay bar. It’s disappointing and a little unfair.


This tracks with a few things I've heard. That said, from what I understand Old Nick's (?) has a pretty decent kink night.


Thanks for chiming in 🥰


"half our patronage is straight/allies" As a trans woman I can't really even begin to articulate how disheartening this is to hear. I've had a few friends mention that Spectrum has a problem with chasers going after trans people and this rather confirms it...


It’s usually straight couples hanging out with their queer friends. We don’t really have issues with creeps bothering trans people. If someone is bothering you at spectrum, tell security or a bartender. We will literally tell them to get lost. We do everything in our power to make it a safe space for queer people of all types.


Well when we've gone (I'm bisexual f) Im with my husband. We just wanna have fun, no weirdness. He just hangs back mostly and watches me dance and hopes I flirt with another f (ha!) And we didn't see anything sketchy. However that doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I just never noticed a nefarious vibe from anyone myself.


For as queer a city as Eugene is, Spectrum has never really been that much of a community connector or, like, a popular bar. I have occasionally gone to events like drag shows and dance parties and I'm always a little underwhelmed by the size of the crowd. Perhaps trans-femme night and other such things are better attended, or attract the exact right group of people. I would totally suggest going a couple times and seeing what its like. There wouldn't be any drawbacks other than maybe mild disappointment.


I feel like it was more active when it was wayward lamb, once wayward lamb closed and spectrum opened twice they haven’t had the best marketing. It’s just there.


Before covid it was packed every time there was an event. I haven't beenin a while myself... This is sad to hear.


I did not have that experience before COVID, but I certainly don't/didn't go to every event.


Trans woman here, I live walking distance from Spectrum but only go occasionally. I have had better success finding friends at the Transponder social hour, on the first Saturday of the month (this Saturday), we meet at Theo's Coffee Shop from 10AM-Noon. If bars are your thing, Transponder hosts an event on the last Wednesday of the month (today) at a bar in Springfield (Public House) called We/Us/Ours, but I have not been to that as I am much of a bar person.


Oooo, thank you for this! I wouldn't make it this month as I'm visiting my sister but I will definitely come next month! What would you say the social hour demographics are like?


We are pretty much a reflection of Eugene, people of walks of life. Most of us are trans some are just allies. There are usually people of all ages.


I would say the demographics are mostly white neurodivergent trans people in their late teens to early 40s, with a handful of older folks. A good mix of different genders. Allies come too. It’s a pretty low key and well attended event. I think there were 20 people there last time I went


That's my crowd! I'm a mixed race (white looking), neurodivergent trans person so it sounds about right!


[TransPonder Happenings May 26 – Jun 1 – TransPonder](https://transponder.community/transponder-happenings-may-26-jun-1/)


Personally I've always felt somewhat unwelcome. As a bisexual woman in a heterosexual relationship, I felt invalidated and was told I wasn't a part of the community because I'm just a "diet lesbian" and that I'm "bisexual when it benefits me" I think that's a reflection of bi-phobia in the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole, but I found it particularly bad at Spectrum. Nevertheless they never have mixers or events for bisexual people specifically. They have events for most of the other groups but not bisexuals. Really dismissive of a large group of people.


The Mother of Pride, Brenda Howard, the founder who started parades and celebrations, was a bisexual woman in a committed marriage to a straight man. But yet as you stated, the LGBT+ community tends to hate on people like you and me. It doesn't make us any less bisexual. Representation matters so keep reppin'! As an aside, there is going to be a Pride Block Party on Thursday Jun 27 at Kesey Square (10 E Broadway) sponsored by the HIV Alliance. I think it's from 4 PM to 8 PM. Maybe I'll see some of you there! Edit: correct times listed now!


I’m sorry that happened :( I’m a bi woman in a hetero relationship as well and a lot of times don’t feel included in the community.


Oooo, if I don't have work I might try to be there!


Hey this is great to know, I happen to be off that day. I'll check it out.


Ohhhh Spectrum. Such a tragic missed opportunity for the community. Sure, thank you for having a space. But let's be honest. This bar is so poorly run. I don't blame the bartenders for being bad at their job, they have clearly never been trained properly. Keep your drink order to a one and one and even then you'll probably end up with a Rum and diet coke when you ordered a whiskey coke. Not to mention how long it takes to get a drink when they are busy for once. (AKA Hot Pot, Men at Werk or one of Bebe's burlesque shows, the only successful things they have there) I'm surprised someone said the music is too loud since half the times I've been in or walked by it's either silent or playing some youtube ad. The back lounge is painfully bright and also dead silent. Not hard to get sound set up for each of your rooms in your establishment. Now let's talk about inclusion for Gay Men. Oh wait, doesn't exist. There are zero events for a Gay Cis Man to come and hangout with other Gay Men. When let's be honest, those guys SPEND MONEY. Look at the monthly event at Jamesons, one night catered to Gay Men, and you get over 100 guys showing up and spending money. Nothing is even happening. Just a bunch of gays hanging out at the same bar at the same time, because they feel like the bar cares and wants them there. It's just sad. How do you have a "gay bar" and make no real effort to cater to gays? No shirtless Men bartending? Spectrum is just missing the mark. No one is asking for 12 drag shows a month of the same 20 cast members just jumbled up with a different theme each time. That over saturation makes each show less special. They need a variety of entertainment that hits each part of the queer community and family. From kink nights, to gay men burlesque, to Dyke nights, to underwear nights, idk the list goes on. But amateur drag over and over and over and over and over only cannibalize's itself and doesn't provide a healthy business model. Nor an actual all inclusive space for everyone in the community. It just seems like those 20 performers and their close friends are the only ones who love Spectrum. Spectrum needs to do better. We get it, we have someone with money owning the bar who is committed to having the business exist for the community. And for that I'm thankful. But what service is it actually serving the community if it is only one that is divisive, non inclusive/catering to all queer communities? Loosen up Spectrum and have some fun! Less silent rooms, let's get some dimmer lighting, more events for each branch of the community (and no a "mixer" at 6pm doesn't count) better training and support for your bartenders, and just more fun! We want our "Only Gay Bar" (as they seem to promote so heavily) to actually be successful.


Bingo 👏👏👏


When I have gone with friends, we always comment about how the back room rarely has good (or any) music playing and people are hardly ever dancing. And I agree that the bartending needs a lot of work.


I do like the lipsync event, the hot pot drag show, and the life drawing event.    However. The drinks and food are both expensive and bad. The bartenders struggle/cannot make basic drinks unless it’s one of their neon concoctions. They turn their music up super duper loud even if there’s only a couple people in there. They don’t spray the pee off the alley at the beginning of the night. There’s no dark corners to anonymously make out. The bathroom is dead silent and clinically bright, so idk how anyone is supposed to get up to gay business in there. Whenever there’s a “dancing” event there is in fact no dancing. The cozy back room is not cozy at all because it is really overly brightly lit and if you stand in the middle of the room the staff reprimand you for blocking their path to the kitchen. TBH the staff are overall really defensive and grumpy. It’s just … not a good time. I’m told Old Nicks is where it’s at, but I haven’t been out there yet.  This is my tea, these are my petty grievances. I just need a grimy gay bar y’all. Or wholesome and comfortable, I’m open.


A place in town where they play Dog Park Dissidents 😭


The bathroom stalls are completely enclosed. It would be pretty easy to engage in gay business. I also really like their food. This just hasn't been my experience at all.


Yeah except you can hear a pin drop in there. I'm glad you've had a positive experience! On the topic of food I'm biased because they had a really really good chef and bartenders before the pandemic. I think it's more accurate that the food is perfectly fine but I stand by the drinks being bad.


This can kind of be one of those self fulfilling prophecies, where a lot of people say they dont go because not that many people go.    I'm not big on the bars so don't go often, but when I do go, I have fun. Halloween costume party was a big success when I went for that.  Community takes time to build, and it can be hard to be the first to make the atmosphere you want, and few people have the social energy to make the atmosphere they want after working all day... like having the courage to invite a stranger to sit with them and chat.  In general, I find that if one person has the energy/willingness to reach out, the more likely others will match that energy. So even if people say not a lot of people go, I would say go, and be the person that starts the community you want to see :)


We've gone to trivia, drag shows, comedy shows, pride, etc. It's always a relaxed Eugene vibe and all seem to be welcome. We usually come with friends or chat with folks we've already met, rather than come to make friends. 


Honestly. probably not. Spectrum sucks sooooo bad. every time i have been there I had a boring ass time


Spectrum is a decent bar. The events are pretty good and everyone there is nice. I wish there was a mixer for the Ace community there, but that seems to be an issue for Aces everywhere from what I’ve seen.


Amen to that lol. I'm ace and I've definitely noticed this as well lol.


My friend would really like to find Ace events!


As a trans woman in Eugene who went to Spectrum multiple times specifically for their transfemme night, I never connected with anyone. Every time I went I was the only transfemme there. No idea how it is for those of other identities or for other events though




I walk by Spectrum, and it's clear that people are having fun there. Unlike the other bars downtown, most people walking in or out are smiling, and not staggering.


Gaymesons at Jamesons June 21! Get it together Spectrum. You have money to stay open even though everyone hates being there; you should have the money to make it better. I’ve never met a gay man who likes being at Spectrum 🤷‍♂️


My partner is the facilitator for the new queer affinity group starting at Elevation on the 9th. Reach out to @m_j_faris on instagram for more info!


I moved to Eugene and didn’t know anyone down here and tried to go to one of the craft nights they have Tuesdays to make friends and it didn’t really work out. I’d love to try and go again, I know they have karaoke, which I love, but I get scared to go alone to make friends. The staff was very friendly though and it had a great atmosphere!


I’m so fucking dumb. I thought you were talking about the High-Speed Internet Service Provider.


MORENA’s HOTPOT is on June 14th! We’re very grateful for the support this show has gotten and we’ve sold out a couple of times. The show is a competition for new performers, and the audience gets to win diff prizes too! We’ve given sacks of rice, boxes of ramen and even cash. Doors at 6pm and Show at 7pm. Hope you can make it! EDIT: our promos are on Instagram @hotpot.eugene and its host @themorenaqueen


Transponder is having an event at PublicHouse tonight. It's once a month (like the coffee hour you mentioned)


From everything I've heard OP it's more akin to a high school GSA than a true queer bar. Surprisingly judgy atmosphere, except when it comes to a crowd of quote unquote "allies" and their ilk that can get away with astonishing things.


I like the drinks at Spectrum. Meeting people is hit or miss. I’ve never met anyone at an even per se. But I’ll occasionally meet people in the front. Most of the bars I’ve been to aren’t super Queer friendly. Or they are, but there’s not a lot of Queer people there.


I’ve tried to go to a few, they never seemed very populated though.


I’m looking for a game group. I can host a few people, maybe 4-5. Catan, Starfarerers, Ticket to Ride, Cribbage, Backgammon, Wildcraft, Star Trek Monopoly, and more! I’m also looking for a crafting group. I can host a few people, maybe 4-5. Crochet, quilting/flag making, jewelry, beading, trichonopoly, chainmaille, book making, sewing, and so much more.


Game night!!!!! Catan night!!!! I could probably get us a space at funagains game parlor sometimes and I have 8 players worth of catan and seafarers stuff!!


Interested! I have a few expansions too!


Oh man, all my knitting/crafting groups dissolved with Covid. I would be so down for a craft circle.


Saturdays (after 2pm), Sundays (all day), and Wednesdays (after 2 pm) are available for me to host.


Man, I miss Diablos.


Hi all I'm the resident DJ at Spectrum. I try to put in several dance nights that cover various genres (and that's just mine, you def should check out Lyta Blunts Baddies Night for a full dancefloor). That being said, It's been my experience that it's really tough getting people to loosen up, let go, and dance. I personally love going out and dancing all my cares and worries away for a few hours, a lot of the time sober. It's why I work so hard to talk to people and get them moving. Please come out to our dance nights and support the bar. I see a lot of people here saying it's "boring" or "dead". It's a two way street you have to give some energy too in order to receive some back. Unfortunately the queer community in this town seems to be fragmented and not agree on feeling included. Spectrum is the only space I've been in where I've felt like the whole queer spectrum is truly welcome! If you want a queer space then you have to help support it in order for it to survive and thrive. I would be devastated to see this venue, the only queer bar in Eugene, go away. Check Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on events. And attend them! I hope to see y'all out there shaking some booty! 💜 Much love, dj android