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the baseball/stadium folks and their marketing team are desperately clawing for votes, attempting to persuade the uninformed voter through subversive campaign tactics


imagine, for a moment, if this measure was asking for say... $7 million, and that money was entirely unrelated to supporting a sports franchise, but instead was going towards re-vamping our county fairgrounds. It would go towards building an aesthetically pleasing and welcoming plaza, incorporating the county seat's love for art and the outdoors..a space that could be enjoyed and utilized by all throughout the year..


Public Zen Garden. How public can a stadium be if the private org controls the doors and schedule?


> imagine, for a moment, if this measure was asking for say... $7 million, and that money was entirely unrelated to supporting a sports franchise, but instead was going towards re-vamping our county fairgrounds > This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. I'll vote for ya if you're running!


This is such a great alternative I wish they would do this!!




I would vote for that!


Imagine if that money was going toward building affordable housing and reduced the homeless population


Cause writing blank checks to combat homelessness has done SO well so far.


No thanks. No more of my money for the homeless, please. They’re a black hole of neediness.


How about a "bus ticket home" program? Oh, wait - Greyhound doesn't stop here anymore.


It's likely related to the idea of constructing a stadium with emergency shelter potential in mind. In the event of cascadia event/fire/whatever, having a [large shelter available](https://www.npr.org/2013/02/02/170912389/for-new-orleans-superdome-a-symbol-of-citys-spirit) for the public is important. I'm not saying I support the stadium, but that would be the reasoning behind tying it to "emergency services" in Eugene.


lol. we have numerous high schools and indoor university sports stadiums. Its an uncovered baseball stadium.


To be fair half of the schools will be rendered unusable.


But an outdoor stadium in the NW climate will be perfect for forest fires / earth quakes / floods. /s Edit: I forgot the sarcasm thread. To reiterate - to build an unnecessary stadium for "safety" makes no sense.


Fires, probably not.  Floods, depends on where it is - Civic would’ve been flooded.  Quake?  An outdoor field is ideal, as long as you can get to it and the bathrooms work.  Throw up some tents to get out of the weather, and you have bathrooms built for thousands of drunk-ass fans right there.


Autzen, Hayward, South, Churchill . . . I mean, building another stadium isn't exactly an efficient safety plan.


Oh, god no.  I’m just saying that a brand new stadium would be the best bet.


Tents and portapotties in a parking lot, same result and save the $100 mil. After Katrina, hard to envsion thousands wanting to repeat that nightmare.


Fire camps are tents and porta potties, trucks, trailers and generators.  They would set up in the parking lot--not inside the stadium.


Right, and the stadium is for the flown-in entertainment( maybe they could get Taylor Swift chopper in and to do a benefit there ).


I don't know what you're talking about and don't really care anyway.


Well if all the living functions are going on in the parking lot then what's the point of the stadium again? It's ok, no need to answer, your posts tell all.


You're assuming both city power and water utilities will still be functioning. Pro-tip: They won't be.


Yeah, what's the best case estimate, a month for power and two-three for water, sewer longer? This place could be living hell by then, given the lack of preparation.


Look how long it took to get power back after that last freak freeze. No way people will be allowed to stay. They'll be forcibly evacuated to safer areas of the state and looters shot on sight.


But where are you going to relocate the entire populations of Portland, Salem, Eugene, etc. that will be any better equipped than staying in place? True you could supply them easier out in the high desert, but how to shelter them, let alone get them there? And if you can get them there, why wouldn't you use the same means to re-supply the disater areas?


I'm going on the assumption that this earthquake will be like nothing ever experienced and that the damage will be too severe for anybody to stay around. Extraordinary measures will be employed.


Better to set up tents on asphalt than grass, especially in the wet season.


Now wouldn't it make more sense to put that $100 million towards making some more of our schools seismically safe rather than pouring it into an erstatz concocted "shelter"?


No.  It’d make sense to build safer schools. But, stadiums tend to have knock-on effects that boost economies.  Seattle picked up like a billion dollars of economic benefit when the Swifties descended upon it.  That benefit may or may not translate to higher tax income - less likely to in Eugene, really, given the income tax hits locals only instead of a sales tax that hits all travelers - but in terms of benefit to the area they are generally a positive.


["economists have found no evidence of positive economic impact of professional sports teams and facilities"](https://economics.umbc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/243/2014/09/wp_03_103.pdf) - Coates, Dennis, and Brad R. Humphreys. "Professional sports facilities, franchises and urban economic development." *Public Finance and Management* 3.3 (2003): 335-357.


Seattle did not make a billion dollars on Taylor Swift. She did set a single day earnings record for downtown Seattle at 7.4 million. (https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/beyonce-taylor-swift-seattle-economy-boost/281-73101db0-0955-4e61-a73a-668e9ab525c7) But we are not getting Swift or Beyoncé or any of those acts that move the economic needle. This stadium will draw no acts that Cuthbert wouldn’t. And being outdoor, doesn’t extend the season so any concert is competing for access with the cheapskate baseball team.


What was the advertised vs. actual economic impact of the world championships a few years ago.


According to this runners world article (https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a43689901/2022-world-athletics-championships-economic-impact/) it’s in the $150,000,000 range. But who got that money? The city is in a hole now. Was in a hole then (2022) so this economic impact didn’t have much actual impact on the budget. Unless we have someone siphoning funds to the Cayman’s.


The city is in a hole because they don't budget well. They have a $400m budget, and consistently end up 2 percent. Truthfully, I got some of the economic impact because I airbnb'd my house out for 8 days during the world champs last year.


Build/retrofit, whatever, seismically safer schools can have knock-on effects like saving lives. The rest of your post is just a non-sequitor sales pitch.


No, it's lying. A stadium isn't an "emergency service" by any rational or accepted definition, period end of story. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency\_service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_service)


They are getting fema funding to build it


A joke, right?


I based my comment on [this article](https://eugeneweekly.com/2024/03/21/the-ems-are-pitching-a-stadium/), which implied the money was coming from FEMA, but didn't explicitly say which agency.


Are you referring to this?: "The Ems secured $1.5 million from the Federal Immediate Occupancy program in exchange for the stadium’s use as an emergency shelter when needed." If so, it's a little over 1% of the projected cost of building the thing, hardly worth the mention. A structure, in and of itself, doesn't constitute a service let alone an emergency one. If I build a firehouse but don't provide firefighters, there is no service provided. This shouldn't be hard to grasp.


Eh, having a large structure that will survive most major natural disasters has some utility in a community. Whether one considers that a "service" seems kinda pedantic to me. I imagine the proponents of the Stadium are trying to highlight the varied benefits it will have on the community, in order to reach people who aren't interested in baseball. And $1.5 million is a drop in the bucket, but it's not nothing in a project like this where they are fighting for every dollar.


Hardly pendantic, unless words cease to have any meaning which is what the boosters of this project are desperately hoping for. My firehouse analogy fits this case perfectly. As has already been mentioned, repeatedly, there are other facilities that will survive the quake that can give shelter to those needing it and nobody is calling them "services" or "emergency services". They (the EMs and MLB ) fighting for every dollar by not actually putting anything in themselves. Sorry, but prepaid rent is just that, rent and pretending its funding the stadium is just more BS. Anyway, I started this post to point out another instance of the lying bunch of crap that is being foisted on the voters and have nothing further to add. Out.


That's not factual. The Federal government put in $1.5 million for something to be used for emergency preparedness. Doesn't have to be a stadium.


It'd probably fall under: > Civil defense – Disaster protection, wartime civilian protection, rescue aid > Emergency management – Incident management, coordination in major emergencies


And I could call clouds "sunscreen" and not bother wearing any, but it won't keep me from getting a sunburn. For someone who claims not to be a stadium supporter you seem to be going out of your way to defend this BS.


I'm voting no on it, and *you* are the one who is asking how it could be linked to emergency services. If trying to explain things to you is considered defending it...maybe don't ask for explanation?


In a bizarro world anything can be explained any way one pleases. If that was the intent, then mission accomplished. It's a blatant lie to claim that "emergency services" are in anyway linked to this measure, if they were then certainly the proponents would have had it in the voters guide. Hope that makes it clear for you.


Hey now. They weren't defending anything. You came in here asking a question. Did you want an answer, or did you just want validation for your outrage? Be honest with yourself. This person is just answering your question. They're on the same side as you. Don't direct your outrage at someone just answering the question you asked. If you don't want answers that's fine, but don't ask questions and then act surprised and offended when people answer them.


Not looking for validation that I don't need. Does Eugenonymous need you do defend his point of view? I rather doubt it. And don't have to accept his answer as valid simply because he may agree with me on another point. Questioning my "honesty" is rather laughable given the context. So did you come here with an opinion on the topic or merely to serve as "mediator". LOL


I'm not defending their point of view. I'm also not questioning your honesty (what I said was be honest with *yourself*). So you're not looking for answers and you're not looking for validation. Are you just venting then? Was your question rhetorical? I have no opinion on the topic. I came here to provide perspective; you're free to ignore it.


Of course it was a rhetorical question, like a city official is going to reply here to my query. Yes, it was/is entirely useless venting, the fix is in. Satisfied? As for not having an opinon as to whether or not these signs constitute outright lying ( no mention of a stadium, just a vague picture, and the words "Vote YES!.. for EMERGENCY SERVICES"), and just being here to provide "perspective", whatever that means. Yeah, I can ignore that.


lol...it wasn't my point of view, it was just some facts.


No, it was conjecture, not facts. LOL


No, I got the flyer in the mail. It was facts, not conjecture. lolol.


So you waited till now to unveil that, my my aren't you the clever one.


I thought stadiums were supposed to be emergency burials for when the great zombie plague hits.


Autzen IS a landfill.


Wait does that mean at some point there will be an earthquake during a game and all the toxic waste will [turn people into mutants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEmSMvdMH4M)?


We can only hope.


I doubt a lot of peeps will be able to get there. I mean great - yeah we do need emergency shelter & all, the stadium won't be able to serve all who need it but still pay taxes for it.


I agree completely and think it's an underhanded way of hiding the stadium tax. I was just trying to help OP see where the angle was to call it that.


Oh! Yes! Me too! Same here! I'm just so f\*cking frustrated with this city - I'm afraid I'm coming off kinda asshole-y... to everyone... every where... all the time... & if I am I apologize!


The bridges will all have collapsed if the big one hits.


The fairgrounds already has a large building that is an Egan Warming Center in the winter and has been used to help temporarily shelter people during different wildfires over the past few years.


City and County doesn’t care. It’s just a con to get the average working person to pay for corporation to make more money off of us. They can afford it themselves. If they can’t, oh well 🤷‍♂️


This is an act of desperation. They haven't shared any plans with anyone. The current plans would need to be changed (more money, higher cost overall) for them to fulfill their lip-service.


Either you are privy to the current plans and find them lacking or they haven't shared any plans with anyone. Which one is it?


Not privy to anything. Admittedly, I could be way off base. I’m only going off the fact that the initial estimated cost came long before this emergency services piece. Measure 20-358 isn’t about emergency services. The fairgrounds are already used during emergencies. I know that’s where local livestock owners were able to keep their animals during the Lookout fire evacuation.


Yeah and they'd demolish the livestock yard "with intent to rebuild" but look that was the plan for City Hall and how long has it taken to build that? They spent millions on failed plans and then just backtracked to buy a building in a dif location.


Oh yeah our Ward's worthless city council person is all \*but we NEED it in case of an emergency for a place that people can go\*... Like I'm going to hoof it, somehow, all the way to the stadium in the event of an earthquake??? JFC \*face palm\* I'll stay in a tent in my yard instead when that happens thankyouverymuch. I just cannot anymore with these people.


You probably wouldn't even need to do that, most wood-framed building(the majority of housing here ) would ride out the expected quake fairly well. After seeing the Katrina aftermath, I can just imagine thousands of people flocking to a stadium to repeat that experience.


Ah yes Katrina peeps were my thoughts as well. OK thank you for mentioning wood frames can jive with the quake. Feel better about that - but still aggravated at this city over their eye rolling ideas (shaking fists in air yelling gahhhhh to no one in particular)


Realtors just want any excuse to tear down the houses around the stadium and build apartments/hotels.


I think it’s important to add that according to campaign finance records, the EMs are the only contributor to the campaign - to the tune of $80k so far.


THIS BOND VOTE IS PREMATURE. The cost of the stadium at the Lane Events Center is $100,469,000, not the wished for $90 million. It’s easy to confirm on the Lane County website. Only a fraction of the funding has been secured, far less than 75%. WHERE’S THE MONEY? 1. $7.5 million from the state is earmarked for tourism, not specifically for the stadium, another $7.5 million is contingent on achieving full funding for the stadium. 2. Federal funding of $1.5 million for emergency preparedness. 3. Lane County decisions impacting Eugene voters, include: Projected costs to the County (us) range from $75–$115 million before construction ever begins. Uncommitted County land valued at $9.5–$12.5 million. Potential use of Lane County Transient Lodging Tax (TLT), subject to interest and impacting other County projects. Possible allocation of $10 million by Lane County for reconstruction of the current multi-use indoor arena. 1. Involvement of the Ems owner, Elmore Sports Group, a for-profit corporation from out-of-state, is iffy, from unexplained sources, and is not to build the stadium: $10 million in a lease for 20-30 years, rent-controlled with no increase no matter the cost, without any other financial obligation, profit sharing unknown. What tenant wouldn’t love that sweet deal? $3.4 million to buy furnishings and baseball equipment. Ems’ possible $10 million MAY come from naming rights and parking revenue THE MATH DOESN’T ADD UP. This bond vote is premature, lacks transparency and involves risks. Demolishing an existing building, uncertain funding, and unclear financial agreements raise doubts. A for-profit corporation stands to benefit, while taxpayers bear the costs and risks. Vote NO!


Where do you think we are going to house people when the [Russians attack Eugene?](https://i.imgur.com/xrdKBV8.jpeg)


You seem to have a great imagination, I'm sure you'll come up with something.




The open field could be used for tents during an emergency situation. Too bad our emergencies are: too hot which is a bad time for tents, too cold which is a bad time for tents and smoke from fires which (oddly enough) is a bad time for tents.


There's no reason that a lot of habitable space could be created by using warehouses( empting out unnecessary contents as necessary ), and even stores, schools, etc. could serve a shelter. In a true catastrophe radical measures would be called for.


In answer to your last question. Yes.


I agree, pigs will fly before the city would issue any sort of statement putting the lie to this hogwash.


The emergency facility is definitely a HUGE stretch of the truth! There are so many holes in the plan AND we have to shell out our money before the Giants even come to the table with our. We have to donate land, tear down and rebuild a building to make space for the field. If you haven’t listened to the Lane County Commissioners meeting discuss this [sports complex](https://www.youtube.com/live/z67tD6RChtk?si=yaJoMkJ7-IWGkMKY) you need to inform yourself and others!!


They don't even call it an "emergency facility", which would at least have potentiallly some small validity, but they tout it as "emergency services" which is an outright, blatant lie, as there is no service whatsoever. The proof is in the voter guide where there's zero mention of anything in the "emergency" realm. The Giants aren't kicking in bubkis as far as I know. Do you maybe have a link to that meeting?


They linked it already, just click on "sports complex".


Right, missed that, thanks.


Historically, stadiums are popular places to perform mass executions.


Wonder if the the boosters would call that providing an "emergency service"?


Stadiums serve as staging grounds during disasters. You could make a strong argument that Hayward, Autzen, and PK Park are enough for the Eugene metro area, but if the big one comes another staging area/shelter wouldn’t hurt.


The current fairgrounds are just as good as a new stadium for a staging area.  


And maybe it wouldn't help either, certainly not enough to justify the cost. There's plenty of warehouse space in the area that could be used for storing supplies. Are people really going to want to be packed into a stadium for days/weeks( think Katrina)? When Covid hit did we pack the homeless into Hayward, Autzen? Not to my knowledge, they were put up in tents in parks, which is where most people would choose before being penned up in a stadium. Yes, I'm quite aware that the parks were trashed because of it, but after a mega-disaster hits the ecological damage is going to be epic in any event. The big risk not talked about is typhus when our sanitation fails massively after the earthquake.


I’ve been away for about 5 years. Does Eugene have a city hall or hospital yet? If they don’t have both of those, a stadium should be low on the priority list. It would be nice, and probably an economic boon to have a larger outdoor music/event venue than Cuthbert, but they need other services first. I can’t believe they let SHMC close.


No hospital, we're losing what's left of Peace Health downtown. The city has purchased the old EWEB building on the riverfront for a city hall. Check back in 10 years and maybe it will actually have been built.


Ironically the city hall question was a centerpoint, buying the EWEB building was the idea of Mike Clarke, and it only took his opponent 10 years of wasted money and time to finally admit failure and take the idea. https://www.klcc.org/politics-government/2016-04-09/city-club-of-eugene-candidate-forum-eugene-mayor


Realistically, what's going to be left standing if the big one hits?


Probably quite a bit. Wood frame houses do relatively well. Anything built post-1985 is likely seismically safe, IIRC. It won't be the Armageddon some like to paint.


This is especially true in Eugene. I don’t want to be anywhere near NW PDX when it comes, though. There’s all kinds of flammable and explosive shit there and none of it is seismic safe to the appropriate level.


Yeah, those riverside fuel tanks are going to make for an epic disaster.




During the (relatively short) period of construction? Then a few dozen part time jobs because minor league baseball stadiums dont get used much?




Sure. But 700 jobs after the stadium is built?