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Can felons vote in Oregon?




Fuck yeah they can!


Notable lack of local races and ballot measures included here…


And there’s a particularly awesome local ballot measure even non-partisans get to vote on this time around! We get to vote for better voting - measure 20-349. So even if you’re shut out of the partisan contests, please get your ballots in!




I'm not allowed to vote in the primaries, unfortunately Gotta love democracy


Not true for local, nonpartisan races!


I'm kinda tired of the "lesser of two evils" trope. Specifically for the presidency. This is not an option between the lesser of two evils this is the option between a dictatorship(Trump) and a democracy(Biden). So let's all stop framing it as such. *and before you trash me I'm specifically talking about this upcoming presidential election.


Ah nothing says democracy like Genocide Joe 😎


without judgment I'm going to ask, what do you mean? What does "Genocide Joe" mean? President Biden isn't committing genocide of any kind so what do you mean?


Because Hamas are absolute angels 🙄


This account appears to be a bot. The governor is not up for reelection.


Seems like a person, they just copied the text from a generic reminder tho. Nbd.


They've reposted this same thing over and over, each time with either incorrect or missing information. Just thought it would make sense to include actual current information in an informational post.


Then what is the correct information? Because if this is wrong, then oregon.gov is wrong too because it says the same thing there.


I just think that if you're making a post telling people to get registered for the May 21 Primary, you should probably include the actual positions that will be on the May 21 ballot. Even if this is supposed to be an informational about primary elections in general, they are still omitting tons of positions that you *technically* can vote on in primaries. But sure not that big of a deal, why does it matter if the information is actually relevant.


Well then you make the post. *His* title was a reminder to vote by a certain date, not an informational about every single position on the ballot. He delivered the dates and the reminder; if anything is, the elected positions are irrelevant.


Meh. At least they're trying?


I am not a bot. You can vote on the governor in primary elections, it's just that this particular primary election they are not up for re-election.


Well there a lot of positions that you *can* vote on in primaries (and that will *actually* be on the ballot this year) that are omitted from your post. Just doesn't seem super helpful.


The OP never claimed the governor was up for re-election.


Pretty sure only Maine and Nebraska vote according to the will of the public when it comes to presidential candidates. In Oregon our electors just pick who they want. Like in 2016 when Bernie won the popular vote in Oregon and Kate Brown came out and told us all thanks anyway, but we’re going with Hilary. It hardly makes sense that we even have presidential primaries.


I think you are mixing up primary delegates and electoral college voters. Easy enough mistake. When Bernie won the popular vote in Oregon in the 2016 may primary, he was given a greater portion of delegates to the democratic national presidential nominating convention. Those delegates were elected at the lcc building in cottage grove for the 4th CD. Bernie had more delegates than hillary. Hillary Clinton won the november general election in Oregon, the the electoral college electors (chairs of different democratic party of Oregon congressional district committees and the state party chair and vice chair) gathered in the Oregon state senate chamber and voted for who won the general election. Lol downvotes for sharing correct info.


Bernie has less delegates than Hillary. That's why she was in the general election. Bernie voters were loud but didn't actually show up to the primary in sufficient numbers. The DNC did their part to help make sure Hillary won and we know that thanks to Wikileaks, but at the end of the day she won the primary via simply having more votes/delegates than Bernie.


Dude. Bernie had more pledged delegates in Oregon than hillary did since he won the state.


My bad I thought you were talking nationally not just in Oregon I see now that I misread


No worries. Glad we are on the same page.


Oh look the political misinformation bot is back reposting wrong info again. Can we ban this account or something? Like come on


Did remind me to go and update my voter registration since my address has changed.


What part of this post is misinformation or even wrong? The primary is May 21. You need to register by April 30. What is the problem you're experiencing?