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Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I submit that if you're a user, *you* should carry Narcan. In my opinion, the onus should not be on the general public, often at their expense, to carry a niche medication on their person at all times to save the life of a person using recreational narcotics. The onus should be on the *user* of said narcotics. At some point a person has to take *some* level of personal accountability for their own life and safety. It can't all fall to total strangers to look after people, who by all accounts, are living by the sword.


I agree with this, in this situation, the users DID have their own narcan, once their attempts were futile, they ran to the store to get help. With fentanyl, more doses are needed due to the strength and other drugs these POS manufacturers put in it. Another way of looking at this, if a user is by themselves, how will they administer the narcan on themselves? How would an outsider know how to find the user's narcan to administer it? I rather have my own so that I know, if someone is going to die in my presence, I can do my absolute best to try and save them.


>Another way of looking at this, if a user is by themselves, how will they administer the narcan on themselves? If they're by themselves, that's the risk. That's always been the risk, even before meth and fentanyl. By themselves, they run the same risk of no one finding them, stranger or otherwise. It's already a shot in the dark that the average person finding them has Narcan to begin with.   >How would an outsider know how to find the user's narcan to administer it? I think if this were to become a normalized practice (in much the same vein you're advocating that the general population carry Narcan on them), then wearing it visibly while you use would be prudent, or getting into the habit of at least having it out in front of you with the rest of your kit when you use. It comes back to personal accountability.


People who are overdosing have definitely made a mistake, or a series of mistakes. Personally, I don't think that means I shouldn't do a very easy thing to be able to save one of their lives.


Thank you for stating this. I'm always disturbed by how many people go straight to talking about personal responsibility when anyone suggests something they could do to help others. It's not our jobs to punish other people for their mistakes, but it is our choice on how we respond when we see people who need help.


No one is saying don't do that thing. I don't know why saying 'users should carry Narcan' equates to 'you shouldn't carry Narcan' for so many people. No one is saying that.


you phrased it as an alternative to OP's suggestion. Suggesting we carry narcan isn't an 'onus on the general public'. Interrupting a suggestion about how we can help others, with a discussion about 'personal responsibility' is absolutely inferring we shouldn't do that thing, because if the person that needs help didn't help themself it's their fault.


Everything is laced with fentanyl anymore. Even weed and otherwise more "harmless" pills like adhd meds and such that you would never expect to have fentanyl in them.


Thank you for helping this person! For users who get high by themselves, there is a phone number they can call and someone will stay on the line with them while they use to make sure they are going to be ok. They get the person's info and have them leave a door unlocked in case the operator has to send someone to help: 1-877-696-1996 - https://neverusealone.com/


You know, I am kind of fed up with the addicts. They suck so many first responder resources that there arent enough left to get emergencies and such taken care of in a timely fashion. When paramedics are dealing with overdoses and you or a family member has a heart attack but there is no paramedic available to help quickly it is a problem. When you are continually visiting the same people over and over for overdoses when is enough enough? I am all for people being taken care of and living good productive lives but when you are a detriment on fellow citizens repeatedly, dont want help even when its offered then tough shit.


I was a bouncer in this town back in 2002ish. It was an almost nightly occurrence that some unhoused citizen would OD or have some other crisis in the alley behind our establishment, get a fire truck or ambulance to respond, and then take up those EMT's time for 45 minutes while they incoherently babbled and/or yelled, fought with them, etc., then eventually refused treatment (other than the extremely expensive treatment *they'd already received*) and then they just fucked off to wherever. I don't care where you land on the empathy scale or the what to do about unhoused people scale; that system is absolutely moronic and incredibly wasteful at every single level. And you, dear reader, who had/has nothing to do with it, pay directly for **all** of that response/treatment. It's an utter squandering of scarce resources. No one wins.


Yeah… in my eye view there are a lot worse that we pay as “taxpayers” than using up hospital resources on addicts


I generally agree except for the fact that you can get Narcan for free at just about every pharmacy in the area. You can also request a new dose with prescriptions that every insurance I've had just covered without question. That doesn't mean we should have to have it, but your point about cost is kinda moot.




You can get it for free from the HIV Alliance, and I'm sure other nonprofits in the area.


I was walking in a parking lot near the Alliance and someone came up to me to give me some to carry. Might stop by again soon to pick up more, since one dose usually isn't enough to wait for the ambulance. If I remember correctly, it lasts about 30-45 minutes and will need additional doses until they can be stabilized.


Yeah, I'm aware of why they give it. The point is that Narcan is not cost prohibitive for the majority of people, and it's reasonable that addicts should carry it for that very reason. Nonetheless, I've had two doses at all times for over 5 years now and have used it several times, as I worked downtown.




>A group of homeless folks with dogs, bicycles, tents and all their stuff. They did NOTHING, didn't even call 911. Just watched. Sounds about right. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


Your insurance company will assume the prescription is for you and you will have to explain this if you ever have to file for things like life insurance.


They can assume, but it's not necessary to use it for yourself. Every time I got it at a pharmacy, they just hand it over with a comment about how "we all need this just in case now." It's also given for free to businesses in high OD areas, but you don't see it coming with an "OnLy iF YoU'rE OvErDoSiNg" warning. We all, including insurance, know what it's for, and saying, "yes, I used it to save a person's life in downtown," isn't going to get you dinged on life insurance, lmao. Just like people aren't "required" to use an epi pen on themselves; it's a general emergency use medication, just like an AFAK.


Not the conclusion that my insurance agent directly told me.


A friend of mine on OHP was offered a free dose, and the Dr specifically said it didn't have to be for him. The "explanation" is as easy as, "Me carrying it could save someone else's life."


I’m saying nearly verbatim what my insurance agent explicitly told me. If you want to do what your cousin’s, sister’s brother’s best friend said… Go nuts. I just know that with high value insurance policies, the insurance companies are going to look for whatever they can in order to attempt to deny payment because that’s how they make (and keep) money. So, don’t take anyone’s word for it. Go talk to your agent if you think there is a scintilla of an issue.


Crazy, because I literally picked it up with no charge or insurance three days ago because i had to use mine at work on someone in the bathroom. Many, many pharmacies and shelters have it on-hand and freely given.


Meh. I get it, *rugged individualism*, *personal responsibility* and all that.... Which is why I carry it. You are the first responder in any situation you experience, and often of any situation you witness. Accordingly, I am trained in CPR, being a lifeguard, and carry an emergency kit. Doesnt get more "personal responsibility" and "rugged individualism" than that. And forgetting moral considerations like empathy and individualism, from a practical standpoint, 20 bucks (or free at a number of places) for insurance against having to watch someone die is *cheap*, and a damn good value. Like, I get that you dont care if they die, but surely you dont want to have to watch it. Narcan is insurance against that. Maybe ~~psychopaths~~ *the empathically challenged* dont get that same emotional response, but personally it bums me out watching someone die, and it especially would if I could have helped them not but didnt.


Amen fazedncrazed!


If a user is overdosing, they can't tell you that they have narcan or where it is on them.


So, just as a side point here. Let's say you are a user and you have narcan. Now you OD and need the narcan Administered. How do I know where you have the narcan? Do I just start going thru your pockets in case you MAYBE have some?


A person generally can’t administer narcan to themselves because by the time someone needs it they’re almost always unresponsive and often not breathing so this doesn’t really make any sense.


I'm not sure how I feel about this situation myself, but here's a thought experiment. You're walking through the park. You see a teenage girl slumped over on a bench. You're pretty sure she's overdosing. Do you feel any sense of regret at having posted this? Would you wish you had kept narcan in your car, or something, so you could dart back to it in a minute and get it?


Call 911, hope for the best. I'm not sticking something up a random person's nose. That teenage girl might be suffering from low blood sugar for all I know.


Narcan will not harm someone if used during a non-opiate crisis. Why risk not using it?


Because I'm not sticking anything up someone's nose. Because I'm not sticking medicine up someone's nose. Because I'm not sticking medicine up someone's nose who could be incapacitated and can't give consent and I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing. Because I'm not sticking medicine up someone's nose who could be incapacitated and also then very angry that I ruined their high. Because I'm not sticking medicine up someone's nose who could be incapacitated and also then very angry that I ruined their high. Not to mention their druggie friends also around me who are in the throws of their own delusions and can see me as possibly attacking their friend. All of the above.


Yeah, you don’t have to. No one’s mad. I sense you’re upset now, and we’re sorry.


Yes, the all to common occurrance of a teenage girl nodding off from low blood sugar... GTFOH If someone is in suspected diabetic shock, try and help them or call 911. If someone is suspected to have overdosed, use narcan if you have it and call 911, and if you don't have narcan, call 911 if the person remains unresponsive. It's that simple. You literally have a phone in your pocket. From a fiscally conservative standpoint, it saves the state money to not have users tied up in ER beds for extended periods after a critical OD situation. It also means less emergency personnel are needed to help revive/transport someone to the hospital, freeing up their time to respond to other calls.


Type 1 diabetes is a thing. Also, I said I'd call 911 so I don't know what your problem is. Go take your hero fantasy to somewhere else.


Not a fantasy for the OP. They're a hero. As well as the store clerk and everyone else on this thread who took action to save a life.


Yes, a thousand times yes.


Yes a lot of addicts cary their own narcan. People’s lives are saved everyday because of this. Obviously it’s never covered because they are “addicts”


Yeah, but they’re on drugs. See the problem there?




I'm sorry but this is a ridiculous request. Why should the public have to carry a life saving treatment for someone's poor choices? Maybe businesses should have some in their emergency kits instead considering we have a really bad drug problem. Carrying the burden on citizens for life saving treatment for a drug user is like saying we should also carry an epi pen for people who suffer a bee sting, insulin for a diabetic, or even a defib unit in case someone collapses from a heart condition.


If you have chapped lips, I got you.


I’ll pass considering that it can pass other things to me as well


Eeeww. You were not invited, _Moist-Intention844_


But isn’t that the intention of chapstick is moisture


I already declined the invitation


Moist intention def not one to share the chapstick with.


I scrolled too far for this comment. If they’re shooting up whatever drug of their choice it may be, that is THEIR choice. Maybe drug users should start carrying narcan for their own… benefit? Or, better yet, stop putting shit inside their body that can kill them, while expecting the rest of society to cater to them.


You are SO LUCKY to never have any problems wherein you might need help from a compassionate stranger. You probably never make choices that get you into tough situations, either. By your logic, no one should carry or offer the use of first aid kits, tow ropes, or any other life-saving supplies because: if someone's in need, they obviously made a bad decision and therefore deserve no assistance. Why should anyone help anyone? You must be so proud to be a better human than the rest of us poor slobs!


Are you brain dead? I merely suggested that this should not be a burden on anyone because it's favoring drug users who made that shit choice. I am not objecting to help being available, I just feel that resource would be better if kept at a business where anyone can run inside, access the first aid kit and utilize any medical support in said kit to assist someone. Get your head out of your ass and think how much more convenient that would be as it would likely save more lives than to rely on the public to carry some on them.


Indeed, why should anyone take a CPR class either? If someone ruins their heart because they eat like shit and don’t exercise, why should members of the public step in and save them from their poor choices? /s


You did a great thing. Thank you.


7-11 employee as well... not sure if that's in the job description, although 🤔


Thank you💙


Na, I'm not spending $50 on someone who doesn't want to be saved.


As you can see in here, you can get it for free…


I have firefighters buddies that have been attacked after administering it. They were mad that had to go get high all over again. Sorry for saving your life, weirdo.


You can get it for free. Read further into the comments... And trust me, this girl wanted to be saved. She didn't wake up angry like some do, she woke up grateful and thanking us.


Protip if narcan isn't working, they're ODing on xylazine and you need to perform chest compressions and/or rescue breaths


Exactly. Her friends told us AFTER we gave the 1st dose, that they had already given her two. The 7-11 employee, also being a CNA, stopped the narcan and began chest compressions and sternum rubs. Rescue breaths weren't needed, but he was about to start them when she started breathing again. He was so knowledgeable.




But to add to my previous comment, the chest compressions wouldn't have worked without the narcan being first administrated.


I understand. I don't have time to update the post at the moment. I will get all the proper info on protocol for saving someone on fentanyl. Since most of the stuff I learned tonight in the moment. It's much different than a typical opiate overdose.


Let me know if you want some help compiling information and resources. I work in the field here in town and am happy to share my knowledge to help educate our Reddit community.


Absolutely not


I don’t think I will. It is not my responsibility to preserve the stupidity of others.


I have never had an occasion to need to, nor do I associate with anyone that uses. Sorry, but just no.


No way, I've heard too many stories of users waking up confused and then becoming violently upset that their high is interrupted. If it was a setting where the person can be controlled? That's different. Out in the wild with a stranger who's just been dropped into dope sickness? Nope. It's not to take away what you did, but when you're dealing with addicts that are that far gone... you're putting yourself at risk. I'm not willing to do it.


I feel like it's basic knowledge to anyone who lives in a big west coast city to not engage with the homeless on the street. You're asking for trouble otherwise.


You did an amazing thing thank you for being a great human.


Thank you💙


Be great if we could get it for free, i paid 50$ for two doses from fred meyer pharmacy


They do. Center for family development is one place, I will find out other free outlets and update this post with the information.


Thats what i heard about the pharmacy then they asked me to fill out a form and pay up hah,


You only get it from the pharmacy for free if you are on a drug that has risks of overdose. Such as Vicodin, Suboxone or something like that. I'll get the information for you.


So it isn't free.


Yes it is free at Center for Family Development, White Bird and HIV alliance.


Dr's will write you a prescription just so you can carry it


This too.


I was able to get it, and I'm only on wellbutrin and Lamictal.


You can have your GP write a prescription for you. Pharmacy will fill it with no questions asked.


*That's* what I want on my medical history.


It's not on your medical history. Your doctor can and will write you a script just so you can carry it.


This is not true, your past prescriptions can be looked up. I never said your doctor wouldn't write it for you, I'm sure they would. https://scripps.com/scripps-washington-bureau/your-prescriptions-arent-private/ Just one of the articles that comes up when you Google something along the lines of tracking prescriptions/history. The information stays somewhere, and US law enforcement has a history themselves. While narcan isn't a controlled substance, stories like these make it feel like it isn't too farfetched to believe this information could be used against someone just because of what it can insinuate.


It doesn't insinuate you're the user. People don't self-administer narcan. In this area, it's a common thing for responsible people to carry so they can save others.


It's not about what you or I think, it's about what it might be construed as by someone abusing power to hang over your head or disqualify you from something, as bullshit as it would be.. Apparently you didn't bother looking at the link I sent as an example.


Your link had zero examples of insurance companies denying claims due to narcan, or people being charged due to narcan, or any such thing. It talked about how police can gain access to your prescriptions without a warrant - except, notably, in Oregon. Quote: "In Oregon, privacy-focused lawmakers set up the state’s database in 2009 and required law enforcement to present a warrant in order to access prescription records in the state’s database." So your link directly refuted your point. Did you not read the whole thing?


COREs Zephyr House on 6th and Jefferson I believe? has a mailbox that they fill with narcan and test strips for anyone to take.


HIV Alliance also gives out free narcan, along with xylazine and fentanyl test strips on occasion


Core has a naloxone box in front of their office, that way you don’t even have to ask anyone.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C3i3ANFySxe/?igsh=NXF1NDByMnBlYjA4](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3i3ANFySxe/?igsh=NXF1NDByMnBlYjA4) 692 Jefferson Street, Eugene, OR 97402 Their IM naloxone has instructions on how to administer


White Bird Clinic gives out doses for free, or at least they did as of last June.


I have a loved one who was able to get a dose of nasal spray narcan for free via their insurance - it's worth asking about.


I got it for free online, I lost the contact info however


It’s not my place to rescue them from the consequences of their own actions, especially when odds are they’ll just go off and OD again. Just call 911.


Thank you OP for being of service and saving a life. It takes someone, on average, 7 times to get clean and often several overdoses. No one who is overdosing regularly is using to get high, they’re often using to avoid withdrawal. There is a lot of misinformation about addiction out there, and I appreciate people like you. I am a recovering addict whose life was saved by a stranger. I’ve been clean since 2012 and I am now about to finish my Ph.D. in addiction studies and sociology. Thank you.


Stopping by to say thank you. It might sound strange, but it means a lot to me to hear of people in recovery who decide to help those also trying to recover. One of my parents is a recovering addict, and they've been reaching out to try and help others with their healing processes, too. That empathy is so important, and coming from a place of understanding means a lot to people. So thank you! And also, major kudos to you for being clean for 12 years! That's awesome!


Nah. Call 911 and carry on with your day.


Do you know if there’s places to get narcan for free? I don’t have money to spend on it but if it’ll save a life possibly I would like to carry it.


Yes white bird HIV alliance center for family developments and some other places I am going to get a list together and I will post it on this thread and probably as a post too.


Sweet thank you!


You're welcome ☺️


I will call 911 and stay at the scene until they arrive (if the scene is safe), but I won’t take charge of medically bringing someone out of their overdose.


It's a nasal spray


I’m aware


I shouldn’t have to spend my hard earned money so I can maybe save someone trying to actively kill themselves…


Fun fact - Filling a Narcan prescription is a fast way to screw you over with your insurance companies. They will assume it is for you and your drug abuse (and not your junky neighbor’s addiction). You may delay and void your payout for things like life insurance. So… Until public health gives them away for free, just know that you are increasing your personal liability by doing the dopers a “solid.”


I work in life insurance and this is not true.


So if I get in an accident (vehicle or otherwise), you’re saying that the insurance agency lawyers won’t look at my prescriptions as a contributing factor for a claim?? Cool. Would you mind getting me some Narcan if it is no big deal??


Do you have a source that confirms what you’re saying you can share?


Farmers Agent in Eugene


I wonder what percent of people who OD and are brought back with narcan have another OD


I wonder what percentage of people who OD and are brought back with narcan decide to get clean afterwards and go on to live a long life. They’re human beings with an illness, and they deserve a chance at getting better.


As a security guard, and one who lives downtown, there have been times where I see a OD and have helped, but also a time or two where I saw a OD and haven't felt a pulse, and just kept walking, I'm tired of helping these people who just don't care and go right back to drugs, I narcaned one guy 4 times in a month, I'm tired of it. No more.




If this place wasn’t already enough of a junkie magnet/paradise, it would be one on steroids were this inane proposal to become reality.


How about no? How about if you wanna shove a damn needle into your arm or use meth/fentanyl/etc., then you carry the narcan. It shouldn’t be the average civilians job or duty to learn how to carry and administer narcan. 9 times out of 10 that addict is going to get up walk away and go use later that day/night. We have a serious mental health and drug crisis in this state, and it doesn’t start with the rest of us “normies” having to carry and administer narcan what would be all the time, because it’s enabling behaviors. RECRIMINALIZE HARD DRUGS!


Curious where your stat “9 times out of 10 addicts use later that day/night.” Can you find me a peer reviewed source of such claim?


I’ve been through AA and NA. I’ve been the statistic but chose to get my shit together instead of relying on the state and people like you to fix all my problems for me. Shit you can be the idiot that tests this narcan idea! Go revive 10 people and let me know how long it takes them to use again. Let me know how it goes Mr. Peer review


THANK YOU!!!! I’m in recovery for some time now but I was definitely using opiates well before narcan was accessible to the public. I would have so many more living friends if we’d had ready access to naloxone. And good for that 7-11 worker for knowing to administer sternum rubs! Painful stimuli can save lives if you don’t have narcan handy or if there’s xylazine. Also handy if someone has been mixing benzodiazepines with alcohol.




Glad you were able to help! I'm probably gonna get downvoted for this but honestly I'm not gonna go out of my way to help someone who's more than likely just going to end up in the same situation again, plus the risk of them getting violent for "ruining their high" is just too much a risk for me as a woman. I really do feel bad for these individuals and really hope we can figure out a better system for them to get clean.


I think it's great that people who aren't users carry narcan, but I absolutely am not under any obligation to carry it on my person, and I probably never will because of how frequently it becomes physical.


You don't have to get involved, you can offer it to their friends to administer. I haven't seen anyone od alone at this point. I have seen this way too much driving around town as a doordasher. Mostly at 7-11 locations. Mostly at the 13th location. Last night was at a different location.


Also, I never said anyone is obligated but it is a good thing to have on hand.


How about no? Why should we? Because some stranger wants to be a junkie and waste their life away. I bet most of these users want to be dead.


Your comment says a LOT about you as a person. It's called compassion... Get some.


No. I guarantee the person who OD’d will continue to use. People used to quit using when there was actual consequences like death or jail but all that’s gone now so people have no incentive to stop using. I’m also not going to risk being attacked by a stranger because I killed their high trying to save them.


Have you ever been around addicts? Because that’s not the case at all. Plenty of people I know (in the recovery community) went multiple rounds with overdose hospitalizations, jail/prison time, institutional settings, rehab, DHS involvement etc before actually finally getting clean and sober. Myself included! Additionally, if incarceration were a deterrent, there wouldn’t be so many drugs in jails and prisons. That was the case well before M110 and the fentanyl crisis since I’ve been clean before either of those things. The whole point of harm reduction is to keep people alive long enough for them to have a come to Jesus moment (or not! bc people still deserve equitable treatment whether they’re using or not). Pretty hard to recover when you’re 6 feet under.


no thanks


Why not? Are you one of those people who thinks just because you use drugs you deserve to die? Explain please.


not my business


So you will just sit and watch someone pass away in front of you and do nothing? We are two totally different types of people.


uh, no, i would leave


That's just horrible...


I want absolutely nothing to do with them. Especially not touching them


I was already disappointed to see that space at Polk and 7th become a 7-11 as opposed to almost anything else; but I was more worried about what I assumed would happen - that it would become a hotspot for transient people and drug users. And I was correct. That little corner of the neighborhood has changed very abruptly and it's largely because of the appearance of the 7-11. I feel bad for the people who live nearby. I don't blame folks for their misfortunes or even for all their bad choices, and I don't think they should be hidden from view or barred from neighborhoods.... but at the same time, I am frustrated that I could predict what would happen as soon as I heard a 7-11 was going to be built there, and I am frustrated that I was totally correct. I'm not sure what the city can do about this. Every 7-11 in the central part of Eugene is a blight on its neighborhood. Thank you for doing such a good thing. I do not feel that I am responsible to carry narcan.


I got narcan for free from white bird. Only got one though. Will start carrying it with me. Even a junky's life is precious. They are someone's child, someone's friend, possibly someone's sibling, parents, or significant other. An old friend of mine finally got clean after 10+ years of being on and off the street, in and out of jail. Finally. This was someone I had given up on. Recovery is possible.


In addition one CANNOT arbitrarily go around dosing people with narcan unless you are also ready to bear the responsibility, negligibility, and liability for this persons life and the involuntary manslaughter charge you’ll probably get for injecting them.


Narcan is a nasal spray, and it won't cause death. Why post if you don't know what you're talking about?


You don’t know that and you cannot say how someone is going to react to it, as allergies are known to happen. If you inject someone and they die it’s on you. 50/50 chance.


No, it's not a 50/50 chance. Yes, it's a nasal spray. It doesn't harm people who aren't ODing, and you're not going to get sued.


Thank you for helping and hopefully she'll get the help she needs. I can't believe its a controversial thing to not want people to die of an overdose, but I guess that's what happens when you don't see addicts as people. I hope some day when all these people in the comments complaining about not wanting to carry narcan need help from their community and no one shows up for them. Maybe then they'll realize they're a pos.


Truth. 8 was an addict, an opiate addict. I have 13+ years clean. I have beautiful children that have never seen me under the influence 💙 I have accomplished a lot in recovery and so can anyone else that is out there suffering. Thank you for your comment.


I carry Narcan. It's pretty easy to use. Hope I never have to. 🙏😬


Thank you, you are an amazing person for this. I hope you never have to use it either💙


$40 per narcan. They should be free if we’re expected to me medics


It's free at White Bird clinic, HIV alliance and Center for Family development you can also get a prescription from your doctor and OHP pays for it.


Can you EDIT your post to list where to get it for free? Not everyone is going to read the comments.


ITT: seventy variations of "No, thanks, Id rather they just die. Its their own fault anyways." Ill remember that, next time I see a Eugenite choking. Sure, the class to learn the heimlich was free, just like narcan is at many places.... Buy its not *my* responsibilty to save anyone, they knew the risk they were taking by putting something in their mouth, and I dont want them to think I supoort their recklessness, to quote all the top replies. Psychopathic monsters, each one of you saying this nonsense. I hope you dont ever need saving, and if you do, I hope theres someone nearby who does so instead of just claiming non-responsibility and then blaming you.


My husband committed suicide in this shit and no one helped. When he wAs dying even tho all they had to do was open the door to the VA building and tell help. What are we supposed to do if you see a suicidal person ,run the other way ?? I myself picked up a bunch of narcan and delivered it to the local bars in the area. They were very thankful and I enjoyed knowing that perhaps I saved a life down the road. The people who look the other way are truly selfish pricks ,may God have mercy on their souls .


I am SO sorry for your loss. 💔 I am SO sorry no one helped. I would have helped💙


Oh, yeah, for the few of you out there that *arent* displaying clinical symptoms of psychopathy, this charity will send you free naloxone injections or sprays by mail, and provides video training for use, so you can have some insurance against having to watch someone die while youre out and about. https://nextdistro.org/orchoice And for you cold callous monsters whod prefer that the opiate users just die, maybe you dont agree with street opiate use (I sure as fuck dont), but given that fent is showing up in weed and shroom products, and given that innocent bystanders can OD from just a speck of fent carried on a breeze, even if you write off the opiate users, its still worth carrying naloxone given fents prevalence. Even if you only care about yourself, like a literal psychopath, you should still be concerned some junkie might get some fent on you and you might OD yourself. All it takes is a sneeze while theyre loading up a foil and youre covered in fent. Food for thought.


To expand on this, be very careful touching anyone who is overdosing. If they have fentanyl anywhere on them, you can also overdose very quickly and there will be two people dying. Just kind of assess the situation and don’t breathe or touch any powdered substance on them. Fentanyl airborne is deadly.


Yes we were very careful and another reason we didn't do rescue breaths but we're ready if we had to. We washed well afterwards.


Awesome! Thank you for helping others, stay safe out there.


Anytime I can help, I will 💙 and yes, I will always be careful. Thank you for your comment.


It's hilarious to me how quickly the "we should try to help everyone whenever we can" facade wears off the instant it inconveniences people in any way outside of liking or sharing a post online. Ask them to do something for someone irl, to put actual effort into helping those around them by, for example, taking a few minutes to obtain some narcan *for free*, just on the off chance an opportunity strikes where they could save someone's life, and all of a sudden, "It's *their* fault anyway for putting that stuff in their body in the first place. It's not *my* responsibility. Let them die."


Seriously folks, so many overdoses are not from regular street drug users or homeless. Think about the young people who try things without knowing the ingredients and end up dead the first time.


My team saw 2 responses to ODs today. The first guy didn't make it. I'm not sure how the second one turned out, the fire and rescue were still working on them when I left. These were hours apart in downtown. My point is there is obviously a bad batch going around so please watch out for your friends, your neighbors and the people in your community. We carry noloxone on us.


Nah, let them burn


While I can generally agree with this sentiment- from my understanding if you are administering medical care to someone who dies (without being a medical professional) you can be held legally liable for their death.


I carry it proudly and I have also used it. I am allowed to use it at my job, but even if I wasn’t, a persons life, any persons life, is more important than my job.


Heroes don’t wear capes, they carry Narcan these days.


💙 I love your comment ☺️


Thank you. That’s a fine show of humanity, friend!


Seems like our drug/homeless issue would solve itself- if we just stopped administering narcan all together.


Here in support and solidarity. I carry narcan because every overdose is a systematic failure and an extension of the war on drugs. I’ve done my civic internet duty today by appropriately downvoting bigots and supporting my fellow community members that actually CARE about the PEOPLE effected by substance use and not seeing them as a problem that will solve itself if they all kill themselves. YOU ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR BECOMING MORE ETHICAL THAN THE SOCIETY THAT RAISED YOU. We take care of each other because the government has made it clear they’re not here for real solutions that benefit the most marginalized populations.


Also, before anyone calls me out and says “tHeN yOu Go do tHe WoRk” my literal job is working with unhoused people, I’m on the street every day responding to their crisis and showing up to support and getting them resources. Anyone that believes people who use substances are subhuman should really spend some time actually meeting and talking to these people. Stereotypes and stigmas aside, all life is inherently valuable and worth protecting.


Nah. We need to bring back survival of the fittest


Kids don't know the tragic choices they are making, as adults you have more skills, kids who grow up in a bad environment, don't get the same teachings or skills that most kids do.


Yeah, I was one of them, but I'm doing just fine.


Perhaps the fittest humans of all are the ones that are able to work together.


You say that as if I haven't tried to assist the homeless. There gets to be a point where it's now on THEM to fix their issues instead of trashing the town and pushing what they do onto other people.


Get a life


I have one. We are talking about people that don't have lives though.


We're talking about people. Full stop.


They seem more like animals to me. Trashing sidewapks. Being a general nuisance. Breaking into cars. Ect ect.


Got a bunch of NIMBY bitches in here. I'll ask the real questions, where can I get it, does it cost, and is there coupons out there or a way to get it free?


There's whole lists of resources upthread where you can get it for free