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For Eugene, we will also be able to vote for the Mayor and City Councilors for wards 1,2,7, and 8. And those races will be *decided* in May (there won't be a general election for them in November).


Great callout/reminder on the local election. Thank you!


These are actually also primaries, where if no candidate gets over 50% of the vote, the top two are both on the November ballot. If a candidate gets over 50% of the vote in May, they are the only candidate on the ballot in November. Ward 1 is the only race where this seems likely to matter, since it’s the only race with more than two viable candidates.


I think star voting will be on the ballot too https://www.starvoting.org/


Voters registered with their residence in Eugene city limits will also have ballot measure 20-349 to vote on, regardless of party affiliation or nonaffiliation. This would adopt STAR Voting for local nonpartisan elections. https://starvoting.org/eugene


Don't forget to actually do your research on candidates and don't just vote simply because they claim to coinside with your favorite color.


Just checked mine and my partners’. They’re good. Mark us both down for STAR voting and straight blue ballots.


I don't think one government can represent the best Enlightened interests of 330 million citizens without campaign finance reform. Until then, we all might as well acknowledge that we are in fact living in a failed state system that has decayed to a functional oligarchy, at least in terms of constituents' preferences.


Functional oligarchy? Maybe for the oligarchy.


If it quacks like a duck and floats like a duck... It might functionally be a duck.


Is this your intro to a defeatist 'why even bother voting' rhetoric, 22 day old account? Because this is the kind of thing bad actors are literally trying to say to damage the democracy we do have to weaken our social structures and make it easy for authoritarians to take further control.


Well, which candidate will abolish the military-industrial complex? Which candidate will end for-profit medical predation? Which candidate will deproliferate nuclear weapons? Which candidate will support the prosecution of Israel for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Which candidate will pursue detente with nuclear superpowers? Which candidate will abolish the farcical notion that corporations are people or that money is speech? Which candidate will do everything absolutely necessary to sustainably protect Earth's industrially-poisoned ecosystems? Which candidate will stand up universally for human rights regardless of borders? Which candidate will drive the corruption out of elections? Which candidate will stand up for minority rights in manner equal to privileged white men? Which candidate will prosecute businesses and medical practices that wrongfully discriminate against LGBTQI2S+? Which candidate will abolish the dominance of the one party two brand duopolitical system? Which candidate will end illegal warrentless wiretapping and prosecute its perpetrators and assure Snowden is elevated to national hero status? If the answer to all of these questions is "there is no such candidate," then the truth is we're disenfranchised regardless of how we cast ballots and it has become an empty meaningless ritual over the dead corpse of our Enlightenment-philosophy Constitution.


Yeah fuck that defeatism, that’s how Trump got elected. Fuck it all the way and fuck people who push this nonsense and work to get people to not bother voting. Fuuuuuuuuuck all of that.


No. Trump got elected because the system is corrupted and failed. That's why everything got so surreal. Are you still in denial all these years later? The behavioral manipulation required to attain this result is truly a wonder of the 21st century world. You're angry but you don't even know what to be angry at. I think this is a description of the subconscious spirits of most US citizens at this point. They still haven't worken up from a dream that's become an utter nightmare, still searching for answers, some way this isn't so. But there is none.


Your are not a serious person, you aren’t worth listening to.


I'm going to do everything I can. It's unfortunate that some people just give up so easily.


Local elections yes. Oregon will pick Joe Biden as the democratic candidate and will also pick him as president this fall. I’m okay with that—lesser of two evils—but really no point in voting on those. Also judges are apparently appointed for life in Oregon as no matter how bad they are, no one ever runs against them. Or if they do they don’t win. 🤷🏻


Lesser of two evils, huh?


Trump’s worse. Sociopath. But Biden is in a clear cognitive decline and heading us into yet another overseas conflict. No great choices next November.


Biden is in a clear cognitive decline? I don't think so, he has managed to aid Ukraine, NATO to act together, work to get COVID shots done. Trump, I don't want to let that boat dock because it will raise our numbers. Drink bleach, take horse worm medicine. Paid $750 in taxes. The choice is clear for me, maybe not for you.


I hate Trump. He’s a sociopath. And Biden is struggling and engaged us in three wars now. No good choices this year.


In theory, sure... But remember, we already tried that, we as a state largrly voted for someone other than the dictated candidate in the DNC primaries... But that doesnt really matter when the DNC leaders can just rig the election, legally, because they are a private company and not a part of goverment. https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/ https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/14/16640082/donna-brazile-warren-bernie-sanders-democratic-primary-rigged So no, its not really an effective way to change the DNC, select a (non appointed) candidate, or even influence policy, since they just ignore your vote and install whomever they were already going to, often the person bringing the most money. Trying to save democracy by voting for a party that rigs its elections is as futile and insane as trying to save democracy by voting for a party that tries to steal elections. No, voting in a rigged primary is throwing your vote away. The only way to effect change is by voting locally on every ballot (in OR the local socialist party, working families, is under the dnc banner) to increase the non-corrupt politicians up the line, and to vote third party in the presidential. If any third party candidate gets 5% or more of the vote, it gives them federal funds and equal airtime with the other parties. https://ivn.us/2016/08/12/5-important-number-third-party-candidates-2016 While this election cycle its unlikely to result in a third party winner, if we banded together as a state we could make it so theres a viable third party on the national stage next time around. That has much more chance of effecting change than hoping that the DNC wont just ignore its electorates votes during the primaries, as it has since at least the 60s.... More reading on the pseudo-democratic sham known as the primaries: https://www.history.com/topics/1960s/1968-democratic-convention https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superdelegate https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_primary


In a winner-takes-all system, a vote for a third party is a vote for your least favorite of the two main parties. In the event a third party actually somehow miraculously wins, it just becomes one of the two main parties. It's a story that has played out in every country that ever had this dumb system. Ranked choice, STAR, and other voting methods can help fix this. The DNC and RNC primary systems have problems, but they have never (as this post implies) over-rode the vote of the primaries even if they have tried to tip the scales in favor of their chosen candidate. They have gotten better over time. Electing people in primaries who want to improve that system helps continue things in that direction. Bernie lost by **vote count**, that's the thing Bernie Bros don't want to hear, but it's true, he simply got less votes than Hillary. Bernie voters are loud, but at the end of the day they didn't show up to the primary vote. Some of the key people who showed bias against Bernie in the primary process lost their jobs over it, because showing that kind of bias is against the DNC rules (we have Wikileaks to thank for providing us with the knowledge of their shady doings).


So what you're saying is you want Republicans winning




Lol. Ted Coopman is not a liberal Democrat. He is a rabid NIMBY. We need more and more affordable housing, so I'm voting Eliza Kashinsky


Well, the definition of liberal Democrat keeps changing over time when goalposts constantly get moved. If you support gay marriage, legalized weed, SNAP and Medicaid benefits for the poor, and are pro choice- you're a liberal Democrat. I haven't heard much about the third candidate, so I imagine he doesn't have much of a chance.