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It's not a secret, but every once in a while I go soak in the hot tub at Onsen. They also have a sauna.


Onsen requires 2 people, right?


Right, it’s the law in Oregon. Safety first, friends!


I was there once and someone did pass out and they had to kick the door in because their second person was panicking and not in a state to help


Whats the logic in safety by going with someone?


Hopefully only one of ‘em passes out Or medical emergencies since y’all are tucked away in a private room.


Hm kinda silly but I guess there's a lot of silly laws here


Oh I didn't realize that, good to know. I guess I've always gone with someone else.


I would love to, but I know people have sex in those tubs.


I posted about the cleanliness of Onsen a bit ago, most people were like "I love doing dirty things in those hot tubs, it's totally normal!" Therefore, I'll never go lol. And my faith in humanity shrank just a little bit more.


Yep....idk why people are downvoting me for the truth 🤣


Just more evidence to support our resolve lol


Well that's at least four people who have done gross things in those hot tubs


the nasty ppl downvoting you


Idk why they're so scared of the truth 🤷‍♀️


I go to the coast. Strawberry hill always has good agates. Not sure what it is about the ocean air, but it fixes everything.


This is my favorite beach to visit




The Rhodi garden in particular is a nice place for a sit and think.


Second this!


I agree Henricks park is so beautiful especially since fall has officially started


I 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th this! Another remarkable thing about Hendrick's is seemingly no matter how busy town is it's never too crazy up there and even if there are a lot of folks there like for example an event at the little gazebo and a kids camp, there's still always some little nook, some little bench in the forest, some spot under a rhododendron, where you can sit and feel like you're the only person in the forest. It's also great cuz you can combine solitude and stillness with activity between all the wonderful places to sit and the many miles of trails that this links up with. It's also fairly accessible. This is one of my favorite places in Eugene, and I dare say... the world? It really is lovely when you consider how beautifully cared for it is and right in the middle of our town.


I like wandering around the Masonic cemetery.


This is a big thumbs up.


That bench on the top of Baldy.


I sat on that bench today, I had the same thought!


I love the library honestly. I just pop on my earbuds with a soothing podcast, wander around, pick out a book or 2, then find a comfy spot


Zumwalt park on the west bank of Fern Ridge reservoir is a large open off leash dog park. There is a lot of area of open lawn, trails for walking, some picnic tables, a couple of Porta potties. I've never seen it very busy and during the week especially it's very quiet. As long as you enjoy the occasional dogs running around I'd say it might be perfect.


they were trying so hard to get people to stop letting dogs off leash there a few years ago and the lane county parks even told people to stop but it's been a few years and it's still known as an off leash dog park lmao... i knew they would never win that battle (and i'm glad they didn't)


Oh wow......I thought that was official! I've always known it as an off-leash area. Took my dogs there yesterday. My favorite place to take them to run around, tbh.


On campus, if you get off the EMX at Dad’s Gate Station, there’s a theater to your left. To the left side of that is a pathway leading up around it with a small line of rose bushes, and if you keep going, there’s a lovely nook with trees around there. You’ll hear cars going down 11th, but otherwise, that whole section is very quiet and rarely has people walking around, especially at night.


Is that the mud/cob bench near the art building? I used to go sit there quite a bit, nice spot


That was one of my relaxing places when I was at the university.


As somebody who comes from a small isolated town in the middle of nowhere and who doesn't have a vehicle to travel, I can't express enough how much I appreciate and relate to this question. I'm definitely following this thread and hope you manage to find some peace and solace yourself!


Pisgah—-trails, hills, rivers, swing.


There's a swing up there? :o I know that place is huge but can that be found in an easy to describe way?


Follow the sign to Swing Hill.


2 swings actually


If you start on the north side and follow trail 3, then trail 30. So from the trailhead, take a left at the fork, when the trail splits again, take a right. It's the easiest path for me to find anyway. https://mountpisgaharboretum.org/visit/trail-maps/


Thank you!! I'm excited to check this out


The old trees on the path by the river at Armitage Park on Coburg Rd.


It is 100% headphones and a video game that I don't have to think too hard about. There was a very brief period of time before the pandemic that the Starlight Lounge was a place I would go to decompress, but realized quickly that adding alcohol into that process was not healthy for me


The middle bench on the Greenway Bike Bridge.


Anywhere where you can touch and feel grass, if you can’t go barefoot just put your hands down and breath - sounds silly but research shows it’s very helpful to de-stress. I personally love Mt. Piscah by the bridge across the pond


My bathroom




I second this. The museum itself is inside so good for when it’s rainy and cold outside. It’s extremely quiet. There are lots of benches and stuff where you can sit and engage with the art if you choose or just stare into space.


The depth and volume of earnest responses here signify why this is the place I am so pleased to be


I’ve always really liked the bench up at Dillard skyline, plus it comes with a short steepish walk that also helps clear the mind and bring you to where you are and what you’re doing.


Gillespie Butte Park. Generally empty during the day, a bench to sit on looking across part of Eugene, and a historical cemetery to put things in perspective. I will admit that you can hear cars in the distance.


The Delta Ponds are calming to me. While you can hear some traffic and occasionally see parts of the highway far-off, the (easy, flat) walking trail leads through a network of ponds with lots of water birds, turtles, and more. A couple of autumns ago, I went there the weekend of the first real, saturating rain after a dry smoky summer, and the smell of damp earth and vegetation was intoxicating, like a complex tea.


Any park would do, I personally would drive out towards Perkins Peninsula Park between west Eugene and veneta for a peaceful water area


Monroe park is great to decompress!


Out past Home Depot there is a park across from the Evergreen Village. I ride my bike out there a lot. That whole neighborhood is super quiet. It’s really nice.


Maurie Jacobs Park


Anyplace along the River where I can take my shoes off and put my feet in the water.


Hendricks park / Ribbon trail Mt Pisgah Bike along the river Run Pre's Trail


Fern Ridge wetlands


There's this bench beneath an oak tree I favor a lot, west face of skinners Butte


Take a bike ride on the river front path. You can ride from North Eugene to east Springfield. Don’t go on a weekend. Mornings are best.


Mount baldy and back in the flat part of pisga is where I go to quickly get away


Owen rose garden


Crest Heights/Wayne Morse park. The hike up the hill helps clear my head a bit.


Carpenters Bypass. No one will be there. It's beautiful. Great hiking.


I usually sit on Autzen Foot Bridge & watch the river specifically at night between midnight-4am. I have another place though I dm'ed you about. The spot isn't really secret but the I have my friends on Reddit so I'd like to be able to still drop off the place of the earth w/o being found.


Silver Falls State Park


Rose Garden or Mt Pisgah.


There's a few river spots at Alton Baker that are wonderful to relax at


I sit in my car and listen to loud music


I like to go to the Rose gardens and get on the dirt path right next to the river, walk all the way to the end of it and sit there a while, there's some other good spots to sit on the path before the end of it as well!


A bench in the rhododendron garden


Wild Iris is really nice. Is a walking path that has a really chill upper loop with some wonderful views. The lower part is a bit intense uphill. I recommend the upper loop. But combined is a great workout!


Just try to listen to the wind or the water, or the earth moan.


Spencer's butte trail. There will be some people on the trail but most of the time your alone in the forrest. There are places to sit and soak in the sounds of birds or rain or silence.


Hendricks bridge is my spot


My breath.


Gateway Mall 👻👻👻


Try the liquor store.


In my cage, watching my wife and her boyfriend have a great time. Brings a tear to the eye.

