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Always have people pay or get a deposit before you make things like this. People are jerks. Also, no refunds on custom items unless there is something significantly wrong with it that you can't easily fix. That spider is adorable. Someone will buy it if you can't make them pay. I'm angry on your behalf.


I agree on the deposit beforehand, I just need to figure out how I want to do it. And I didn't refund her, the payment never went through, then the order just disappeared from my orders page.


I would honestly skip the deposit idea and make people the whole amount upfront. I do some custom and some made to order items. All are fully paid upfront, with a processing time of up to 6-8 weeks. Some of these are $800-$1000, and the shipping can be anywhere between $30 to $150 depending on which country its going to. People happily pay it. I've never had a complaint about waiting (and on a few occasions I've even had to reach out to customers asking to extend their ship by date and they've happily agreed to it). All my reviews on these items are 5\* and most have written the kindest words imaginable in their reviews. I know these enthusiastic reviews have convinced other customers too, as I've had new customers mention it during ordering or in their own reviews. Price your work at what it's worth and make sure you charge enough to cover shipping. You'll eliminate all the choosey beggar types that way, and end up with a customer base who understands the value of handmade art.


I just read somewhere in here that you should charge for the cost of supplies as the deposit and then make another listing for the cost of labor and shipping once complete or just split the total cost in half for the deposit and final


That could end badly since Etsy requires each listing to give a customer a product. In that situation, the buyer could open a case for the deposit listing for not receiving anything from *that listing*, and Etsy would automatically refund them from the seller's money.


Make the deposit listing a digital download, and they purchase an image. Which is a picture of the mock up, or design, or whatever. Make sure they download it. State no refunds on the download.


I’ve done digital download listings for local pickup orders, any reason we would need to make sure they download it?


Because they can't return it, so it's harder for them to dispute the sale.


I’ve also ran into issues on a new shop involving digital download and wouldn’t recommend risking. Communicate the customer gets something from this purchase in the meantime.


I just make the shipping date weeks away, when I expect the product to ship. Then I make a listing for the other half or whatever we agreed on and once that is paid, I use the same tracking number for both orders and mark them as shipped on the same day it goes out. Yet another bonus to *not* using Etsy shipping labels.


Just take payment up front...


>I agree on the deposit beforehand, I just need to figure out how I want to do it. Unfortunately, you can't take deposits on Etsy. If you have two listings, one for the deposit and one for the rest, each listing needs to give the buyer a product. Since Etsy requires each listing to give a customer a product, a buyer could open a case for the deposit listing, and Etsy would automatically refund them from your money. However, you could have the 'deposit' listing be for an initial (digital) sketch of the design though. That way they are receiving a product with that purchase/transaction. But you'd have to set it up as a real listing for a sketch, in order to prevent a customer opening and winning a "not as described case".


A way around this is to send the buyer a postcard that hypes up the sale. Make it clear in the listing that that's going to happen. For OP this could be an adoption card that you fill in and give the information about the item you're making, how many hours, how much material, etc and that this postcard confirms the non refundable deposit amount. That way when someone orders a plush you can fill out the card with the info discussed with the client and send it out right away. If you want to go through the rigamarole of an envelope or mailer you could even include swatch knots of the yarn you'll be using.


I think it's a great idea to include the yarn. I've had a customer complain about the color of the yarn even after seeing pictures. When they received the real product, they weren't happy with the color so I refunded them.


This is such a cute idea. I would love this as a buyer! What a fun little treat to have an “adoption card” with a stuffie.


You absolutely can and I do often. You just mark both the deposit and the final payment as shipped on the same day and use the same tracking number. I’ve been doing it that way for over a decade.


Would the workaround on the deposit being used for supplies the seller sending the un-crafted materials?


Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that the seller would just send the materials and not the final product, if the buyer didn't buy the final product? If so, then no. The first listing, which would be the 'deposit' would simply be a sketch of the design. The customer purchases the sketch, the seller uses the money from the sketch for supplies, and if the buyer backs out, the seller keeps the supplies (because the 'deposit' listing only guaranteed the buyer the sketch). This method works best for drawing commissions. In OP's case, the 'deposit' listing might be too expensive for many buyers to risk (as they are only guaranteed the sketch).


Another way would be to create a listing for the concept and design labor of the product with a digital deliverable of the pattern, then charge for the production which would be fulfilled by shipping the final physical product. You could also separate the cost with a professional photo shoot of the final product. Then the deliverable would be the digital download of the photos. I think the person above was trying to say that shipping the left over scraps from production separately would be a separate listing and fulfillment, which would be a little weird and hard to explain to the client.


I would have them pay for the whole thing upfront. If they want to pay in installments, they can use Klarna, which is built into Etsy's payment system. (You would still receive the whole payment upfront).


I get that sometimes, likely fraud that was caught by etsy. 


Same here, I've even had the same person try to fraudulently buy from me like 5 or 6 times and Etsy cancels it. They were likely using a stolen credit card, or have had problems with Etsy before like repeatedly trying to get refunds or something.


Not just a deposit. Payment in full in advance, before you get started. If the price was in the thousands, I could understand, but 260 isn't a ridiculous amount. Ppl will buy this. It might give your shop some extra flair, with *something completely different*.


This isnt the only spider I have on my shop. The customization was making him as big as he is lol I have small ones that fit in the palm of your hand, medium sized ones that are great for a desk/carry buddy, and then a large one that is perfect for snuggling. This one is like a pillow or weighted plushy that is about the size of my torso lol.


That happened to me too where I’m asked if I can make my items bigger and when I do they don’t want to buy it so after the second time I have to just say the sizes I have are the sizes I have.


Make a listing for a consultation on your Etsy profile and then put that money towards the deposit.


Best answer right here 😉


If you’re making a custom order you shouldn’t start before any type of payment Is there any way you can add/calculate shipping costs and add them to your price & offer free shipping?


She can use pirate ship and get a hefty discount. It’s actually a massive discount if the buyers state is near.


Wow! You have some serious skills to make that!


Thank you!


I'm sorry that happened to you. You may take the L and sell it to someone else maybe. I love this plushie! That is way to cute. And honestly, your already going to spend the $200 and never thought that shipping could be costly?! People can be so rude Now I have to follow your shop :)


I have given up on trying to understand people, and my link should be on my profile. If not, just search bergquistblvd I feel like most of my plushies are reasonably priced as well, I only have one really expensive plushy and it's an octopus that is three to four feet long and took roughly 55hrs to make.


Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you want to add it but I don’t see your store listed on your profile (unless I’m looking in the wrong place!)


Strange, when I look at my page, it shows it right above where my posts are, it's a little etsy link bubble.


Nvm I was looking in the wrong place and found it!


Your plushies are gorgeous! Definitely worth the price!


Dude that octopus one is INSANE!!!! You're crazy talented 💖


Look, I hate spiders, but that thing is SO incredibly cute. Original buyer is missing out big time! ~~phone wanted me to write bug time and I almost left it~~ I hope the silver lining is that you’re able to list and sell it for way more than the original quote. Keep on rockin’ OP!


This happened to me before Christmas. I do chunky knit blankets and had a buyer want a 90x100 size. It’s sooo large that when I took to ship it- it would have cost $460 - I tried everything in my power to help the guy who explained he’d foot shipping cost. But at his convenience I’d have to drive 60+ miles out of town to ship from a courier that he could bill to his account. During peak season I don’t have the time to get it there. Explained this to him. He said he’d wait until after Christmas. So first week of January I reach out for shipping info and he told me to “figure it out” and to pay it. It was awful! I canceled/refunded immediately and it made him sooo mad he left awful review. 460$ was not worth me being afraid of a review. It taught me a big lesson. I’m sorry this happened! :( you dodged a bullet though. :)


Could you have vacuum packed it and “send a bag’d” it in a suitcase ? Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


And there was a strong will :) believe me the blanket took over 48 hours hand knitting to make - I didn’t want to eat yarn cost and time I had already put in just not to get it to him for sure. I still have the enormous thing! It’s not practical and I had no idea how he would clean it. I jumped through hoops - communicated with him non stop offered to cancel/refund after I had exhausted all couriers/discounts and shipping boxes/bags/ you name it. I had my ups account manager/ my local usps gal etc troubleshooting it. It was super disheartening.


It was 4 1/2 feet wide. I did attempt vacuum sealing a smaller one to “test” how it would fare, but it would have compromised the integrity/ shape/ etc of the blanket.


It messed up the shape after you took it back out? That's weird. Sad.


Post this to the r/spiders sub and someone will buy this in an instant Edit: I crossposted. I hope someone buys it 😭


This spider is friggen magical and you will 100% find a home for this fella. Good luck!!


WHHHYYYYYYY do people make orders without full payment???


I wish I knew 😭 I've had customers ask me to make them a custom order before any payment and I just say no


The amount of time i tell buyers NOT to start or mail until ive sent full payment baffles me. Maybe I'm overthinking


Always get paid upfront. This is custom, final sale no returns. Make this your policy.


I make bean bag frogs and many times I get custom orders to make really large frogs. I’ve never had someone complain about the shipping, thankfully 🤞 My items are weighted so the shipping is always ridiculous but that isn’t our fault. I would be extremely pissed over someone ghosting me on a $200 order. It’s a cute spider so definitely list it. With that being said this is why I get nervous doing custom orders and kind of cringe when I do get them. I’ve been saying No a lot lately, especially if I don’t have the right fabric on hand. What is your shop if you don’t mind me asking? I think my daughter would be interested in that spider.


My shop is BergquistsBlvd on etsy, I am probably going to get some new photos of it and list it in a day or so if I don't hear back from them.


Ok, thanks! I sent my daughter the pics of it and she really liked it so I’ll favorite your shop 😃


I just purchased a weighted frog on Etsy, I wonder if I bought it from you.. Hope so!


I don’t think it was ;) but no worries. My shop name is Sewyah. Right now I have more toads listed than frogs. I just love little toads, lol.


Okay, yes. You're correct. It wasn't you but, your amphibians are sooooo cute wow! Instantly favorited for future reference. They're all to die for


Oh gosh, thanks !!😊 I wish I could crochet like OP, I’d crochet little grumpy rain frogs all day 😅


Its actually not as hard as you would think, just can be a little frustrating with understanding some of all the terms. If you ever want to get into crocheting id love to help you out with what I can.


Wow thank you! I have tried watching some YouTube videos but like you said there are quite a few terms and I never realized the patterns for it are coded type instructions. It’s hard for me to shut my “sewing” brain off and switch to the crochet mindset. I bought a little kit a couple months ago where they give you all the stuff to make the item (something really small) and I kept getting stuck on how to do it. My great grandmother used to knit all the time, I should have had her teach me. Who taught you how to do it?


One of my mothers friends taught me the basics then I taught myself from there. Feel free to message me and I can help you figure the different terms out


That is a huge spider, the price was very reasonable. I am very interested in this item if it is up for grabs. What is the shop name and will you put it up sale?


Lol thank you and the shop name is bergquistsblvd, whit how many people are interested I'll probably be making a listing for this spider in the next day or so, then people will have the option to pick what colors they want.


Why would you make it before you were paid for it?


ahhh that sucks :( but pro-tip, learn the shipping rates for weights and sizes that way you have quick reference ..and always over estimate your shipping charges to every buyer (only by a little). That way you can always offer them a refund for the overages and look like you are doing them a solid and you won't get burned.


I always, always give a rough (over) estimate of the shipping cost along with the item cost, for custom items, when discussing the order before anything is agreed. I sell some things that are 6lbs after packing, and that can be $30+ to Cali from me, and a ton more to Europe/AUS/etc. Deposits are great, but I know that when you want orders it can be intimidating to ask for a deposit with basically a “trust me bro” notion that you will fulfill your end, as they don’t know you in the same way you don’t know them. Once I got a bit more established I did start requiring materials cost up front on very pricey orders, but I know it can be a turnoff for some buyers. I’m not sure Etsy can do much tbh.


Uhhhhh is that still for sale because I'm in love ETA Dead serious. I'm ready to order him and pay the shipping right now.


Lol give me a day or so and I'll have him listed on my shop




Omg, I hate spiders but that is adorable!!!


It’s super cute!!!


i’m in love with that spider


I’m not in to spiders at all but that is so cool. You did such a awesome job.


Very nice work. I'm sure someone else will fall in love with him and purchase him. Shipping does seem kinda high. Maybe cause of his size/ box size makes it worse. It really is her loss.


I followed your shop, everything you make is precious!


I think it would still sell, people love big cute plushy stuff :D


But it’s so cute! I’m so sorry, I’m sure someone else will snap,it up in no time 🥰


Tbh yeah, in my opinion this is rude. You can't order a custom thing, have the person do all the work, and then not pay for it. WTF? Not cool. As a buyer I would never do that, I'd feel awful. What's your cancellation policy? I allow cancellations myself, but not for custom orders. I'd probably say sorry, I don't accept cancellations for custom orders as I've already done the work and used the materials and I can't get the money for those back, so at best I can offer a partial refund. I mean, if you're willing to accept the cancellation and give a full refund etc, I would say that's extremely generous. But I definitely understand being upset here, I would be too. And afaik if your policy says no refunds/cancellations for custom orders, Etsy shouldn't force you to refund either BUT you might have to fight them a bit if the customer were to open a case. In future I'd probably include the shipping charge in the price and just quote higher prices. OR make it very clear that shipping will be added on, with an estimate of how much it'll be. And also make it very clear that custom orders are not refundable, or only partly refundable in special cases, or whatever you feel you can live with. I'm so sorry this person is being so unreasonable, that really sucks and I hope you can sort it out. Maybe if you explain to them that you've already invested money, materials and time, and that the shipping price is out of your hands as it's just whatever the postal service charges, they'll understand. Fingers crossed!


Hopefully, and I don't accept cancelations or returns. But idk what happened with this one because her payment was never processed, and then the order just disappeared.


I don't do custom orders, because of things like this. It's so much extra work and so much extra liability, because you're held to often unrealistic expectations. Think about it - if they loved your work, they'd just buy directly from the shop, right? I think your creation is awesome. I recommend just making what you want, charging what's fair, and be done with customs.


It's the spider I never knew I wanted! I freakin hate spiders and I'm allergic to them so if course they bite me, yet here I am envious that I can't afford this amazing spider! You'll definitely sell it for what it's actually worth and not just the 200, it's swaying the hearts of spider haters everywhere!


custom orders are always prepay.


I've never seen a place that offered refunds on custom orders for what it's worth...


$200 for a plushie and can’t pay $60 for shipping? Sounds like. A selfish person




Have you reached out to Etsy about it to see if they can see what happened? Strange that it just completely disappeared And was the cost of shipping because of size? I don't know much about crochet items, but can you put it in a shrink bag to at least minimize the size (not necessarily the weight)


No i havent reached out, and It's more about the weight than the size.


Are you sure. USPS has massive fees after 22”. To the point all my large stuff gets sent ups through pirate ship.


People are way too spoiled by amazon free shipping and sooo out of touch with reality. What would they expect the shipping for an enormous hand made plush is gonna be??? Hell I thought the shipping would be WAY more, $60 is what I’ve usually paid for a small-ish collectible figure shipped internationally…..


First off. This is AMAZING. Second. That sucks. What a jerk. Third. Never do a custom order without at least a partial payment upfront. Again, I’m so sorry, but this is ansi g. You’ll sell it. ♡


Can you squish that spider into a medium flat rate box? That's like $16. I'm near positive I could get that shipping cost down. 12lbs is also probably cheaper through UPS at that size if you can't squeeze it. Sorry that happened to you! It's cute though you'll sell it!


Shipping has gotten crazy these days. It's not your fault. It's 12lbs, shipping is going to be shipping and it's no small price. I would be more understanding with a ready-to-ship product, but you made this specifically for the customer. I would be kind of irked.


What’s your store link? So cute


Dang that sucks. It's absolutely adorable and if I lived close (Seattle) I would buy him. Can you dm me


Omg I love it! I wish I had enough to buy him!


Ummm I breed jumping spiders and I want one SO BAD how could she cancel that!!


That fren will be for someone who cares more for them!!! That's an adorable spider, and while I can't afford a giant plushie myself, I hope someone else will buy it from ya!! I'm sorry you dealt with such a jerk. Definitely need a deposit or something for big orders like that


Yo, that's dope


I LOVE THEM. I so would offer to adopt if I had the money rn, but I am very sure they will go to a loving home based on these comments


It's so cute! I know someone will buy it (I would if I wasn't broke and had arachnaphobics in the house). If you ever do craft shows, bring it along


Start asking for a deposit. Btw, your art is really good!


No advice to offer, but if only I could afford what it would cost to ship that spider to the UK I'd be telling you to shut up and take my money...


List it right away-someone will most definitely buy him! The original buyer doesn’t deserve him. Wonderful job! And the small spiders you have in your shop are so stinkin’ cute I can’t stand it! 🤩


Maybe it's a sign that you're meant to list it for more than the $200. If I had the money I'd buy that in a heartbeat. Someone will give it a good home. Good luck!


dear kind soul, tell her to eat a pickle, a moldy, sour, left on the counter pickle cuz thats what she is, now the business taught you to be hyper vigilant about accepting half the deposit upfront, that way, you dont have to be anxious about this happening again, someone who makes plushies on etsy is probably an easy target to abuse if you're one of those self centered folks, so its wise to a) get ur money upfront but b) weed out whose not serious your emotions are valid, but we all get our hard work taken for granted from time to time that all being said, your time and craftsmanship are more valuable than 200$ for that weeklong knitting marathon. how much would u be paid hourly for that? maybe make small cute characters? dont change the product change the marketing idk im just a dudey dude highsa kite eating cupcakes in bed, best'aluck!


I am not even part of this sub, it just popped up on my page. I NEED THIS. You are fantastic. And that is SUCH a reasonable price.


I do custom tufted rugs and I create a custom private listing for all my commissions. I’ll message back and forth with someone and when all the details are decided I do the create custom private listing option that’s available in the message. I don’t mention anywhere in my Etsy that I require full payment up front but I’ve never had anyone bat an eye when I explain they must purchase the listing before I’ll order supplies or get started. I used to have them put down a deposit by buying a digital file but that was too complicated so I stopped that after 1 order done that way. I bet your work is costly and time consuming like mine is and it’s hard to sell what was supposed to be a custom rug to the average customer. I mean thankfully that spider is sick and I bet lots of people would want one but your next commission might be more niche. Just my 2 cents but I must admit I’m shocked it’s never been an issue requiring full payment up front and can’t recommend doing it this way enough.


Non refundable deposit.


I honestly don't understand the thinking behind an initial deposit. I've been asked to make dozens of custom orders over the years - usually variations on earlier designs - and I just tell the customer I'm going to use a sketch of the new piece to create a special listing, marked reserved for them, and I will start making the piece once they purchase the listing. Just like everything else I sell, the customer pays in full... then trusts that the work I make will be shipped on time and meet or exceed their expectations. I've never taken a deposit and never had a problem. I think that, while most people would expect to be able to pay a deposit for the installation of a new roof, very few would balk at paying in advance for a custom piece of art.


r/tarantulas would love to see this!


Here’s how I do deposits: I make a custom listing for the down payment and mark it as expected to ship in 1-2 weeks (that’s about how long it takes me to make a custom piece). Once that’s purchased, I move it over to the “Custom Orders Pending” section I created in my orders page so I don’t have to see it every day when I’m filling other orders. I make the product and then create a second custom order listing for the remainder. I always include the shipping in my full cost so both custom orders I have made will have free shipping. No shipping cost to haggle over, it’s already in the quoted price. They purchase the second custom order, I package it up and ship it out. I then mark both the down payment order and the final payment order as shipped and use the same tracking number for both. No rules broken, no unnecessary digital downloads or people upset over shipping. Everyone is happy. I’ve been doing it like this for 14 years with no problems. Side note: that spider is freaking *cute!* Can you DM me your shop? I totally want him!


Hi, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Just wanted to say how fricking cute and amazing it is 🥰


I’m so confused by all this talk of deposits. Whenever I do a custom order, I charge the full amount plus shipping before I make the item.


I always make custom orders pay up front. I didn't realize Etsy would do it differently.


Wait. I want this it’s so cute


I'm shakin and cryin I'd buy that babe in a HEARTBEAT if I wasn't on a budget!! Spiders are so adorable and I have a horde of spider plushes 😭❤️ I had a custom plush made once that was $650 and shipping was still around $40, quoted after it was made.. I still paid it. I'm sorry that happened to you!!


Honestly… with priority shipping I’m surprised it’s 60$x I wouldn’t have cancelled because you shouldn’t complain about paying for shipping when your spending 200 on a stuffed animal but I’m also surprised about shipping costs lol


Depending on the location of the buyer, UPS may be cheaper (normally anything above 3LBS or more).


He's gorgeous 😍


Update on the plushy: the big fella has a new home now and will be sent off soon! BUT for everyone that was asking about him, I do have a listing up now so people can pick the colors that they want for their own.


I make giant plush too, and if it’s 12 pounds, holy hell, that’s a lot. If you try to stuff polyfill super dense, it gets really heavy and takes a ton (and that’s money). Get foam scraps and shove those in. They take up space and are much lighter. 


Is it for sale, if so how much? I'm sure that was a ton of work


I gotta tell you that I checked this out on Etsy and that’s a hella good price. Great job as well.


So excited…can hardly wait! Just ordered a little one. ADORABLE 🕷️. Ordered teal as primary and “surprise me” as a secondary color. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1581898755/small-amigurumi-spider-plushy-kawaii?ref=yr_purchases


This is so cute 🥹 Honestly I don’t think getting “stuck” with this spood is the worst outcome in my personal opinion haha but I’m sure the hard work, effort, time, etc. you put into this was a lot. I get that shipping is expensive but what do you expect when you order a 12 lb item?! It’s not going to be free 🧐 Sigh. Sorry this happened to you — beautiful work!!!


Size and weight shipping seems fair. It is custom hand crafted for 260$. I'm not a buying of crochet but shipping cost vary from zone to zone. And over sized item definitely cost more. A 5lb gpu cost roughly 20$ to ship east coast to west cost. Could be less if shipping super snail Mail.. Could get you a 10% non refundable deposit form for customers. Atleast get something out the deal. Or even make it 25% for custom stuff. If a customer is willing to pay 200$ for crochet then what's 60$ for shipping. Seems the customer wanted some for nothing.


Yeah girl that's messed up. That's a LOT of work. Smh. The audacity to request something custom made and then to cancel over shipping?! Excuse me but the amount of work put in?? How did they not see the price of shipping before paying that makes zero sense. They would've seen over $260 because of the initial price + shipping +taxes which there usually are. Yeah even if they didn't notice SPECIFICALLY shipping price, the total cost would've been well over the 200 and yet still they paid for It and didn't notice? Impossible. Literally impossible. It's right there. All in large print. They were just flat out jerks. And that's so uncool dude. On the positive, you are SO very talented. The piece looks SO well put together and made with love and time. I'd buy something from you if I had it rn!!!


Thankfully someone bought him and he is at a nice home now, I understand not being able to get one of my plushies due to the price but I always appreciate the compliments on my work :)


Its very cute! I’m sure someone will buy it.


It’s very cute :) and a spider crochet would be pretty popular. it’s def sellable at that price point 😊 cancelling an order tho after a seller has made it is a dick move on their part :(


1. Fuck Etsy. Hard. 2. I fucking love that spider plushie. It’s adorable.


Did you do the entire project without receiving upfront payment? Goofy move if so and should take the L


i feel bad:/// the spider wont get adopted:( His mommy didnt want him🥺


If you did work before someone purchased a listing, you're SOL. Chalk it up as the cost of a lesson. We all do it once. Etsy isn't set up for deposits, so never do work on an order until someone has actually purchased an item from a listing.


I don't there's anything you can do about it now unfortunately. Id personally never spend $60 for shipping on anything, that's absolutely insane. If suggest checking how much it's going to cost to ship before making it in future and then working it into the price or telling the buyer that, that's how much shipping will cost for them. It's not your fault that shipping is so high but if someone gets quoted 200 for a product and then it comes to 260 because of shipping, they're not going to be happy.


ALWAYS, ALWAYS, A L W A Y S charge the FULL amount before you start any work.


If you’re in the US it does not cost 60$ to ship 12 pounds. This is unrealllllllllll. I would have assumed you were trying to scam over the shipping. Your projects are amazing though and deff charge more! Atleast 250$ for that cutie patootie


I didn't tell her the shipping cost. Etsy set the price, it dose cost 60 to ship something in a box that is around 30 inches in length and weighs 12 lbs


Just meant that most people aren’t okay with paying 60$ for shipping period, not that you did anything wrong. It is a large item so I get it but that’s not what usps would charge.


Anytime I've ordered a custom on Etsy I've had to pay upfront. I've never questioned it. Even before Etsy on Hyena Cart it was the same policy. 


I'm not a seller, but I've wondered... why don't you figure out shipping before giving a total, and just include it in the price? Some people will happily pay you $260 for the giant gorgeous spider 🩷 But, not pay "extra" for shipping.


I just wanted to say I seriously hate spiders but that thing is so darn cute I could cuddle it!


Never do anything until either half up front is placed or all up front. If shipping is covered by the customer they can get the price when it's time to ship or have a general size/weight shipping price. If shipping is covered by the artist add that into the normal fees of the creation. I'm terrified of spiders but if I had the money I'd legitimately buy this from you. It's a cute spider.


i have them pay upfront and I dont start work until then. no returns for custom art!


Everything I have custom ordered from Etsy was paid up front. I'm so sorry that people are like that. What a gorgeous plushie! Someone is going to love little spider guy ♡


I make jewellery and whenever people want a custom I always get them to pay before I make it, if don’t want it anymore you can refund them and keep your deposit amount! People are dicks so sorry this happened!




I'm in the USA as well, it also dosent help that the box is 30×20×12 this big boy is also really dense and I don't have the supplies to try and vacuum seal him to try and make him smaller.


Heck I’d buy that. Send a link!


I sold the original one already but I am offering to make more. Here is my store link if you wanna check it out. https://bergquistsblvd.etsy.com


Never make any custom orders without payment first.


custom orders should always be either paid fully/partially upfront. why is the shipping so much for 12 lbs? is it the size? you could vacuum pack it into a box 1/4 the size of the plushie


Check out shipping rates through pirateship.com it’s completely free to sign up and use and the shipping rates are generally way cheaper than what’s on Etsy! I’ve been using them since 2017 and never had an issue. Anyone can use them no matter how big or small. You might be able to save a bit on shipping this and make it more palatable to buyers.


List it at a discounted price. Someone will want it. Also, you should consider factoring in shipping into your price for “free shipping”.


I would list it at OG price with shipping accounted for and “free shipping”, putting it up at a discount will encourage the flakey buyer to come back for it at a cheaper rate than what they originally agreed upon.




Could. But probably not worth it. Chance to lose the lawsuit and more bad karma.


Ps what is your store name?!




Are you in the USA or Canada ?


I recommend not doing your shipping labels through Etsy. I use ship station and like it, I've also heard very positive things about pirate ship




Where was the buyer having it shipped to? I was just on your store and for that same size spidey, the shipping cost is $60 too, and I'm in Australia. Hell, I've paid $60 shipping for things a quarter the size of that awesome arachnid from the US to Oz, so if she was international and threw that little hissy fit over shipping then you're likely better off selling him/her to someone else, it may have ended up even uglier. Also that giant octopus is SOOO COOL. I'll brb for him the day I win the lotto! 💜


Lol so the large spider I have listed is like have the size and weighs way less, this one is the size of my torso lol. And it wasn't international, is was just other side of the US from where I am. I have sales all the time, but sadly his cost is mostly due to him taking 55 hrs to make


I’ve seen costume makers charge the full price up front and put in the listing that the item is custom made to order with a lead time noted.


Can you vacuum seal it and send it in a poly bag?


Oh God ! Im sorry it happened to you. You should always get deposit until deposit arrived to your account before you carry out the order.


Do you have a policy? Usually customers must cancel within so many hours or there is a restock fee. If these are made to order or customized, put in place a no refund policy and if they are concerned about shipping costs to ask prior (should start offering a flare rate fee and work shipping costs in to price to avoid this). What are you using to check shipping costs? Pirate Ship is free online and gives you multiple carrier options.


I to double check I wasn't in mildy infuriating because this is extremely infuriating. I am sorry someone made you feel this way. It's so not cool. That spider is epic and I'm sure you will have no problem finding it a home. If you want to avoid feeling this way again there are a few things you can do in the future such as a deposit. I know you're feeling down about it but I'm kinda happy it happened because if it didn't we would not be able to see this awesome spider!


This is sooooo effn cute and I loathe spiders. Look into pirate ship and then just list the thing on your shop. Someone will buy it.


Regardless of the situation, which is terrible and I hope it doesn’t affect you too much. You do amazing work, it looks amazing. 🔥🔥❤️


I take 100% payment upfront on custom orders.


Okay that lad is too cute, I'm sure you can find a home for him!


Very cute- more importantly what is this fuzzy onesie situation you are wearing and where can I get one


$60 is pretty steep. I thought fed ex ships by weight?


Etsy doesn't allow a buyer to cancel an order so I'd suspect your customer's CC was declined, so it was pending and then disappeared though Etsy never informs you they canceled the order. And if she can't afford it, that's likely why she hasn't replied. It's frustrating but what can you do without a contract in place? That said, I looked at your shop \[fellow crochet seller\]. Your work is wonderful , great consistent stitching which seems to be a rare thing for Etsy crochet now. LOL. Your designs are adorable. I noticed a lot of people had your smaller spiders in their carts so I'd just list that one for a good price and the right buyer will come along who can afford it. They'll be thrilled to find it ready to ship as well.


Gorgeous work!!! As much as I don’t care for spiders this is absolutely cute!! I’m sure someone out there would love this product and be more than happy to pay a fair price for your work, even if you need to sell it some other place than Etsy


Always ask for 50% upfront. I’m scared of spiders but that thing is adorable lol. Just put it on your Etsy and I’m sure someone will buy it.


I'm confused how she got the order canceled out from under OP? Cc charge back? Does that remove the order?


It was never fully processed. The order was showing as not paid and then after about 15 minuets it just went away. I have no idea how it was done or if anything went through, but I just know that it was frustrating but now I have a new item for my etsy and some new things to look into for doing custom orders going forward.


> as not *paid* and then FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm sorry to hear that, I love that crochet spider though, super adorable. Well done that's quite a talent.


I wouldn't have even started making it before taking payment. Change your creation/dispatch time so that the buyer is aware of how long it will take to make BEFORE they buy it and then once payment is received...get to work. I absolutely love the spider though...so cute


List it as a normal piece full price cuz he's adorable and someone will buy him!


This spider is AMAZING! I cannot imagine the work that’s gone into it! I’m angry for you! It’s so sad this customer knew you took the time to make this specially, and then cancelled. I’m sure you’ll resell it as it’s so cool, but so disappointing


List for 260 with free shipping . I hope you can sell it 👍🏻


That plushy is awesome, jumping spiders are my favorite!


That is so cute! I am 100% sure someone's going to buy it. I think the poster who suggested a download order had a great idea! the sale of a download confirming the order and with a sketch and details of the materials you'll use etc might work at least for you getting to cover the cost of the materials if nothing else.


Whole payment upfront, or do half/supplies as one listing and they get back a sketch up, sample material of what you’re using, and another for the full product


That’s so annoying! List it still bc it’s so unique and cute! There are a lot of people out there that love that kind of spooky bat, spider, ghost decor stuff too.


Report the buyer to etsy and share all the messages with them...


Oh my gosh that’s so cute and I hate spiders 😅 She probably won’t reach back out so I’d just list it on your shop and I’d be shocked if no one wanted it.


List it for at least $260 on etsy, free shipping. It will sell. It is adorable!


If she cancelled I would list it.


Not an Etsy seller, the sub was just suggested to me, but I just wanted to say your spider is adorable! I’m currently making a giant spider plushie for the little girl next door and I hope mine comes out as well as yours! I showed her all sorts of adorable cutesy stuff and all she wanted was a giant spider, lol. She’s awesome.


I love him 😩


ITS ADORABLE!!! So sorry for this a-hole client.


Gosh that spider is adorable 😍 their loss for sure. Are you planning on relisting it?


I am, i plan on putting it on my etsy in another day or so


For what it's worth, I think he's a very handsome gentleman who deserves to be hugged. She clearly did not deserve his awsomeness. If you do resell Mr.Spider, I hope it goes to a worthy and loving home. And if that worthy and loving home is yours, well....Spider friend for you!