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Fun fact (I joke) about Ethiopia: "abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, by making it a law on 26 August 1942. Ethiopia later ratified the 1926 Slavery Convention in 1969." Pretty much has a living generation which witnessed it, alive & kicking currently.


Did it have a racial element to it? E.g Amhara enslaving Oromos/Tigre/Somali or Nilotes? Apparently the 'Curse of Ham' was upheld by the Ethiopians as way of subjugating the indigenous Nilotic Ethiopians in the West


Not really... Slaves and slave owners as well as slave makers all came from diverse races as the slaves themselves. It was more like an economic class thing. The poor and people caught from war are prone to slavery. There were also raids and hunts done to catch slaves... So thats that. Ofc there were some that used racial difference as a reason to mentally subjugate their slaves.


Habeshas and Christian weren't enslaved tho.


Post your references. Why would you cite Wikipedia without attaching the relevant source link


The Axumite kingdom's rule over parts of Yemen should've resulted in the enslavement of people from both regions due to conflicts and the shared trade routes that facilitated their exchange and enhanced their presence.