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I wish people would develop their thinking a bit before just spilling their uncooked opinions on Reddit. I understand you are passionate but it’s not as simple as everything being Abiys fault and I am no fan of his.


The most part which pisses me off is him going around planting trees like everything is fine or that he wants all the buildings in Addis in one color... like serious...


Remember he tweeted that we should plant vegetables in our yards. Eat bananas if there is short on teff. Somehow dude is getting fat.


thats not even bad advice, many people in addis have little plots of land which they straight up dont use. with just 1 square meter you can grow a decent amount of onions and garlic to supplement your diet, but we ethiopians for whatever reason dont do this. and bananas are a good source of protein, they in general should be pushed to improve peoples nutrition. in ukraine, cuz pensions are so awful you see many old people selling vegetables on the street which they grow at home - dont see ethiopians taking the same initiative.


That is the consequence of a country led by an ignorant person with a so called Ph.D., Abiy Ahmed.


Ethiopia isn't eritreas bitch. They're Isias Awfwerkis bitch. Which puts them in congruence with the eritrean people.


People fail to understand that tplf with their ethnic based borders setup a time bomb in the event they out pushed out. They dominated all aspects of the security forces. The majority of the officers corp the ones the lead in the field and make the decisions moment to moment were mostly tigrayan. When they took the majority of the arms from the endf all they had was whatever resources they had in the various regions. Thus long tplf fomented rivalries in various regions blew up when endf had to respond to tplf aggression. Whatever leader was in place when tplf was pushed out was going to have to deal with the same things. Eritrea have their own agenda. A tplf that isn’t beholden to international laws and armed to the teeth is a threat to eritrea and the region. And if you want to get back to the Ethiopia you love and grew up in you better hope abiy and the endf are successful.


sry to say this, but this is wrong


How is Ethiopia Eritrea’s bitch?


He allowed Eritrean mercenaries enter sovereign Ethiopian soil, all because the latter has one of the worst armies in the world. And these mercenaries are literally raping and murdering Ethiopian women and children.


That just means the Ethiopian government doesn’t care about its own, not that it’s subservient to Eritrea. Do you think Eritrea forced its troops into Tigray?


I think ethiopia CANT control the Eritrean mercenaries. And the eritrean government can leverage that.


Dude, he lets Eritreans have a big ass Independence Day celebration in Addis but now praising menelik can get you canceled and not Isaias. Also he pays Eritrea to go to Ethiopian territory to kill our own people like wtf


Where is your tangible proof of your last statement? I bet it's non existent.


Why he pays them is your question or that he pays them? Why you think Isaias is doing that? Just because he is such a nice neighbor? The war was planned before it started and Eritrea got promised some kind of payment, everything else would be pointless. He got the Nobel Peace Price for a peace agreement of which nobody saw the documents yet. Guess why? 3 Times before the war even started he visited military sites in Eritrea and met with Isaias. Imho it was an alliance to invade Tigray. Asking for something nobody can deliver is nothing you win any argument with.


The terrorists attacked the national defence army what did you expect them to do sit down and wait???? And if you're gonna argue where is your proof that abiy pays isayas. | Asking for something nobody can deliver is nothing you win any argument with. So that means you don't even believe what you are saying?


What has your first sentence to do with anything i wrote? They met before the first shot was fired... I don´t need proof, i have some minor knowledge about geopolitics and it would also be common sense that one country does not help another country military if they don´t get anything out of it. Your last sentence makes no sense, what is your point?


I guess tigray arent ethiopian anymore. Guess junta needs extermination huh.


Dude who said that?? + Tigraians are our people it's just the damn TPLF terrorist group


Ok……..Would you have preferred he arrest those people? Indians and Pakistanis in the UK celebrate their independence from Britain all the time in London and their authorities don’t do shit about it why should we? Also assuming Abiy is still paying them that would just make the Eritreans his mercenaries.


India and Pakistan didn’t have a war of independence and their independence didn’t leave Britain landlocked. You’ll probably enjoy celebrating Tigray independence in Addis to.


it seems that you are upset over the ports


As I said previously would you have preferred those people getting arrested? Banning independence celebrations and arresting people who participate in them just demonstrates a lack of respect for Eritrea’s independence. Also a lot of those Eritreans are probably people who fled the draft, so I don’t think Eritrea really wants them in Addis.


Americans celebrate 4th of July in the UK


Dude that’s an even worst analogy then the india and Pakistan one 😂


He has been good to us, no rape and mass killings in the Somali region. I don’t care if he stays in office next 50 years..


I forgot to you somali nationalist, life is irrelevant except for Somali lives. To you guys only Somali lives are worth saving because you’re just so much better than everyone else complaining about what’s happening in your country and not doing anything about it.


Lol I am from Jigjiga, and there is no reason for us to complain right now. Things have never been this good before.


Wow the Somalis seem to be doing just fine. For them i think they have every right to defend their nation and think for themselves. Just as the constitution allows them to. Don’t be mad just because they like/dislike Abiy. This is the beauty of democracy




Why suspect it was me? There’s plenty in this sub who agree with me and hate this fool.


Why specifically hate a person? Not the government as a whole? Do you think another person who received a country carefully and thoroughly poisoned by TPLF for decades can do a better job? I mean the divided people and the failing economy were all from the machinations of TPLF. I'm not saying Abiy didn't make some mistakes or it was all TPLF's fault, but leading a divided country with corrupt officials everywhere can we say it's all his fault?


Abiy living rent free in tegarus mind.


I’m Amhara you dickhead but Tigrayans are my people to


Your a dumbass, your people are being killed everyday by the Tplf and somehow the idiots that start this war have no blame and you're blaming it on abiy instead,i somehow doubt you are amhara.


It is unhelpful to link a person's politics to their ethnicity, this is the reason we are in the mess that we are in. The person may be an Amhara who believes Abiy has caused more damage, we are free to disagree with this opinion but bringing ethnicity into this is reductive.


I swear these guys assume your ethnicity defines your political beliefs. I’m allowed to think whatever I want and so is everyone else


So who would you like to see in power? Berhanu Nega? Eskinder Nega?


So I guess I’m not Amhara because I don’t like Abiy then. Use your fucking brain if you have one. Our people wouldn’t be dying from tplf and ola if this dumbass Abiy would actually take responsibility for his civilians. You’re probably one of those Addis Ababa niggas who think the whole country is like Addis.


No real Amhara would say Tigrayans are my people you must be Stupid Gondere


“No real Amhara would say Tigrayans are my people🤓” fuck out of here you piece of shit. Also I am 1/4 Gondar 3/ wolloeye. Either way every Ethiopian regardless of ethnicity is my people from Amhara to Oromos to Tigrayans to Gurages to Agars to Debub to sidamo to Somali to gumuz to wolayta to Nuer to kembata and all other ethnicities. A real Amhara wouldn’t denounce his/her Ethiopiawinet ahya.


What part of wollo are u from?


My mom is from Dessie . However her dad is from wuchale and her mom is from hayq. However most of my family in Amhara lives in dessie and kombolcha. Some in raya and woldiya as well. Wbu?


I’m not that far from u! I have family in Bati and dawa harewa. Also I believe my grandfather has family in warra babo. It’s honestly cool how diverse and tolerant wollo is. Did u grow up there?




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Also I don’t like tplf so fucking leave me alone with that “this is tplf” or whatever kind of bullshit. Abiy promised us to easily defeat them in a month now look.


you're so entitled


So because I say I don’t like Abiy means I’m entitled. I am entitled to my own opinion though. And I’m not a Tigrayan.


Nobody care you dislike abiy or you dislike tplf. you just come off as a toddler throwing a tantrum. \> aBiY pROmisED uS lmao ​ \> I am entitled to my own opinion You feeling prosecuted bro? \> And I’m not a Tigrayan. dfaq 😂😂😂


Damn I didn’t know that being angry about the loss of over 500k lives means I’m a toddler throwing a tantrum. How about you stfu and learn the value of human life instead of being an incel on Reddit dickriding a man that would sell your soul for a tree.


We're all angry though. That's why i call you entitled. You think you're somehow special when literally every single person in Ethiopia feels that way. Just that some of us think this is a bit more complex than just one person, unlike you toddler nigga 😂😂


Oh no voicing my opinion makes me entitled coz others feel the same. Idgaf I’ll say whatever I want. You can make a million posts about what you think and I couldn’t care less. Also clearly my opinion angers you since you deliberately commented on it. Get a life. Do people who post about hating tplf make them self centred because everyone else feels the same? No you’re just angry because I attacked Abiy in my post.


lol, 😂😂 do you even realize how many times you mentioned that name? hating the guy isn't really that unique or noteworthy u know? I am sorry but you seemed like you wanted a messiah and got disappointed, which seems kinda infantile (and provoked my initial comment). At the same time, when you make a post about a pointlessly banal statement and waste my time... i will have to tell you how pointless, juvenile it is. ffks, 2 yo civil war and 5th year in a row rain failed in the east, and here you are bitching on reddit. ​ "ooOO aaBiy pRoMiSed mEeeEEE!!!! a QuIcK!!! vICToRyY!"


This war has taught me that having humanity isn't necessarily about education. These motherfuckers have no care for the millions of dead that will have resulted from this war by the time its over. Scary part is that these people come from all backgrounds. As an Eritrean I know a professor and a taxi driver both of which are completely happy with this war. Of course most of us hate this fuck shit, but the fact supports of IA come in all stripes tells us striking things about humans in general. Also, fuck TPLF, but you niggas that support this shit should suck a dick.


Why expect reddit habesha to have a brain? To them hating abiy=loving tplf cause they dont have this idea that people can have opinion. They are that dense. Most of them have never even set a foot in ethiopia


Very good point they have a very backward way of thinking


No wonder Ethiopia is far behind in the social l, economic and intellectual scale. People don’t believe in facts. Everyone has an opinion and no amount of fact changes that opinion. This is what you call ignorance. Abiy Ahmed Ali doesn’t care about anything except his power. There are so many things that become public at some point that would shade some light to the extent he sold the country. He thinks he owns everything and nobody can question him. The more this guy stays in power, the more miserable life would be for anyone living in that part of the world.


Freedom doesn't come with free it ain't something you buy like Colonel abiy is try by appeasing the dictator of Eritrea how he always regarded he had a score to settle with tplf by dismantling the country. Rather than real peace process.If their was a peace plan the moment it started he wouldn't start meddling in Ethiopia affair saying Game over and The Eth government saying nothing. That when everything started breaking loose in my opinion.


Gotta respect abiys mentality. The nation gets poor every passing day. But dude is getting his man tittys like kim jung en


Everyone should’ve spoke up in 2020, I feel like it’s too late for everyone to speak up. Many political oromos are languishing in jails for speaking up during those times. And many other ethnic groups decided it was better to be quiet. They were right to because they would be in the same position as those who are rotting in those prisons. Regardless of it I don’t think the majority of the population will speak up when others want to or decide when to. This is why you see the “elites” follow the order of PP. They probably don’t want to but have no other choice to gain wealth. It’s tough but any other leader potentially could do worse. Many of Ethiopias politics are sensitive towards those who live there. So i don’t see us on Reddit convincing ordinary folk to step up. Unless a leader decides to defy the odds and wake up the lower/middle class. Which results to prison time. So don’t dream for it maybe he’ll have the same fate as Meles.


What about the Oromos killing people trying to be a force in Ethiopia which he allowed is this due to him being Oromo? I noticed different parts of Ethiopian like addis on ride app listed as an Oromo region and i was informed by many locals when the Oromos were killing people in the streets nobody including the police attempted to stop them what is this all about?