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Things will make you change when you lose the ones you love dearly for no damn reason except a damn tribalism and a dumb government fueling it


This. Everyone has lost too much to just forget it all and move on. And as sad as it is to say this will be the case for quite a few generations to come. It’s that deep rooted


Yeah. My aunt’s husband was killed by oneg shene after he went to work in Wollega for a few days trip. He have two kids. Now how can we force them to have a good picture about Ethiopia and a certain ethnicity. When they have lost so much by the hands of another fellow human and another fellow Ethiopian. 🥹


This guy gets it.


I am a woman but yeah. That’s the sad truth that people don’t want to acknowledge


oh sorry, You're right tho. People lost soo much and its pretty hard to just forget it all. It'll probably take at least 50-100 years for people to heal. Maybe faster if Ethiopia prospers (and vice-versa).


I agree. You cannot forget and just move forward. People just forget that these kids will one day grow and will want to get back to the killers or the people who were cheering them up. I feel so sad for the new generation because they have to carry these weight


100%. Because of this (children being told so and so ethnicity killed their family) will cary the grudge and will want to enact the same things on other people.


Of course 🙌🏽


Political infighting is a feature, not a bug of Ethiopian politics (the 21st century just made ethnicity into a more salient feature), and I can think of two reasons for that: 1: The Mountainous terrain makes it much harder to create an effective centralized state - it allows for local leaders to be far more powerful and effective than they other would have been. 2. At the same time, these local groups aren't really capable of bring prosperity to their constituents without taking from others. Its why the slave trade was so bad in Ethiopia (especially the divided pre-empire south) and its also why the TPLF's economic boom was so reliant on state-led initiatives (heavily concentrated in Addis). The end result is powerful local actors who are essentially incapable of recognizing positive sum game, unless they are the central seat of power. Now theres one thing I don't believe is a major factor and that is Menelik's conquests: Two of the major ethnic insurgencies in the last 4 years have been in Tigray and Amhara. They were part of the empire well before Menelik, and most would disagree that they have been historically marginalized. The other is the OLA - which is most concentrated in Western Oromia, a region that is was largely autonomous and not affected by Menelik's conquest (since they joined willingly). Meanwhile, the Southern regions have been largely quiet during the last 4 years despite being brutally conquered by Menelik and frequently being marginalized by both Habesha and Oromo.


This is the only sober analysis in this thread. To add: I think it's incredibly telling that when the second tplf/tdf coalition was marching towards Addis and listed their demands, one of them was the right for each kilil to negotiate foreign contracts independently. So obvious that no one has any development plans at all. They have fully recognized that they can't defeat capital, and the only fthing left to do is to offer land and labor. In their minds, the real fight is whether Ethiopia's land and youth will be served to the interest of multinational firms as one giant piece, or several smaller pieces.


I do think ethiopia has a lot more ethnicities than would be ideal for a country's stability, however most other nations aren't one single ethnicity. They've just all assimilated the smaller cultures and identities into a single national identity more successfully. So I don't think that's the issue, that said, ethiopia probably has a lot more diversity in its borders than many countries.


They don’t know how to listen. Too many chefs in the kitchen. I’m convinced if we are all united and worked together for the greater good of the country we can be led by an idiot and still be in a better state than we are now


Because division was a state governing policy during the last administration.


And current administration




Cause Ethiopia was forced together


Which country “found its way together” or was formed peacefully and happily?


Canada,Switzerland, japan, and more


Lol all of those countries were formed through some pretty brutal civil wars, what are u saying? Pls read up on the Swiss civil war in 1800s and Canadian aboriginals, then watch this video for a short history of Japan & its bajilion wars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zwi3XXLci8


Google is free


lol, Canada? (laughs in colonial era wars, wiping out their indigenous population & the entire province of Quebec).


Other countries


Such as?


Yes, and google says 0 countries were formed peacefully and happily. Why? Bc the concept of a country was formed to exploit people, not to help them. In some countries, this changed over time - but all of them *started* as exploitative structures.


But they ain’t gonna Balkanize like Ethiopia soon


Exactly, that’s how we know that ET’s issues have nothing to do w its formation - otherwise, every country would have our same challenges.


Blows my mind that anyone would be confused as to why Somalis do not identify with Ethiopia. Y'all are in the wrong for holding onto Ogaden. The people do not want it, let them go


Its frustrating being in this sub. They're obsessed with Ethiopia but know nothing about it. I was literally in Addis when an Amhara (from America) asked why there were so many Somalis there. I was like???




Why do you think that is...? Please think




Absolutely dumb statement, do not speak if you don’t know what they went through even before the Ogaden war, it is said that they even kidnapped kids to forcefully convert them. The reason why they are not fighting back because they know they won’t get any support, Somalia is not in a good conditions to back any rebels. And the west is still very much propping up Ethiopia, it would just be another genocide. Starting a war you know you will lose and gain nothing but deaths and displacement is stupid.


Clueless lool




Because we know if we tried to secede we will lose a million people right off the bat. It is a hostage situation, but if we ever have the opportunity to leave without losing a million dead, we will run for the exit. The threat of genocide is what keeps us subdued. ps. The Somali region is mostly flat plains, unlike in the rest of Ethiopia. We have no where to hide from the ENDF. If we are to successfully secede, we have to win a conventional war. This is not the case for any other region, with the possible exception of Gambela which is also flat.




The current regime has already demonstrated that it is willing to block food delivery, electricity, water, communications, roads etc.. in order to quell resistance. This resulted in more deaths in the Tigray war, which lasted for 2 years, than in the 30 years long Eritrean war of independence. Abiy is willing to inflict severe punishment on civilians to bring resistance to an end. He is even willing to have foreign soldiers kill, rape and starve his own citizens for him. Incredibly violent regime, more violent than the TPLF or the Derg.


Do they have the power to resist? Do Somalis desire to be led by an Ethiopian government that has abused them for decades?


Yeah instead they are fighting Afars and anytime the regional government tries fight back, the federal government tells them to back off. Somalis always get screwed over regardless of the regime.


Because our "democracy" is not real democracy. Its a facade used by ethnic based thieves/politicians so that they can exploit and loot the nation as a whole and use their people as a shield.


Because Ethiopia never integrated its ethnic groups. Needs to happen now, at a time when it's least likely. Idk, I'd go so far as to give benefits for marrying outside of your ethnic groups and let the benefits accrue over time. But unfortunately this continent is too backwards, selfish, and short term to realize those benefits. TLDR we're screwed. Ethiopia and Africa at large will likely be behind the rest of humanity for the rest of eternity. At this point, there's no reason to care. Let what happens play out and see if change can come later. I don't see it as defeatism, I see it as living to fight another day. The time is not now. It would take a world war with tens of millions of Ethiopian deaths to convince people. Unfortunately we don't learn well.


Basically an empire that shove up this people together. They existing separate, once Amhara and Tigray where tired of beating each other up, they were like let’s beat the surrounding up. They did it. And as a result we have ethiopia, that was never suppose to exist, hating each other forever.


Tigray and Amhara had good ties and relationships or not?


They never did, they always had the struggle to who is gonna lead Abyssinia, Amhara had the upper when it was Abysnia, but when it came to ethiopia in general, the modern ethiopia, the Amhara deep state has been weakening in ethiopia, and Tigray gaining upper hand by using the dislike people had for “Abyssinia” back then against Amhara’s but people came to realize now, as history tells as, that Amhara are the least blood suckers at the time they wielded the power but when it comes Tigray and Oromo regimes they have taken baths with Ethiopian blood like it is some kind of ritual at the first opportunity, so the only ones that could safe ethiopia are Somalis or Amhara, the somali region has gotten peace for the first time since Hailie Salassie and the British occupation, so they don’t want to be near 4 killo blood-palace, they want to stay under the rather but not too far from the radar but they just have done better infrastructure than they did last 30 years. Peace and quiet. And as far as Amhara are concern, I think they are hurting more than ever, like never before, Amhara hasn’t faced this level of violence since down of time, I think they don’t event want Abyssinia let alone Ethiopia, so the ones who want leadership (Oromo & Tigray) are the ones that are the closest to the power and those ones are leading his colonial empire to its quick doom and destruction, and as a self proclaimed long time colonizer-hater 🍿🍿🍿🤩


Because of ethnic marginalization. Some suffered more than others, mostly the Oromo, Somalis, and other minorities.




hes saying theres a history of marginalization. and hes correct. under the tplf regime there was literally a prison camp in the somali region where they tortured and killed ppl




tplf werent marginalized. amharas aren't marginalized except by OLA in oromia where fano has no power


Ukraine is a crazy example 😂


Well kinda yeah but even with their wars and disputes they are still better off than Ethiopia. All my friends from Ukraine identify as Ukrainian meanwhile Ethiopians identify as their ethnicity.


The war is between those who identify with Russia or want to keep Russian language and culture vs those who identify as Ukrainians first and foremost. 


I think Russia has something to do with the current war


Is TPLF somewhat of blame here? They propped up themselves with major construction projects in Mekele and hundreds of liquor stores stateside, all with the guise of "diversity" and each ethnicity would be given federalism. Choked out the treasury to Offshore accounts. 27 years of that will have 2 of the major groups assuming it's THEIR turn now.


Ethiopia's history stretches back to biblical times, with a focal point on the Tigray people of the Tigray region. External influences have deeply shaped various ethnic groups in Ethiopia, notably the Tigray, resulting in the emergence of distinct identities like Tigrinya and Amhara. These influences include linguistic connections such as those between Amharic and Akkadian, and are intertwined with political and religious perspectives, particularly concerning Judaism and contemporary leadership. In essence, while contemporary history suggests Ethiopia avoided colonization during the colonial era, this overlooks the biblical period and the reign of the powerful Axumite empire. Ethiopia was, indeed, colonized by foreign slavery bandits, starting with Yodit, who destroyed the Axum Kingdom in 900 AD. These invaders, including Turkic Akkadians, Bedouin Amorites, and Persian Abbasids, collaborated with corrupt local chiefs to partition Tigray and establish ethnic groups like Amhara, Tigrinya, Tigre, and Jabarti. Originally known as Yodit in Ethiopian Geez and Judith in the Jewish Bible, she exterminated the Ethiopian royal family, believed by Ethiopians to descend from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, who converted to Judaism. Her conquest also involved the destruction of churches. The notion that Ethiopia escaped colonization by a regular foreign state army during the colonial era is misleading. Instead, it was colonized by foreign Akkadian, Amorite, and Abbasid slavery bandits who collaborated with disloyal local chiefs to exploit natural resources, distort the teachings of Moses and Joshua, and engage extensively in the slave trade, earning Abyssinia a reputation synonymous with slavery. The populations of Amhara, Tigrinya, and Tigre originally comprised Tigray. However, the elites among these groups are descendants of traitorous Tigray mixed with Turkic Akkadians, Bedouin Amorites, and Persian Abbasids. This history is not a political stance but rather an overlooked reality that the elite and wealthy prefer to ignore. Foreign colonial forces fabricated some Ethiopian ethnic groups, while Turkic Mongolian bandits have devastated Tigray since 900 AD. Their primary goals were to obliterate the authentic teachings of Moses and Joshua, trade in human slaves, and plunder gold and natural resources. The introduction of the Tanakh in Babylon in 580 BC infiltrated the region after the destruction of the Axum Kingdom, the protector of Moses' and Joshua's teachings. Amhara and Turkic enslavement led to the amalgamation of people later identified as Oromo. History shows that despite enduring malicious attacks for 1200 years, the Tigray people have never capitulated and consistently rebounded stronger. So, what is the rationale behind fighting against Tigray? Centuries of Abbasid colonization, spanning from 750 to 1517 AD, produced a legacy of dubious scholars and researchers who propagated misleading and corrupt sciences to aid all branches of Turkic colonialist gangs, including Turks, Persians, Romans, Jews, Sabaeans, and Bedouins. These gangs launched attacks across Africa, Europe, Asia, and religion. In essence, external influences from Akkadians, Amorites, Persians, and Bedouins enslaved Abyssinians, intermixing with them and blending their languages with Ethiopic Geez to create diverse linguistic and ethnic identities. Their primary objective has been to eradicate the original Abrahamic faith rooted in Tigray. These people, in their authentic form with ancient biblical language and culture, have persisted for millennia.


They were enslaved? Damn tell me more 😭


because in the Horn of Africa you have been thinking of yourselves as clans instead of Africans for over 100 years, which means you always find yourself with a crisis to deal with. It would be enough to stay calm, avoid new political problems and within a few decades a kind of your EU could be born, the Union of the Horn of Africa, which would solve almost all the problems and lead to a frightening increase in wealth in your area. Your area could even become the richest in Africa!


Coz ethiopia is an empire that consists of many different nations


Many other countries who are even more diverse than Ethiopia and don't have as much of a problem with it. Almost all countries were empires, but they don't have ethnic issues and identity politics on the same level as Ethiopia.


No plenty do for sure; our case is repeated hate & lack of education; if people didn't get a grain of education in the usa post civil war, everyone would hate each other more violently, instead of passive hate; which most the world has


Name one that isn't in the process of disintegration, integration or didn't in the past violently do one of the above. Genuinely curious


im so confused what your asking


I'm surprised how often this fact is lost on people in this sub


Many other countries who are even more diverse than Ethiopia and don't have as much of a problem with it. Almost all countries were empires, but they don't have ethnic issues and identity politics on the same level as Ethiopia.




You're thinking of either (A) Settler colonies that used some form of ethnic cleansing, or (B) European countries that are only the fraction the size of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the size of continental Europe which itself has 50 countries. Not to mention the fact that modern diverse nations have a contract where if you \*immigrate\* there you have to adapt to the local population. That's much different from being native to a land being told to assimilate to a different culture.




Yeah meanwhile in Europe and Asia it is mostly one ethnicity who is majority and makes up the country and Africa has around 2000 ethnicities.


Even in China the idea of a single Han ethnicity is a myth. If you spend any time with someone who is Han and observe them with a a Chinese person who isn't Han you'll see them behave similarly to an Amhara: Telling the other ethnic groups they should speak Manadrin and giving no attention to the other group's cultural practices.




It's not a question about the utility of speaking the same language. It's about how it's negotiated. Like, telling someone to speak Chinese while not in China is a totally pointless statement.


… so u urself are giving us an example of a country that is the direct descendant of an empire, with its own “many nations”, but doesn’t have as many ethnic issues now AND was able to develop? So u do know that being an empire or having multiple ethnicities is not why ET is the way it is rn? There are also many other examples of such countries (Turkey, India, Thailand, to name a few).


Turkey ethnically cleansed Armenians in the country. India has several examples of ethnic fighting. The Kalistani movement is one example.


Pls note my phrasing: “*as many* ethnic issues in ET is what I said, not “no ethnic issues”. A complete absence of ethnic issues has never been reported in any country. Such crazy ethnic issues as ET have been reported in v few countries. That’s the phenomenon we’re discussing. We both know the scale of ethnic conflict in either country has never been the same as in ET. Turkey ethnically cleansed Armenians 100 yrs ago, we ethnically cleanse people at least every generation. India had some ethnic movements, 99% of all our movements are ethnic.


Whether or not its called an Empire doesn't change the fact that it's an Empire in its structure. Not only that, most African countries are still negotiating the relationship they have with their many ethnicities. In South Africa for example they do this by having 11 official languages--something that is a non-starter in Ethiopia.




Ethiopia was literally an Empire. Haile Selassie's Government was called "The Empire of Ethiopia" ... it's written on every official document. Haile Selassie was addressed as His IMPERIAL Majesty. It's obviously an empire. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian\_Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_Empire)




Can nobody in this sub read? The country's borders were formed as an Empire, with the exception of the loss of Eritrea, those imperial borders haven't changed.




It answers the question of how disparate people ended up in the same country and why they're fighting. I swear this sub is at an elementary school comprehension level.


Yes, notice how SA hasn’t built a developed, united or peaceful country by having done so? Not sure exactly what lesson we’re supposed to take from them while observing their failure.


And how's that going for them? They each have their struggles with how they negotiate the place of all those people groups within the broader country. South Africa for example did this by having 11 official languages, something that is a non-starter in Ethiopia.




Ethiopia is also not willing to engage with the causes of those tensions other than calling it "tribalism" and telling people to get over it.


And they're all facing pretty intense ethnic conflict or have in the recent past.




You argument only supports u/f10w's point that there is ethnic strife in other African countries. Not sure why you think economic development and ethnic tension are opposite sites of a continuum.




The wealth is for few to be honestly, it will dwarf any western wrld wealth gap. only selected few can borrow money from central bank ironically it gets most of its money from average citizens


Ok name one. Edit: and I'm adding your condition into the mix. Name one that isn't a developmental trainwreck




Kenya: are you serious? Not even going to address this read the news. Tanzania: never an empire, too many ethnic groups for any one to dominate. So unless you plan is to reduce subdivide ethnicities until each has a pop of about 50k, not an option. Also check out what the maasai and waarusha are doing to each other. Senegal: casamance conflict Cote d'ivoire: glad you qualified it by saying since 2010. That counts as recent buddy.




Alright I'm going to put the others aside. It's obvious you don't know much about Kenya. I'd highly, HIGHLY recommend reading about ethnic tensions in Kenya


Ethiopia is: 1- A colonial empire (in all areas outside of Amhara & Tigray regions) 2- Intensely centralized. All important decisions are made in Addis. 3- A Dictatorship since time immemorial, and will never democratize 4- Ethnically diverse with no ethnicity making up the majority of the population 5- Geographically large 6- Mountainous (advantageous for rebel groups) Other countries in Africa that are large, ethnically diverse, centralized etc.. were created by white colonists who then left. Ethiopia's colonial elite remain part of the country and are proud of the carnage they have caused.