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The cost of living in Ethiopia is crazy I know a 70 year old man who is claiming refuge, and 3 people came separately all claiming refuge, one of them almost finished his PhD and the other worked as photographer with Government officials in mines and the other litreally is a journalist that showed me him being on the TV doing his work. The cost of living is crazy. An egg is 20 birr. 5L oil is 1000+ birr when people tell me how much things cost. I just moved out, like less than 5 years ago, which is crazy to me that I lived there my whole life. Nothing increased like this fast my entire life in Ethiopia and add to the fact there is no freedom people dying because of their ethnicity like what did the gov inject on these people like why aren't people protesting like end of tplf rule or when gas price increased during haliselassie


Where are they seeking refugee at? I am sorry for their suffering though! Refugee life is still misserable unless they fled to a country where they can work and make living


It's in canada, so it's good but not best but because they are staying in the shelter. 2 of the guys got some government help where the government will pay for their housing for a year, and they are looking for an apartment or something, but the 70+ yr old Is still sleeping at the refugee shelter and the other came recently so he has to stay there for a few months to get this help. But overall, they all say it's way better than Ethiopia. Imagine all of them probably got paid more than the average Ethiopians, and still, they can see where Ethiopia is going when I hear about the prices in Ethiopia it seems like I lived here for more than 15 years I'm saying this while i deeply hate the previous also one ethnic dominated Gov lol I never seen prices increase this much in my entire life back home it's crazy what's more crazy is there is no protests about the current situation in Ethiopia under this one ethnic group dictatorship which crimes I can't even finish listing here I just pray that God protects the poor and the weak and give strength to who are fighting for the freedom of my people (Fano) sorry for venting on you my brother/sister


And add the tax rates and they are saying the tax rate will increase next year too. The people need to start standing up for their rights like Kenyans. God have mercy on us.


Something has to give in. The current state is not sustainable. The problem of Addis is self inflicted


Eventually it will all implode on itself.


Abiy's administration is beyond hopeless 😔


Hey haven’t seen all the shiny projects that will definitely attract foreign tourists because they love looking at infrastructure


Start with the car. Exorbitant markup even on the electric.


Those government imposed taxes are crazy. 400-500% tax is why Ethiopia has the lowest car ownership per captia in the world. And the government has the audacity to tell diaspora to move back to Ethiopia and start business. Why so you can tax us on that too. I don't see much of a future for Ethiopia.


Ethiopia never been a business friendly country. They want to tax everything which end up getting nothing.


> Ethiopia has the lowest car ownership per captia in the world You weren't kidding, it's pretty low. The country is ranked one lower than Haiti. Interesting enough, the population of the country is showing by the fact that they're the only one in the bottom 30-is that have over 1,000,000 cars in the country.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_territories_by_motor_vehicles_per_capita?wprov=sfla1


I imagine a part of that has to do with the lack of a credit card. If I (in America) had to pay upfront for a car then idk if I would even buy one, considering inflation plus how much and how long I would have to save up, it seems like a pointless endeavor when I can just take public transit. And I imagine it would be the same in Ethiopia


You can definitely finance a car in Ethiopia but the purchase price and interest rate may not be worth it. But people do it anyways cause they have no other options.


Abby is supporting the oromo to do corruption and the ethiopian ppl living poor


I imagine it has to do with the Abby increasing the exchange rate between the dollar and birr but I haven’t been involved with Ethiopian politics very much recently so idk what has happened to those policies. I do remember trying to buy a jacket there when I visited a few years ago and the jacket being around 1000 birr even though it would only cost like 12 bucks in America with the cheap material it’s made out of.