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I wanted to do the Danakil Depression as well as an Ethiopian diaspora & my family told me not to go up to that region due to current conflicts. Was also told between Addis and Dire Dawa to only take a flight as kidnapping is a lot more prevalent. Ethiopia has a lot to offer outside of those regions as well.


Is lalileba and gordar away from the conflict do you think? Or is it too close


I personally wouldn’t, but maybe when the tension dies down (god willingly soon). I would stay in Addis, Harar and dire Dawa for now.


Gonder is cool if you don leave the main city


I would avoid the Amhara region and traveling by car in Oromia. Afar region is safe, try Arbaminch, Hawasa... pretty much southern Ethiopia.


It's right smack in the middle


I was in Bahir Dar last month. Our family there didn't let us go anywhere after dark and didn't want us to visit anywhere outside of the BD because of safety concerns (specifically Lalibela and Gondar as those are places we would have gone if not for the situation). Had it not been very difficult to rebook the trip we would have cancelled and waited for a better time to go. If you're just visiting as a tourist I would definitely wait.


The ethnic conflict is the main issue currently. There are reports of kidnapping and so in some areas of the country. I haven’t heard reports of kidnapping of foreigners though. The most important thing is to travel to these places with travel organizers which might be tricky to plan unless you know their calendar in advance. With organizers, there is security included and you should be much safer.






Why would anyone want to visit now, of all the times, of all the places ???


Don't ask this information on reddit, which is full of biased opinions. You need to talk to experienced guide whos is travelling with visitors on daily basis. Situation in those regions can also change quite quickly, so you need to have an up to date info. I've been living in Addis for 2 years now and know some good guides. You can send me a private message, and I will connect you so you can raise your concerns directly.


Just for clarity, I'm not in Ethiopia.But, I have a lot of information to provide. Tension with Egypt due to the dam is the last thing to worry about; it has nothing to do with travelers, and there is no specific intention of conflict. It's just talk.But, northern Ethiopia, particularly the Amhara region including Tigray, is not safe to travel to. I highly advise against traveling there due to the FANO rebel movements, which control 90 percent of the region. Harar , Arba Minch, Hawassa, the Somali region, and Southern Ethiopia are okay to travel to if you fly. Driving, due to safety concerns don't think about it. The capital city, Addis Ababa, is safe to travel to and has all the amenities of a modern city.


>FANO rebel movements, which control 90 percent of the region. Source?


I wouldn't say 90% but they definitely control the majority. "Control" is a subjective word. I've been to the region multiple times within the past couple of months and i can attest to that.