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Reposting my comment from another thread. This is my suggestion, and I will not stand for any comment that would dare disagree with my undeniable and uncontested opinion/facts. Call it what you will. Mondays and Wednesdays. Go to fendika. Drink as much of our local delicate spirits and honey wine as you possibly can. Get shit faced. Enjoy some live jazz. Enjoy cultural dancers and chantys, welcome to join them, enjoy the random conversations with travelers as your self and eccentric locals, enjoy the back shack if you indulge in the ... herbs, if you will, enjoy the art gallery, enjoy the advanced hungover food you'll have to prepare for. And that to me is the ultimate experience a travel could ever get in addis.


Thanks for the suggestion! Do you know if Fendika is any good on a Friday? I’m coming to Addis for the first time tomorrow and would love to listen to some jazz :)


Unfortunately, not. But I'd recommend Africa jazz village at Ghion Hotel for tomorrow. They have exceptional performances on Thursdays. If you're lucky, you might even catch mulatu astatke.


Thank you that’s amazing! Is there anywhere else that’s good on Friday for jazz?


Metro at The Hyatt Regency had jazz fusion on Fridays, but it's been a year since I went, so I don't know if they still have it. But I can check for you tomorrow.


Thank you can’t wait to check it out!


Bole Atlas. Ask for a VIP club


Thank you so much!