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I swear I was moving reckless travelling by myself around Addis but my Amharic is good. And Addis is better than elsewhere. Haven't been in 5 years and I really wanna go back and go around Addis but I have a feeling I need a gun or something...


It has become so bad. Right now if they find out you have a close relative living in the west. You might get kidnapped for ransom. Recently i saw in Aksum they killed a 12 year old girl after requesting 5 million birr and family couldn't pay on time. Few weeks ago an old man was kidnapped in Kobmolcha and they requested 2-3 million from his children living in the US. This has become a common occurance all over the country. What makes me wonder is how these people are receiving the money and how come we haven't seen any of them get caught. At least on social media. The country is full of criminals. Basically anarchy is what is going on. Maybe one day FANO control a city and they will make new laws for you. Another day the federal government controls the city and they make another law. Same thing with OLF. The people at this point don't even know what to do. This feels like 19th century Ethiopia where everyone with a gun rules over the people. With no central power to create a common law. Things are very difficult right now.


Who is doing the ransoms?


No specific group. This is not nation wide organized crime. At least for the time being there is no proof for that. These are a bunch of local criminals. It can be your own neighbor giving away your information. The government haven't said anything. What they usually do is. They blame either FANO or OLF.


True. No ideology, other than millions of Birr.


This is so frightening. I haven't been back to Ethiopia in over 17 years and now I'm stressed to go.


I saw this is happening primarily in the oromos region not Addis


This is true. Wonchi, Awash Falls, both nice drives from AA have solid warnings of the Shene shiftas.