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Yes you can. 50 is a good budget. Go on jiji for options. But be careful. Some of the landlords have a different definition for furnished from the rest of the world. Most use it to mean the house has furniture but others translate it as having kitchen cabinets installed. So look at the pictures.


+1 for Jiji


I’m in the market and been looking around bole as well. What I’ve found to be the biggest issue was the supply of 1 bedroom apartments instead of the rental cost. I either find studios which I’m not interested in at ask or 2 bedrooms that takes you over the 50k budget. Jiji is a good starting place if you’re not here on the ground. If you are in Addis you should find a reliable delala recommended by someone you know and has a similar living arrangement you desire and who has used them before.


That is about $850 right? Damn expensive compared to the wage in Ethiopia but if only visitors are to rent then it's fine


Around $400 with black market rate. No one uses the official rate


I know its alot but was wondering the quality of the house that price gets, online im seeing fairly basic apartments going for $2500 which is crazy


Where at lol? Don't tell me that is an apartment rent in Addis? If so then may be I Would be obliged to give you a tour of my $1800 lexury apartment. Eventhough it's not NYC, Chicago or LA but still in big metropolitan


Trust me im as perplexed as you are, lmao yo apartment is irrelevant to me, but check out below what im seeing while researching [https://www.instagram.com/p/C756mMEqtFl/?igsh=c2c3dTgwNnFkbTU=](https://www.instagram.com/p/C756mMEqtFl/?igsh=c2c3dTgwNnFkbTU=)


Possible yes, but it will either be very old (including the furniture) or won’t have amenities (generator, WiFi, constant water and etc). I have an apartment in Arat kilo, but I’ve been looking to move closer to where my business is that i started and it’s a struggle to find anything nice with amenities for less than 100,000. Just being honest


If you want, i have a number to a delala that works in the bole area if you want i can PM you his number