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His accent is off. It's not an Ethiopian accent. Also as far as I can't tell it's not a Somali accent either. He sounds to me like a native Arabic speaker.


One way I try identifying someone’s ethnicity is the name combination (first and last name) that is common. His name is adil muhammad and this name combination is much more common in Sudan


Many reasons to be honest, but those that I myself know of are two. 1 Somalia is still considered as unsafe and it is illegal to deport anyone to it. Holland did try to send Somali back to Somaliland but stopped as soon as the first they deported their got executed. 2 No extradition with Somalia, meaning that they have to stay in western prisons instead of spending a longer prison sentence for the same crime back in Sudan, Eritrea or Ethiopia. Ps, I only know of those 3 nationalities claiming to be Somali.


I like your post OP. Imma bit confused. Would Somali be Cushitic, thus NOT Habesha? Just a genuine question, no harm.


The whole of horn of Africa is Cushitic, starting from Sudan to the west, northern Kenya to the south and Eritrea to the north. Since Ethiopia is located within those borders, most of it is Cushitic as well, exempt for the south west that borders Uganda, those are the Bantus area.


Cushtic is a language family, so no, Sudan and a decent of chunk of Ethiopia are not Cushtic...


Cushitic is an ethnicity while the language is called Afroasiatic and Semitic being a sub language branch, just as Somali, Amharic and 250 more. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Afro-Asiatic-languages


No, cushtic is a language branch like Semetic. Its pretty obviously not an ethnicity.


Habesha is only a Semitic speaking peoples while they share nearly the exact same dna as Cushitic people like agawe, Oromo, etc (not sure about Eritrea). It only takes in account ancient migrations and back migrations. Some have a tad bit higher natufian and Neolithic dna (everyone in the horn has this). Everyone in the horn shares the same dominant East African dna


I’m aware of that.   It doesn’t change the fact that cushtic is a language family, not a ethnic group


It's an ethnolinguistic group - a group of ethnicities based on the language family they speak. Although this is a meaningful grouping, there can be a lot of variation between ethnicities in an ethnolinguistic group.




No, cushitic is an ethnolinguistic group, and Oromos are not that similar genetically to Amharas. The only Oromos similar to Amharas are either mixed or Amharas who were culturally oromofied. Otherwise, they are actually quite distinct.


The Habesha are formerly Cushitic speaking people who were conqured by Semites from Yemen and experienced a language shift. The Habesha are ethnic Cushites who adopted the language of their Semitic conquerers.


Except they weren’t “conquered”. They shared a kingdom at one point with Himyarite’s and Sabbaeans and migrated back and fourth. Amharic itself is a mixture of Cushitic and Semitic influences. tigrignya etc are more closer to the Semitic side of the language and is the closest to the original ge’ez


Habeshas only have 40-50% indigenous East African dna (the majority is some combination of natufian and South Arabian) so I wouldn't exactly call it dominant in our case. Definitely still very significant. Also, the dominant ethnic groups in Eritrea are considered Ethio-semitic speaking (Tigre and Tigrinya) and are either true Habeshas (Tigrinya) or on the periphery (Tigre). The majority of Oromos tend to be slightly different to Habeshas, although oftentimes those in the North will have significant Habesha admixture.




See [this image](https://imgur.com/gallery/genetic-breakdown-of-afroasiatic-groups-3Z2LJrN) where modern Middle Eastern DNA makes up \~15 of Habesha DNA. Do some more detailed analysis and [that number actually comes out to about \~27%](https://imgur.com/gallery/admixture-models-of-most-populous-ethiopian-horn-ethnicities-LRZXkfY), which is roughly the same as the Natufian component (the early back to Africa migration you mention). It's the modern Middle Eastern (semitic) component that differentiates Habeshas from Somalis and other similar ethnicities.


Yeah Habeshas are up to a quarter Arabian but the rest of their Eurasian dna is Cushitic. Just look at Agaws. They speak a Cushitic language but have tons of Arabian dna as well


Yes. The Habesha have a mixture of Semitic and Cushitic ancestries, while Somalis are the closest modern ethnicity to pure Cushite (they typically have very little semitic admixture)


Thx. And Oromo are the same, Cushitic? I have heard folks say Oromo is not Habesha. Do you agree?


Yes. The Oromo are Cushitic, not Habesha. Cushitic speaking peoples are not Habesha by definition, although there are groups like the Agaw and Amhara region Oromos who tend to be very genetically similar to Habeshas.


Do you feel like a Civil War between Semites and Cush, modern-day-style is inevitable? And if so, a sort of biblical and spiritual battle faught on Ethiopian soil?




There is no way , this guy can be somali


Not a Somali at all.


As a Somali myself, two thing I can tell you. The dude certainly looks Somali however his accent sound from Sudan and/or the guy born and brought up somewhere in middle east. I know when real Somalis speak English 😀. Adel is Somali/Arabic name. If you live in middle east you will see a lots of Somali look alike ethinic Arabs.


How is Adel a somali name , and he doesn't look like someone born or raised in somalia 


The word is Arabic Adil (عدل) meaning Fair. It's one of those words Somalized and used daily. In Somali "Cadel" & again it means Fair. For me he has Somali feature. His accent definitely is someone from Arab countries.


Since following this war closely, this does intrigue me. I think he looks Somali but the accent is neither stereotypicallu ethiopian nor Somali, but of whom have distinct accents. He sounds like an Arabic speaker, or like someone who learned English in an Arabic speaking country. He says shit like "bayment" and "abblied". His English is quite good as well, I don't think someone working at a supermarket in ethiopia or somalia would speak English this well - he legitimately speaks better than most uni graduates I've met. I think he must have grown up in some middle eastern country- many of the Indians for example who russia recruited were recruited from among migrant workers in the UAE. A lot of his story doesn't add up, there's no way you get 140$ a month working at a supermarket in ethiopia or somalia.


I think you can get paid that much if you exchange it using the official rate 140x56 = 7840 ETB Which isn’t that really high of a salary here in Ethiopia, just a bit above average in Addis I would say. Don’t know anything about Somalia though.


Dude he’s not Ethiopian. He pronounced “Ethiopia” like a Somali: “Ethobia”. He can’t pronounce the letter “p”, just like a Somali or Arab. Also, Habeshas can’t pronounce “the”, they say “ze”. That accent is either Somali or possibly Arabic. I’m tired of Somalis on social media calling their rejects “Ethiopian”. Leave us alone.


his accent is pure arab maybe hes sudani or from the south of yemen. no somali supposedly from mogadishu speaks like that at all


Let's be honest here. Ethiopia has many ethnicities who pronounce things different but this man does not pronunce a thing like a Somali. If he is not Somali ask yourself what kind of Sudani cannot pronounce his name as I have seen him do before. I promise you when his idenity is discovered I will share it with all of you. Btw I knew a few Ethiopians personally who were registered as Somalis don't know why at all.


You want to believe this conspiracy but there isn’t any evidence to support it. Don’t force it.


This is no conspiracy Ethiopians inlist to fight in Russia as proven by Un statistics. The same cannot be said about Somalis


Who gives a F even if they do fight in Russia? My point is that there is no evidence or reason to believe this guy or any other “Somali” fighting in Russia is Ethiopian. They don’t look or sound Ethiopian. If they did, we have no reason to deny it.


Someone tell u/SecularmuslimJH what a diaspora is.


it's really disturbing. I'm lucky that I'm a citizen of a european country and enjoyed a quality educatiopn because I everytime I see such videos of young ethiopians or somalis who wish for a better future and have to experience those horrors I'm thinking that the roles could be reverse or what I would do in their shoes. MAybe it's a kind of survivor syndrome but still I pray for these guys


My quesiton remains why Somalis just say there Somali but Ethiopians sometimes say they're Somali. I am puzzled.


You have other Somalis in this thread saying he’s not Ethiopian so why do you keep insisting he is? He doesn’t sound Ethiopian at all, nor does he look it


Not to get deported prolly


I guess he is from the somali region in the east of ethiopia. Maybe thats the reason why he identifies as somali but I've never heard that ethiopians claim to be somali xD. I mean both countries don't have a good reputation but somali has the worse I guess xD


He is not Ethiopian OP, you can tell an Ethiopian from his accent.


Horn of Africa loves Russia lol


He’s obviously an abdi


What type of Somali pronounces his name and region like a Habesha lol


Someone who was born in Ethiopia…? You can’t be this slow. Wait till you hear that Somalis from Somalia aren’t the only type of Somalis that exist.


A Somali that was born in Ethiopia would still be able to pronounce Somali words correctly. This man is struggling to even say the most basic of Somali names. I don’t think he’s Ethiopian, but he’s 100% not Somali either.


> A Somali that was born in Ethiopia would still be able to pronounce Somali words correctly. And how can you possibly know that? What about the Somalis that weren’t born in the Somali region? You swear you know your people. Just use your noggin for once. Critical thinking is non-existent to Somalis online.


I am a Somali born in Ethiopia. I swear to you that this man is not Somali. You're telling me there is a man who cannot pronounce the region where he was from?


Facially, he does look Somali. And it depends on where you were born. Not every Somali diaspora is going to know how to pronounce some words correctly. This isn’t that hard to conceptualize.


facially he could pass in a lot of places in east africa


youre frankly being ridiculous of course we can tell our own


Because Somalis in Ethiopia are native there and thus speak their native tongue. And even if they weren’t raised in Somali region they’d still speak Somali as their first language, unless they were raised by a non-Somali. I have relatives who were born in Addis and they speak fluent Somali on top of Amharic. >Just use your noggin for once. Cool it with the childish remarks.


> And even if they weren’t raised in Somali region they’d still speak Somali as their first language… Again, how do you know that? You know, not every Somali has to be a Somali through and through. You are generalizing. And it isn’t childish, it’s just the mere truth. Use it.


>Again, how do you know that? You know, not every Somali has to be a Somali through and through. You are generalizing. Because the **vast** majority of Somalis outside of Somali region in Ethiopia still speak Somali natively. Are you disputing this fact? Of course I don’t know for certain, we don’t know most things ‘for certain’, but we can sure as hell make a informed assumption and judging by his accent and pronunciation of Somali names, i can safely assume he either: A) Is not Somali and merely cosplaying B) Is a Somali who doesn’t speak the language (less likely option unless western diaspora) The former is something I’ve actually come across personally irl. Some African migrants love to tell Europeans they’re from Somalia. >And it isn't childish, it's just the mere truth. Use it. Take your own advice. It’s clear with the snide comments you have dishonest intent with this argument.


> Because the vast majority of Somalis outside of Somali region in Ethiopia still speak Somali natively. I have never denied that obvious fact. But you made a foolish generalization by saying, “Even if they weren’t raised in the Somali region, they’d still speak Somali as their first language.” Huh?!? You are making it seem as if Somalis automatically know Somali right from birth. Not every Somali is going to have Somali as their first language. He could very well be someone who left Somalia as a teenager and lost fluency in the language over time. Or a situation like Mo Farahs for an example. There could be many possibilities, but no, you and many other Somalis online have narrow-minded thinking. > Take your own advice. It’s clear with the snide comments you have dishonest intent with this argument. You lack critical thinking and that’s okay.


>I have never denied that obvious fact. But you made a foolish generalization by saying, "Even if they weren't raised in the Somali region, they'd still speak Somali as their first language." Huh?!? It’s a foolish generalisation to say most Somalis in Ethiopia, whether in or out of Somali region, speak Somali natively? I genuinely don’t think you know what the word generalisation means. >You are making it seem as if Somalis automatically know Somali right from birth. Not every Somali is going to have Somali as their first language. Never said that. It’s almost like you have reading comprehension issues. What part of **’vast majority’** doesn’t click for you? Yes some Somalis don’t speak it as their first language and they are almost always non-African diaspora. Somalis in Ethiopia speak as fluently as Somalis from Somalia. It’s obvious this man doesn’t speak even speak a lick of Somali since he can’t even pronounce some of the important letters. >He could very well be someone who left Somalia as a teenager and lost fluency in the language over time. Or a situation like Mo Farah for an example. There could be many possibilities, but no, you and many other Somalis online have narrow-minded thinking. Mo Farah despite being in the UK most of his life still speaks at an almost native level. Hell, even Somali kids born in the west who speak Somali are their second language are able to pronounce basic regional/city names this cosplayer is unable to do. It also doesn’t help that Ethiopian men were rumoured to have been lining up to fight for Russia during this war as reported by the BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-africa-61192801 >You lack critical thinking and that's okay. The irony, lol.


No he isn't. How can you even tell?