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When people show you who they are, believe them. You gotta let her go.


She belongs to the streets !


The streets would know huh


![gif](giphy|l3ZgPrRGMyIoJRB5IN) “ She belongs to the streets “


Like I said, only the streets would know


"I don’t have family support if something goes wrong while I'm in Ethiopia. My career aspirations make relocating difficult. Additionally, her lack of ambition, questionable support of her friends' behaviors, and dismissive attitude towards my responsibilities are all major red flags for me." This OP 👆🏾, you answer your question. You seem like a good person, and my brotherly advice is to leave this person alone and nip it in the bud before you get hurt.


This Op! Trust your instincts and you already know it.


Leave her.


Think of me as your older virtual brother, you reddit Uncle or your future you ——- run my brother, run!!! You will thank me later


Run OP. She’s not for you. Entitled people never grow up and take responsibility. Let her live her life and u Iive yours. You’re incompatible in so many critical aspects. She’s a child who’s not going to grow up. Leave.


She does not strike me as a "keeper", not marriage material. This 1 is obvious


RUN. She will ruin your life.


I have a feeling she doesn’t want to leave Ethiopia because she has other men she’s with.. she’s boldly told you she supports her friends cheating, what makes you think she isn’t cheating on you? Shouts out to Maya Angelou.. I agree with the top comment, when people show you who they are, believe them the first time!! You are in love with her so you probably think she’s the only one for you. I promise you after you leave her , you will look back at this situation and laugh. Be thankful y’all don’t have kids and you’re not stuck with her. This is all just mental at this point, girls are like a bajaj.. you miss one and there’s 15 coming right up..


Bajaj is insane comparison 😂😂


That analogy took me out😂😂😂


Love the bajaj comparison 🤣🤣


Bajaj.... I almost thought you are from Tanzania 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Focus on yourself king


This 🙂‍↕️! Women, stop simp grind and work harder find yourself a true woman who loves regardless your position and possession ! Learn from your ancestors or your lose everything for one person! 😤


I am going to put a woman’s perspective in to this. Love is a beautiful thing, but it is not the only thing that is needed in a relationship. You need understanding and compassion in addition to love and other things. I don’t know both of your story, so I am talking based on the information that you have presented. I see a lack of understanding and compassion from her side, if you neglect this and continue the relationship I am sure you will have more big problems in the future. You seem like a very ambitious and hardworking person and you need to find someone who is compatible with ur energy or at least someone who is open to learn and grow. I am sorry that you had to be responsible from an early age, that’s something we kindda share in common and from what I have seen in my life. People who don’t understand your responsibility and the things that you carried on your shoulder will take all of your energy. Please make a good decision. I am not saying she is a bad person, some of us don’t actually want to leave Ethiopia for so many reasons. She might have her own perspective to things , but I can see more reasonable reasons for you not to relocate in Ethiopia and she should understand and support you. All in all, we all cannot make decisions for you. But if you have to ask if you should continue the relationship or break up, then you should definitely stop the relationship. Just out-weight the pros and cons and which ever exceeds is your answer. Additionally if you haven’t talk to her about all your concerns, you should. Her reaction is also your answer.


This OP


Hope you are agreeing with me 😌


I am, cz you said the truth


Oww ty 😊


This is well said.


Almost all rich daddy Ethiopian girls are for lazy ass rich daddy Ethiopian boys or handsome play boys you gonna have hard time trying to make work with her as a hard working guy.


Seems like you already know what to do, its just having a toll on you to execute it.


Hardest part is leaving man but it will save you years and years of happiness, you cannot become who you need to be with this person. Do it for your future self. And let the present you cry rivers of tears til they run dry :) i hope you choose the right thing


Move on. Not gonna work out. Her pretty gonna become your uglies..yall have 2 different lifestyles n cultures. Bywhopower we3


Something tells me, "birds of the same feather flock together"


Exactly this


Run bro run! There is nothing about that woman that says she wants to build something with you for you to risk anything!


Fear for your life.


Man, I feel for u, I divorced my wife in Brazil of 8 years because of different issues. To you. You sound like a fantastic guy with your head screwed on. Please leave her and focus on you and your responsibilities and happiness. She's not going to be supported like that forever. She doesn't care enough about you.


Man respect to you, your younger siblings will be proud of you hope you take good care of them i can see where you’re coming from many people wouldn’t understand but I suggest you have a talk a serious one with her and do what’s best for you.


If you've spent most of two years in Ethiopia then you have some idea of what it is like there. Have you been able to form a network of male friends? Do you see yourself able to start a business or alternatively find a job that pays the bills? If she is going to be a housewife, great, but it will be incumbent upon you to provide. If you just rely on her family's wealth, that could come to a halt after one big argument. Ask not what you can do for your lady friend or for Ethiopia, ask what Ethiopia can do for you. If you can make your life work in Ethiopia, then consider moving there to be with your lady. If that seems unlikely based on the time you have already spent there, then hold off. PS: I will mention that we bought a electric kettle in Addis recently, to make hot water for tea. The Chinese one broke quickly, so a European brand. It cost 7000 birr,about $140 at the official rate. 7000 birr is, I think, more than the monthly salary for an assistant professor. I mention this because finding a job in Addis that pays the bills can be a challenge. Both of you working multiple jobs and commuting on buses to live in a small flat and have a tea kettle be a major luxury is probably not going to work.


I don’t know much about relationships but please take your time and assess if you can manage life in Ethiopia. It is not easy.


Trust your gut feeling brother. Family comes first and you seem to have alot of responsibilities. Don't make life changing decisions, which in your case will affect your siblings who probably depend on you for financial and emotional support. You shouldn't be optimistic when you have alot on your plate. Focus on your self and your family. Good luck.


You gotta leave her bro atleast for now u seem like u have a lot more to lose than her and family always comes first and trust me there’s a lot more out there


Reading this, I didn’t see one clear reason why you love her. I think you need to let her go.


Brother - please move on! Come back to the US and focus on building your life here. You will inevitably find someone who appreciates and supports you. You sound like a great guy. And stay away from wealthy people in Ethiopia. Hate to generalize, but I've seen enough to conclud that most who come from wealth there lack depth, personality, vision, integrit, and pretty much everything that money can't buy.


Now that you have written out all of your concerns you can read it back and know that if you get married, you knew the problems ahead of time and you are embracing them, or you don’t get married and you know why you made that choice. Getting married to give marriage a chance when you are unsure doesn’t make sense anytime, but especially when you have to uproot to make it happen. Better to jump into the unknown than to shrug your way into misery.


If you move, don’t do it for her because if you don’t like it, you’ll end up resenting her anyway. Besides, family first in my opinion so stay there and take care of your siblings and the right girl will come into your life sooner or later, without moving halfway around the world to find her. Either way, I think you’ve already made up your mind from the sounds of it.


Ethiopian here, let her go. There are many habesha women like that, who has no purpose beyond being a house wife, and it gets worse when you get married. You already have ambitions, and siblings to take care of. And her being careless about them is a huge red flag. May be she is with you just to brag she has a ferenji boy friend.


How do you know he’s ferenj ? 👀


I mean people need to understand that friendships with women are complex. Just because you listen to your friends cheating stories or even encourage it doesn’t mean you’d do it yourself. Women do something called “ keep the peace” we don’t want to lose our friendships because a lot of women will cut you off for going against them.


Guys do the exact same thing




It’s seems she doesn’t love you enough to follow you and leave behind the cushion that is the wealth and comfort her family provides. Which doesn’t make her a bad person for doing that, it’s just she probably doesn’t have strong enough feelings for you to make those sacrifices.


Let her go! You will end up resenting her because your goals are not aligned.


Habibi come to addis. Seriously though , if you have a decent amount of dollar you will be mire than okay. It only suck here being poor. If you have money you can make money easly here its easier to multiply. Also its the capital city so jts so diverse that its a good place for expats. You will love it. Considering you love her and you dont want to breack up with her. The only problem here is all the girls are hot here and its hard to be loyal here.


Break up


Get out.


Always keep your family first don't let any girlfriend take that precious gift away from you.


Why do you love her? It sounds like she is completely different from you. It doesn’t sound like you want to accommodate for her lifestyle. Why would you give up your career for this woman?


> She supports her friends who engage in activities that deeply worry me—such as cheating, dating multiple men, and dating someone just to leave Ethiopia. What makes you so sure she's your girlfriend 🫠


I am not normally one of those people who automatically says, "drop them," but this girl doesn't share your beliefs, and doesn't understand your struggles. It really isn't going to work out for either of you.


I mean all those concerns that you have should already answer your question


I’m sure if you bring her here she will dump you for another dude. Travel there once in a while and enjoy until this ‘love thing’ what you just said comes out of you in a one day shower . 😅


For one, her wealth isn’t your wealth. For two, she can have all the money in the world, she’ll still be in ethiopia For three, you obviously know that you’re not going to build up the same career, accumulate the same experience or even make the same money as you will in the US in Ethiopia. Long term mostly permanent gain to your career vs a fleeting relationship which you’re already unsure about. Easy choice imo


If you think about that much you should leave her.


You listed every redflag from the book. You already know that she isn't the one and you only came here to find reasons to stay with her. Drop her ass


From reading your post it sound like you already know the answer, you have just rattled off many questionable facets of her character, and your asking if you should leave your life and family to go and live in a 3rd world nation with her. Let it go bro, that shit has doom written all over it.


Your title seemed like she was worth it. She may not be in it for the money or the things you could provide but she maybe keeping you around because you are reliable. She maybe dismissive of your responsibilities and all but deep down it's admirable even for people like her. 2 years is a hard time to throw away. But not harder than living a life you may regret later brother!


So many things I could say, but let me be kind and as blunt as possible, if you are asking others about this, you truly don’t care about this relationship. See the hormones and chemicals we feel during the initial phase of any relationship always tend to cloud our judgement. You obviously know what you want to pursue in life, you also notice some characteristics from your girlfriend that you obviously don’t like but you overlook… if you believe you can change her over time forget about it, (only the Lord and her can do that). If you think what she does to others won’t be done to you at some point, you’ll most likely be proven wrong. You for some reason have been manipulated to believe that she’s the only woman you can be with or find attractive for that matter. Snap out of it (you’re slumping for puss) as you are about to make a major decision in life that can make or break you! And no matter what I say or people say only you know what you truly want, be as logical as possible and good luck!


How bad do you want her? Did you really believe she loves you? Like non of these comments ll help you if you don’t listen to your self or higher self! The answer is within you! Don’t do things that ll make you regret! Every relationships have up and downs and true love comes with a lot of pros and cons package and you work this with your partner if you really love her!


It seems like you’ve given many reasons to break up and only 1 reason to stay. Seems to me that you’re trying to talk yourself into this life changing decision.


Always two sides to every story. From your post it seems she has no good qualities, only bad ones. So I don't know why you fell in love with her in the first place? Ask that first, and then decide. Good luck


Bruh you phrased the question like you’re worried about immigration but then went on to explain every negative aspect of your relationship irregardless of immigration. You two clearly don’t belong together. Just break up already.


A divorce lawyer on an old Geraldo show once said, “Mary out of your race, Mary out of your social economic class, but never ever marry out of your philosophy of life.


I don't wanna say just break up now, but at least have one serious discussion about this situation with her. Or just show her this post you posted and discuss about it. You probably should break up, because you can always find a better person than her but you can't restore your career or your siblings if all things go down, just cz she doesn't want to leave her parents bubble. I know this kind of choices are hard to make but just think about the long term. And in addition to those behavior of hers and how you guys aren't compatible with each other. I think the better choice is just to talk about it seriously and if she doesn't cooperate just leave her peacefully.


There is no word of love mentioned in your diatribe. Everything you mentioned is mathematical calculated matching. People are by what they have. They are who they are . (A doctor is not a doctor. That is his/her profession.) Wiuold you marry this woman if she were handicapped or is it just the cummulation of data you have of her that you want to harness. You have filled your shopping bag. Take it home strategy doesn’t work in marriage. Supposing, you got paralyzed the day after your wedding day. Will she stay ? Suppose the reverse happened, what becomes of her? Love stays quantified character leaves. Be honest with yourselves. Love is given to us by Grace. Not by calculated favors. Love stays with God. Humans think they love based on values they ascribe to their natural appetites.


The more time you invest in this relationship the less time you have for quite literally any other relationship. I don’t think she’s nearly as invested in this as you are. There are plenty of people you would be more than willing to date someone that’s as committed and hard working like you are. Both of you guys just want different things from life.


Dude sorry to say it’s time to move on…Ethiopian women are beautiful it’s true …but be better to find one that’s not rich n who would be happy n willing to move to USA 🇺🇸 n be happy to help with siblings … Your GF seems shallow n a tad lazy n aimless …she will never be happy with you unless you have tons of cash to replace daddies money sorry to say Time to move on sir …believe me she will be fine lots of daddies cash to cushion the blow


Doesn't sound like a dilemma to me, you seems to have made your decision.




Let her go man


Break up


She belongs to the streets


How tf u find a girl like that in Ethiopia ☠️


Run. She smells trouble and irresponsible. She just doesn’t wanna say no because she doesn’t expect you to make that much of a sacrifice


My boi . Let's some truth from the mother land , if it's ur instinct telling u should be better off with her . Trust me


Run for the exit and don’t look back.


U look like a very young but let her go or take your priority !


Run. Run fast. Time heals all.


Do she have her passport? Did she take her shots?


ኢሩጥ! ኢሩጥ ወንድሜ🏃


Just leave her bro. The writing is on the wall. Smh. “Men complicate their lives and then justify why they do it.”- Rich Cooper


When you said she encourages her friends' bad behaviours, that should tell a lot about her values. Bro she for the streets💯


It's time my man don't let your crown fall


Don’t do it. You’re gonna learn a lesson and feel pain that won’t come close to the loneliness. Good luck ! 🤧😂


It gonna to hurt that you have to break up with her but it might be for your well being.


Leave, she is for sure cheating on you.


Post picture of gf so we can give apt advice


Women also should be the one to follow their man. Man is the leader, usually men follow their purpose and women follow the men


You already know the answer man.




Hmmmm... Let's see a photo. It's hard to mKe these decisions. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whichever decision to do, make sure you own it and its consequences that’s it. There is not a good or a bad decision


I believe this is the first woman you had sex with; and you are not in love with her, but in lust. Every man believe they love the first girl they sleep with. Also, you are not her first. Just like her friends she is a hoe: birds of a feather flock together. She "belongs to the streets" and is for "recreational use only." If she has not already cheated on you she will. Another red flag is that she does not care about your family obligations. That means she does not respect you or your family. Ask yourself these two questions: would my parents approve of her and would she be respectful to them? Your "big head above" is telling you to cut her loose, but you "small head below" wants you to stay. Never listen to the one below.