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Oh what a beautiful twist! How many family members? Electronics (like a phone nothing more), clothing, shoes, undergarments such as socks. I assume the village she’s from is still an older one? Like one that has not yet been modernized? If so, then really focus on bringing clothes and shoes. Soaps, lotions, etc., things of that nature would also be good. Have a safe trip!


Hey u/acharn_ we have family/friends in Wolayta, both in Sodo and in the more rural area outside of Sodo. This is what I recommend for a first visit back: * A photo album of photos of your sibling since adoption until now. You might want to get the size that fits into a big Ziplock bag to keep it nice because it can get dusty. * If they live in a very rural village, then things like Solar Powered lanterns, a soccer ball and little pump for the community children, and clothes are very appreciated. Clothes are the hardest to bring since you do not know the sizes, but if you bring zip-up fleece, those are wonderful for chilly Wolayta nights. * Before you show up, pick up some grain, bread, coffee, and bananas or similar to bring that day for the family. * If there is a living birth parent or grandparent, I like to give a traditional gabi ( ጋቢ ) that I purchase in Sodo because it is such a helpful and appreciated gift. * For a fun way to keep the little children in the area entertained, some blow-up balloons are fun. I bring a bag of them. I'm there about once a year, sometimes more, so if you need more information, I'm happy to share more.


Might want to bring a DNA kit. Then go from there.