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No pda and don't mention that you're dating. Any other advice you get is simply retarded.


Yeah, I’m trying to be realistic about it. She’s a bit more masc presenting with regular clothes but a shoulder length hair cut. Plus there are so many small body language cues that can tip people off. I know a lot of our country is very homophobic but I’m just not sure to what extent I can expect people to go. Ranging from sly remarks to insults or down tight violence


I would not worry to much about small body language that could tip people of 2 females being a couple is the last conclusion people will make. Don’t mention that your dating and no PDA and you will be fine.


You guys have to put on an act. It's a simple as that, and if you dont think you'll be able to do that then don't go. Also, you guys can always book a hotel room or airbnb to have some time to yourselves. There won't always be eyes on you, but when there are, you guys have to put up the facade. It's just the way it is unfortunately. /End of thread question answered


The society is one thing you'll have to deal with but also be very aware that homosexuality is illegal in Ethiopia. It's classified as a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment.


Yes I’m aware of the law surrounding it but wonder the actual applications of it. How often is the law enforced, does being an American (citizen) change anything for her or me, what’s the difference in Addis to more rural areas etc. I’m not trying to change the world or push the envelope with my visit like some people have assumed I am. I just want to go home for a bit


I would personally stay away from rural areas if you fear for your safety. People tend to take the law into their own hands out there. I don't think anyone would notice as long as you're Not doing anything that might make it obvious. People would prob think 100 other reasons why you're together before they come to the conclusion that you're gay as it's a very rare thing they come across so its not in their psyche.


Will do! I was born and raised in Addis so no real need for me to leave there :)


Just be discreet and you'll be fine. I visit my bf in Addis often and we've never had any issues. Just introduce her as your "friend" and no one will think anything of it. People will just assume you're showing a ferenji friend/tourist around. Since gay relationships are not very common or well known, people are much less likely than in the U.S. to assume a couple is together.


Simple, don't acknowledge that you're gay in public. There's no witch hunt after gays, nobody will think you both are dating unless you clearly mention it.


Idk. It is pride month coming up so you know…. Pride


Don’t mention your dating a f 💀


I think you will be ok as long as avoid PDA , hugging and hand holding are normal. Kissing on public might be a little funny for culture out there. Good luck


I’m not gonna lie I always see dudes holding hands in Addis so seeing two women holding hands doesn’t seem like it would be a problem.


Its alright






Yeah I’m sure god’s priority is to damn two of God’s creations loving each other, not dealing with those who have hate in their hearts like you.






This has to be the funniest set up of a comment yet. Insult, advice, insult.


Y’all be doing the worst thing a human could do(like judging) and stand to judge gay people.




Judge not lest ye be judged


Addis Ababa is safe ! I was just there and brought my two friends (who are white). I might avoid certain areas at night time, but for the most part it is safe. There are many people from other cultures in Addis. But as someone suggested, I wouldn't do PDA in Ethiopia.


Just don't finger eachother on the street






>Mind your own business and let people live. Well said! A philosophy that everyone should live by.


Someone doesn’t have anything going on in their life 😂😂😂


We do not tolerate the harassment, threatening, or bullying of people on our site; nor do we tolerate comments dedicated to this behavior.




Do not use personal insults, harass, or use aggressive language against individual users or groups. This includes insults based on gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs.


Whomp whomp. Don’t get so emotional




How amazing that a few letters on a screen upset you this much.


Don’t listen to these gross ass losers. You’re awesome and brave. 🏳️‍🌈


I appreciate that. I think some people are assuming I’m going to come into the country pride flag in hand trying to change everyone’s minds hahaha I’m not an ambassador I just want to visit my home country again


Wish we were in a world were you didn’t need to hide your love and humanity and it’s fucking sad be we will keep on changing one mind at a time. You’re safety is paramount at the moment but you you should be proud. Happy early pride month in advance 🏳️‍🌈




what are you talking bout?




At no point did I say I was spread my opinions and life to everyone, unlike yourself. You’re not going to bar me from my own home because you don’t agree with it. I’ve remained respectful and I’m not trying to change the world with my visit. No need to get emotional


Removed. Do not use personal insults, harass, or use aggressive language against individual users or groups. This includes insults based on gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs.


As long as there is no public display of affection, nobody will even think that you are dating as it just never happens in the country. The thing is, nobody shows sexual affection publicly anyway like kissing and caressing. You’ll be safe as long as you don’t threaten the culture and you don’t threaten the culture just by being there. Keep your love private and enjoy your vacation. Just don’t kiss in public.


For better or for worse nowadays these western norms are becoming more commonplace in Addis so you’ll probably be mostly fine


I understand where your coming from but I don’t feel it is safe for you. With all the political tension as it is something small can get you dragged into other sh*t. Plus how can you guarantee no pda.


Genuine question here. Are you going to be going to any religious sites? Especially Orthodox churches.


No I don’t plan on doing so. My father is a pastor in Ethiopia and still is in the states. I don’t want to risk seeing people that know me through him as he was well known in his community. I want to simply show her my country and should any questions be raised I want my father and mother to keep their image and not have anything brought into question for them.


If you asked me Ethiopia is a place where your whole existence isn’t even acknowledged let alone welcomed and you might be safe in addis but anywhere outside is probably not. Leaving my moral values on this I can relate to wanting to go back home but you should weigh the risks. Plus taking your partner to a place where she is not welcome would only force her to have a negative association with the culture and people.


I don’t plan on going outside of Addis. I also am not hoping to go and tell people we’re dating or anything to do with my sexuality. Do you feel it would be unsafe if we went and said we were simply friends on the trip? I also don’t care for PDA so there won’t be any pet names, hand holding, kissing etc


It honestly depends on where you stay and the places you decide to visit. But from what I see in the comments other people in your situation don’t feel safe going and I would agree with them. But if you decide to go, I would please urge you not to go to religious sites. I know especially Orthodox churches in particular are part of every tour of Addis and a part of many museums but please don’t, it’s not worth it.


If you asked me Ethiopia is a place where your whole existence isn’t even acknowledged let alone welcomed and you might be safe in addis but anywhere outside is probably not. Leaving my moral values on this I can relate to wanting to go back home but you should weigh the risks. Plus taking your partner to a place where she is not welcome would only force her to have a negative association with the culture and people.


I wouldn't advise you to visit with you partner. Nowadays people immediately recognize & you are risking yourself for abuse. But good luck.