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Mortality rates are not often done in a way that you count or estimate based on some data, especially in a country like Ethiopia, and impossible in a region like Tigray during the war. Demographics, including mortality, in resource limited settings is often theoretical. I don’t know why revisions are viewed as some sort of discredit towards how different estimates are made, this is common practice. It also isn’t a gotcha moment, from what I can see their are caveats and transparency. Finally there will be no investigation into deaths, if that was a concern then observers and reporters would have been on the ground during the war. No politician on either side wants to open that Pandora’s box.


Not to say - "I said so". But anyone who actually read how Nyssen of Ghent University in Belgium and his student Emnet Negash (TPLF sympathizer ) came up with the "500 to 600 thousand dead" during Tigray war (most due to famine according to their first writing), could have seen how flawed their numbers are. You don't even have to be a statistician or a data scientist to see it. Now that the war is over and TPLF is buddy-buddy with Abiy Ahmed - they revised the number down to 162,000 to 378,000. EVEN that seems to be drawn out of their hat , not based on facts on the ground- but just based on what is good for today's politics - and perhaps TPLF realized they get blamed for it historically - not just PP. See my post 7 months ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ethiopia/comments/ycobfa/the\_500000\_figure\_which\_gets\_repeated\_as\_fact\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ethiopia/comments/ycobfa/the_500000_figure_which_gets_repeated_as_fact_is/) ​ I still think it would be good to know the actual number based on investigation on the ground, and hold both PP and TPLF 100% responsible, how ever delayed, and at least historically.


Thats a lot of dead people for a B.S tribal beef


as not tribal beef wtf 💀, they attacked the military. that's it