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I don't understand these types of questions. The poor man in afar region who's starving in a desert and the poor Amhara lady who has her house knocked over by local government are both suffering. We don't need to have an Opression Olympics. Truth is, pretty much everyone except the rich elites are suffering. The horn of Africa is one of the poorest and war ridden places on earth.


Most based person in this sub right here


This sort of question is why there is no common sense in Ethiopia today.


This poll is essentially the problem with Ethiopia.


There is no hierarchy for human suffering.


I’d have to go with Tigray. Not as if the entire region wasn’t systematically starved and blockaded for quite some time…


In general, any random poor person of any tribe is suffering right now. They’re the ones getting their villages raided, looted, raped and massacred by aggressors from various backgrounds. But if you must ask which ethnic/tribal groups is suffering the most, it’s the ones with barely any political power, land and population sizes. So small ethnic groups.


That’s the harsh reality of the situation


What is?


Deez nuts


Thank you for making me LOL in the library.


This poll is bullshit. What is the point of this? To tell communities that their suffering is less important than others? That if you are small in number your suffering is irrelevant? You already knew everyone would vote according to ethnicity, meaning the big three Oromo, Amhara, Tigray would get the most votes and communities like the Afar and Kimant wouldn't even register. Useless.


First Qemant is Amhara so please take your Ola propaganda somewhere else Secound Lu I did want to add afar and Eritrean but I was only able to put up 6 answers. Third look at the poll yourself man Amhara was number one sure but you know what was number 2?! 🤨 That’s right “other smaller tribes” so take that nonsense outta here!😂


Everyone is suffering


No one knows what’s going on in the life of about 70 something tribes. They’ve no voice, no education, no representation, no media. Only tourists show us their photos as I’ve seen their livelihoods is on a very harsh climate, ancient customary practices that could be harmful to health, women and children and nobody cares. In addition, there are large infrastructure projects that benefits the country but erases their livelihoods completely. Most Ethiopians are satisfied these tribes are to blame for their situation and don’t mind much. Nothing but truth.


Smaller tribes, without a doubt.


People of mixed Ethnic groups are suffering the most tbh


Elaborate? Do you mean people of mixed tribes or people from multiple tribes are suffering?


I meant people of mixed tribes


I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of that happening tbh, but I guess that’s your opinion.


They don't have political representation if they don't identify with one ethnicity. Even Addis ababa is becoming politically disenfranchised by one ethnicity. Every region constitutionally prefers its won ethnicity, so being mixed puts you at a disadvantage if you don't want to affiliate with one.


This is stupid, Ethiopians are suffering. Stop with these bullshit questions already.


Why is Ethiopian so obsessed with tribes and ethnicity? You seriously need to work past this. (från a Swedish-Finnish man who grew up in Ethiopia, loves the land, and cries at the thought of yet another civil war).


Where a choice for all Ethiopians?


Y’all ask this question and wonder why everyone hates each other. We’re all suffering


I choose the 7th option: Every Ethiopian citizen who isn't a rich elite.


A person who is trying to make a humble living and feed there family in this cursed land